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Adam arrives at the Sunshine Theater!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, August 03, 2010

This picture was taken an hour ago when Adam arrived at the Sunshine Theater, in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Photo Credit


Anonymous said...

Ok, 24/7 we can't see the top part of every first post because of the AD... it's in the way!:( Maybe move it higher & shrink it a bit... just sayin! :))

Or maybe it's just me?... pls. correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks.

Shirley said...

Did you check your browser? Because there's nothing wrong with my page......

Try Firefox..

Oh and Adam looks great! <3

Anonymous said...

Thanks Shirley, I'll try that... oh and thanks for teasing me about how great Adam looks too1 :)))

Shirley said...

You're welcome. Oh if you can't see the pic, here's the link :D

7788 said...

No problem here too. I can see the pic perfectly....

I love that T shirt!

Anonymous said...

Hi Adam, you Beautiful Man..cannot wait for Glam Nation to Hit the UK...sometime soon

no probs for me either,get firefox then you need not have to put up with all the ads also firefox is so much quicker
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Glambrit Isle of Wight UK - the UK tour is confirmed??? Congrats! :) (Not from the UK but I'm happy for all the Glambrits out there!)

Anonymous said...

here are some cool pics of Adam and Citizen Vein that I found googlin YUm! Thanks Valress for these Lovely pics <3


Anonymous said...

Hi anony... 8.24.thanks for your Happiness for UK Glambrits x

Hey UK whats happening....Adam's single WWFM is now at 73 in the charts and falling...its not being played on the radio!!!!!
please help by requesting to radio stations to play Adam's single,
Adam NEEDS to get back to UK in the Autumn and start Strutting his Stuff so more People get to Hear His Beautiful Voice,see his Stunning Looks and Feel his Charming Charisma then Adam can steal there Hearts Forever!
Love That Lambert very Much Indeed
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

thats the 930 club t-shirt i believe from DC. ADAM LAMBERT!! MY MY YOUR so Adorable,,, hey guys does he always travel in a car from state to state?? katie

Anonymous said...

The ad blocks the headline to each thread, and the picture, for me as well. Annoying! Didn't do that b4 the format change. However, if you click the picture, you can view it in a different tab, and the headline is repeated below...before the comments start. I use Internet Explorer. Haven't tried viewing this in Firefox yet...

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

To Katie @ 8:46PM

No Adam travels in a luxury bus from state to state. But this time they stayed in a hotel so they probably rented a car for him to move around... I'm assuming, but the bus thing is a true fact.

Anonymous said...

About that t-shirt. Yep, you can even order your own from 930-club's site

Anonymous said...

The ad always blocks the 1st item on here for me too, so can't read the comments until something new has been posted.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

What has happen to your site? It use to be one of my favorite , but now...not so much.
You have NOTHING NEW on Adam , no new information or videos . You have lost your touch!!
You sold out!

Anonymous said...

i've been thinking the same thing for days now...don't like the new's boring, it does not have that good feeling about it anymore...what a shame, was my favorite place to go.

Anonymous said...

whoa ano 5:36 and 5:44 paitent ..everyday maybe glamorlicious for AL but should every moment of his life be documented and pasted on the net .... I'd love to see it too but geesh give the poor chap a sec to breathe.

Anonymous said...

and btw..this site rocks..its the only place I'll go to find out info on Adam

Anonymous said...

Yep. My header and comments area for the top entry are also blocked now with this new format. I don't like it, but I love this site!

Anonymous said...

I heard that Adam delayed the concert in Vegas because of Cheeks. Since when has Cheeks become a diva? Not very nice behaviour to keep Adam waiting.

Cheril said...

Hey, I like your site. I don't like the ad blocking, but maybe that is my browser. Otherwise, it is straight up easy to navigate. Great job.

Anonymous said...

IF it was true that Adam held up the show a little for Cheeks I think you can cut him some slack. Adam is the most unselfish person around. Always thinking of everyone else. Cheeks maybe was detained at the airport or something. Adam and Cheeks are really good people. You know, sh_t happens! The audience got 110% as always. Cheeks may have had Danielle and other friends with him too so sometimes we have to wait for some members of the glamily. :)

Anonymous said...

I don't want to use Firefox for various reasons, but this new format blocks the title and top of photos for me too (cuts poor Adam's whole head off!!!!!)


Anonymous said...

ano 6:44...didn't say AL was boring...this site has become!

Anonymous said...

This site boring? WTF! This is the best, most up to date blog on Adam! I love it here! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I thought my picture was blocked also but clicked directly on the picture. It enlarged and the ads were gone and I PRINTED A BEAUTIFUL COPY (to add to my collection). He looks rested and happy and ready to thrill the next crowd. How does he do it???? Thanks 24/7. I will be here until you close up shop (like NEVER I hope).

Anonymous said...

OK, 24/7, they are correct about the big add at the top of every post. It is soooo irritating and you always wonder what in the heck is under the add that we are missing. Please see if you can eliminate this and many thanks to you beforehand. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam. Cutie.

- Adam Fix