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"IF I HAD YOU" stays at #1 on VH1 Video Countdown!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, July 10, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, July 10, 2010

2 weeks in a row at #1! Good job everyone!

But keep voting for next week!



Anonymous said...

Congrats Adam and TY to E1 who voted to keep Adam where he belongs. #1

Shirley said...

Good mornign everyone. What a great news to wake up to. Is there any performances from last night?

Anonymous said...

Yay! add another one to Adam's accolades!!!


We'll do it again next week!

Anonymous said...

So great!

Watched last hour of Countdown w/ the family during Sunday brunch sort of thing - but I knew the results already from the 3-5am EST broadcast - but teased them the whole time that AL didn't even make the Top 20 :)... cheers of joy and flying utensils when kids saw IIHY was #1 funny!

And sort of a goofy, but heartfelt, shout-out to tess4ADAM and Fan4Fun who I know voted a ton this past week - a personal thanks guys because I didn't have as much time to vote this past week as I usually like to - but I didn't freak myself out about it because I knew from some of your comments that you guys were voting so much - so thanks!!


Anonymous said...

@ Shirley
Good morning to you too, Shirley (although here in Azores it's now 5:30PM). What should I do, fellow, you please tell me (?). I've already named sweet Adam former «my Golden Boy» up to my «Diamond Boy» since last week. What more can I do besides opening another bottle of good french champaign??? And you all, fellows and new visitors, meet my Diamond Boy, Mr. «sweet» Adam Lambert, will you???

GlammyLadybug said...

Good! Let's keep him on top! :)

glitzylady said...

It's fabulous indeed that Adam is back up there on top (VH1......)

And its just so sweet to know that entire families, from the little ones up to the grandparents (in my family anyway) are such supportive fans of Adam...I really can't think of that many artists who have such a diverse and wildly enthusiastic (flying utensils.....) fan-base as Adam. My granddaughters are big Adam fans and like Adam Fix's son and MGF's kids (previous thread), love to crank up Adam tunes in the car and my son is happy to oblige (heck, his 30th birthday present this year is a GlamNation concert...). Pretty sure my almost 11 year old granddaughter has a little crush on Adam (kinda like her the family gleefully likes to point out...she has that same goofy smile on her face while watching Adam things with me). Rather off topic again but just another example of the "extended- Glamily" concept.

And thanks to all for voting-you're all awesome! And no wonder Adam mentioned his fans as an inspiration for his new infinity tattoo...

Anonymous said...

Hi Glamberts WORLDWIDE!! Well ... WE did it again! ADAM is once more #1 & if I have anything to say about it will stay there as long as my computer holds up! I have so much fun VOTING & commenting here at 24/7 .. kinda makes my day. If you get a chance go to: Idol of the month .. & VOTE for ADAM ... he is still #5 & you can only VOTE every 20 min. .. so if you feel like it .. throw a couple or more his way. Hate seeing Castro, Bowersox, Cook & Hicks ahead of ADAM or anyone else for that matter. Well ... back to my VOTING! Thanx ADAM fans! Peace, Love & Light


GlammyLadybug said...

@ Shirley and all

For videos from Cleveland last night check out these channels on You Tube:

for now..

Anonymous said...

@ MassGlamFan

Yes baby, you know you can count on me! If you get no time,.. just live it to my nonsense love for you know «SWEET WHO»!!!!
And you all, fellows... LET'S VOTE!!! AND LET'S VOTE AGAIN! (Glamshit! Where is GINA????)

LIVA said...


Anonymous said...

I'm having trouble posting to this site so I hope you all get this.

I've been doing a ton of voting and am so happy that Adam stayed on top this week. It's always fun to wait up on Fri. night to see the results. I was afraid that Gaga would beat him this week.

Here's a great article about Adam. It talks about him running the guard away from the stage. Also explains our obsessive attraction to him. haha

Anonymous said...

I'm a bit concerned that the lady who run Adam Lamberts Facebook is also a Gaga fan. She has started to show it off. I mean think, if Adam Lambert fan would run a Lady Gaga fansite. That would be hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Hey fans, me again, speaking of Gaga... I love me some Gaga, but I do feel compelled to say, lest you think I'm a terribly lax mother, that I do not let my kids watch the Alejandro video. I am, as a lot of you can probably tell, pretty forward thinking, but I do draw a line of course... not passing judgement on anybody else, just talking about my house, and for my house and my family, Alejandro video is too sexually provocative for my kids (nothing to do with sexual orientation!). And quite honestly, I didn't let the kids listen to FYE single and Fever for a while (again, with Fever, nothing to do with "pronoun")... but then I gave them an alternate meaning for both songs, and it was fine. (Even my older child has still not seen the FYE music video... I do have rules in my house, didn't want you guys to think I'm not paying attention to what my kids are consuming :), cuz, to be truthful, AL has some mature content... but isn't that part of why we love him so much, LOL). And actually, shutting off the tv after VH1 Top 20 Countdown #3 played left a lot of suspense with the kids because they had no idea if Alejandro had come in at #2, and my older child figured it had probably come in at it was extra hilarious. Anyway, sorry to ramble - hope the "thread police" aren't going to clip my wings over my "personal" post.

Anonymous said...

Good for you MassGlamFan. You are a good mom as I try to be a good grandmom and only allow certain listening and viewing.

{from a fellow MA fan!)

Anonymous said...

Kids in their tweens and up have an insane amount of access to media. Personally, the GaGa video is interesting to kids because it's shocking to the point of being silly-- nothing really subtle or nuanced and therefore prime for mass appeal. If kids are fans of GaGa or Adam or whoever and are intellectually curious then they have seen all they care to see at school or on youtube or on their friend's iphone.

glitzylady said...

@MGF 12:16

At the risk of being "personal" (we can't help that sometimes..) my granddaughters don't watch everything that comes along, either (at least at my house)...I was somewhat surprised that Gaga did "Alejandro" on Idol..being a "family" show and all....I like her but she can be too much for little people (and some "big" people...) at times. My granddaughters didn't see the AMA performance although they probably would have thought the kiss was either funny or "gross" (ANYONE kissing anyone else is kind of gross in their minds...) And I started to show them the Fever video from Fantasty Springs (because I was there and they wanted to see the concert on youtube) but decided against it because I realized they they looked very confused at the beginning and it WAS pretty campy so we just went to something else (No acoustic WLL either-than one's for ME!!!) Younger kids can like Adam without seeing EVERYTHING!!!! Just smart and loving parenting...Again, your kids are so lucky to have you as a mom...

Anonymous said...

The "Alejandro" music video was great IMO (I LOVED IT) but I wouldn't show it to my children (If i had any) who are below the ages of 15. There's so many sexual contents.

But Gaga is amazing. I think she's breaking so many barriers and she's helping the gay community a lot so I like her for that.

And what do you guys mean about Adam's facebook page being managed by Gaga? 0.0 I'm lost.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys remember to vote once a day for adam at the teen choice awards site! hes up for Male Artist!

Anonymous said...

Im 16! and for me I dont like gagas new video! i see no point in her video!

glitzylady said...

Oh, as to my post at 1:06 pm when I said "they looked confused" at the beginning of FS FEVER, I have a feeling it was more in response to Adam's outfit --the "witchy-indian-hippie" look and the hat and feathers on his shoulders, they just hadn't seen him dressed like that before (they certainly haven't seen any Zodiac shows!! at least as far as I know- you never know in this internet age as anon at 1:03 has realistically stated)!!!

And to anon at 1:11 I love Gaga as well, play her music all the time, second after Adam of (course) . She is truly an interesting artist and a great supporter of gay rights. She works so hard as well, another one who dearly loves her fans....

Anonymous said...

When I started visiting Adam Lambert sites about half a year ago I felt a little bad about not liking Gaga. Now I don't feel bad about it anymore since I realized that when you feel bad about not liking something you don't have to like then you have already been abused.

Anonymous said...

Keep voting this week to keep Adam #1 again. It's never happened before. 3 weeks in a row at #1!!! We can do it. Just double up on the amount of votes you cast last week.

Anonymous said...

Massglam and Glitzylady, you're great moms with good common sense. You can't always control what they see on the outside, but they know your value and that you care. Nice to hear that kids love Adam too and how well you monitor their access. Don't worry about the thread police. It's still all about Adam. Speaking of Adam, Yay to being #1!!! Voting definitely pays off! Will get busy again today! I saw Christina Aguilara's new video and haven't heard anything about her really pushing the envelope. Definitely keep trhat one away from the kids! I love her voice, but I was surprised at how graphic it was. No one should say anymore about Adam's AMA performance after seeing this video. Another arguement against the double standard. funbunn40

Anonymous said...


I never voted for VH1. I guess I should learn but everytime when I click on that link, I get lost...

Anonymous said...

I feel it's like cult and Gaga is more and more like a cultleader whose fans infiltrate to other artists sites and try to convert you.

Anonymous said...

And let's not forget Adam already did collaborate with Gaga. What more do you want? I kind of like the Master Plan, since I am a player..

Anonymous said...

@funbunn40/July 10/2:11 & everyone -
thanks for the encouragement!

And funbunn40 - yeah, Xtina A.'s video trying a little too hard IMHO (and also IMHO exposing a double standard as you mention). But I have to say, I like the album ('though I don't tell my kids that I have it and love it :)...they don't know I have actually downloaded and like Kesha's either...some lyrics you just can't explain away, and kids are too sharp anyway, lol). There was an awesome AL fan vid to Xtina's "Woohoo" by kcinkcity - but it got taken down for copyright infringement I guess. Very "mature" song, but really fun! Anyway, thanks again for the encouragement.

LIVA said...

YAY!!! This is super amazing!

Anonymous said...

Wow - that is so amazing and I don't think it is just fanberts voting a thousand times - that is truly a fun vid and as good as anything out there. Too bad that FYE didn't get this kind of support as I think it is superb and the best expression of Adam's mission to get people to come to terms with sexual freedom.

Anonymous said...

Didn't they show FYE video in the US at all?

Anonymous said...

Okay so this site needs to post this video. It was done by a Nashville radio station and is great about his performance at the Ryman

Shirley said...

"Okay so this site needs to post this video. It was done by a Nashville radio station and is great about his performance at the Ryman"

I think 24/7 posted it already! Here is the link to the thread:

24/7 is fast. They are one of the first to post things Adam. :D

Anonymous said...

HOORAY for IIHY vid!

Gush, gush - for MGF's and Glitzlad's mom/gramma skills!! Etc...

Feelin' the love for all my Glambert friends on 24/7 - what a great group!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

GaGa is shock. Lambert is substance.

Anonymous said...

Hey you doesn't take long to vote 20 times a day filling in all the grids. Don't you have to fill them all in?

I kind of hold my breath from Fridays 'til Saturdays show each week because I want Adam to be #1 so bad.

And I'm so happy he's doing so well.

Anonymous said...

You do NOT have to fill in all the spaces. Just drag IIHU to the #1 spot, and click submit. Clicking Rank 'em Again refreshes the grid, then repeat. I can get in between 10-12 votes per Minute, or approx. 600 per hour, and I vote one to two hours per day (sometimes more if I'm watching a lot of tv)!


Anonymous said...

Come on, everybody!!!! WAKE UP GLAMILY!!!!
Today is Sunday, everybody is plenty of time TO VOTE! Let's give my Diamond Boy the 3rd week, let's vote, let's vote, let's vote!!!!
(Gina, I miss you, talk to us baby, get this job back!)

Anonymous said...

PLEASE!! Whatever you do ... do NOT fill in all 20 grids. That gives a vote to each artist & cancels OUT your vote 19 x ... VOTE ONLY for ADAM #1!! Submit ... click Rank'em again ... re-VOTE ADAM #1 ... submit, etc. REMEMBER ... ONLY ADAM #1!!


Anonymous said...

That is it @ tess4ADAM, it's still Sunday in my area, so... let's vote, let's vote!!! Come on, Glamily, let's shake sweet votes for Adam!

Anonymous said...

adam will be totally joyous if he gets vh1 top 20 for 3 weeks in a row....c'mon...let's go go go......and deliver the votes!!!
