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Adam Lambert: Lace-Up Crotch!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, August 14, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, August 14, 2010

Adam Lambert packs up the goods and steps out in a pair of black pants with a lace-up crotch on Saturday (August 14) in Montreal, Canada.

The 28-year-old American Idol alum was at Hotel Intercontinental to do some interviews with the media. Adam later hopped in his tour bus and drove over to the Des Montgolfieres festival. He performs tonight at 9PM with opening act Orianthi!

FYI: Adam has worn these pants on tour before.



Anonymous said...

black from head to toe. so hot.

Anonymous said...

Very very hot!

Anonymous said...

BB has sneakers to ride his stationary to keep


Anonymous said...

Been away all day... What a post to come back to... Holy hot hell, I can't even deal

Who had lace duty?? You have some extra work this weekend - must be because Adam Fix, our Velcro manager, is on vaca


glitzylady said...


No problem, its being handled....and I must say, a fine job....all in a days dedication to my job....I don't mind the extra hours....anything for our boy...and nothing dangling this time...

Anonymous said...

luv the hair

Anonymous said...

It seems so odd to see pictures of Adam without throngs of
people around him. BB lookin good!!

Anonymous said...

Whoa all you fans thinking you get the lacing up and unlacing duties. I explained this all to you at great lenght before. Hubby was in the Navy and came home on the weekends. It became my (pant, pant) pleasure to do the unlacing. With very nimble fingers, those 13 laces were taken care of. As newlyweds, when you see one another only on weekends, there are priorities set immediately and nothing "dangled" very long.

Please do not mistake "pant, pant" for pants, although the undoing of them was the priority.

Anonymous said...

Can you, in your wildest dreams, imagine this man walking down the street toward you looking like this. What would you do? Rhetorical question, answers not required.

Maggie Longfellow

Anonymous said...

Only Adam...and his feathers.

Notice picture #6 there is a black feather falling by his forward foot, then in picture #4 you can see the black feather laying on the ground where it fell to! LOL

Anonymous said...

I'd like to untie with my teeth <3

Anonymous said...

Adam is wearing the same pants on the show. Honestly, I cannot see anything special and different in this pants. I had the same pants when I was 24:) Suprise I still remember it:)

Anonymous said...

Seriously,, Delilah5, you can't see anything special about these lace up pants??!! I think maybe it's what's in them!

Anonymous said...

Wow. That ensemble cost a pretty penny. It reeks money. He looks amazing! Love the jacket, the top, the pants...all of it.

9:24 Not the same pants as on the show, but they do both lace up.

There MUST be a zipper hidden there somewhere. I can't imagine he needs to lace and unlace all the time. That would be a hassle...unless he has someone to help him with that. :)

Anonymous said...

9:24 What's special about the that Adam is wearing them...and they accent...
Enough said. :)

Anonymous said...

To 9:38 Yes, he must have good bladder control haha
There have been no shortage of people expressing their willingness to help with the lacing and unlacing ..

Anonymous said...

Sweet Adam is such a beautiful man!

@ Maggie Longfellow
Where have you been? Nice to see you again in 24/7 Paradise!
Good you don't expect to have answers to your supposition, because my answer is as freeze as I would be if I saw him like this walking down the street toward me...

laurelmidnight said...

@Maggie Longfellow - @Laurel Midnight here. Love Adam too and he is sooooo hot in that outfit. In any outfit. In no outfit. I digress...;)

Anonymous said...

Ummmm.....ummmmmm......speechless! can't catch my breath!
"Yea, have been working my (great) ass off for years now and, um, not too tired, feeling great. HOW DOES HE DO IT?????????
Adam is made of something not of this earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I LOVE that he thinks Jersey Shore is not worth watching. BBis SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO smart.

Anonymous said...

Adam all done up in leather....struttin his stuff...and nice stuff it is.......covered from head to toe in the bags.....notice the couple coming up the street in shorts........not our Rock God......he's looking rock n' roll

Anonymous said...

The black feathers seem to be falling out of one of this bags....What's Adam doing in hotel room with black feathers....HMMMMMMMMMMMM..please talk among yourselves

Anonymous said...

needs some pink pantys !

Anonymous said...

Looking gorgeous as always!! Adam u make me wanna faint!! The black outfit, the lacey pants... OMG.. U r sooo HOTT n SEXYY!!!

If only I were there I'd pick up the feather n keep it in a safe place at home! Lol

Anonymous said...

Nope, I can't get tired of looking at those amazing pics, I could do it all they long... sweet Adam, such a natural beautiful young man, his hair again on his face.... whaaaat??? is my singing bird losing a feather? Oh well, he is young, indeed.

Anonymous said...

Lace pants on broad daylight. I'm very shy, I can't look.

Anonymous said...

WOW......I Love this Lambert Look!!! How much Hotter are you gonna get Adam....phew....'s it's those Laceups..thud!..
come on Glamsistas..Glamboys...
join the queue for Lace Duty...Glambulge...toot toot..
...Well thats my dreams taken care of for tonight...and more STUNNING HOT BEAUTIFUL PICS OF DELICIOUS ADAM for my Adam Gallery........
as Adam Fix would say.....its Death by Adam
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

@ Glambrit IOWUK
Hi there, toot toot fellow, I didn't have yet the chance of telling you how happy I am for you, since you made sure you are not alone (with our fellow Cheesa) in UK loving so much our sweet Adam. I feel your pain, baby, I'm totally alone here in Azores...I could watch only one of those 2 UK videos, the 2nd one was blocked by sony music rights (WTgF?). Icon is glad too for your happyness and send you his special glamCATlicks (he completed 4 months old on last friday, August 13th and he's soooo big, also is big his tongue and «glamcatbugle»). Ha!
Let's be positive... There is a thin, an aneurethic possibility for me to join you when/if sweet Adam goes to UK for a show this autumn. May I take Icon with me??? Will your cats welcome him?

Anonymous said...

Hi Gamily, first, he has duplicates and triplicates of all the clothes he wears on stage during Glam Nation. Those look so new I'm sure they are one of the Duplicates. Second, I'm kinda' enternaining the thought that the lace up may be permanantly sewn onto a velcro patch which is easily opened and put back after dressing. (if this is true, maybe a zipper behind the patch. Huh?) What are your thoughts on this? Like to read some comments.
Please comment.

glitzylady said...

Well, it seems we entertained the thought of the velcro behind the laces as a quick change feature but I opined on an earlier thread that perhaps that might not be completly prudent as under certain circumstances it might not be up to the job....and then all hell would break loose (as in let'er rip!!!) and then things could get mighty the stretchy lace theory is still the one that I stick by, although I could be wrong....maybe he has the "performance" pants and the "interview" pants....with different features...

Anonymous said...

I think there might be a zipper hidden behind the laces. Line forms here to investigate! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

HA!HA! the world is right again!!! Is there or isn't there a zipper? What's behind the zipper? A little Adamcurosity to lighten our days and fill our nights. Pants are hot! the guy is hot! Now where are the interviews, etc. that he did while wearing these pants? Just askin

glitzylady said...

Right behind you....

glitzylady said...

@anon 12:25 pm

What's behind the Zipper????!!!!! Oh you poor thing....let's start at the beginning....Health Class 101....Boys have.......

Anonymous said...

Glitzlady, VERY VERY FUNNY! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@ Glitzylady
At the time as was a little girl in Brazil, nobody had «Health Class 101» whatever it may mean... I discovered by an «accident» WHAT boys have when my neighbour (he 6, me 5) decided to play a «pigmeo» in our back yard... I already knew about «pigmeos» but not about WHAT boys had....LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking I will just ask Adam if there is a zipper behind the lace up front of his pants. Kinda' bold but maybe he would tell us and settle this.. We would have no more fun guessing though. I'm sure after all be Boston Blackies find out the mystry of this they will go on to the next puzzle. Fun, such fun. What did we all do before Adam came into out lives?? I must have been a miserable soul and didn't know it. Can't wait to see him on Sept 18th. Now, if I should die before he gets here I'm sure going to be pissed off!!!!!!!!!! hehe

Anonymous said...

Florida Fan: After September 18, you can stop looking each way before you cross the I know that before Adam came into my life and wrecked it for anything else, I got a lot accomplished during my day. Now it seems I don't care about the dust, the dishes, the laundry, the garden, the vacuum cleaner or anything else. I just take all my Adam frustrations out on my hubby and boy is He ever a happy camper + we eat out a lot. ;~)

I would be willing to bet that the sex lives of Adam's fans worldwide have improved exponentially. We should conduct a survey.

Enjoyed your comments Fan4Fun. Laurel Midnight please don't stop digressing.

Maggie Longfellow

Anonymous said...

My boyfriend got some pubes caught in his zipper one time and he was totally unamused when I giggled. If Adam were to get anything caught in velcro, his Japanese fans would hear him scream. My vote goes to the real laces and Adam's good bladder control.


Anonymous said...

Ah those feathers bring back memories. Hubs was nuzzling my neck at a family gathering and he said "I'll tickle your a$$ with a feather." My very proper southern gentleman dad glared at him and demanded to know what he had said. Hubs smiled and said "We're in for some nasty weather." We both had to leave the room laughing so hard.

DixieLass - not new, just first post

Anonymous said...

MaggieLongfellow, is that what happened to this house? it looks like an exploded Chinese factory.. Just can't dust, nor put things away, nor any of the mundane things of yesteryear!! Go grocery shopping and only get the cold food put away, hell with the boxes and cans. Hot damn! I have to get my breakfast fix, then a Nooner, then an Afternooner, then the evening is here and I bring my food to the computer as not to miss a THING!!! Yes, and I pull all nighters!! THUD for sure on all those last photo's with Adam dressed in black from head to toe!! Wish I could have caught that feather to see if it talked or not!! My lips would be sealed!
MMMmmmm,,,,, I have to run and brush teeth, hope I don't miss anything. I'll be back,,,,

Anonymous said...

Fan4fun: Please enlighten this American who only speaks one language. What's a pigmeo?


Anonymous said...

FloridaFan: You have time to brush your teeth? During the day and not just before bed? Wow, I'm impressed.

Maggie Longfellow

Anonymous said...

@Maggie Longfellow u're absolutely right when u said.. 'bet the sex life of Adam's fans improved.." indeed! I must admit that mine improved to at least 10 times better cuz each time when making out.. my mind is always thinking of Adam n it makes me feel sexier!! Lol

@FloridaFan are u new on this site? I've not visited this site for the last two days n just realize we hv a new member - FloridaFan.. welcome to the club! pardon me if I'm wrong!

Well I'm also like some of u above.. too engrosed reading the comments in here that I sometimes totally forget about doing the house chores.. can't get enuf of Adam!! Don't know if all these obssession for Adam will ever slow down!!

Anyways thanks 24/7 for these HOT posts..

psst.. I noticed that the dark color background is back! whatever happens to the white one? just asking.. I prefer this color tone though... ;)

glitzylady said...

@Florida Fan5:29pm

Had to LOL at the comments re the cold food and the heck with the boxes and cans....we're definitely in the same the world over are probably getting tired of having to sort through the stuff in the shopping bags to find something to eat....that is if there is any food in the house a matter of fact, my hubby took me out to lunch today, mostly as a matter of self-preservation but maybe also as a little "thank-you" for that other little survey question topic that @Maggie Longfellow at 4:42 pm posed....Adam is keeping everybody happy it seems, bless his heart.....we're all winners here....

Anonymous said...

anon 6:10pm, not new fan, just started signing. Ilove 24/7 and can't afford to get behind in the reading and watching. It (24/7) describes a lot of us perfectly! We sit right here on our arse, 24/7 and don't want to miss a thing. If I dared go back through the archives, I would never have a life. (No groceries, cold or boxed.)This is the best site on the internet as far as Adam is concerned. It keeps everyone up to date on Everything! Both Poutine and PoonTang!! Gosh, I need some rest. Sounding gutter mouth. I need to go and look for those last gay bar pictures of Adam and add to my photo album. Makes me wonder if Drake is keeping up with any of this Tour. Guess he is busy also. Later, guys

Anonymous said...

@ Michael
«PIGMEOS» were the very short black people living naked in Africa/Bengala Gulf... I think they are extinct by know, unfortunately. Have you ever read PHANTHOMAS comics? Mr. Walker, Diana, Guran, the dog Capeto???? GURAN was a «pigmeo».

Anonymous said...

Good thread.

So much truth in this thread :)