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Adam Lambert's Tempe Concert last night sold out 100%!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, August 2, 2010

Posted at : Monday, August 02, 2010

This is not exactly surprising since Adam's been selling out practically every single show since the "Glam Nation Tour" began.

Here's a review from last night's show:

Marquee Theatre had one of the most interesting crowds it has probably seen in awhile when Adam Lambert and Allison Iraheta came to town last night. The sold-out audience was a mix of glitter-covered cougars, teenage girls and gay men, and the eyeliner was out in full force.

After the 18-year-old Iraheta got everyone warmed up with an energetic set that had her jumping and moving around all over the stage, Glambert played for an hour, squeezing in multiple costume changes that had him donning everything from a giant feather-decorated hat to leather pants to sparkly coats. He may have looked flashy, but he delivered on the vocals, reaching the high notes his theater background has made him famous for.

Here's what some of the audience members Tweeted after the show, and you can bet a lot of people were typing with black fingernail polish on.

@soldiersd2- Adam Lambert rocked the stage.

@s2y34- Adam Lambert was amazing!

@Reilly_P- Adam lambert is sooooooo amazing! What a rockin concert!!!

@OhYesYouDid- Adam Lambert has hypnotised everybody at tonights concert!

@Chris10_D- Best. Night. Ever. I can't believe Reilly and i met Adam Lambert. We're the happiest people on earth right now!

@Twilight_gurl69- Almost home from Adam Lambert concert it was AMAZING! I got Adams autograph


@jmavalos4- Adam Lambert's Concert was the best! To top it off, Allison Iraheta also performed! :)



Shirley said...

So happy for him. :) Can't wiat till he has a bigger tour...

I hope he does big size venues soon. It would be amazing and I'm sure he'll sell out too.

But I heard Rihanna, Beyonce, Christina etc all had to cancel alot of concerts due to low sales in those big stadiums.

Anonymous said...

Grats Adam...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

One of the comments said, Lots of straight boys there as well!!! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Why is gay always brought into it....His voice and entertainment is what counts...100 percent......

Anonymous said...

ADAM himself said on his Twitter party ... 'K ladies u know that I love u but where are all my gays' ... go to the Q&A thread ... that's where I read it. ADAM doesn't shy away from it & neither should we ... it's just another facet of his already AMAZING persona. Just like his VOICE & charisma ... it's a part of ADAM!! Since ADAM is comfortable using the word ... we shouldn't feel UNcomfortable when others do ... (except in a derogatory manner) of course ... that is ... JMO

Anonymous said...

I have been a fan of Adam's for a very long time. The comment on this Blog about Adam being on Ellen, and how Great her web Site was because you could watch Adam over and over again, was mine. I glad it's still here. I was lucky enough to see the concert here in Knoxville Tenn. July 6th. Adam just blew me away. He has a powerful, clear voice that sounds incredible. Seeing him, and hearing him sing is an unforgettable moment in my life. Like I always say - Can't get enough...Adam...

Anonymous said...

Another comment-- A real Treat!! I just got my "For Your Intertainment" Special edition 2 disk set from Amazon, and now I have the videos of "For Yor Entertainment" and What Do You Wan't From Me" plus Adam making the album and the videos. Plus this album has a must have song "Can't Let You Go"- Love it- Adam wrote it , I can tell. It is him expressing himself about a difficult time in his life. I still watch the videos (at the UpRight Cabaret) of him singing "I Can't Make You Love me" Get the 2 disk CD-It's great!