Adam Lambert Promises 'Sexy' But 'Tasteful' Show on 'Glam Nation' Tour
Filed Under (article,tour news ) by Admin on Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Posted at : Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Adam Lambert promises that it will be safe for anyone offended by his sexually charged performance of "For Your Entertainment" at the 2009 American Music Awards to check out his Glam Nation tour.
"I definitely think they'll be comfortable," said of fans who will see him on the tour, which begins Thursday (June 3) in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. "That was kind of an artistic experiment, the AMAs. I learned a lot from it. I learned what my limitations are. I learned what my audience wants to see. The [Glam Nation] concert definitely is sexy, but I feel if anyone thought [the AMA performance] was not tasteful, this is tasteful."
The 2009 "American Idol" runner-up told that his show is "visually inspired by turn-of-the-century New Orleans...a kitschy, glam, voodoo, crystal ball, black magic kind of look [with] a lot of psychedelic, classic rock visual references. Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Keith Richards -- those are the people who have inspired the look and the feel of the show. I had fun with the projectionist and my costume designer and...[the show] has its own little world."
Lambert said the concerts will also have a theme running from beginning to end. "From the top of the show I'm inviting the audience to take a journey with me into this emotional and thematic world," he explains. "At the beginning it's more about seduction, venturing into the unknown and taking chances -- mystery and intrigue and sexiness. The midpoint of the show really explores heartbreak and vulnerability and honesty, and then the latter half of the show is celebration and joy and love and connection." Lambert also promised "a surprise cover [song] or two," as well as a mid-show acoustic section that he said "will vary from night to night, week to week."
With the tour, Lambert remains focused on his 2009 debut album "For Your Entertainment," which debuted at No. 3 on the Billboard 200 in November and has spawned three singles -- the title track, the top 10 hit "Whataya Want From Me" and the currently rising "If I Had You" -- as well as a "Remixes" set in April. He says working on his next album is "a little ways off. I think that in the new year, after January, I'll probably get to start working on it. At this point my focus is really on continuing to put out singles from ['For Your Entertainment'] and this tour." He did acknowledge that he's collaborated with Nikka Costa on "possible future music," but did not elaborate.
As for figuring out his career approach these days, Lambert referred to advice he received from Madonna. "She basically said you can't pay attention to all the extraneous crap. You can't listen to the critics. You can't be affected too much by what people want. You have to keep your eye on the prize, and even though your attention and your goal is to entertain people, you have to kind of follow your own instincts. That's what I've really been working at. And I that think I've come to a great space of late on how to achieve that and what my goals are, and just coming from a positive, productive place, I feel like that's the best I can do."
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Awww so there's no more kissing??? xD lol I loved that.
I'm so glad that Adam's tour sales are doing so well! Let's hope he enjoys the tour. Of course, the fans too. I can't go due to personal obligations but I'm sure there's a lot more chance in the future.
For those who are attending the tour, have fun!
Ohh Adam you didn't really have to worry about those who are offended by your performance.
I remember there was this poll on CNN and about 90 percent wasn't offended by Adam's performance. It was only ABC's executives who were offended.
So excited!!! Sounds amazing and I'm seeing at least two so far!
Paid scalper prices (yikes!) for good seats on 7/28 but definitely worth it! I'll be able to see him up close and personal - glitter and all! Hope to see him another time too, if I can afford it. Can't wait!!!!!
And 24/7 - thank you SO MUCH for always having the most current news about ADAM! Love that every time I check your website, there's always something new about our boy. You're the best!
"And 24/7 - thank you SO MUCH for always having the most current news about ADAM! Love that every time I check your website, there's always something new about our boy. You're the best!"
I agree! Best Adam fansite ever! <3
OOoohh, this makes it sounds so good. I'm so excited for this Friday night! I want to help him kick the tour off right! I could only get one ticket -- so I'm going by myself to sit in a really overpriced (scalpers, boo!) really bad seat -- and I couldn't be happier -- I would have been sad for days if I missed this. Anyone else on here going up to Wilkes-Barre from Allentown?
@1:08pm - I'm sure you'll meet lots of wonderful folks from the Glamily!! ('though be careful, it's a crazy world out there, in general, not Glamberts :)!!).
@1:11 -- Good words of wisdom. The world would be a better place if everyone was as open-minded and accepting as Adam and his devoted Glamberts. I can't think of any other artist where I would even consider going by myself, but he just has that vibe of come one, come all and feel the love.
so thoughtful!!! :)
Ok - while Adam keeps his "eye on the prize", he is our prize and keeping eyes on him is such a total pleasure!! YAH????? The thought of album #2 just gives me palpatations and goosebumps - can you imagine?? He will bring together all he has learned and experienced and refined and it will blow awesome off the map!!
I can't get the image of him in Victorian clothes out of my head. I googled Steampunk fashion and realized we've already seen him in version of it at Gridlock and the outfit with the top hat he wears in the IIHY video.
Will be following on twitter feeds and YT vid and I pray to God even its only through his official site that a DVD is available at the end of it.
DC Canadian
Adam is one super classy guy and always tasteful
Oh the US at it again!
Quite frankly, I want the "classy raunch" of the AMA's, :)... or at least the uber sensual/sexy of the AI Tour (sometimes I forget how really sexually charged his performances were the best possible way of course).
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