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Fans line up for the Glam Nation Tour at Nokia!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Some were there since last night! That's what I call dedication!

Credits: @insomniac19, @waywaw, @santabillie


Anonymous said...

Are they waiting to meet Adam before the show? Do they have reserved seating or first come first serve?

Anonymous said...

WOW! Adam Lambert has gotten so BIG... people line a day before just to see him! THAT'S DEDICATION!

Anonymous said...

Do they have general admission tix at the front which are first come first serve ?

Anonymous said...

I think its for the meet & greet because the tickets for the show have assigned seats just like any other shows. It would be so chaotic if its done first come first serve!... don't you think? :)

Janet said...

Lots of shows are first come first served, both shows in Seattle and Portland have GA tickets. It will be chaos. :(

Shirley said...

LOL @ Jim there!! Is he going to that concert or what?

Anonymous said...

It's a general admission, no reserved seating. That is why fans are lined up. Want to be close to stage.

Anonymous said...

So exciting!!!! I'm so happy for Adam, that he has such devoted fans (like all of us).

And that's right - Seattle (the show I'm going to) in GA and it's a SMALL venue! Very excited to be that close to the glitter god. No matter how near the stage you manage to get, you will get an eye full. :)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

In Charlotte, July 2nd, it's general adm.2000 tickets and may be standing only. It's 96 degrees with no letup in sight,so it may not be easy to be out there all day.With the heat that Adam will generate, there may be a lot of spontaneous combustion! Hope I'll be able to take the heat and probably won't get very close. I'm just glad that I was able to get tickets. Be careful, everyone at all of the concerts and look out for each other. funbunn40

Bren said...

I had my photo taken with ADAM!!!!
Just an idea of the crowds and the crush that takes place at a concert...this was outside in the broiling heat for an autograph signing and M & G. Totally not worth it for me. I was a mess!!! After being pushed, pulled, stepped on and run over, I decided to be a lot more choosy where I line up next time! YUK!

Anonymous said...

my sister is sleeping over there with her friend !!!! she is a little CrAzY !!! I love him to but I had class !!!!go Sherry ( you nut )

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT !!!!

Anonymous said...

Love it too!!

Anonymous said...

Good Luck with that GA show Adam Fix, hope you get close. I don't think I could deal w/ the chaos of the GA thing. But I am seeing AL (in one of the 2 shows I'm seeing in New England) in a very small venue ('though specific seating) so I'm excited about that.

ps. Just have to add that when typing my comment initially, above, I accidentally typed "Good lick..." instead of Good luck... maybe not so accidentally, LOL.

Anonymous said...

What's the hype? If you really want to hear Adam you need to be prepared for all kinds of crazyness.
No pain no gain!Everyone is just waking up to the power of Adam!

Brittany W said...

lmao that's me with the black shorts in the bottom one hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

Brittany, U GO GIRL !!!!!

Anonymous said...

the event was huge !!! the line went around the block!!!! for adam's show, fantastic! brilliant show!!! really non stop excitement! some people i spoke to said they had camped out for 3 days....everyone was happy, no chaos at all. glam nation rules!! thank you adam for the rocket ride!!
