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AdamOfficial: Meet Adam Lambert's Dancers

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, August 9, 2010

Posted at : Monday, August 09, 2010

Check out this great video of Adam's talented dancers from The Glam Nation Tour!


Anonymous said...

Wooow! 1st of all, there are a lot of posts today!:) hello! Ok, not complaining just a bit overwhelmed! Thanks 24/7 for keeping us so informed and updated!

Adam's dancers seemed liked really easy going people... great and lovely people! Above all, they are great dancers too!

Anonymous said...

Hi there, glad to 'officially' meet you all! :))


Anonymous said...

OMG Taylor looks so different! I've only seen him with the onstage makeup or when he's off stage, he's had on hats and big sunglasses. What a little cutie! :)

DC Canadian

Anonymous said...

Can anyone tell me how to stretch the day up to.. say.. 30 hours so I can keep up with our hosts' posting frenzy? :) :| :(

Anonymous said...

Terrance: WOW

Anonymous said...

They're all so nice and talented. This was obviously taped awhile ago before Cam joined the group. This is the first close up of Brooke I've seen. I saw a photo of Adam and Brooke on Adam's Fan facebook taken by Honeychick57GNT, St.Louis, photo #39. The look on Adam's sexy face will evaporate your glitter! The way we would want him to look at us. The most sensuous look I have ever seen on his face. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Awww, this is sweet!

Hi Funbunn40, you have to member of facebook to see stuff on there, but after your description I want to see that photo so much!! Is there any way you can copy and paste it somewhere those of us not on facebook can see?


Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetie!That photo is jaw-dropping,pure sex!Gay or straight, the expression on his face would put viagra out of business! Wish I could get a 6ft. poster of it! I have to go back and look at it again. I got a laptop last fall just to keep up with Adam[I know, how pathetic!]I don't have a clue how to cut, paste or upload. Help glamsistas!I'm very tech. challenged. I have a facebook page and twitter, but I barely know the basics. I hope someone can help us, as I also want to save it. Being so computer illiterate is extremely frustrating. I hadn't even typed since highschool! I'll see what I can find out and maybe 24/7 can help us. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@ Sweetie, Just found the pic of Adam and Brooke again from Adam's fan club pasted on facebook. The look on Tommy's face is also priceless! Any glitterbaby fans will also love the big closeup of him too among the many photos.[41]Help glamsistas and glambros! Y'all need to see this pic! funbunn 40

Anonymous said..., I really want to see the pic too....when you are on the page on your internet browser, just copy whatever the address is in your browser (ex. and type it here when you post a comment...hope that helps !!

Anonymous said...

Thanks anon 4:55pm. I'll see if I can find it.It's 2:45am here[EST]so will try tomorrow. funbunn40