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Adam in Japanese Magazine "In Rock" August 2010

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, July 15, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, July 15, 2010



Anonymous said...

The Japanese people have EMBRACED our ADAM & he is as much of an IDOL to them as he is to US!! Thank you Japan!! You'll LOVE ADAM when he tours in October!! ARIGATO (hope that's right)!!


Anonymous said...

Yeah japan really loves him. that's why he announced Japan as the first country to tour in.

good for japanese fans!

Anonymous said...

He went to Japan early this year I think? This time around will be even bigger!!! He's bringing the Glam Nation to them... they will go NUTS!!!

Compie! (cheers!)

Anonymous said...

YES, YES and YES, Japan...Arigat0!!! Sweet Adam l0ves Japan t00, take my w0rd! Please receive Adam as a SUN, I mean as a S0N 0f y0ur amazing Empire... Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

Okay, Off-topic alert, but there's a little bit of a Japanese connection :)... and so I just had to drop here that my kids created an Adam Lambert Mii character for their Wii video gaming system today! Totally of their own doing, completely unbeknownst to me. Adorable. This may be lost on many of you, I know, scroll on by :), but the parents and childcaregivers may get a laugh out of this. Very hot, steamy & rainy in Mass today - kids indoors playing Wii video game system in cool basement playroom... I took a break from some work to check on them and they said - hey Mom, come check out our Adam Lambert Mii that we made - hilarious (to me anyway, lol). Kids were a little disgruntled because they didn't have really appropriate clothing options - to create what they felt was a true Adam Lambert Mii :) - but they did a pretty good job - was hysterical. See, all roads lead back to AL in one way or another ;).


ps. Hey Fan4Fun - you poor baby with your keyboard stress! I can just sense you wanting to comment so much more but holding back because of your keyboard character problems :(. And btw, I did indeed mention on a previous thread that I was wondering where you were, lol! Thought maybe you were in the process of ditching your real life to come be official wardrobe assistants with glitzylady and I for the GNT.

Anonymous said...

MassGlamFan, Love your story. I"m a teacher so especially enjoy hearing about kids using their imaginations. And even better when it involves ADAM! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

1:51 Ahem....last line, last paragraph...that should read "glitzylady and me for the GNT." just pointing that out, you being the verbalizing and editing type...:) All in good fun, right?:))

Oh, and I'd like to join you and GL if asked, but I don't play for Adam's team. Wifey would go in a heartbeat, though. haha

Adam's upcoming world tour will make him the superstar we on 24/7 know he is. I'm just hoping that Japan is not holding its collective breath in anticipation. The exhale when he arrives could cause serious repercussions world wide. :)

Oscar Wilde

Anonymous said...

Now who's being the Hall Monitor, hhmmmm? Uugghh Oscar Wilde - you gotta let me be off the clock here friend?? Pretty please?? You obviously read my other comment - so you also know that in my avocations, I like to leave my vocation behind, if I had to worry about all that I'd never post!! Aahh, is that your ultimate goal?? Oh, light dawns on I see. Lordy, look at my sentence structure, or lack there of, puncuation, etc. - goodness, it's a mess... does it really occur to you that I'm concerned with such things when I post here ;), that's me the "blogger", very stream of consciousness, nice to make your acquaintance... now look what you've done, pushed me OT again, tsk tsk. Here's something on-topic... love that first pic!! All kinds of YUM.


ps. Adamluv - a teacher, yay!! Not one myself, but come from a long line of them - most noble profession I can think of!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, MGF, very kind of you. Adamluv

glitzylady said...

@MGF at 1:51

OMG!!!! Just got home from a long hard day looking at teeth and was very happy to see that we have our assignments with the GlamNation Tour and was even happier to find out that we have the (IMO) best jobs of all, that being Wardrobe Assistants (to the Man Himself I'm hoping.....)!!!!! The BIG question is, do we take turns helping with the LACES or is a team effort????? I AM pretty good at flossing so perhaps that should be MY specialty, very dexterous.......think it would translate well.....Anyway, guess we'll get that all sorted out... And perfect timing because I'm just starting a two week vacation, but wouldn't mind extending it indefinitely.....Will pick up the tour next Tues. in Seattle and off we go....And "glitzylady and me" or "glitzylady and I", as long as I'm included , works for me.......Woo Hoo!!!!

Anonymous said...

MGF: Sorry - will not direct comments to you anymore. Was trying to bury the hatchet with you for yesterday's posts. I thought you could see the irony in my message and get a laugh out of it. Won't bother you anymore. ouch - i give

Oscar Wilde

Anonymous said...

Ok, now we can all play nice in the sandbox! lol Happy for the fans in Japan and glad for their on going support of our glamgod! They will be Adamized and mesmerised! funbunn40

glitzylady said...

Oh my goodness, when all is said and done, we are all united in our support and love for our "glamgod", especially in light of the sad little (and they ARE "small" in mind and heart....) pickets at the concert tonight, on another thread....Nothing and no one can diminish Adam's shining soul, and the millions of fans around the world, including the fans in Japan (wish I could read that article! no doubt it says great things!) will cancel out any negativity that comes his way....just wish he didn't have to deal with that.....Positive, loving, and peaceful thoughts to Adam, the band, dancers and all of his faithful, fierce and very passionate fans (and we are THAT, for sure....)

Anonymous said...

to all the fans who voted for Adam at:
we could not get Adam to #1, it's over sometime today and the Hanson Band is all ready celebrating,they have thousands of votes over us,but thank you to all that really tried this week, wish we could have made them eat their nasty words...they are also on VH1...please keep voting for Adam, it was sad to see Adam the Challenger not win,to all the devoted fans..Thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

An Adam Lambert Mii for the Wii, funny.

Anonymous said...

okay glitzlady - translatable skills - yah, seems reasonable... how 'bout you take the lace-up pants and the first half of the show... and I'll take the blue & black pants and the last half of the show - seem fair to you??

@funbunn40 - I meant to actually reply to you on an old thread about your comment "glitterized and mesmerized" - LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT! :). And btw, thanks for your shout-outs the other day and your virtual hug :), that's the nurse/caregiver in you, lol!

Yep - I can't even imagine how well the GNT will go over in Japan! Yay for AL.


Anonymous said...

***OT and personal post for Oscar Wilde - scroll on by if you like folks

oh, Oscar Wilde - is that what 2:14pm was, an attempt to bury the hatchet, I couldn't tell... I'm a little slow on the uptake I guess, very sorry. Now see, as I mentioned on other thread, that's my problem with that Oscar Wildean style... I personally am never quite sure when irony and wittiness and jocoseness ends and where subtle sarcasm and cleverness for the sake of point-making or gotcha begins... no apology necessary - just my lack of intellectual capacity I guess... that coupled with the fact that, as I mentioned the other day, internet blogging doesn't allow for the reading of facial expressions, tone inflections, etc. - I just have the darndest time discerning people's meaning sometimes... and really, how many smiley face icons and such can one insert into one posted comment (I guess I needed to insert a few more in mine @ 3:11pm :)).

But your comments at 10:27pm - a straightforward and earnest invitation to get off on a better foot and move forward (I never really felt a hatchet was raised btw ;), no worries), now that I am very interested in! And allow me to be equally as straightforward in saying that I hope you are still interested too, because, to quote your Oscar Wilde as it applies to ME "I hope you have not been leading a double life, pretending to be wicked, and being really good all the time. That would be hypocrisy." it is soooo not me to try to be all clever and wicked, I find it exhausting, I'm really quite vanilla, and just here to have fun.

So sure - come along with glitzlady and I (and me?) on GNT - bring "wifey" too, maybe she can be AL's official apply-er of body glitter... do you think she would like that?? And your job...hhmmm - since you say you don't play for Adam's team, maybe we can pull out the Hall Monitor application again and entrust you the task of making sure we gals don't get too touchy feely with Mr. Lambert as we perform our own all-important job duties ;).

Now, with a nod to your point in the other thread about my OT exchanges w/ G&S getting annoying, let's make this less about the two of us (too late I guess, sorry everyone, entirely MY fault) and return this lovely thread to the topic at hand... **I too wish I could read what the article says. I loved how it seemed that AL was thrilled with the fact that he could be quite OTT when he in Japan and nobody blinked an eye... must have been liberating for him!


Anonymous said...

Oh pretty please may I join the wardrobe team? I would like to volunteer to pull off those sweaty leather pants!!


Anonymous said...

Again...a little late to the party...busy week!

Oh boy - count me in to assist with the wardrobe on the tour! As mentioned previously, I would be good at ripping open the velcro that saves Adam so much time between costume changes! I get dibs on that assignment!

Comments on this topic made me laugh!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

MGF: love the story about your kids and their "Adam creation" on the WII - ha, ha, ha!

Also must say...Adam looks beautiful beyond words in this top photo!

- Adam Fix