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Glam Nation Tour in Cleveland, OH, Allen Theater

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Saturday, July 10, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, July 10, 2010



AFTERMATH (2nd version)











Anonymous said...

Goody! videos are up!:) You just know you are so hooked when you're just hanging out on this site waiting for more It's all good!

Anonymous said...

This is to 24/7 regular "melissa Toronto" - who I know will appreciate this vid:

But please, by all means, all of you enjoy...but fair warning - HOT HOT HOT... another spicy vid from the uber talented kcinkcity!

Sorry to be off-topic and drop it in here on this thread - by I have a feeling you guys won't mind :)


Anonymous said...

You are not joking MassGlamFan... this video is Hhhhhhhhhhot! this is going in my favorite folder that's for sure! Thanks for sharing, and to whoever made it...awesome job!

Anonymous said...

U R the bestest Glambert for doing all this work for your Glamily. Love ya. <3

Anonymous said...

@Anon Jul 10 10:03 - I know riiigghhttt?! :) ...
favorites folder - so funny. You gotta check out more from kcinkcity - OMG.

kcinkcity needs to go on Lambert's/Lambert's Team's payroll! :)

Also, in addition to melissa Toronto, meant to shoutout to Poland Loves Adam - who we haven't heart too much from lately, but whom I know will also LOVE this fan vid! lol.


ps. Btw, one of you guys, Mel-T or PLA, I think one of you guys asked me, on a very old thread, how Massachusetts was responding to AL because you had grown up in Webster, MA (I think it was one of you two), I never responded, sorry, but MASS and RI, seems to me anyway, are really getting on board pretty quickly.

Anonymous said...

That's a very hot video, thanks for sharing MassGlamFan!

glitzylady said...

Adding my thanks to MGF for the video link....WOW!!!!'re right, they should be on Adam's payroll! And thinking back to a comment somewhere remarking that Adam shouldn't just be admired for his "looks", his talent is the BIG thing of course....well, the poor guy can't help it that he was richly blessed in that department ( talking about his LOOKS here.....) and, gosh, I can't help but notice.....and appreciate that he "shares" everything he has so nicely with his fans...another happy Saturday morning here in Adamland!

Anonymous said...

Sorry .. but what's up with ALL Tommy on RoF? ADAM is the singer .. not .. Tommy! Sorry .. loved the audio but not the video this time ... Thanx anyway ... JMO

glitzylady said...

Guess someone has a little Tommy admiration going on...and he WAS looking good....Probably other vids out there that focus on Adam...thank goodness for all of those fans with cameras! Have to admire them for being able to watch AND film at the same time.....I sat (or should I say, stood and danced) through almost an entire previous Adam concert (River Rock) before even remembering I HAD a camera, much less remember how to use it!!! Couldn't think about anything else but how thrilled I was to be there, much less take my eyes off of him for even one second.....Okay speaking of that, back to today's vids...husband is doing yard work so now's my chance....

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady 11:57am - aaahh, the dreaded "yard work". Happily it is raining here...and I have swimmer's ear of all frickin' things, and a bit of a sore throat - so I'm milking it for all it's worth today, LOL, and getting a chance to rest a bit and blog and post more :). But anyway, regarding your post - I agree, I do NOT know how these concert-goers who record so brilliantly do it - I could NEVER deal with it, especially if I was as CLOSE as some of these people are!!!! Lawdy. But to Anon 11:32's point - I laugh at myself sometimes because when I'm watching vids I'll yell out stuff like - zoom in, widen out, pan down, I love Monty too but why are you on Monty right now.... LOL. I'm cracking up right now thinking about it. But ultimately - I send only love, no critiques, to these people who shoot and post the vids - thanks to you all so much!

Anonymous said...

from anon 11:32 .. okay ... thanx MassGlamFan for the gentle slap on the wrist ... didn't mean to come off so harsh ... just got a little disappointed that most of the vid was about Tommy! I appreciate everything that ALL the wonderful fans share with us too ... so ... mea culpa ... SORRY!!

Anonymous said...

Just read interesting review of Cleveland performance on mjsbigblog...seems like its a long wait until Adam appears. Also they thought that his encore song should have been IIHY..After thinking about it, I too think that would leave them wanting more!!!and God knows we want more...

Anonymous said...

@Anon 12:50 and 11:32 -
oh crap - I really didn't mean to convey any sort of slap on the wrist, gentle or otherwise :), to you - I AM THE ONE WHO IS SORRY if I inadvertantly did that, thanks for being so goodnatured about it. I actually hate that sort of "thread policing" business that goes on sometimes. (A long time ago, when I posted as an Anony, I "policed" a bit once or twice, and a former 24/7 regular, "Portuguese Fan" called me on it, and she was right! Don't know if PF migrated to MJ'sBigBlog or another site or what, but I miss her) And as I said @ 12:27 - I find myself yelling out at the vids and expressing exasperation all the time 12:50/11:32 LOL LOL!

To Anon July 10, 2010 12:53 PM - I've only seen once concert at Foxwoods (going to another in Aug) and I have to admit, it was a bit of a long wait after Orianthi, before AL came on, for whatever that's worth. But I had a great time talking to some interesting people around me, so the wait was fine to me personally.

Also, to glitzylady/July 10 regarding your comments @ 11:18AM - I've had a comment brewing in me for a while now (in support of you and other regulars here) - about someone, some few, commenting in previous, old threads about AL not being judged on his looks, or commented upon regarding his looks etc... I won't make that comment now because I've monopolized quite enough of this thread already, and people are probably ready to throttle me, LOL, (although, again, "scroll down" function and free-will) but I'll quickly say what I mentioned on some other old thread - which is - people who have a problem with fans commenting on AL's physical self need to take a look at - oh, maybe the WLL from Foxwoods, or Milwaukee, or maybe the WLL from Norfolk, VA - and then come back here and tell us that AL will be upset with his fans noticing, referencing, enjoying, and most probably commenting on, his physicality - gimme a break! Look at any number of the FEVER performances...I'm pretty sure AL isn't feeling like a piece of meat! Seems to me he's probably quite alright with us enjoying sound and SIGHT, vocal and VISUAL, musicality and PHYSICALITY. I'm getting longwinded here, sorry, but I think you're thoughtful to be cognicant of other's blogging on this site glitzlady, you're a "good egg" as they say... and I think most of us have been respectful, (and for example, a believe a 16 year old just posted on another thread a short while ago) but for goodness sake - IMHO, it's okay to be a little coy sometimes, a little saucy, exercise a little double entendre... occurs to me that we always go back to the VOICE, don't see any chance of that changing any time soon.

And speaking of saucy, and this thread which was the Cleveland show VID thread, and MJ'sBigBlog - they were musing over at MJ's, in the absence of a WLL encoure for Cleveland, about which was the best WLL - very funny stuff - one would say - I'll bid a Milwaukee - and another would say - well I'll take your Milwaukee and raise you a Fantasy Springs and Foxwoods (or something like that). So, in the interest of not being so darn careful and enjoying this site - I give you the Foxwoods WLL:

and maybe a Norfolk, VA WLL too:

after watching those, nobody is going to tell me that AL is terribly adverse to his fans enjoying what he is clearly willingly offering! As long as we support him musically first and foremost, which I think is apparent on this site that we do.

Sorry, getting off the soapbox now :). I guess I did make a longwinded post afterall, my apologies.

glitzylady said...

@MassGlamFan 1:46 pm

Ditto to your thoughts re Adam. He obviously loves to be who he is, and as far as I can see, he loves the "appreciation" he gets from the fans... Its as simple as that! Nothing too complicated or wrong with that! (IMHO) He knows what he'd doing us.....

Have to think about the WLL thing....May have to watch ALL of them again tho, scientific analysis and all that..Still really partial to Fantasy Springs, was present for that one, and it was my "first time"....LOL... the first time is often the most memorable..... :-) ....Anywaaaay......Off to the local "Lavender Festival" with my husband....Will ponder WLL further...

glitzylady said...

oops...."he's doing.....

Anonymous said...

hi massglamfan,thankyou i enjoyed that immensely...

while i was watching one of my faves on youtube
"adam lambert beth sparkling" i came across this little beauty

this is one of my favorite adam habits...the little lip lick. and wow he is so beautiful

yippee to more concert vids, i've been waiting all day for these....the only downside to the time is now midnight here in the uk, so night night all.

chezza-cherbet/brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

Thanks MGF, that WAS HOT!

And thanks also to chezza-cherbet for reminding me of one of my favorite happy feeling go to vids for Adam's lip licking and endless Thank Yous. He is soooo sweet!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone else noticed that the nail polish is gone? It's a good idea to let the nails breathe a little anyway.

Anonymous said...

@chezza-cherbet/brit fan :D xx/July 10, 4:04 PM:

I hope you come back to this thread because I am the one who has to THANK YOU - because somehow, and I'm not sure how :), I have actually never seen that video you posted the link for (The Many Faces Of Adam Lambert - Lip Licking and Endless Thank Yous (I Just Love You). Man oh man, it stirs up some lovely, sweet feelings... and then of course also those lawdy-that-mouth-was-made-for... feelings (and isn't that dichotomy exactly why, in part, we like AL so much?!).

Also, I just had to tell you that the "adam lambert beth sparkling" video is one of my favs too... by that point in American Idol Season 8, I was already so (so so so) far gone beyond the point of no return in my Adam Lambert fandom - but that moment really really pushed me over the edge (eyebrow lift and all :)!).


Anonymous said...

Oh, and glitzylady @ July 10 2:43PM -
yeah, you work on that tough assignment of "scientific analysis" and get back to us on that! Ha Ha Ha.

Gosh, I can't believe you saw WLL Fantasy Springs live. Did you grasp what you were watching at the time of it? Sincerely asking! I am still partial to that FS rendition myself (so organic).


Anonymous said...

to: Poland Loves Adam

Where are you baby?? Talk to me!! Last night sweet Adam gave us a new amazing vocal at the very end of our «Aftermath». Have you checked it out already? Sooooooo good, soooooo sweet that I forgave him the missing shot of WLL...

Now, let me check this some «hot link» you guys have been talking about, before I melt down of curiosity...

glitzylady said...


Yes, thought I would monitor heart rate, respiration rate (or lack thereof), and a few other reactions in order to determine my "favorite"...could take a considerable amount of time...

And, to answer your question about Fantasy Springs WLL:

First of all, I was so in awe of just BEING there, in "THE PRESENCE", that it was very hard to take it all in...any of it....and because my seat was at row 23 on the floor, couldn't see well except for on the big screens on either side of the stage, with the long distance view of Adam and the band. When he launched into WLL it was a little confusing at first, people were of course expecting his Idol version....Just my impression at the time....I really didn't know where he was going with it, but knew I LIKED it...a lot! When I got home, I watched it on YouTube (like most here) and realized that it was truly epic and definitive, and honestly took my Adam fandom to an entirely new level, if that was possible!!! It was so spontaneous and yet at the "master-class" level of virtuosity in singing and performance , and I still get "lost" in that moment of time EVERY single time I hear it (and see it). Just possibly the most sensual, sexy, intimate, and as you say "organic' experience one could have without progressing to the "real" thing, so to asked...So to actually ANSWER your original question (got sidetracked... easy to do) I probably did not truly "perceive" the whole experience until after I got home....But am so glad I had the opportunity to be there, only found out the night before tickets went on sale (it was posted on 24/7 by the way-my eternal gratitude to this website) and had to make a snap decision to go, since it involved traveling some distance etc...So worth it, to be there for Adam's first official headlining concert...Sorry to go on and on, but as I said, Adam does inspire me....I do find myself comparing the other versions of WLL to the FS one, and just love his ability to make it similar but new again, and also to his fantastic band for being so attuned to his lead. I suppose a simple "yes" or "no" would have been enough, but guess that's not "me"..... :-)

Anonymous said...

I will NOT be holding a camera when I see Adam live. My hands will not be working. All the blood in my body will leave my extremeties and pool up in my heart and most primal senses will be on high alert...I will be one big receptor, absorbing Adam, my brain will stop not be capable of thought, only seeing/hearing...I will only be capable of the most raw emotions. I will try not to hold my breath for an hour.

It will truly be a religious experience. I may die. Can't wait!!


- Adam Fix

glitzylady said...

@Adam Fix 10:59 pm

You pretty much summed it rational thought.....eyes glued to Adam....what band and dancers...and breathing IS an issue...just one giant never ending smile from head to toe...I know that sounds impossible now....but you'll see.....

I'll keep my eyes peeled for your cold (well, probably HOT) dead body on the floor at Sodo and report back to 24/7 that you died an ecstatically happy woman...I expect that you will do the same for me if you survive by some miracle and I don't....

Only 10 days.....soon to be 9...

Anonymous said...

Please have them put on my death certificat: "Death by Adam".

Thank you.

- Adam Fix :)

glitzylady said...

@Adam Fix 11:22 pm

I promise ......

It's possible they'll have to add that as a permanent category of "Cause of Death" for many years to come.....

You're welcome.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous 4:36PM

Anonymous said...

That is a really strange statement to put on this site.....and obviously 99.9% of us here son't agree with you.

I asked a couple of male friends last night why they all think its hot to see women kissing women, but think its disgusting to see men kissing men, they couldn't really give an answer apart from its gross and not natural, which means it natural for women!!!

HK fan

Anonymous said...

HK fan, 6:15. That's a lame answer from your guy friends. Just lame. But thanks for doing the investigative reporting for us (ha, ha!). :)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Where is Adam and crew, I haven't heard anything about them for 2 days.I know he didn't have a concert last night, I was wondering if it was a 2 day ride on the bus this time. Usually we hear something. He hasn't tweeted on the Official Adam Site either. Anyone know anything?

Anonymous said...

:o He's not wearing NAIL POLISH!