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Adamofficial: Adam Lambert In Switzerland

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, July 30, 2010

Posted at : Friday, July 30, 2010

In late April/May Adam Lambert stopped over in Switzerland to promote his debut album For Your Entertainment. Check out this never seen before, uncovered footage from the trip – so good!

Youtube version:

Video from AO:


Anonymous said...

Ok, Adam your life is sooooo fabulously awesome!!! Travelling around the world, wine & dine, and shopping!... ok, you have to work too!:)... but you love doing it... therefore it's not work... haha

Do you need a PTA?!!! where do I apply? Oh, wait you'll have to speak to my agent first!:)))

Anonymous said...

What's PTA? just wondering!

Anonymous said...

( wondering Anon 5:25PM )

Personal Travel Assistant

Anonymous said...

His brother Neil is his PTA (personal tour assistant)

Anonymous said...

Love Adam so much. He brightens my day up.

Sandy said...

Really Neil is his personal tour assitant? i didn't know that. Keep it in the family boy! <3

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous Sexy Sexy Sexy Beautiful Adam
He takes my breath away

Anonymous said...

Sweet Adam, baby, next time you try the south, the VERY BEST in Switzerland: Gennebre, Lausanne, Martigny, Sion,.... You won't have to sing while picking grapes or apples for living, as I had to do in the far 80's (when you were really a baby, opening your mouth and showing your tongue only when eating or crying. Believe me honey, you will just love the people there and enjoy so much the wonderful views from the botton or from the top of the Alpes, the black and white caws, the amazing milk and cheeses and, of course, their amazing chocolatte sandwiches with good white wine! Promise me to say hello to my good friends at Leitron, ha, ha, ha, will they miss me too? Beautiful french spoken Switzerland that I love and miss so much... you guys must to learn english to understand and love better our sweet Adam Lambert, my Diamond Boy, our Sexy-Hot-Rock God, our amazing grace, our real all purpouses «TONIC» to hearts and souls!
You lovely guys from Valais only lose to HIM, seriously!!!! I love Switzerland! So bad I don't speak french...Je ne parle pas mais je compendre! Sa va??? Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

Sandy @ 6:20
Adams mother has also been hired to manage his estate. Not sure what her job is, Adam said she makes sure he has supply of toilet paper in LOL
I think its good that he hired family. Not sure if Neil has given up his job in Brooklyn or if he is touring with Adam just for the summer. Somebody said Neil is a teacher and would have the summer off. not sure if that is true. There have been quite a few pics of Neil with Adam on the tour.

Sandy said...

Oh thanks for the info, Anon 6:54.

I always think it would be cool to have the whole Lambert family work with Adam. That way, he won't be lonely and have more fun that way.

Anonymous said...

0:28 hahah what an amazing pic!!

Anonymous said...

May be Adam is "sweet. sexy. beautiful"
I would describe him as a talented, brave, and hardworing artist, singer, and entertainer. We needed Adam, we waited for Adam. and the star was born!

Anonymous said...

Wow, 24/7, thanks for posting this! What a great clip. Adam just crackles with energy (and you know he was probably exhausted). He is so cute/handsome/charming.

fan4fun - what a cool story/comment! Switzerland is a place I would like to see in my lifetime.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Looking especially hot here! Adamluv