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Adam Lambert Up Close and Personal ( With Star 101.5)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, August 18, 2010



Anonymous said...

"Uhhhh.....Seattle" lol. never the one to step on anyones toes or be impolite. love you Adam.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yay - Seattle!!! Lovin' your sexy hair, Adam! Thanks for coming to our little town and entertaining us so well - it was a life-changing event for me!

xxoo - Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

OK interview. The interviewers seemed nervous and uncomfortable. Lots of nervous laughter from Adam. Always glad to hear his melodic speaking voice.

Anonymous said...

IS there a way to get the ads at the top of the page off the video? I can't figure it out and the ads obscure the title and part of the video....

Anonymous said...

OK, must agree - the dj's were kinda stiff and lame (I don't listen to this station), and perhaps Adam didn't glitter as much as in other interviews - but damn it, he was in MY town, and I got to breathe the same air as him! That's all I care about. So - yay for Seattle! ;)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

yo! whats up my peeps? missed u all a lot, but missed my boy Adam a zillion! I was on vacation but it was hell, I left my laptop at home and was going crazy of not checking 24/7..WTF am I going to do with no AL? anyways, I got a lot of catching ups to do. I better move fast before its morning....
darn it! it is already 2:00am... F***!

Anonymous said...

great voice, like adam's voice. But yeah it seems he feels uncomfortable. But "the eye liner" jokes makes me smile

Gigi said...

Anonymus 11:30
Don't use Explorer! That's all, with Firefox it works just fine.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back ZZ! Hope the Adam withdrawal wasn't too painful!Who thought that anything could interfere with a vacation, like being deprived of BB! Thought the interviewers were stiff, but maybe they felt intimidated by the glitter and didn't know what to expect from him. I think djs are pleasantly surprised that Adam is so down to earth, normal and eloquent. He's always charming and quick. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

The Interviewers were lifeless, poor Adam tried so hard to inject some life into them and the interview.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

thanks funbunn40...I know! It was painful not getting my reg BB feed.It is a good lesson though, never leave ur laptop behind...I was hoping to give my laptop after that "alcohol-attack"...remember I spilled beer a couple of weeks ago LOL...anyways, glad to be back! FYI, this interview sucks A**, they seem to overdose of massive glamattack *NUmb*


Anonymous said...

(I was hoping to give my laptop a break!.....)
above post...


Anonymous said...

Hey there ZZ. Was just wondering where you were... Didn't know you were on vaca, so thought we may have lost you for good. Glad that's not the case... looking forward to the return of all the great links you always feed us... no pressure 'though LOL. Have fun catching up... BB's been just a dream come true lately.

MassGlamFan (MGF)

Anonymous said...

Once again,Adam so intelligent and eloquent!

Anonymous said...

Interviewers were a bit lame, focused on their questions on the paper and that damm tree wavering in Adam's face in front of the camera, very rude and distracting...did you see him look all over and comment about the native trees? The girl was very low key in asking her questions, not audibly percise enough. keep trying 101.5. Adam you were magnificent as always! realnottooldyet

Anonymous said...

adam lambert is the type og person who could become usa president someday/his attitude is good for running the usa govt. hes also a generous-helpful you adam lambert.

Anonymous said...

I said this when it was posted elsewhere, but I'll say it again, Star 101.5 had no business even interviewing Adam here in Seattle. If you can believe it, they are just getting around to playing any of his music, and they are still stuck back with WWFM when they DO play him. I requested his music way back when his CD first came out and they repeatedly kept him off the air, telling me that they couldn't add him to their list till they had room for him. HUH? I only know they are finally playing him now once in a while because someone else told me they were. After listening to that station for years and years, I will no longer patronize them. I could not believe that they actually got one of the interviews.

Anonymous said...

I think that the interviewers were somewhat starstruck because they were meeting ADAM LAMBERT! That's probably why they seemed a bit stiff. But, in general, I thought that this was a good interview. Nice to hear questions from the room. It always takes one person to start the ball rolling and you can tell that had the interview gone on longer, several other people were ready to make the move and ask their own questions. Adam is so poised and brilliant during these interviews. He realizes that for several listeners not following him daily like we do, this is THEIR chance to hear directly from him.

Glitz and sparkles said...

Yeah I got the impression that these radio people were just "doing a job" and had no interest in the interview or Adam. I wouldn't listen to that station either ... lifeless and ho hum. We have the same type of station(s) here also. So not deserving of an Adam interview.

Anonymous said...

Hey there Glitz and Sparkles - hope you've been well. Kinda been funky here in 24/7-land lately... hope to see you posting more soon.

On-Topic - I know it's all business, I get that, but I have to say that I was so happy to see RI's 92Pro fm get that gig w/ Lambert because they have been quite supportive of him, and have some great DJ's. Of Course, I think it's probably safe to say that they have been supportive of him BECAUSE they had this "working relationship" deal planned with him all along... as opposed to, say, our local Mix 104.1 who seems to not be embracing IIHY, because I think, in part maybe, they were supporting MixFest which didn't feature Lambert (Kris Allen, GooGoo Dolls, Switchfoot, Maroon5) but now that their MixFest is over, I'm hoping to see them start spinning IIHY, cuz it is certainly fitting with their playlist and format... anyway, I know I'm blabbering on about a local/regional thing uninteresting to most, sorry... I guess my point is that I wish it wasn't so much about business and more about listener requests and GOOD TRACKS plain and simple... and I agree with you that it's kind of annoying when a station doesn't enthusiastically embrace the opportunity to interview someone who clearly is special.

MassGlamFan (MGF)

Anonymous said...

They were the worst interviewers I've ever seen. Poor Adam, he still ended up shining though!

Anonymous said...

Yes, the interviewers were stiff, and would likely cause some discomfort in the interviewee. Luckily Adam is so experienced now, and put them at ease. But that takes the fun out of the whole process. They need to lighten up and laugh more.

Anonymous said...

@ MGF, thanks girl!I went to Atlantic city on vacation, Adam-bacy (Adam-celebacy) is head was gonna explode. I am glad I am back. Btw, I'll keep those links comin, just stay tuned, we'll drool together.


Anonymous said...

He is beautiful ..
love to watch his hands where they going xD
