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Adam Lambert Talks About His Inspiration For The Glam Nation Tour

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, June 4, 2010

Posted at : Friday, June 04, 2010

Note: We just received the following transmission direct from Adam and wanted to pass along the scoop on his Glam Nation tour to you right away. Remember to follow Adam for the entire month of June on VH1 Posted. Take it away, Adam!

The stage has always been home to me since I was a child. With a background in musical theater, the prospect of making my debut album into a live show has always been so exciting. The time had finally come to create a tour!

The first thing I wanted to decide upon was a world where the show would take place. This whole process started shortly after the release of my first Remix EP. A previously unreleased track called “Voodoo” that I wrote with Sam Sparro gained a lot of praise. I was inspired to write it after my first trip to New Orleans. The city has such a rich history and an incredible energy. I was listening to the song on a plane ride and all of a sudden was hit with an epiphany: What if the entire concert was set there?

Images started coming to mind as I anxiously began jotting down notes. The common thread amongst most of my songs is relationship in some form or another. So now I had a world out of which I could weave an emotional story based on my music! The Glam Nation Tour was born!

The next step was to find someone to help me make these concepts a reality. I had the perfect woman in mind; Stephanie Roos. Stephanie is a former dancer who has helped direct tours with some of the biggest names in music (like Madonna!). I had worked w her previously on the American Music Awards production and we clicked right away. She and I think very much alike, and she too is willing to take risks. (And she’s a fellow Aquarius, like me.) She has worked with my guitar player Monte Pittman (through Madonna) for years and had a great rapport with my dancer Brooke Wendle during the AMAs and “For Your Entertainment” video. Monte had been made musical director for the tour and Brooke the choreographer. For costumes and styling, I brought in the insanely talented and beautiful Trish Summerville, who hails from New Orleans. Along with my amazing tour manager David Ellison, our creative team was complete!

When putting together the set list, the flow was a priority. From a technical angle, I knew I’d be performing in roughly 70 cities over the summer! Many of my songs are VERY vocally strenuous. So I worked w/a vocal coach to get the keys right and to make sure I’d be able to give the audience my best voice each night. Artistically, I wanted to tell a story with my songs. Certain songs are more classically band driven, and then there are songs that are theatrically staged with choreography. The show is 60 minutes long, so we also had to pick which songs to perform and which to leave on the shelf for another time. The theme in the beginning of the show is about seduction and venturing into uncharted, mystical and enlightening territory. The second half is a lighter celebration of friendship and love and liberation. In the middle is a mostly acoustic set that explores heartache and vulnerability. Something I wanted to avoid, particularly at the beginning, was allowing the set to feel like it was starting and stopping. The first section of the show is carefully crafted to transition seamlessly from song to song so that the action never stops. Coming from the theater, I’ve learned that this is one of the methods a great show uses to keep the audiences attention.

I have one of the most talented group of musicians working with me! I’ve written music with Monte (a tender Scorpio) for years. He’s the best guitar player I know. He has a huge heart and I’m so glad he’s with me on this journey. Not only can Tommy (beautiful Libra) kill on the bass, but also he and I believe so faithfully in the glam look and lifestyle. He is also willing to get controversial in the sake of great entertainment. Friend for life. Longineu (another Aquarius) is a powerhouse! He has amazing talent and his energy is intense and dominant. Perfect for my music! Our newest addition, Cam (earthy Capricorn) is the icing on our cake. She is so highly skilled on the keys, and she has a gorgeous voice. Her addition blew my mind. I knew we’d be lucky to have her. She’s grounded and smart and often a welcome voice of reason.

Dance is something that I’ve always been close to. I’ve danced in practically every musical I’ve been in. When putting together the album, I wanted songs with heavy dance beats to move to. It was vital to bring a small group of dancers with me on this tour because I felt they would help physicalize the emotion in these songs and help me tell the story.

All four of them have their own distinct personalities, look and style. Brooke and Terrence were actually in Wicked: The Musical with me for years all before Idol. We are like siblings. When we’re together, we laugh nonstop. (Brooke is another Aquarius and Terrence another Libra.) Taylor and Sasha have so much raw talent and represent the next generation. They are both relatively new to “the biz” and it’s a treat to give them this opportunity for growth. They are both fiery Leos. (I LOVE astrology. Can you tell?)

I’ve always been fond of the idea that you are the company you keep. My family of musicians and dancers are vital to this show. They are part of my vision to keep the audience fully entertained and inspired. But what happens when I need inspiration? Love? I will surely receive tons of positive energy from the audiences night after night, but when I get back on the bus or have a day off, life on the road can become draining. These eight performers are my family. They will be the one constant over the next few months. They have all been carefully chosen because of the combination of their talent and spirits. When we come together onstage we will create magic because of our offstage magic.

The look of the show is an element that is almost as important to me as the music itself. When discussing the look with Trish, I knew I wanted to go a little turn of the century mixed with modern elements. We partnered up with one of my favorite fashion lines, Skingraft Designs, to create some custom pieces and give our world a fashion throughline. We also wanted to throw in tribal elements to bring out an earthier, gypsy look. We, of course, want to ultimately pull it all together in leather and rhinestones so that the whole thing is GLAM and clearly not taking itself too seriously. Our rock ‘n roll inspirations were Jimi Hendrix, Keith Richards, Jim Morrison and Adam Ant. There is definitely a psychedelic edge to everything. Trish and I have so much fun creating together!

Visually, I knew I wanted super-saturated lighting to create this dreamlike environment. I got my lasers, too!!! I put lots of time into the projections we are using as well. I even went online to seek out lots of the key imagery we are working with. I want this world to be a full sensory experience.

I am confident we have put together a show FAR beyond the price of the ticket. I am looking forward to connecting with fans all across the world with this show. My intention is to promote Love, acceptance, self-empowerment, and joy through moments of sheer escape and others of disarming honesty. I hope you all get all glammed up and enjoy it!




Anonymous said...

The haters/homophobes have no idea what kind of an extraordinary human being they are dealing with. What a shame. But Adam WILL prevail.

Anonymous said...


how does Adam have time to write long blogs like this? It doesn't sound like an interview that was transcribed, but like he really sat down and wrote this all out.


Shirley said...

Wow Adam had time to write this amazing essay about his tour when he's about to begin touring today. How amazing.

Loving all these tour news.

Trees said...

Did Adam write this?? 0.0

7788 said...

LOL all three of you above me were thinking of the same thing at the same time. Interesting.

I agree with Anon 12:07 PM that the homophobes are missing out on a legend like Adam. they're missing out on so many great music.

Anonymous said...

Terrific piece of writing, both intelligent and articulate in scope. Adam has a vision and with his family of friends around him, it seems as if the audience is in for one dynamic show visual and sensory in its content. I think everyone will now see what a stylish, edgy, charismatic, and talented performer Adam Lambert truly is. He is on his way to rock god super stardom and thankfully we are all along for the ride!

Anonymous said...

"I am confident we have put together a show FAR beyond the price of the ticket."

You will bb <3

Anonymous said...

Beautifully put, 12:27. He is (as Kara once said) "brilliant". It's amazing that he is able to, first of all, have such a creative vision, and secondly, express this vision to us so eloquently. He is such a unique and special human being and makes it so evident how much he cares for his fans. I am so glad I'm along for his ride to super-stardom. No one deserves it more for oh-so-many reasons. I see him on 7/28 and can't wait!

Anonymous said...

I suddenly feel so proud of him. This is the moment we have all been waiting for. And Adam has clearly worked very hard for it. This blog reinforces what I already knew: he is extraordinary. This is going to be an amazing summer.

Anonymous said...

Adam never ceases to amaze. He sings like all the angels, he looks like Adonis, he's into astrology, he photographs like a model, he captures prople with his humility, he writes music that takes you into his heart, he designs and sketches what he wants to perform and now he writes in a style that you know is his own and is perfectly thought out. I can't wait for his first autobiography. As I said "he's amazing."

Love and Light

Anonymous said...

Adam has a high intellect along with OTT creativity. He is the whole package, and I am so excited to see his concert. I feel priviledged.

Glad he mentioned voice coach. Know he takes care of himself, but his style is so demanding on the vocals.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so incredibly well spoken and completely in his element here. I absolutely cannot wait to see how this all comes together. Such a beautiful and amazing man.

Anonymous said...

Apparently Adam was serious when he said he wantd his fans to share his journey. I feel overwhelmed by the respect he shows for family, friends, colleagues, and fans who love and support him. BYW evident now why he lashed out at those who criticized his dancers! Must have hurt him.

GagaFan said...

I'm going to see Adam and Gaga this summer. So proud of myself.

Anonymous said...

So ironic, people....Adam Lambert has a voice coach (WTF) to ensure he gives his best performance, while singers like Beiber, Kesha, Katy Perry are burning up the charts and cannot stay on key without auto-tune. Differnce between a true professional and the fly-by- nights I guess.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I enjoy reading this so much. It's all Adam's words. I wish him luck and fun on this tour. I will see him July 2ed. I don't know how I am going to make it. I am still hoping he will come to Florida, so I will see him again.
I just love him 24/7.

Anonymous said...

Adam's Dad and brother Neil are gifted writers and Adam obviously also has the gene,as this article clearly demonstrates. He is so smart and talented. This tour is so well thought out and every detail thoroughly planned.It will show the world and critics his emense talent and set a new trend in entertainment. He is ahead of his time. I am so in awe of him.His friends and family must be so proud.I hope all of his positive energy and love will come back to him in ways he can never imagine. The world loves you, Adam.. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Apparently Gaga is having some serious mental health and alcohol issues. Hope you are not disappointed.

Anonymous said...

Gaga was recently tested for Lupus, as it runs in her family. She said she will have to be very careful with her health, but doesn't have it yet. She mentioned it on Larry King on CNN. funbunn40

Shirley said...

I love Gaga. But she's been having so many bad press lately. I hope she's alright. I'm only paying to see Adam this year but I really want to see Gaga too. She's become such a huge star in 2 years.

Victoria said...

I'm so excited for him and us :) I am really torn as to how much previewing I want to do of his tour before I see him in July... I'm like a little girl with a Xmas gift I shouldn't sneak a peak at early.

Anonymous said...

For awhile now I've been wishing Adam would share his positivity mentality with Lady Gaga, give her a copy of The Secret, or something else to help her channel her energies into things she would WANT to come into her life. She wrote that entire incredible album about her fears, got way into worrying about teen sexuality, STD's, etc. So even though I was concerned and wished her well (still do!), I wasn't surprised when she collapsed on stage soon after AND got sued AND some other bad something-or-other. All that energy she has is manifesting itself bigger and faster than most of us who don't have soooo much energy. I want her to understand about the power of attraction that Adam just mentioned in one of the magazines, and use hers wisely and healthily!

SO GLAD Adam does and really 'gets' it!


Anonymous said...

A very well written piece of article. Thank you Adam for sharing with us ur journey in the music industry n visions. I'm sure all ur hard work to promote love, acceptance, joy through ur music paid off.

Adam u r a true GENIUS!!!

URM said...

This is why I'm 'okay' with Adam not achieving such a huge success right off the AI stage. Adam is slowly and gradually becoming a super star. Singers who become immediately huge don't end well....On the other hand, people who began their career with a smaller audience and then start to build their audiences by the day becomes more legendary.

Anonymous said...

Just when you think you can't possibly love the guy any more than you already do....

(and I LOVED Adam Ant - you go AL!)

Anonymous said...

WOW I actually got chocked up and teary eyed. He is such a good person ! I can't wait for my state. I have my tickets already 11 row front. Good luck go with the universe Adam
Much love

Anonymous said...

Adam, I am so proud of you; you are very eloquent.

May God bless you always.

I wish I could see just one tour; but, I have two very young children to take care.

Proud Adamholic

Anonymous said...

You are wise beyond your years and the respect you give others; may it come right back at you ten fold. You are such a great example for so many negative folks out there. Thanks for your caring attitude toward your fans, your family and your friends. It feels like we are all "one" most of the time. The article above is so open and honest. I say it is about time and we join each day it spreading this message of love.

Anonymous said...


I am one of your devoted senior fans who is unable to see you in person but I follow you on Twitter & watch all your TV performances & Ytube & ADAM 24/7 videos as well. I also own every version of your FYE album that has been released & I am a continuing member of I Google all the news I can & VOTE for you religiously in every poll on the internet. I LOVE your VOICE & your HUMBLE persona & I am in AWE of your TALENT at such a young age. You seem so WORLDLY & yet sometimes you have that 'little boy' quality that brings out the protectiveness in me & all of your fans. Peace .. Love .. Light .. to you, My Dear!! Much SUCCESS to YOU .. NOW & IN THE FUTURE!!

Anonymous said...

What an illuminating peek inside Adam's mind. He lives his art. I feel humbled to be his fan - he is so gifted and has such vision. It is my honor to be enamored of such an amazing man. He personafies beauty - inside and out.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Adam is so talented, creative and eloquent! He has a vision of creating a spectacular show but he also knows his limits and is able to take care of himself. Cant wait for him to bring his tour to Asia!