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Adam hanging out with friends backstage last night in San Diego!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, July 31, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, July 31, 2010



Anonymous said...

awww cute boys!

Anonymous said...

I am glad to see he has some time for friends and recreation. I worry about him working too hard, with this gruelling schedule he has.

Stephanie said...

Maybe they're High School friends because I dont' recognize any of them.

Anonymous said...

These boys are hot. Of course, Adam being the hottest.

Anonymous said...

Sutan is there! Adam's make up artist. Adam looks gorgeous as always!!!

Magiclady said...

WOW does he look hot!

Anonymous said...

Also the tall one appears to be Perez Hilton...

Anonymous said...

Nope! Not Perez Hilton, doesn't looke like him and I don't think they socialize other than when they run into each other professionally. NOt much in common I wouldn't guess.

Anonymous said...

Please, I hope he got laid! He needs to be "fed" to maintain his happiness level.