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Adam Lambert: "I Was An Ugly Duckling"

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Having risen to stardom via "American Idol," Adam Lambert has built quite the devout following - thanks in part to his openness about his sexuality and personal struggles.

During a recent interview, the "Whataya Want From Me" singer dished details on growing up and on his preference for men - including that he was a bit lacking in confidence and was 12 when he realized he’s gay.

Lambert tells, “Growing up I wasn’t very confident. It wasn’t until in my early 20s that I evolved into who I really was and wanted to be. I always used to look at being different as a bad thing, but I’ve learned that you need to take pride in the fact that you are unique."

The 28-year-old adds, “I was an ugly duckling, I was overweight and at 12 I realized I was gay. I kept that a secret until I was 18, so dealing with that and not feeling attractive was hard. The main validation I got was from being a performer, because it made me feel good about myself.”



Anonymous said...

Aah, that's sad...wish I was there during that period, I would be a shoulder to cry on, somebody to lean on and someone to talk to. Reading that makes me wanna give Adam a big, big HUG!!! This just shows you that there's always light at the end of the tunnel!

Anonymous said...

Adam - you've had a beautiful soul your entire life. The positivity, determination and thoughtfulness/kindness you possess are not traits that are "made" in a person one day. They are either there, or they're not. Your parents did an excellent job instilling strong values in you.

If you were an ugly duckling when you were younger, you have certainly blossomed into a breathtakingly beautiful swan.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Does anyone here have acne? I noticed that Adam has some acne scarring so I think he had a pretty bad teenage years. At least that's why I think he had such a low confidence level.

I had a lot of acne scarring from middle school and high school and i know that made me have very little confidence and I hardly look people in the eye. So I'm glad Adam has managed to make a name of himself because I see myself in him. (Wait, that turned out wrong. lol)

Anyway, I'm glad Adam feels sexy now becuase he is so damn sexy !

Uranus said...

There's so many words that describes Adam and UGLY isn't one of them.

Adam makes me sad, saying that.. :(

Anonymous said...

This is our Adam. Truthful to a fault. I am so glad his parents are who and what they are. Too many young kids in his situation would have taken a different road and wound up unhappy, unfulfilled and terribly lonely. They loved him enough to let him be himself. I thank them from the bottom of my heart because he now belongs to all of us who love him and his talent.

My youngest son used to pronounce ugly "ukrey" and asked me to read him Da Ukrey Duckring.haha Remembering that brought a tear to my eye.:)

Love and Light

Anonymous said...

I've seen earlier pics of Adam and never saw him as an ugly duckling in any of them. His beautiful features and sweet face have always been there for me. I never condsidered acne as a deterrent to be considered beautiful either. I never had that problem, but most everyone in my highschool did and it seemed common. I think the black hair dramatizes and enhances his classic features more so than his natural strawberry blonde coloring and maybe more noticed him. His inner beauty is so powerful it accentuates his physical beauty and makes him shine. Perfection! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I love all the above comments about Adam! And I agree 100% with all the wonderfully articulate statements you made. Anonymous 9:27, yes, I also had acne from age 11 thru college and it does a number on your self confidence! I hope that Adam is beginning to realize how physically gorgeous he is, and of course inside as well but he probably always knew the latter was true. Signed, Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Adam u r not an ugly duckling sweetie!! U r one BEAUTIFUL man with a BIG heart!! Look at how u've inspired a lot of people! U spread LOVE all across the Universe!! U've brought about changes in people's lives.. those who were probably afraid to be themselves in the past.. r now ready to face the world!

Just so u know darling, u r so well beloved by ur fans all over the world! U r always BEAUTIFUL in our eyes!!!

Love u so much Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

All the pain Adam went through as a child and teenager helped him become what he is today: An honest beautiful loving man. His parents also helped. I loved watching them in the audience when Adam performed on Idol. His personality shines through everything he does. He is indeed an inspiration for many people. We love you Adam.

Anonymous said...

It makes me sad to think there are children out there that have to keep the secret of being gay. The absolute pressure and scariness at that age must be enormous. Adam is giving them hope, and I think that our society is finally starting to come around. Of course, the Westboro Baptist Church is still around to remind us of closed minded bigots that cannot let people alone. Adam will receive extra love from his audience. We are a loyal bunch so the WBC might as well pack it up and move on with their hate.

Anonymous said...

His story is amazing. Considering how it could have all gone another way and we would have missed on on his Fabulousness is mind blowing.

He will be a beacon to all of those who need to hear his message, at least I hope so. The complainers are just inhumane as far as I am concerned. I am so glad I side with Lambert on these issues.

He really is here for a reason and the vocals get you in the door but the person he is makes you want to stick around!

Anonymous said...

beautifully put anon at 6:16!

Absolutely agree with you!!

Anonymous said...

The year that Adam was on AI was the same year my son came out to us. Just like Leila, I had thought early on that he was gay and I was waiting for him to come out to me. I knew it would be no big deal, because of course I knew it wasn't a choice...and I love my son dearly. What I didn't realize was the inner struggle that my son was going through growing up. Adam has said that the acne and weight were a result of his closeted self. He said that on Chelsea Lately. She didn't pursue that...but I heard it. I just want to thank Leila and Adam for the honest interviews. They were the only ones really talking about this. When Ellen came out, it was all about what being gay would do to her ratings. I am now an active member of PFLAG and my son, too, has blossomed. I love this site and the Glamily. Adam has changed many hearts just by being himself. Oh, and on a lighter note,I have my tickets to see Adam in September!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Even though you are a very handsome being...what I like about you most Adam is what is on the inside...that will always trump your outward features. Some of the most famous folks with huge followings usally have walked a mile in others shoes. That is what others like;is that you truly relate to most people. Like Oprah, GaGa..they look at the big picture and only try to help others find the best inside themselves. That is called a gift and Adam yours just keeps on giving through your music and connection with others and well being honest and true.

Anonymous said...

Really enjoyed your comments people. The humanity of it all. Oh man, lmb July 15 7:10AM - so moving.

I think Leila and Ebert are modern day heroes!


Anonymous said...

This is a great opportunity for the parents among us to start a conversation with our teenaged children. Show them some of Adam's interviews where he speaks of being gay or about his body image issues. Let your child know that you cherish their individualism no matter what form it takes. There is no shame in being different.

Anonymous said...

Just curious anon. July 15 7:10 am ... is your son going to ADAM's concert in Sept. with you? Lovely story ... and you, too, my dear, are a hero much like ADAM's parents. BLESS YOU & your SON ALWAYS! MUCH LOVE & LIGHT TO BOTH OF YOU!! ENJOY ADAM's concert!!


Anonymous said...

I will be attending Adam's concert with a really great son's father,who is my best friend and husband! Thank you all for your kind comments. Our son is away at school and doing so much better in his classes!
Also, I loved a recent interview you had posted here. As a reading teacher, I was CHEERING when Adam said the Twilight books were better than the Twilight Movies. He just keeps on giving!


Anonymous said...

Adam (I hope he sees this site; it's the best.)

I couldn't agree with Adam Fix more: You have evolved into "a breathtakingly beautiful swan"--and a self-made one at that (the best kind). While it makes me sad when you bring it up, I love the Ugly Duckling story for you. I love that we get to witness you at this time in your life, because I think some of that inner image is still left over inside for you--which adds to your sweetness. I might be wrong, but I think there's still a bit of innocence left in you right along side a very grown up man who seems to have an old soul at times. I believe this is a big reason so many people are drawn to you (aside from that glorious talent, of course), because they identify with your story and are cheering you on. We can't wait to see what you do next.

As a psychologist I work with a lot of late bloomers, many of whom have turned out to be extraordinarily gifted, talented, and beautiful in their own right. Because a lot of them stood out as "different" (intellectually gifted, "dorky", gay, overweight); you would be shocked to know how many were bullied, felt like they didn't fit in, and/or suffered (often in silence) because they thought there was something terribly wrong with them.

I do believe your parents must have done close to everything right, not the least of which was to provide respect for their child for the individual he was and is, unconditional love, support, and encouragement and to get you into activities that served as an outlet where you could be yourself, feel good about those parts, and continue to evolve into the beautiful man you appear to be. I also love that they cut you loose at the right age to not deprive you of those rich, formative experiences that come with the school of hard knocks.

I have come to believe that adversity contributes to the intellect,richness, and complexity of a person. I love that by being yourself and capitalizing on how you are different, you have much more freedom to continue to evolve creatively; whereby others will box themselves in to stay safe.

Mesmerized by you in Louisville by the way. Hope you enjoyed us and will come back some day.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel all the LOVE we have for you, Adam. Everyone who reads this think--ILOVE YOU ADAM! Concentrate, and project this thought, throw it out there with your mind, and send it to Adam. I LOVE YOU ADAM................................................................!

Anonymous said...

Y0u kn0w, s0metimes life teachs us in a very hard way - f0r example since yesterday my keyb0ard is driving me crasy, the letters c0me switched, d0n't c0me at all 0r w0rse, c0me by a d0zen... and I d0n't kn0w whether 0r n0t I'll be able t0 send my c0mment (yesterday I c0uldn't... have y0u missed me?) n0w it s#0ws «C0mment s#0uld n0t be empty (?), and ALL because Glamkitten Ic0n dr0pped my lapt0p, s0 jeal0ws #e was at sweet Adam. Maybe s0mene was s0 jeal0ws at y0ung Adam and t#e bad energy dr0pped his c0nfidence away, s0 the mirr0r was n0t t0 blame. 0r the very y0ung Adam g0t scared when realized h0w p0werful his talents w0uld bec0me in the near future, wh0 kn0ws??? May be the ugly duckling feeling was a necessary t0 give basis f0r a p0st metam0rp#sis amazing raising man. Anyway t#e c0nfidence came d0uble... and 0t#er d0uble t#ings, f0r example, n0t «0ne» very l0ng neck f0r a swan, but «tw0» l0ng legs f0r a beautiful man... A c0mpensati0n maybe? W#0 kn0ws, ask te Universe... Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

Kentucky Fan --

I do believe you were my seat mate in Nashville, no? Nice to see you posting such beautiful observations and sentiments. You have great insight into this "ugly duck-ism" and the fabulous swan waiting to emerge.

I posted my thoughts as Anon 9:01.

I really enjoyed the concert with you. Still have a ticket for Tunica, if you're interested!


Anonymous said...

I thank my mother for being a very open minded person. She told us not to gossip or think we know what is in the heart and minds of people, or what happens inside other homes. I have known many gays and they were some who were friends. I often was the date for this handsome gay man, when he needed a female by his side. He was the best date and best time for me. He ended up leaving our small upstate NY town for LA. He comes back to visit my sister, who still lives there. I am in Vegas. My brother, who never came out of the closet has his work to stay busy. He kept his private life very private. I know that my brother was very depressed and this goes back to the 1950's. I am happy for Adam, things are changing in the USA, but not fast enough. Adam doesn't get the radio and newspaper coverage Miley, Gaga and others get. Adam was never ugly, I thought he was cute as a youngster, good looking as a teen, and handsome as an adult. I love who he is.

Sharon said...

There is an old saying, "what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger." In Adam's case it has made him a beautiful, charming, witty, compassionate, loving and accepting person. I agree with everyone that finally at age 18 he was set free to explore the world and be himself. He just needed life experiences to become the man he is today. I love him so much and can't understand why I love someone I've never met but at least got to see once LIVE in concert and will again in Tunica, MS.
It sounds like a few of us are going to Tunica. I just booked my hotel room for 2 nights. Since I don't know your names I hope to meet many of you on 9/11.

Anonymous said...

My son came out to me after he moved to New York to go to college. It was a very difficult time for him because he came from small town USA where people had not really accepted it. He was first in in high school class and as Adam had said he too felt like an ugly duckling. He hid it well behind his "nerdy" smart type. I will be honest I did not really know untill that moment for sure because I was not sure if it was a self-asteem issue or late bloomer issue. He is college educated;loved by everyone who gets the honor to meet him. The secret has been out for some time and much to my pleasant surprise it has not been as issue as he had feared for years. I am happy to say things have come a long way since those 10 years ago. I thank Adam for raising others awareness(even though I am sure he would like to be known for his singing only) However he struck more than one "cord" with people. People would like to be accepted for who they are. It is that simple really. So many are missing out on so many fabulous people.I believe this is more than a gay issue;it is about predjuce period. We need to take our time and not be so quick to judge others; again it could be your loss for sure. I like Leila hold my head high in pride for all my son has done with his life. I couldn't be prouder Mom if I tryed. So LUCKY!!

Anonymous said...

I'm almost in tears over the lovely stories some of you have written. A big hug to those parents out there who have accepted their children just as they are, like Leila and Eber did with their boys. Adamluv

glitzylady said...

Although I do not have any gay immediate family members (as far as I know..), I have known many gay and lesbian folks, particularly through the very open and loving and very liberal church that we have attended in the past....I remember one wonderful "older" man in particular who started attending after his partner of many years died...he was adrift and lost because he had never had the courage to come out to his very disapproving family, was afraid they would turn him away....As is so often the case, when his partner became terminally ill, he was not allowed to help with any of the last plans and no one was aware( or at least was willing to acknowledge...) of their very loving relationship, their families just thought they were very good friends.....He was ready to end his life as well, with the terrible feelings of alone-ness that he felt, and no one to confide in... I recently heard that he had passed away surrounded by new friends and the feeling that he was accepted and loved for who he truly was, no more hiding and secrets...A local film maker included his story in a documentary a few years ago, highlighting the stories of older gay and lesbian people and their struggles and it has been shown throughout the world....I'm sure that Chuck would have been very proud of Adam and the courage he has shown by being true to who he is, and would also have been encouraged to see that it is becoming more and more accepted to be open in gay and lesbian relationships, and to not feel it needs to be hidden away from friends and family. I admire Adam's mom and dad so much, and as others have said, they did such a wonderful job with their parenting, giving Adam the freedom to be who he is, and loving him unconditionally. Just think how my friend Chuck's life would have been different if his family had been more accepting of who he was....and who he loved... By the way, not advocating the church, but just where I met this lovely gentleman some years ago..

And Adam certainly DID turn out quite nicely, no Ugly Duckling there! Most of us went through that time when we felt that way, I know I did... was one of those "late bloomers" so can relate very well...

Anonymous said...

This site is so special not only because of beautiful inside and out Adam but also because of the enlightened, good souls like all of you above. Thankyou for sharing your sons with us. They are the fortunate ones as Adam to have such loving,intelligent parents. I had an uncle that used to visit my family often. It wasn't discussed, but it was asumed that he was gay. He was an announcer on radio for the boxing matches when Joe Louis was in his prime and Gillette. He was a gentle, nice man who traveled the world and always brought me a memento. I was like the child he never had. He, along with my parents influenced my positive feelings towards people that were viewed as not the norm. I, like Phyliss dated my highschool friends brother who was in college and gay for appearance sake. It was the late 1950's and his boyfriend was my girlfriends date. We went to a lot of dances and college functions and I remember thinking at the time, What a waste, for the straight girls and He was so good looking and seemed like the perfect guy! This is the first time I've ever spoken of what had been a secret so long ago. Adam still brings out the positive gifts in life. Hope somehow he knows what a special gift he is to all of us and so many others. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I meant to also acknowlege your very insightful comments that I'm sure have helped many of your fortunate patients. Adam has said that if he didn't entertain, he would have pursued a career such as yours. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

My above comment was for Kentucky fan.So sad about picketers inhumanity it's affected my train of thought. All of you above are how we all should be to one another. It takes the sting out of the hurtful people in the world and empowers us. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I love all of the beautifully positive posts! It is exactly what Adam Lambert is all about. We have probably all gone through something that was very difficult especially as teenagers. I had that acne thing going on too and was so embarrassed by it and of course the bullies don't help. Poor guy, I can totally feel for him when he discovered that he was gay and feeling so alone. It breaks my heart. I think on my own 16 and 18 year old sons and the difficulties they sometimes go through (at least what they tell me). Unfortunately teens I think can be especially rough on each other. They are fighting with all of the hormonal changes going on in their bodies. I think back on when I was a teen and how much I didn't tell my parents. Anyway, Adam is such a positive, lovely, talented man and we can all learn from him no matter what age.

Anonymous said...

Reply to Kentucky fan post -
I enjoyed your post as you speak as a professional psychologist. I, for one, am always looking for people (who, professionally, "know something") and are familiar with Adam Lambert and the "Glambert Obsession”. I believe this obsession in not a negative, but rather a joyful and positive condition contracted by intelligent, open-minded people who recognize that Adam Lambert is more than a great entertainer he is truly a wonderful human being that can enrich the lives of those who take the time to know the man behind the music. We look for reassurance in that, even though we've got it bad for Adam, that we are as normal as the next guy and contrary to popular belief, we are not rabid or crazy our fandom is not life threatening and will not cause permanent damage. Finding a professional testimony to validate these facts may keep some of us from being committed! We can share testimony with our friends and family, some whom may be just days away from intervention or having us picked up by the men in white coats! LOL!
I found your statement regarding adversity and personal development interesting. I just want to say I can agree with your thoughts. Many times over the years, I have proclaimed my belief that "ADVERSITY BUILDS CHARACTER" and have frequently quoted this statement. This is the first time I have come across a post that mirrors my personal belief. Better yet, “someone who knows” writes it! I believe that adverse experiences do contribute a sizable impact on character and depending on many additional factors such as life environment, guidance, influences, as well as an individual’s personal traits, "adversity" can manifest into either good or bad character. I like to think we see more people that grow into people of good character - I like to think I am made of the good stuff!
Speaking of “good stuff” let me write a few words about the character of Adam Lambert. I truly love this man and wonder if I am “in love” with him as well. I must laugh at the later notion - surely not! I have not even met the man! Still I wonder, it gets a bit blurry because the symptoms and feelings often feel the same…………No doubt this is another can of worms, maybe I should see a psychologist?!. LOL! With Adam, I so admire, desire and aspire! I unfortunately have not found many people in my life that I can truly look up or aspire to. I am happy to say I have found that I can honestly do this with Adam. Silly as it may be, quite often when I am deliberating, I find myself thinking WWAD? (What Would Adam Do?) His influence in my life has been positive and I feel certain he is here on earth to do more than sing. His impact is already tangible as he already has, and will continue, to change the way many people think about the diversity of people who share their world. Adam is very intelligent, open, honest opinionated and with his strong interpersonal skills he undoubtedly will serve as a major influence to many people in years to come. I totally believe in him and the more I study his character, the more I want to emulate. He has things to say, and if we give him a listen, I feel we will become better for it.

Continued next post

Anonymous said...

One of the early examples of Adam's power to influence came from a brave and candid comment from Adam's fellow AI Season 8 alumni Michael Sarver. Michael is a TEXAS COUNTRY BOY. It is quite common for country boys from Texas to wear their "redneck attitudes" where ever and whenever they put on their cowboy boots. I did not watch enough of the show to know if Michael came to the show wearing any hint of "redneck" or not, but it is obvious by his comments that he is not likely to be party to bigoted conversations going forward. Michael was displaying some of that “good character” we are talking about and I was impressed with him for being man enough to say it aloud publically, further reiterating Adam’s positive influence. There are SO many out there, who definitely are not. It is too bad. However, I take much comfort in knowing that Michael probably was not Adam’s first convert and of course will not be his last successful influence. We know he cannot change the whole world single handedly but I truly believe he will make a visible difference, even if it is just one attitude at a time. See the interview with Michael Sarver - video He speaks about Adam at the 5:00 mark.

With very few exceptions, everything Adam says and does paints a picture of outstanding character. Too much glitter to list – we know all the good things that are Adam. I agree that Adam probably did face some adversity and maybe a greater struggle complicated when he became aware of his differences particularly with his orientation. I imagine these young people are confused, scared, and feel very alone during this time of growth and discovery. I think there might be a more conscience approach in trying to find out who they are. Because sexuality is the major issue, it is pulled to the forefront. Dissection of the person has begun and all parts will now get greater individual focus. Greater focus requires more thought and these people by default put much for thought into who they are at a much younger age than many of us. My experience has been that the more thought one puts into creating something, a more superior will be the outcome. It is obvious to me that Adam put a lot of thought into whom he is. . Adam’s character shines with all things good and there are others to credit. I feel in addition to the great job his parents did in raising Adam, there are scores of people who have contributed in molding of Adam, a truly beautiful man, inside and out. A shout out with high five to all of those folks, I am sure they know who they are.

Continued next post

Anonymous said...

I of course, do not know Adam personally but I feel great pride inside just as if he was a friend or family member. I am SO proud for Adam. My heart often swells with happiness and frequently accompanied by my eyes also swelling (happy tears), as I watch his star rise and brighten each day. There is joy in listening to his music and even more joy in seeing Adam’s happiness as his years of hard work are coming together and he is seeing all his dreams come true. How fantastic for him!

Smile Adam, (to quote Ms. Abdul “take it all in”), you are so deserving! Keep on smiling, your smile is so beautiful and when you smile, I too, cannot help but join you. It’s all good, smiling is good for everyone!

I have had a blast this last year or so following Adam’s rise to fame and I have no plans to get off this exciting ride. I see more and more people, pushing prejudices aside and giving Adam a chance. I feel sure Adam will continue to give his all and his craft will only get better. His fan base will grow and as it does so will the love exchange between Adam and his fans. These things should assure him longevity in the business. That’s a very good thing for all in the Glamnation!

In reviewing my words, it appears this is a rather lengthy post. I do hope my comments are of some interest. I could discuss Adam for hours on end; after all, I AM A GLAMBERT! #4113

"Love overcomes hate. Love has no color. Love has no orientation. All is love."
-Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2;58, wish I had a name to use. Want to thank you for your eloquence and all the wonderful things you said about Adam. You put into words exactly how I feel but did so with such clarity and conviction. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Yes that was nicely written, anon 2:58!! Very intelligent too!

I'm so happy to see so many intelligent and smart people as fellow glamberts. Adam would be proud.

Anonymous said...

Beautifully said, Glambert4113. You put into words what many of us feel and describe Adams positive influence on us so well. He also can bring me to tears, not only with his glorious voice, but with the passion and energy that accompanies his performances. His smile actually fills my heart with joy. He lights up the universe with an electric connection so powerful it feels like the world is on pause when he speaks or makes that magnificent eye contact. Never in my life have I felt such a powerful magnetic attraction to a human being and I've had some pretty powerful connections in my lifetime! lol He can have a very positive impact on millions of people and it has already begun. He was chosen for a very positive reason. I hope the world will protect and love this incredible gift that we have been given and I hope the burden of fame will not be too great. Thankyou again for your beautiful, insightful comments that relate to our shared feeings about this magnificent man. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

"Ugly duckling" became a beautiful swan. It is the end of old tale.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Welcome back Gina! We've been missing you. Glad you're in a better space now.

funbunn40, a huge ditto to your post. Perfect description, beautifully written.

And Glambert #4113.....and Kentucky fan....

I am sitting here in tears at all these beautiful, insightful, loving posts. Thank you all for your eloquence and articulation in describing my feelings thoughts better than I have.

What a beautiful thread...think I'll have to save it.

Much love to you all,

Anonymous said...

Just one word: WOW!

glitzylady said...

Thanks Glambert 411

Perfectly said....Glad to know I'm not crazy....of course, this IS from one of the fellow "inmates" in the asylum.......a great place to be....LOL!!!! Seriously, in reality we have just been so blessed to be able to see Adam for who he truly is, it will just take the rest of the world a little longer.
Adam truly is an inspiration and deserves the love that we all send his glad that we have the opportunity to "know" him even from afar...He just makes me smile ....

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't Adam look simply stunning in this extraordinarily beautiful jacket when he accepts his award(s) at the Grammys this year? or maybe at his wedding should he decide to get married some day? (We can dream, can't we?)

He is so loved. These lovely people went out of their way to find something exceptionally beautiful to please this elegant man. Loved their questions and how gracious he was in his anwers. Adam is educating people all over the planet about gayness in such a terrific, positive way.

Kentucky Fan