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Adam At the Much Music Awards

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, July 10, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, July 10, 2010


As you may know, Adam was recently nominated to win the MuchMusic Award for “Ur Favorite International Video” for the “Whataya Want From Me” video. To see what his experience was like at the Much Music awards, check out this video of him performing in the street, storming the red carpet, and hanging out with the pop music elite.


Anonymous said...

Hello! Gorgeous... thanks for sharing the behind the scenes! love everything 24/7 posts about Adam! Just keep it coming!!! and we'll be watching!

Anonymous said...

First time leaving a comment but come here everyday for my Adam fix. Loved the video and those eyes! Magnificant! Thanks for such a great site and all the love shown towards Adam. Signed, Adamluv.

Anonymous said...

@"Adamluv" July 10, 2010 12:17 PM -
Yay on your first post! Come play with us more often (well, when you can :), this site can be as addictive as Adam Lambert himself, and we all have real life to attend to, LOL). But don't be shy - comment away!!!! And yes - magnificant eyes.

Anonymous said...

MassGlamFan, So sweet of you to welcome me to this great site. You probably will get sick of me posting! HaHa! Signed, adamluv

Anonymous said...

Love the sequence with Katy Perry. Such beautiful people. That eye contact and hug. Yum.

Anonymous said...

@adamluv 1:49 - funny... and yeah, that happened to me, once I picked and started using a tag, I was posting comments CONSTANTLY! Everybody is probably so sick of me :)! I'm posting a lot today especially cuz I'm a bit under the weather, so the family is cutting me some slack, LOL. I've already read some of your comments elsewhere, and their fab! Have fun.

Anonymous said...

@ MassGlamFan
I am not sick of you. In fact I believe no one is sick of you. Come on, fellow, you are such a light in darkness.

@ Adamluv
Welcome to Paradise.


Anonymous said...

Fan4fun, You're the second person to welcome me to this site!I love it. Is everyone so friendly?Are there any specific rules of do's and donts' on this site.? Dont want to start off by offending anyone. Adamluv

glitzylady said...

@Adamluv 5:28

Let me be the third to welcome you....I personally think that the only "rule" , sort of the "Golden Rule" I guess, if there are any , is to be respectful of each person's opinion and not to take too much offense if someone respectfully disagrees....and it has been suggested that we be mindful of some of the "younger" fans that come to this site so I think we are all trying to remember that.....That doesn't mean that we don't have a few "saucy" things to say once in while, Adam just sort of "inspires" us from time to time ...well, actually MOST of the time.....well you know....All of the time....Anyway, not to speak for the site, so if I'm speaking out of turn, please let me know (I won't take offense...) I suppose there might be other rules but I think those are the most basic.... Oh, and some folks like to chat a bit :-) , but others like to stick to the topic at hand....if you've been following the site for a little while, you probably have figured that out....Just have fun and join in when the mood strikes....And I think we are all pretty nice, smart, open minded people with impeccable taste......!!!!

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv

Well, new fellow, let see it this way: I understand that the only rule here in Paradise is «to love to death» an amazing young man that I call «sweet Adam» (because he is so sweet, so sweet, sooooo sweet, that I can't help not to use this adjective before his beautiful name). About the commenters being always friendly, if you want a clue, go to the thread July 08 «Adam having fun with friends Part 2!» You will find there an Anonimous trying to rule me up, my apologies, much support given to me from 2 very good regular commenters and my answer to my friendly supporters... and you make it up! Regularly we are very friendly to each other in this amazing site. Nobody has scared me so far but the vice-versa may be not so true... You please keep in mind that english is not my first language, so try not to misanderstand what I mean. Speaking for myself and for at least 20 marvelous fellows commenters here, if you are a sweet Adam's fan, you are definitely welcome in all languages, baby!

glitzylady said...

Ooops, sorry Fan4fun, forgot that very important basic #1 rule....that's the reason we are all here!!! Silly me....!!!!

Anonymous said...

To Glitzylady and Adam Fix

I left a message to both of you on that thread
July 8 «Adam having fun with friends Part 2!», if you don't mind to go back and check it.
Again, sweet fellows, thank you so much for your support.

Anonymous said...

@ Glitzylady,

Yeeeaaahhh, I noticed you completely forgot the rule # 1 «to love Adam Lambert to death»!
Fellow, fellow... you should stop using glitter to sweeten your cereals too, baby! HA!

Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun 7:06pm - I hope you don't spend one more second of your time worrying about that anonymous commenter that barked at you on that other thread!!! (afterall, that would be one second of your free time that you took away from your Adam Lambert fandom, and wouldn't that be a waste, LOL). But seriously, I think that Anonymous commenter got schooled that English is not your first language and to chill out a bit and cut you some slack. Don't worry about it!! (and btw, your english is coming along remarkably well!)

@ glitzylady/6:53PM -
regarding this part of your post -
"...That doesn't mean that we don't have a few "saucy" things to say once in while, Adam just sort of "inspires" us from time to time ...well, actually MOST of the time.....well you know....All of the time...."

You are such a freakin' riot :).


glitzylady said...


I read your very sweet post (see, I like that word too!!!) and thank you for your kind words!!!! And yes that glitter will get you every time..


What can I say, its all true!!!! He's a VERY inspiring guy, in SO many ways..

Anonymous said...

@ MassGlamFan
Thanks for your kind advice above, and for encourage me to love sweet Adam in english. The lessons are part of a Master Plan supplyied by «The Universal Power of Adam Lambert». You are my Glamteachers and I am certainly a good Glamstudent!

Anonymous said...

Katy and Adam are just so adorable together - they are kinda like twins, two sides of something so cute, it makes you smile whether you though you would or not!! Hope they keep hooking up so we can catch that magic chemistry.

Anonymous said...

Okay so this site needs to post this video. It was done by a Nashville radio station and is great about his performance at the Ryman

Anonymous said...

Hi adamluv,

Welcome, we look forward to your comments! Just have fun...enjoy the Adam eye candy...and don't forget to breathe. Sometimes the Adam posts on here leave me breathless...I'll that's my #1 rule. Breathe.

OK, I'm stealing that line I said I was gonna use: the start of this video, when Adam's looking directly into the camera (and then takes a step closer) was like "looking into the sun"! Oh boy. Breathe, breathe.

And I must say again - he looks so F*n hot at the awards show! The long hair, the suit...

Ahhhh...killing me softly.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone,
I Adore this Adam Look gets me Tingling with Delight....mmmm Tasty and Delicious
still trying to catch up with my Adam Homework teach me to go away for 10 days without Adam 24/7

to everyone who has seen me friendly messages recently i will get back to you all once i have read some more
....listen Guys whats happen to all the Friendly Banter just cause someone has told us they didn't like friendly chat ?? who cares!! we have always indulged with Adam and i say
******Friendly Chat Is Here to Stay********So Come on Banter Away*********
MASSGLAMFAN....i know you have been away like me recently and there as been so much BEAUTIFUL ADAM to catch up on so its takes a while to slot back in with things
Hi Adamluv, welcome to the House of Adam...always lots of fun lusting over Adam here...enjoy!
Hi Adam Fix....Adam4fun.....Glitzlady....Funnbun.....come on ladies where,s our normal jolly banter gone!!
Love That Lambert Man so Much my housework nevers gets done anymore!
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

glitzylady said...


Are you STILL catching up!!!??? So Glad to see you are making progress...You are probably just drowning in Adam happiness right now, all those videos to see...

With all of the "drama" of the last little while here, we are just getting back "up to speed" ourselves (speaking for myself, anyway...) and the last couple of days have been quite "chatty" by contrast, I would say.....a certain amount of caution being exhibited by most here.....Many posters echoed your sentiments so those of us prone to chattiness are finding that groove once again....

And yes, housework has become a great challenge this summer, none of us watches TV anymore (no great loss this time of year...) , and certain husbands/partners are considering drastic action to lure us away from the computers, at least long enough to take a bath, eat, or have a non- GlamNation conversation. All in all, a very long HOT summer....And having seen a couple of the latest (July 10th) videos, specifically WLL and FEVER from Louisville (I think) its getting hotter by the minute....@Adam Fix (or possibly Fan4fun) has coined a new phrase "Death by Adam" which at least in the figurative sense seems appropriate, that state of bliss from which one may never quite recover...

Anonymous said...

@ Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Who??? «Adam4fun»??? (HA,HA,HA) Whether you've mistaken it or not, I loved it!
Afterall fellow, the sun (NOT sweet Adam, the OTHER SUN) has fryed your brain away in certain zones...LOL

PS: Never mind your housework, welcome back AGAIN to Paradise!

glitzylady said...


Obviously, Glambrit IOW had a little "Freudian slip" there (and understandably so...) with the" Adam4fun" reference....who among us hasn't thought along THOSE lines before????? Just sayin'....

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady and AdamFix, thanks for answering my question about the "rules". They sound very reasonable and just common sense. I think I'm going to like it here! The first rule of simply adoring Adam is my favorite of all and sooooooo easy to follow! Signed, Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I'm late to the show, but yes, WELCOME Adamluv. And yes, rule #1 is my favorite! I come here partly just to bask in all this LOVE and GOOD energy!

Agree about Katy and Adam....soooo sweet and cute I had to replay that part several times. Ahhhhh....

And agree about the hair....makes me swoon (more than I already do) when it's like that.....

And Glambrit IOW, I understand about still catching up! I try to make Sundays a computer-free day, but it makes catching up on here sooo time consuming, that I've been getting online anyway, just because of THIS site!


Anonymous said...

p.s. Anon at 10:09, I can't get the link to work. After playing around with the address, I did find the fan reviews video that is on this it fan reviews?

If not, can you post the link another way somehow?
