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Adam's Official Fan Club!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, August 21, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, August 21, 2010

Adam tweeted about his new official fan club. If you register now, your account will be free until September 1. After that date and you want to remain in the fanclub, you have to pay $29 per year! Check it out!

"Its finally here!!! My official fan community launches on Monday! Check it out!" - Adam Lambert



Anonymous said...

Cool. I just joined!

Togainu said...

I'm still in high school so I don't have that much money for the fanclub :(

i hate being poor!

Anonymous said...

Just signed up for it.

Anonymous said...

It wont' let me register.....for some reason.

Oh well, I'll try again later.

Jenna Schmoe said...

What crap! $29 minimum/year? Artists don't make enough money with ticket sales, merch, and album sales? I've never heard of anything so ridiculous. This has really taken him down a few pegs in my estimation.

Anonymous said...

I am a member too! Hello sisters of the glam club and brothers too. anon 6:11 try later. I was getting stressed out and finally got in. it is very exact. I have been waiting for this!!I have never been in a fan club so Iam pretty excited (I'm one of Adam's super duper maxed out to the max older fans)and I am here to

Anonymous said...

Dear schmoe, Don't join then, it is just that simple.It cost money to run these things.Do you think paper, stamps,people are free? His fans have been asking for this for awhile.

Anonymous said...

What do we join for? what are the perks?

Anonymous said...

There is an option for $10 also. $29 is not that much you would be surprised how much money it takes to keep a website like that going. :)

Anonymous said...

I JOINED <33333333

29 dollars or 100 dollars a year is WORTH IT FOR ADAM. (I hope the money is going to Adam)

Anonymous said...

anon6:35 at the end of the article it says to click here to learn more about the fan club. It sounds pretty neat.

Anonymous said...

Fan clubs are for fans who want to interact with eachother and the artist. You don't HAVE to join. And you shouldn't take it on adam. He had nothing to do with it!!!!
Don't BITCH!!!! I hate all the whinings!!! Get a life!!!
I joined cuz I WANT to.
Some of you feel that you HAVE to comment on everything, you don't!!!
Leave and let leave!!!

LUCA said...

I'm on the fence about this. On one hand, I want to support Adam but on the other hand, I'm unemployed lol so 29 dollars a year just to be in the fanclub is kind of "unattractive" for me. Unless there's gifts etc.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i signed up !!!! for adam i can pay whatever he wants !!!!

Anonymous said...

websites like this can be free. charging is tacky. and especially the meet and greet passes...

Anonymous said...

It sounds like more than just a web site to me. Are all other fan clubs free?

Anonymous said...

I have never been a fan of anyone before, until Adam came along. I don't know if charging for a fan site is the norm. I think I am going to stick with 24/7 and twitter for updates and news. I would have paid big bucks for the Meet and Greet, but too late for that. I am not certain how I feel about paying to join a fan site. I buy the albums. I pay to fly to go to the concerts in other cities. And now I have to pay MORE to be on the fan site. I need to digest this a little more...but I tend to agree that charging is a litte tacky and it does not allow everyone to be a member. It makes it preferencial to those who have the money...and excludes those who love Adam but may not be able to afford it. I can afford it. But I don't know that I like the exclusion of those fans who love him, but they may not have $9 or $29. There are those, especially during the US economy - and in other countries around the world - that need to pay bills and put food on the table. People in third world nations for example and people living paycheck to paycheck in the states. Has Adam already forgetten how it feels to get buy living in a studio apartment. I am uncomfortable with this. Again, I CAN afford it, but I am thinking of those who love Adam but can't. Doesn't feel good to me. I need to sleep on this one.

Anonymous said...


I remember reading that Adam is overseeing his new site, so I believe he did have something to do with this decision.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I LOVE IT. Just joined......but I'll seee if I'll renew it on September 1.

Magm65 said...

Love this place! Just joined in.

Anonymous said...

I joined too. And i'm going to pay that 29 dollar. I hope it's worth it! If Adam is overseeing the project then i'm sure it is WORTH IT!

Anonymous said...

There are already lots of great websites (including this one)
that keep us up to date on everything Adam.
I agree that it's tacky to charge.

Anonymous said...


Not seeing any drama here. Just fans discussing about having to pay to join a fan site. Everyone does have a right to their opinion. We're all here because we love Adam. Let's appreciate the diversity of thought that comes from the diversity of Adam's fanbase. Peace.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! What a bunch of morans some of you are!
Do something usefull with your time.
Join if you want yo. Who the F care why?!!?
Some of you are soooo annoying !!!

Anonymous said...

If 100,000 people join, that puts almost 3 million in somebody's ? pocket.

Anonymous said...


3 million is a lot of people working the site and lots of envelopes and stamps! LOL

Anonymous said...

One thing I say is - Adam Lambert fans are passionate - about everything! :)

Anonymous said...

So what about the "other" official Adam web site? ( That was the one you had to be a member of to get the member-only password for early ticket sales. I don't see any info there about the new site. Are they melding the two web sites, does anyone know?

Anonymous said...

I'm a major fan, but won't pay to join the fan club. This is a SAD day, a very SAD day. I will worship Adam from afar and think of his many charitable acts.

Anonymous said...

If 100,000 people join that is alot of stamps, envelopes and manpower.

Anonymous said...

@ anonymous 8:12 PM
Some other fan clubs charge and some do not. I paid $50 to join one and it was a crock. I say try Adam's for at least one year. You will know for sure and you don't have to renew next year if you don't like it. I'm going to pass, but only because I've been able to be his fan just fine without it. If I feel left out, then I will.

No Drama

Anonymous said...

It would wonderful if some of the money paid to join the site went to his favorite charity. Now, THAT I would be willing to pay for!

Adam, do you hear me? Put half the membership money toward your favorite charity!

Just an idea. :)

100,000 paid members would be 1.5 million for the arts in classrooms. Not too shabby.

Anonymous said...

who knows that Adam is doing this so he can donate the money he'll get from us ? think about it !!

Anonymous said...

If he was donating the money, or even part of it, I would join in a heartbeat.

Anonymous said...

I'm passing because of the popularity contest it's promoting. So junior high school. thpfft

Anonymous said...

With the age of the internet, there is virtually nothing to be missed by not joining a fan club. Adam has been on the move since American Idol and I doubt anyone has missed any news, photos, videos etc. etc. There are so many websites out there dedicated to Adam. This fan club is for fun, it is expensive to maintain and have any kind of organization run smoothly. Join or not join, it's up to you, but I can't imagine anyone missing anything that amazing if they CHOOSE not to join. Remember it's "For Your Entertainment".

Anonymous said...

Why are words in my post in green???? what did I do, not intentional!!

Anonymous said...

Cant believe no one has mentioned the hot picture of Adam with that hat and incredibly gorgeous suit coat! WOW!!!!!!! I will be joining tomorrow. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

So, is the site like an Adam version of MySpace or Facebook - but just for Adam fans? People can put up profiles and friend each other???

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:18, you didnt do it! It just happens from time to time! Adamluv

Anonymous said...


24/7 is looking to make a little money too. :) Those underlined words come up automatic. If you put your mouse over it, ads come up.

Anonymous said...

I mean your pointer, not your mouse. ha.

Anonymous said...

I joined - just to check it out....will see...I barely have time to keep up with THIS site!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Thank god i work in Marie Clair .. that mean i will get the vip membership ^_^

peace ~

Anonymous said...

GREED is not SEXY! I am a disappointed fan.

Anonymous said...

In the age of internet, why do we need envelopes and stamps?

Anonymous said...

OT but heard Adam do a promo today for Mon. Aug. 30th saying he will be on NPR (National Public Radio) All Things Considered. Does anyone know what this is? That is all he said. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Neither is entitlement 'though. It's a business folks, I don't hold that against Adam one bit.

Anonymous said...


To send the money to the bank? LOL

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with 8:26 some of these comments are oscar material 8:20,8:41 Please step forward Just me appreciating diversity. If 100,000 people join that is alot of stamps, envelopes manpower ect. This site is becoming such a downer for me lately. But I also see all the hard work the people on this site do too.

Anonymous said...

I just want to let everyone know that I am starting my own fansite and I will be charging $9 and $24! Just in case you are interested. :) I am thinking of retiring early. LOL

LILY said...


This is a good price for a fanclub!!!

I remember my friend joined Clay Aiken's fanclub and it costed her about 200 dollars.

I heard Britney Spears's fanclub also charge A LOT!!!!

This is actually lower than the standard fan club!!!!

Correct me if I am wrong.

Anonymous said...

29$ is a fair price. The T-shirt alone costs 20$. I don't know why people are complaining. If you can't afford 29, get the 9$one, and if you can't then just don't join the fun club. I wish I could afford the $175 VIP package, it includes M&G's and photos and much more...Darn it! Anyways, I joined the Glam one (29$). See you all who joined there..
I am lovin every minute of this fandom!WTF

Anonymous said...


Really? $200? Well, that certainly puts things in perspective. That for sharing the information.

Anonymous said...

I already joined. I would not expect to join a fan club site for free unless all the site was offering was news and merchandise and some notifications. Adams members will receive a full package upon joining as well as a lot of perks, including items such as (CDs or DVDs) that people cannot get elsewhere. Members also receive a 10% discount on merchandise. If all you are looking for is news, don't join as you can get the news here. I don't see the membership fee as being tacky because it is a business and you cannot run a business without money. Adam does a lot for his fans, especially making sure they get a great show when he performs. I am certain he will make sure his fan club offers a lot to his fans as well. I checked the VIP package and they are all sold out already. I will still visit 24/7 - it is a great site for Adam news. Thanks 24/7.

LIVA said...

LOL I was just on Adamofficial and people are bitching about the price too. They say they're staying on Adamofficial (which is a crappy website)...

I don't care what people say though. I'M PAYING TO JOIN ADAM'S OFFICIAL FANCLUB!!!

Anonymous said...


I have arrived to recieve my Oscar. :) Can you please put it in an envelope with lots of stamps and sent it to me?

Note: All is said in humor. :)

Anonymous said...

LIVA - yes, I'm from AO too and a lot of pissed off young girls there......

But I am also paying as I am an adult with a job and I can afford Adam's entertainment heh

Anonymous said...

Adamofficial members are going hysterical over this...

In a bad way...

Many are pissed off..

This is supposed to be good news! What is wrong with some people? Fan Club is GREAT NEWS.

Anonymous said...

I just joined, when do you think my tee shirt and membership card will arrive on the internet.

glitzylady said...

It's my understanding that many Fan Clubs have a membership fee....and it may pay for itself with special offers, who knows...I did the same thing as Adam Fix, joined and will see how it works out...if nothing else for $29 you get a T-shirt....I can live with that!!!! Was too late for the VIP thing: Darn!!! (went to a movie...perfect timing...but have a friend who will be meeting Adam tho...SO exciting for her!!!) And I have tickets to two of the shows so was all flustered until I went to the website and saw they were already sold out... I'm not jumping to conclusions about this being about "greed" either.... He has been very generous to his fans up to this point and I don't see this as being some big change in that philosophy....I would guess that there will be some contests, some giveaways, more meet-and-greets, more merchandise at a discount perhaps, that will all need to be funded and we might benefit from these things from time to time...For $10 you can join without the T-shirt...or choose not to join at all....whatever works for each person...I spend more than that on my lattes per week (hey, I'm from the Seattle area...the land of coffee..)!!!...But then I feel fortunate to be able to do that as I know not everyone can afford that....That is the only unfortunate thing about this fan club...And I think Adam is probably pretty excited about this and I want to support him in his endeavor....It takes money to run a business and this is a business after all....Not being critical of anyone for their opinions and concerns expressed but those are just my personal thoughts...And I also must admit that I haven't been in a "fan club" since I was about 10 years old, and I'm not even saying who that was for...because I'm WELL past 10!!!!

Anonymous said...


They will send you a link and you get to print them both out. LOL!

LILY said...

We print the TEE out??? how does that work??

Anonymous said...

How do you sign up? I have been trying to get to check out for 45 min.

Anonymous said...

From what I gather this fan club is for ACTIVE members who can attend LIVE shows .. M&G's .. etc. I will continue to support ADAM the way I have been ... albums .. donorschoose ... merchandise .. and voting on ALL the polls & countdowns. It wouldn't make any sense for me to JOIN ... can't be too ACTIVE anymore ... got the membership fee ... but that's about it. I'll still keep coming here for all my ADAM info .. 24/7 .. Love & Light


Anonymous said...

Anon 9:45

I agree with you 100%. There is a certain level of entitlement that runs through this site on occasion. Also, it seems as though many of Adam's fans feel they should get something for nothing. A lot of energy and man hours goes into fan clubs; work done by humans that deserved to get paid.

Anonymous said...

I agree too. I think people nowadays expect everything to be free.

29 dollars per year isn't much when you think about it. Other stars charge WAY more.

Anonymous said...

I joined this morning. Looking forward to the exclusive photos, song lyrics, etc. I am on another fan site and I favorited a picture for my page. A few days later it disappeared and it is on the Adam Official Fan Connection. The most beautiful photo of him I've ever seen, but was taken from YT because it is to be exclusively on AOFC. It does take a lot of $$ to run a true fan club. Someone has to moderate, answer fan mail and requests, send purchases by FEDX or UPS or PO. Oh and by the way, the reason you can't get to the checkout is because there are soooooo many in front of you. This is a good thing and worth the $29, or I'll eat my hat. Have you ever seen anything Adam has been connected with done shabbily? If you've joined, you'll see me there as:


Anonymous said...

Those of us who believe in capatalism are for this. You others are out for a free ride. Get over it and dig into your change jar and give some out of work people a job. Stop's annoying.

GlammyLadybug said...

While in doubt... just search for more information...
After a EXTREMELY quick seach...

-Team Jonas Premium Membership $34.99 Team Jonas Community Membership $29.99
-The Ultimate Miley Party $29.95 (isn't that mainly for tweens and teens ?!!)
-AeroForceOne (AEROSMITH) All-Access Level 2010 $39.99
-Michael Bubble PREMIERE $64.99 MUSIC $42.99 FAN’S C. $29.99
Do more search yourself!

NOW I can tell you..


If you are so..into it you could pay $9 per year!
You might quit smoking/drinking/junk food for many days..?
Do yourself a favour.. :)


P.S.Could you all please send this message further to the rest of .. not informed enough (to avoid adjectives!).. people?

Anonymous said...

Of course, I meant.. Shut Up!

Anonymous said...

I joined and even got a VIP ticket. I do see from above comments that other pop types charge, so guess Adam is doing the typical. Hope this site works better than AdamOfficial, but first efforts were not too good. Probably getting the bugs out. It is expensive to hire the right site managers and support to do the job right and keep the system running.

Adam's mom is involved with this, isn't she? I never thought I would have an opportunity to meet Adam or get a picture with him. Now, through this site (and a little money), I will be able to do this. Have to decide your priorities.

Glitz and Sparkles said...

monku monku monku!!!

GlammyLadybug thanks for the research. I knew some fan clubs were pricey and this is the first time I have joined a fan club. It's a choice people, nothing new or strange...and it's NOT a GREED thing either...enough said.

Anonymous said...

Wow, got my VIP ticket yesterday evening. Had some trouble and actually had to do two registers to get system to work. I am so glad I kept trying because I now see they are entirely sold out!!! So excited to actually meet Adam upclose and personal. He continues to be such an inspiration for me and reconnected me back to my music loving 1970's. Now to go shopping for something special to wear.

Anonymous said...

paying to meet him is tacky.

Anonymous said...

Join or not join based on your personal situation and leave it at that. But to call Adam greedy is ridiculous—blaming Adam Lambert for your money problems is ridiculous. When people make ridiculous statements about how much something costs I see it as a personal problem. Adam’s label, band, dancers, stylists, managers and even his kid brother get paid out of Adam’s pocket. The more resources he has—the more likely he can sustain his current trajectory.

Anonymous said...

I agree with anon 6:18 am

Paying to meet him would make me feel like a sucker, especially when so many meet him, hug him, kiss him for free.

Anonymous said...


I am one of those liberal, over-educated, dweebs that listens to a lot of NPR. Hillary Clinton or Bill Gates could easily appear on this show. All Things Considered is probably one of NPRs’ most popular current events type talks shows. Expect some extremely intelligent interviewing. Find your the local public station for the right time.

Anonymous said...

@ August 21, 2010 10:25 PM

You made me laugh with your comment.
I can see you now, walking around in your virtual T-shirt and flashing your virtual membership card! ha ha

I am not one to tell someone what they should or should not do, but if they continue to run adamofficial simultaneously or even offer a free tier to the fan club site that should keep most people happy most of the time.

I say "most", because, it doesn't matter what someone has to offer, there is always someone not satisfied with what they are getting, even if it is free, now that's the SAD part to me.

Anonymous said...

Glamberts .. I'm from the middle east can i join the fun club ?
i want to get the VIP membership but of course i can't meet adam ='(

Ʀơɱαntic Cutiε ~

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

People, I have to pay almost $100 US dollar per month just to get the local TV station an basic internet service in Canada. Computer analysts charges $150/hr to run and maintain and dedug programs in this industry. You only get crap when its free or you'll get tonnes of commercial before you can even see Adam's picture. The people running this site, I do admire their dedication to Adam and Thanks to them. You need skills, time and money to run a site like this. I hope 24/7 get enough support from the acts.

Anonymous said...

And for any liberals complaining about the membership you contribute to NPR?

Anonymous said...

@ GlammyLadybug August 22 1:13AM - Interesting research. Thanks for posting. And btw, I finally tore myself away from the Hampton Beach Fever kiss gif last night long enough to reply to your story post on the "Eric and Erica" thread.

@Adamluv August 22 6:42AM - some might say that an avid NPR listener wasn't the sort of person who would generally get a "You rock my world" comment thrown at them... but... You rock my world! An ardent NPR listener and Adam Lambert fan all in one - why not :) - just another form of diversity I find scrumptious.


Anonymous said...

folks, there's a $10 and a $30 option and AO is still active and FREE.... this is extremely reasonable compared to some other artists. i agree w/ whoever above talking about the whining... it's got to stop.

Anonymous said...

Never joined a fanclub before but for Adam I did. Personally, not sure what I will get out of it. I know I get a tee shirt. I am not a person to blog with people that much so maybe this will be the start of something new for me. Just hope the money goes to Adam and not the management company. Nobody is being forced to do anything so chill out people and remember this is for our boy.

Anonymous said...

recently went to a Melissa Ethridge concert and my husband inquired about VIP stickers some people had on -- they were for a similar type of M&G- her concert tickets were $100 each and the M&G VIP events are hundreds of $. this is very reasonable and as someone said, Adam has a lot of mouths to feed (band, dancers, tour help, etc).

GlammyLadybug said...

I’m sorry, it seems I still have things to say :-)...

I didn’t join Adam’s fan club.. yet (or any fan club before) and I never posted on other sites.. other than 24/7. I don’t like big gatherings and prefer more intimate settings. The hundreds of comments on those other sites are to much for me to handle. This is a nice ‘place’ to come after/before a busy day and exchange some ideas with the people I ‘befriended’ here. Or just 'sit' and 'listen' :-). You know.. a sort of ‘Cheers’.. several characters who make fools out of themselves (or not) on regular basis, myself included, and some guests with one or more lines..:-)

Anyway, for me it’s not like one would pay for meeting Adam or anything. You can read for yourself about the advantages that come with the membership, can’t you? Discounts and all..
But most of all I think it’s about supporting his name and his career and meeting other fans in a place run by his people(family/mom?). I doubt he/his people will make much money (if any) out of that site. Moreover, do you think that people from around the world who have already signed up there are buying themselves a M&G pass? They may never see Adam in person! Are they suckers? Don’t think so.

Something else.. Over the last couple of months I’ve watched the efforts of the UK fans and I was amazed by their commitment to make Adam known there and to move him up in the UK charts. Several ladies bought hundreds of singles and sent them as gifts to other fans from everywhere in the world!!!
I didn’t ask for a copy or anything but I wanted to support them somehow and show them my appreciation.
In my book, THAT is a REAL fan work! I respect them.. and their extremism.. :-) They deserve to meet Adam much more than some of us here.

Enough said!

glitzylady said...

In reading the comments that have shown up since my original post last night (right after I joined) I can honestly say that I would have gladly paid that $175 to do a meet and greet with Adam had there been any of those VIP memberships left when I found out about it....Some have said that is "tacky" but if we are truly honest, there are a huge percentage who would pay that and more to have a few minutes with Adam....The only way it will probably ever happen for me anyway...My friend who was successful in getting one of those meet and greet tickets is still in absolute happy shock that she will be able to meet him as that has been her dream, and I seriously doubt that she is quibbling about having to pay for the opportunity...As others have said every other successful artist out there does the same thing as near as I can tell, and we need to realize and be thankful that Adam is reaching that status as well...The small amount that is being charged for the truly official fan club probably covers just the expenses of administering it and there will be other perks along the way no doubt...Sounds reasonable to me....I would hope Adam isn't listening to all of the negativity expressed on the different sites, he is working his sexy a** off for his fans and is so supportive of us, he really doesn't deserve that BS....Okay, will stop being crabby now.....

Glitz and Sparkles said...

Membership has its privileges
Rewards, points, upgrades, specials....etc.

Isn't this the world we live in?

fyi monku = gripe

Anonymous said...

I really do not appreciate the insults regarding buying a VIP pass for a meet and greet. For a long time Adam has gratiously given his time in meeting many many people, giving hugs, basically whatever they wanted within reason. He has never complained even when he had literally hundreds of people waiting. He is always nice and accomodating.

Apparently his management has decided to limit these M&Gs as they're probably tiring when giving 5-6 concerts a week and spending your life on a bus. I'm spending my money to do what I want to do. I'm not rich and have never been a groupie of anyone in my entire life. Adam struck that cord with me like he did with so many of you. My dream is to meet him even if it's just for a minute and even if it's bought and paid for.

What he has brought to my life is priceless. So if I can add to his tresure chest, I'm there. Thanks Adam for this opportunity.

I love this website, but if this type of negative discussion continues, I am leaving. Not that anyone cares lol. For you people who are being critical, just take a moment and reflect on Adam and how much he and his music and being a fan mean to you. Just saying--

Anonymous said...

Well said G Lady Adam does not deserve this at all we the FANS ask him for it then the FANS say this why!!!!!!! PPL please STOP!!!!!!!!

glitzylady said...

From one of those "Characters who make fools of themselves on a regular basis" on this site...So true!!! LOL!!!

I agree with GLb above, the fan club is really about supporting Adam, and the opportunities for the Meet and Greets, while a great thing, went to a relative( lucky) few, and certainly not the main reason for joining...Much of Adam's success (other than his amazing talent of course) has come as a result of his super supportive fans buying up those CD's, sharing with their family and friends (I didn't buy hundreds, but at least 10..), defending him in the face of the criticism and crap that has happened in the last year, admitting to friends and family (slightly embarrassing..) that I have gone to four concerts, two out of town (way out of town), with three more to go, two also "way out of town" and doing this all in support of Adam because I believe in him as an artist....(Well and I do like to see him in person, preferably up close... :-) ) and those who vote on the different sites until their fingers are numb...Whether we join or not, doesn't really matter, we all have our ways of supporting Adam and will continue to do so.

Anonymous said...

Just wish the site would work correctly plus is so so darn super slow. So happy the site is here but am hoping it will be up and running properly soon.

Anonymous said...

Anon: 6:42, Thanks for answering my question about NPR! And MGF, thanks also. I am so over all the whining and complaining .... Please stop. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Wow again the drama slays me to no end!!!! Let's think about this a minute. I only paid $35.00 to see him in concert..that also included Allison and Orienthi. That to me was the best bargain I have gotten in years. This one year membership for $29.00 or $10.00 option is nothing really. Number one it is my choice. I belonged to an Baseball players fan club once and I paid over $100.00 for that. Now in return I got a certificate saying I was a member(was not impressed with that to much) To me what a fan club is all about is getting to know fans from my area and all over the globe who are as passionate about Adam as I am. Chances to meet him that maybe I would have maybe never gotten other wise. To me it is about connecting with others. I understand about how money is tight for alot of folks out there right now. I would like to have a BMW well; I can't have that too; but I don't blame BMW for that. Adam is in the music industry to earn a living. Fan clubs are a part of that and people have to work very hard to keep up on his comings and goings. We have to respect that. Are you a fan or not? Joining the club doesn't make you a good fan or a bad fan. You can still be a fan. I for one support him buy buying his music,donating to causes he has suggested, etc. I do not do it because gain Adams favor, I do it because I am invested in his message of love and connection on this earth. Let's not turn this into some negative situation. Think about it!

Anonymous said...

6:28 you hit it on the head! Great job and everyone should read that who want to put this mess into perspective!! So why should Adam get his dues. He has worked his **s off for it and earned it.

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing all the whining and complaining are by very young fans and/or fans who do not take Adam's message to heart?

Have you EVER heard Adam whine or complain about anything????

Do we love and adore him and want to be like him??!!!

Is he all about LOVE?!!


Anonymous said...

Well, I jumped in late...and seeing as it is Sunday:
"Do unto others as you'd have done to you!"

Adam does NOTHING BUT his fans, to his art, to his glamily.

Having a "pay for" fan club is standard in the industry. It does not (or should not) change how his fans view him. I for one will join if for not other reason than to "give back" to Adam a small portion of the beauty he hives to me and the world.

I get that some don't have the $$ to join. There are still many free sites (like this one) that are excellent in reporting up to date information, pictures and videos for you to consume.

This is NOT the end of the world people.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I guess I need spell check:
I meant I will join for NO other reason....
and beauty he GIVES to me....
Sorry, typing not to good today!

Anonymous said...

PRS your the best! I can't spell either. Just in the moment I suppose!LOL

Anonymous said...

I have an idea!

Let's all just end this discussion and move on to something more important, like Adam kissing Tommy, kissing the fans, swinging them hips or having a voice that no one can compete with. We can talk about the fact that he exudes love, beauty, tolerance, joy and well,, sex, SEX. :) And all those are things I want to be talking about, thinking about and singing about tonight.
Peace and love --- :)

I'm off to a different thread. Where's the Adam is sexy thread!?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

at anon 8.47 It's the same for me. Never done this kind of stuff in my entire live! But for Adam i also joined. Since I've become a Adam fan things have changed for me. I watched more tv than i did use my pc and now i've become a computerjunky lol hahaha. Hollandfan

Anonymous said...

You know 2:56, I think the discussion is over. There are just a few people who want to express themselves and state their opinion, so let them be. It's all good.

Anonymous said...

Could someone tell me other way to know Adam in person? I'll be in King Center Florida in Sept 17th and I just knew the VIP pass are sold out there, I'll travel from another country and is so sad to me just realize that i had the oportunity of a meet and great with him. If I get to the concert hours before it starts or stay after this ends, Do you think I'll get the opportunity to take a picture with him? I hope he continues signing autographs and taking picture with fans waiting for him like in past concerts.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:26 How many fans do you think have waited in line to see Adam or to get an autograph that didn't get close enough? You are not alone. Please don't ask anyone to tell you if you will get the opportunity to take a picture with him. Why? BECAUSE NO ONE KNOWS! Quit whining and be happy you have the $$ to travel from another country to see his concert. Sheesh

Anonymous said...

AO is a fan "SITE." ALFC is a fan "CLUB." There is a huge difference between the two. How many of you would know about the new fan club if all you had to learn from was magazines? When I was in high school all we had were Movie Magazines. All of my friends were in fan clubs and they all cost to join. It wasn't $10 or $30 but it was in tune with wages at the time. This was when gasoline was 25 cents a gallon, minimum wage was $1.10 an hour, carton of cigaretts was $2.40. The $1 to $1.50 to join was earned in 4 to 6 hours of babysitting. If you wanted it badly enough then, you made it work. You wrote a letter to your star and waited 4 to 6 weeks for a black and white glossy picture with their signature on it.

You are all so spoiled by the instantness of the internet that you get upset, angry or worse when the server it hit with so many wanting to get on the site that it becomes slow or OH HEAVENS NO, crashes.

Get over yourselves. Grow up. Make a decision on your own. Sign up or don't and then for god's sake be quiet.

Anonymous said...

Annon 4:55 pm. Why people in this site is so rude lately? If that person have the money to want to know him, Good for her or him, What is the problem? It seems you are angry because you can't afford it. Please we have to be focus in what is really important the rising career of Adam, this things like the official fanclub page shows this and we will be very happy for him.

Anonymous said...

Nowhere on the Adam Fan site does it say anyone HAS to join--personal choice. Considering that the Glam Nation Tour gives you bang for your buck! Getting a number, T-shirt, and other goodies for $29. Pd $35 for a Tshirt at a concert. Also, believe Adam's Mother very involved in this Fan Club. This has been talked about for some time. I trust that Leila will make certain Adam's fans happy. BTW to coin someone above, it takes dough to run a Fan Club. Also worth the price of admission to connect with other Adam fans. All part of the scheme of things. Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

I do agree that the fangs come out sometimes on this site. Many of us are older. I'm an upper end Boomer, and we tend to speak our minds, especially if we can do so anonymously. I've been guilty of saying things I wouldn't say with my name attached. The one and only thing we all have in common is love for Adam, his music and his future. Any conflict on this site is only counterproductive to those loves. I'm going to try to be more polite in the future, and I hope the rest of you join me. xoxoxoxox

Anonymous said...

To 4:26 You might not be able to meet Adam in person but so happy your are fortunate enough to see his fabulous concert. You will absolutely love it.

Since they are now doing the VIP passes, it is possible that Adam will dispense with his normal M&Gs. If you think about it, it would be unfair for people to pay for something others would get for free. Guess if you hang out after the show, you might be in the right place at the right time. You just never know. Enjoy the show.

Anonymous said...

I'm with the group that's tired of the whining. I don't understand why people think a fan CLUB should be free. Then there's the talk about the teens not having $ -- even very low income teens spend at least $10 A WEEK on soda and fast food.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion I think you guys should sign up even for just the $9.99 one cuz 24/7 or other Adam sites might not be so up to date anymore by Sept. 1... JUST SAYING! Don't say you weren't WARNED.

Anonymous said...

You people whining about paying a fee - are you for real?? Is your little world so insulated that you don't know that this is how it is done with all artists? Or is Adam supposed to be different to not be 'greedy'. Aerosmith (who I am a big fan of, by the way) offers a concert package which includes a Meet and Greet for $1,500. Now that is greed. How can anyone that owns a computer with the expenses that go with it not be able to come with $9.99 a year? I have never been so amazed by what's going on here with these comments in my life. Unbelievable.......

Anonymous said...

I'm almost feeling sorry for Adam right now. I'm a huge fan, but I'm the first to criticize when I think I should. But definitley NOT about this. Like everyone has said above, running a fan club like that costs money. A LOT of other stars have fan clubs that you have to pay to join.
I don't understand why some are saying it is "tacky" to pay to meet Adam. You paid for the m & g before when you bought the concert ticket didn't you? You paid when you bought Adam merchandise didn't you...or did you steal it? You paid for his CD, didn't you - and from what I hear, some paid for SEVERAL copies. I've heard some question the sanity of doing that. I say spend your money as you see fit. For me, personally, AO sucks. The only "perk" I've ever gotten from that website is the password for the concert tickets. Nothing else. This site has advertisements. The entertainment business is just what it is - a business.

Anonymous said...

You think this site is saying bad things go to AO. i feel so SORRY for ADAM i hope he does not read there mass but i no he will sorry Adam i knowit cost to run this club so keep doing what you do, i know you have bills like all of us love you Adam

Anonymous said...

WTF..........not posted for a couple of days and stumble over all this NEGATIVE CRAP...FOR FOX SAKE!!......WHATS GOING ON!!!????...its seriously doing my head in...stop it NOW!!
Nothing is Free these days.....i would have NO problem joining Adams Fan Club once i have worked things out being a UK FAN!!!
if you want to join then great if you don,t want to join then that is your choice but stop bleating on and on and on about it!!!!

@Adamluv.......Gorgeous Pic of Adam...i love that grey suit with all those buttons (to undo) mmmm

@ Adams Fix....i barely have time to keep up with this site!!!!! so True

@Glitzlady....oh come on tell us what fan club you joined wait you were then perhaps keep that to yourself lol agree with your post..Loving Adam is so Easy no need for Negative Vibes

@MGF...i have also been on the Adam & Tommy gif for about the last 3days so good so sexy..toot toot

also a BIG THANKYOU to GlammyLadybug....for your Very kind Words and Support about us UK Fans.....we are doing ALL we can for Adam to MAKE IT IN THE UK
well i will just say as we have not heard from ole Mama & Ole Papa for awhile..not doubt they have been at that Panther Piss again*!?*
but just Ignore Ignore Ignore all the Negative Crap Adam deserves so Much Better
Loving that Lambert Boy very Much Indeed he's so Delicious
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

glitzylady said...


If you decide to come back here, just wanted to say thanks for cutting through the c**p and getting right to the point...

And nope, I will never tell whose fan club I was in...for starters, no one would know who it was, and if they did, they'd know how old I am, and then they'd probably laugh their a**es off, as my taste in men has VASTLY improved over time, thank goodness....I also told everyone this guy was my cousin.....apparently I didn't know that that might be a problem....LOL!!! Of course, come to think of it, the current object of my affection is GAY, so guess I'll never learn....!!!! (You KNOW I'm kidding, Adam could be green with pink polka dots and I'd still love that guy!!! And there'd still be no hope for me!!!)

Anonymous said...

Fan clubs often cost money - good ones are expensive to operate. So join or don't join - it's up to you. Weird how for so long everybody talked about wanting a true fanclub, and now some are complaining about a very small fee.

Anonymous said...

I understand that paying for a fan site is sort of a must. It is a full time job putting it all together on a full time basis.
I have a suggestion though. I am a member of another artists Fan Site and they have a FREE membership. But if you are a paying customer, you do have benefits like first choice for tickets, first choice for smaller concerts and the occassional free fan concert. It's not fair in this economy to rule out people who are fans but who are really struggling. My thought.

Anonymous said...

re Luca.aug 21 7.06
just to be in the fanclub is kind of "unattractive" for me. Unless there's gifts etc. ADAM IS OUR GIFT! HE IS WORTH EVERY DOLLAR

Anonymous said...

It's $9.00 a year! or $29.00 for a Fan Club T-shirt! $175 for a meet and greet. Anyone can afford $9.00 a month.

Anonymous said...

I just read that someone said the $175.00 is all sold out? How does joining a web-site sell-out? I'm debating whether to join, just hope they don't do away with this site or I'll have to join! these prices are for the year, not the month, very cheap