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Amazing Quality of Adam Performing "Sleepwalker" and "WLL" in Lubbock

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Saturday, August 7, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, August 07, 2010

This is from August 4th, in Lubbock, Texas.



This is a very clear version of the performances! The uploader, vids4menu, promises to upload more performances from that night! So check her channel for more later on!


Anonymous said...

This is what we're talking about... clear & full length videos!!! better late than never! Thanks 24/7! :)))

Anonymous said...

Oh YES - that Sleepwalker clip had some very niiiiice moves on Adam's part!

We leave on vacation tomorrow - will check in when I'm able to, but probabaly won't be able to post much.

Have fun in Adam "paradise" (as fan4fun calls 24/7) - I'll miss y'all, Glamily!!!

xxoo - Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I've heard every song he's sung. I've seen every picture on the net and I STILL can't believe how fabulous he is. Good lord, he's spectacular in every way.

Anonymous said...

Isn't he just F'ing precious. WLL rocked. He sure does enjoy screwing around with the crowd. Looked maybe like he was tired, or tipsy, it was hotter than a buck's ass in there and the venue sucked....betcha he just thought WTF I'm just gonna mess with this crowd for fun. And a damn fine job he did at that!

glitzylady said...

@Adam Fix 11:56pm

Have a great vacation....sneak a peak when you get a chance..and remember to resist all attempts at reprogramming....I know you can do it....

@anon at 12:23 am

Isn't that the truth!!! I just got back from a little gathering of "Adam fans" and we literally watched all of the Season 8 Idol performances (Adam's, of course...) one after another for like 5 hours straight, and I was again reminded of how he was head and shoulders above the rest of the group from the beginning. And he just keeps getting better as time goes on...Each performance of the songs on the current tour is different and somehow seems better than the last or at least is just another version of fabulous...Just never tire of listening and watching.....

GlammyLadybug said...

Boys and girls, are you still awake? Maybe here, on this part of the Earth where the Sun is high up in the sky..

So here you are.. Fever - Springfield MO :
There will be more of them soon, for sure.

You, people, are the only ones who I can share my passion with... so thank you all for being here. I'm trying to spread the BB-bug around, to my friends and all and they are interested, indeed, as they've never saw me so excited about a performer (or any human being for that matter :)) before, so much the less have they heard me saying things like "You know what? I'm a FAN. I'm a Glambert". I'm not acting crazy or anything around anybody.. and not talking too much about the Glam World, but there are visible changes in my appearance like being happier, more smiling, wearing more jewelry, more make up... sort of like being in love actually :))

And yes, I also have everything saved on my computer (a special external HDD actually!) and I bought wireless headphone for me to be able to unglue from the computer screen. How sick is that? :)


Anonymous said...

He is so frickin tall!!! Look at the length of them legs! LOL

Anonymous said...

OK, someone couldn't go to sleep... and i'm grateful for that! :)
Go to YouCanCallMeTina's Channel on YT for more videos from Springfield. (


Anonymous said...

Have a great vaca Adam Fix - I'll miss your posts!!!

@GL - you're posts here are a hoot, on so many levels!! You go on with your bad self girl... and you can let all your crazy fly on here when you really need to burst wide open with it!


Anonymous said...

Excellent! Southern people rule, he can let more loose there.

Anonymous said...

Thanks.. for making me look into the dictionary for words like 'hoot' and 'crazy fly'. And I do need a language guide to understand some of your posts. :)) But I enjoy you giving feedback to everyone here.
Outside.. the Glam World.. I'm a hypercritical person and a regular devil's advocate therefore I cannot (completely) let my(bad)self loose in here. I will spoil the good vibrations of this blog and I'll be expelled from the Glitter-Glam Realm. :)
Soo... I'm behaving myself and I'm enjoying the virtual glittered love, joy and passion that you fine folks are so willing to share.


Anonymous said...

To 4:59am - Remark on Remarkable AL. Saw him in Denver and that is one image that vibes every min .... he is SO tall!! Others have said that in blogs but it wasn't completely real until I stood there with my mouth hanging open for about 5 full minutes when he hit the stage at the Paramount. He towers over anybody else on stage, gorgeous broad shoulders, strong thighs, long muscled arms. (Just one of my 10,000 favorite memories of 7-17-2010).

Anonymous said...

The Lubbock TX performance of WLL blows me away (a better video might be the one by bleedingjapanese--clearer sound). I love Adam singing the blues and I think this is an especially touching, pure version. Compare it to the (also wonderful) naughty, campy, playful blues rendition of WLL he gave in Louisville--a concert where he appeared to be especially happy for some reason.

In the Lubbock one, when he stops to say "I'm so ridiculous, I know. So ridiculous" it struck me as sad--not funny at all--like he can't win for losing no matter how hard he tries because he is SO different, so he resorts to making fun of himself ala if ya can't beat em, join em. Then he goes on to sing out the rest of the song in a very raw, serious blues kind of way.

Of course, Adam isn't here to ask (and he never seems to complain)--but he may have taken a series of bad hits coming into this concert. First Longineu decides to leave--someone Adam has always described as being especially in sync with himself. He's got to be feeling the pressure of keeping members of his crew (i.e. Monte, Tommy) away from loved ones for so long at a time. He was blatantly snubbed by the MTV VMA's at the beginning of the week (even noticed by the Washington Post). Adam is a very sophisticated artist; he might not be the bragging type, but inside he knows how much better his WWFM and FYE videos are than those that were nominated, because he has very high standards. He's always said making the videos are his favorite part of what he's been able to do this past year. Then to top it all off, he finds himself in this hell hole of a venue.

He does seem a little drunk (maybe why he messed up words in Sleepwalker)in this performance, which also renders it more raw. It reminded me just a little of his gut wrenching A Change is Gonna Come Zodiac performance. When I saw that astounding video I cried. I saw a very fierce, determined boy--finally drawing a line in the sand to be who he really is, come hell or high water--singing out a lot of rage and pain on that stage. Nobody can sing rage, and especially pain like Adam. Maybe we got a glimpse of his soul in this Lubbock WLL.

Kentucky Fan

glitzylady said...

@Kentucky Fan

Thank you for your insightful comments...Just reading them brought a tear to my eye when you talked about all of the things that have sort of broadsided Adam and his band this past week....He is always so naturally upbeat, humble, positive, and smiling on the outside, but also probably an ability learned from those earlier years of hiding his thoughts and feelings from the world, and from deflecting the derogatory comments aimed at him as a gay man, before, during and after Idol...When you think of it that context, we may see little cracks in that armor from time to time..and makes his performances even more emotional and powerful as a result....His Black or White Idol performance showed a bit of that anger and frustration, when looking back at it, in context with what was going on at that time...(The "pictures" had come out and he was afraid of what would happen to his Idol chances...) When he says "I know I'm ridiculous" I want to say, no, you are one of the most "UN-ridiculous" performers out least in the sense that everything he does as an artist is honest, intelligent, and comes from his heart and beautiful soul, he is true to himself and gives everything he has, each performance, to his fans....I am (impatiently..) waiting for the day when he has an opportunity to really show the rest of the world who he truly is as an artist...Idol was his opportunity to be seen by millions, but there are so many who don't watch it (I only watched the last three seasons, sort of by accident...But OMG am I thankful I did!!)) and the little bits and pieces that the "masses" see of him are not always the best showcases for his talent and still not seen in prime time....Hoping for the Grammy's in some capacity, (s***w the VMA's...) as that would get him some nice exposure and people actually watch that show....And thanks for the reminder of his Zodiac performance of "A Change Is Gonna Come", it truly was amazing and "gut wrenching", almost difficult to watch when you understand the staggering emotions behind it... I would love to be able to tell him in person (wouldn't we all...) just for a few minutes (or hours...), how much I appreciate him for his honesty, his courage, his talent, his hard work, and then give him a big hug, and tell him not to let the turkeys get him down, a favorite saying around our house...

glitzylady said...

@GlammyLadybug 4:41 am

Yes, we are all here to to share all of the love and admiration we have for our man Adam...And don't worry, more than a few of us have gotten into a little "hot water" from time to time regarding some comment or "too much chat" or whatever...and it's a bit of an effort to keep it PG once in awhile (he is just so ...inspiring.... at times....)....and its definitely hard not to share opinions which we might occasionally be challenged have your say, let that "bad self" loose a little bit, and have fun...Most of us have a bad self lurking about in there somewhere., and I have to say its been showing itself a little more in the last year, but in a good way....My attendance at four Adam concerts so far since last July is some outward evidence of that ... not to mention, like you, laughing more , dressing a little more glam, looking GOOD, and then there are two additional concerts to yet attend, one of which is several thousand miles away....This may not be outwardly "bad" or what you were referring to originally, but sure puts me out there for people to wonder what the h**l is wrong with me, and the crazy thing is, I don't really care!!! I have also met some other fans online from another site, who live in my area and we have met up before concerts, at concerts and just for some like-minded Adam conversation which is great....Tried to meet Adam Fix at the Seattle concert, but we know how THAT turned out (the stuff of legends....) but there is always next time...

Anonymous said...

good comments, i feel for adam. the pressures of life on the road, hard under the best of circumstances. yeah he can really sing the blues as noted by kentucky fan, and no one can fake that! now i'm going to revisit "a change is gonna come" from the zodiac. thank you for reminding me of that.

please let us vote at vh1 people, he needs us now! there are many established heavy hitters unloading their stuff there all at once. i know there are lots of great new glam nation concert goodies every night but we can tear ourselves away for some dedicated voting y'all. his video needs our affirmation!!

love, dana

Anonymous said...

Isn't it such a HUGE attraction when a man is so secure in himself that he can supercharge so many of us with his sexuality? Thank You Glammy Ladybug for posting these vids! I am so glad you are all here too. At least I don't feel so alone when going to bed so late when I find it is 3:30 am and I am just getting to bed! Crap, did you stay up all night? You guys are all so amazing here. Thanks Adam you unbelievably sexy beast for bringing us all together!


Anonymous said...

Oh man, there's so much I want to respond to in this thread - a great thread, one which I'm loving (especially GL and glitzylady's comments) but I'll just try to throw one thing out there and let the rest go - the one thing is (and I wasn't going to ever post about my feelings on the matter but this thread sort of went there) about the "I'm so ridiculous..." comment. I obviously have absolutely no idea if we were supposed to attach pathos to that statement or not...but even if we weren't, even if it was just sort of silly and in the moment and not "that deep" :) - I still didn't love hearing it because I completely adore how Lambert's onstage persona is - as he says, basically himself but just amped up... and something that has struck me this last year about that is that I admire that - as opposed to how, for example, Beyonce chose to adopt this "Sasha Fierce" persona when she wanted to explore another side of herself that was more sassy/spicy/saucy/sexy (whatever, all those "S" words, lol). I might get hate for this, and I guess I'm putting myself out there for it, and Beyonce is obviously world class one in a million... but I sort of think it's a little bit, not cowardly exactly but just not ballsy, to adopt this "whole other thing" to explore another side of yourself/your music... human beings are complex - why couldn't Beyonce say - this is another side of me, a sexy confident etc. side - but it is me, Beyonce - a multi faceted performer/artist... I always felt this whole alternate stage persona (or persona for one project/period) thing was so she could always still say - oh, but at the end of the day I'm still this wonderful likeable demure girl next door, don't get the wrong impression, I'm still likeable heralded Beyonce. (I know she adopted certain "characters" in some projects that weren't her own, but I'm talking about her Sasha Fierce stuff), and I know/realize that many other artists have done this sort of thing, and not out of cowardice or shyness or inability to take risks, I get that!! (Adam's treasured Bowie himself for instance) ... I just am using this example as something that is the antithesis IMHO to what I absolutely admire about Lambert - he is himself, gloriously left of center, but authentically himself, his crazy talented self, and he goes OTT perhaps, to some, sometimes on stage but doesn't pass it off as something other than himself amped up for the stage...doesn't apologize for it and doesn't do it under the guise of some character or persona for one project/album - he sort of says - this is me, and I'm exploring this or that right now - but it's Adam Lambert. IDK, rambling again... and actually, I'm not sure Lambert's comment during this Lubbock WLL was meant to evoke so much thought :)... perhaps it was just meant to be playful - but what he did in that particular performance was not ridiculous... and I hate to think of him playing it off as such, for whatever reasons. No hate please - just my POV - totally open to being told I've missed the mark, totally open to being schooled on this, and open to criticism, but kindly please :).


ps. and oh, @GL - sorry about making you hit the dictionary so much, LOL, I do tend to use a lot of "regionalisms" and such, too funny... I'll try to keep that in mind :)!

Anonymous said...

and oh yeah, thanks for your comments/sharing Kentucky Fan - I enjoyed your post.

glitzylady said...

@ MGF 8:57 pm

Well, I certainly got what you are saying...and after reading it twice (LOL), I agree...Adam is Adam, sometimes times 10, but that's who he is....And who knows if his comment was slightly apologetic, or an explanation, or him just having a little laugh at himself and his being silly (which I love always) or perhaps a little leftover from THAT OTHER thing last year that has left him just ever so slightly worried about what people think of him, or just a word that he likes to use and doesn't have any hidden meaning whatsoever.....which may well be the case...There are so many possible meanings and interpretations of that phrase and I hate to read too much into it, but like you, I really wouldn't want him to think of himself as "ridiculous" as in absurd, or meaningless, or laughable...because he is none of those things...I guess "not too deep" and playful as an alternative meaning of "ridiculous" makes sense... and one that I assume he means in in his explanation of his much-discussed album cover....I also wonder if he occasionally reads some of the blogs, (in his spare time...ha!) and reacts occasionally to comments re his performances....Or even some of the maybe not so insightful reviews that we see from time to time in newspapers...Regardless of all that wordiness (you and I sort of share the same affliction, in a good way IMHO, although others may disagree...LOL) , I just do want him to know that I adore him for all of his "ridiculousness" (as in "playfulness") while performing but don't find him to be "ridiculous" as a person or an artist , in any way, shape or form...if that makes any sense...

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady and MGF, you said it all. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I always spent my half an hour to read this webpage's posts every day along with a mug of coffee.

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