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Eric and Erica

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, August 19, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, August 19, 2010

Claudia (from Adamlambertglamfans) blogged about her experience at Adam's Glam Nation Tour. She also took pictures of the two lucky fans who got to kiss Adam. Here are their pictures!

This is Eric!

(Image via Claudia)

And this is Erica!

(Image via Claudia)

(Image via @Juneauxena)



Anonymous said...

Such cuties! Congratulations to both of them! I'm green with envy! Adamluv

Melody said...


Anonymous said...

They are come kind of lucky. I'm sure they'll tell this story for generations to come.

I'm very happy for them both!


Anonymous said...

Sorry I mis-typed: I meant "some" kind of lucky.


Anonymous said...

So glad this was posted - because that cute boy pictured on Juneau & Xena site that was linked by me and someone else in previous thread was not the kissed boy. The green monster of jealousy was sorta preventing me from being happy for these two :)... but these pix are so adorbs that I'm converted - totally joyful for them!


Anonymous said...

I'm really happy for them!
I wonder how they are doing now... If Adam kissed me I would probably never function correctly again. I'd probably pass out for a few days then be all messed up for the rest of my life. lol :)


Anonymous said...

Oh, these pix were so cute that I totally forgot the reason why I just popped onto 24/7...

There was discussion on a previous thread about pre-Idol Adam... here are a few links from some Zodiac Club performances - NOT the Crawl Thru Fire performance... hardcore AL fans have probably seen them, but if not, check them out - some insight into Adam IMHO (and little bit of lovely tongue action :) too Ha). Note the shoulder cages.

and this link is just a short clip Scarlett Cherry doing WLL from Henry Fonda Theater 2005 Zodiac Show - just interesting in how it relates to Adam's influences

So anyway, back to current day, I do love to see Adam move closer to his roots, if that is his intent and desire, and to bring this talented community and their entertainment style more mainstream, but that's just me. Diversity is so delicious, and I think he can be a mainstream artist, and bring some of this intersting world to us while doing so. I hope so, I guess we shall see, because I don't see BB selling out for mainstream success, in fact, these clips, they make me realize (re-realize :)) what wonderful subtle nods he gave to his Glamily all through the Idol process and beyond. How nice.


Anonymous said...

I believe that's what is call a Freudian slip I PRS :)


Anonymous said...

@PRS - laughing so hard I couldn't type myself... ha ha, but you know what I meant, lol. Enjoy your posts. MGF

Anonymous said...

Oh Adam, he's a cutie. Don't blame you one bit.

Anonymous said...

Cute boy and the girl has beautiful eyes and with that makeup she deserved to be kissed :)

Anonymous said...

These 2 cuties will have a perpetual smile on their faces, never losing the lambert glow. Still can't believe what a thrill Adam gave to them. He spreads such joy and happiness! I can't stop smiling myself! Lucky fans!!!

Anonymous said...


You're quite a "poster" here yourself young lady. Always get a kick from you.


Anonymous said...

What a coincidence that their names are so similar! Lucky, lucky peeps! Surely a night they'll never forget and, if they weren't before, slaves to the glittery one forever now, I'd imagine. Wonder what their dreams were that night - if they were able to sleep at all!

Anonymous said...

OMG...can you imagine how they are feeling....
Beautiful Erica is in Adam Heaven for sure....What a Jealous but also so Happy for Erica and Eric...
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Found Erica's Twitlonger post for all your enjoyment:

Hey everyone it me THE' Erica that was kissed I cant even begin to thank u for all the lovely comments. I just am in total shock not knowing what to do with myself lol reading all this helps make it real little by little my fantasy became a total reality yesterday and it is very hard to grasp lol when I drove by myself 3hr 40min form Jersey to RI Monday night i never expected what was going to happen to me in the next 24 hrs OMG I waited in line from 11:30 pm the night before the show very little sleep, then the first Lucky strike after went went an Glamed my self up at my friend apt. was wen I went to drop off 2 of my friends and the pool party M & G and they felt bad cause i did't have a pass but i said it is was it is and i will get my turn one day. not even 3 mins later i get a call from my friend Vanessa saying sum1 had a extra pass and for me to get back there i was like OMG this cant be so I turn the car around go back and there i was at a privet pool party M&G for Adam he comes out compliments me on my make b4 sitting, then im sitting there 3 feet away like it cant get any better then this (little did i know) so during the interview they mention somthing about make up again and I get compliment # 2 about it ,we then start lining up for our M&G and pics i step up to him in total amazement and i shake his hand say hi nice to meet u i then get compilment #3 on the make up, we get our pic taking and b4 leaving i said to him "thank u for being u" he smiles and says with a grin "ur welcome". i then leave there happier then ever think i am totaly complete. so the i get to the concert i get in i'm front row right side of the stage tommy's side and the concerts going great Adam was in rear form i'm enjoying my self to the fullest best one to far (this was my 4th show) then we get to the encore #2 TCB i turn on the camera start recording i'm like he just to sexy (oh ya btw wen tommy caught that kiss in the air and gave it to his grotch that was me i blew him a kiss) always so Adam then turns around from across the stage points at me with with this look in his eye getting closer and closer to the camera and in my head i"m like something is about to happen he steps off the stage as our eyes are now locked bends down move everyone's hand away form my face and starts kissing me open mouth tongue and all. At this point i don"t even know what just happened OMG i'm staring at him in total amazment he looks at me and smiles ( hope he enjoyed in cause i sure as hell did) he then come back over kissed the other guy stands in front of me again cant imagine what my face looks like, and he has one leg on the stand/box thing that was in front of me wit his other leg on the barricade looks down at me a gives me this grin like yeah that just happened omg then he finishes the song and blows kisses my way, then I DIED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

We want Adam to be Adam!!! Period!!! He was being so family friendly, who made up this stupid term, that we, his devote fans, needed a jolt. WOW that was a long sentence. Hey Glitter God, we are with you 100%.

Anonymous said...

ahhh, how presh!

Anonymous said...

Wow - you can even tweet from heaven, aint technology grand... good job Erica.

I'm still processing this, can't even deal, but forcing myself to deal just enough to say @PRS - you're everything

Thanks, MGF

Anonymous said...

Scarlett Cherry singing Get It While You Can with Monte Pitman to her right.

Anonymous said...

Can someone please type in what the f**cking headline says - I'm one who has an ad covering it. So frustrating! I would be very grateful. Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

Well not just the headline in red. I can see that to the right. Can someone please type in and let me know what the yellow sentences are just under the main headline in red. Thanks again. I am very interested, and would be so appreciative.

Anonymous said...

anon 3.33
this is what the yellow words say

Claudia (from Adamlambertglamfans) blogged about her experience at Adam's Glam Nation Tour. She also took pictures of the two lucky fans who got to kiss Adam. Here are their pictures!

Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU Glambrit Isle of Wight UK!

Okay, so now my question is, who is Claudia and where can I read her blog. lol. At Adamlambertglamfans I guess.

Anonymous said...

To read what Erica had to say was so much fun! I cant begin to imagene how she must have felt. And Adam blowing kisses to her at the end! Have no more words to say. Good bye. Adamluv

GlammyLadybug said...

@ MGF at 11:27 AM

Your last paragraph… I can’t believe what you wrote.. My feelings exactly!!... I did surf into his past.. and I saw that (like he also said at one point) there are a few artists like him out there.. fascinating people.. You inspired me to put down a story...

Once upon a time not too long ago, the world was made aware of an entire undersea universe previously known by few lucky humans… A young and beautiful merman decided one day to take a chance in presenting himself to the ‘world of the surface’, a world that he had been drawn to as long as he remembered. At that point there were some beings that were able to live under water as well as on land, but he and his siblings have lived all their lives as free and wild sea-bound creatures. After several unsuccessful attempts to make contact with people on the fishing boats out there, knowing that time was working against him and being encouraged by his fellows, he chose to change his fishtail with a pair of legs and go on land at some Festival of the Sea organized there every year. He mingled and sang those people’s songs and every one of them recognized in him, his look and his singing, something ‘out of land’. The word spread around quickly, people gathered to see and hear that strange man and his powerful presence was mesmerizing for ones and terrifying for others...

GlammyLadybug said...

Then he was asked to tell his story and, at first, he didn’t tell everything about him.. but when it seemed that most people were ready to accept him among the masters of festivities, he decided to reveal his secrets at all costs and allowed his true nature to be known. And some people were scared to death of what he represented and they dedicated themselves to putting him and his followers down. However, many of ‘the land people’ flocked around him, accepting and embracing the spell he put on them. And he gradually realized his powers over that world he had dreamt of and also the fact that he could be the one to introduce both worlds to each other. He started this journey in the year of the Earthen Ox.. and the journey is on...

GlammyLadybug said...

Everything about HIM is so compelling and fascinating beyond anything anyone has ever witnessed before. His stories and storytelling abilities make him even more appealing. The unbelievable wisdom of such a young and attractive human being is totally puzzling but also conducive to a deeper and sweeter addiction. But he is conquering the Earth’s lands by being himself and doing what he always did as a creature of deep sea: singing and enchanting the ones who find themselves around him. He brings the wilderness of the undersea kingdom to the surface and into the world. And those who have been, by now, touched by his magic are ready and willing to deep dive into the world he emerged from and discover its mysteries. Many of the sea creatures followed him to the surface and the two kingdoms seem to slowly blend together, while reworking their own identities. Many from both worlds are afraid of any unforeseen consequences of a ..massive permeability that seems bound to happen. Yet there are also many, like myself, who are feverishly drawn to this new realm of future half-breeds that he creates in his way to kingdom.

I never made up stories in English before... Might need some corrections ..
Almost morning here..again.. The party is starting at Cape Cod..



GlammyLadybug said...

Ok. Might need some rewriting too.. but too tired..
You make your own sense out of it! :-)

Anonymous said... his way to his own kingdom..?
Stil.. semi-functioning.

glitzylady said...


Thanks for posting Erica's blog...I had mentioned that I had seen it last night (on another thread) but was gone all day and couldn't post it...So glad you did....Should answer the criticism that some had re the kiss....I think she liked it (understatement of the year...)..

Anonymous said...

thank you glammyladybug for the enchanting story


Anonymous said...

Erica is such a beautiful girl! Love the make-up and can see why Adam noticed her. Good analogy, GLB. Thanks for the story! @PRS Thanks for posting Erica's life altering experience! It sure was fun seeing it from her point of view. Don't know how she kept from fainting dead away! It put to rest the assumptions and allowed us to join in her bliss! Thrilled for her and Eric. They'll never forget this experience. Adam is such "a hunk of burning love "and so accomodating to his fans! Think he's having as much fun with us now, as we with him and is more comfortable with his fame. Can you imagine the adjustments and surreal experiences he's had to deal with in such a very short time? If he were younger,less experienced and didn't have the family and friends around to support him, it would be so intimidating. He's come so far and doing it so well. Proud to be his fan! Hi Dana!! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that Treasure of a find PRS!!! LOVED seeing it!

Anonymous said...


Thank you for your wonderful story. Hard to believe you've never made up stories in English before!

How Beautiful!


Anonymous said...

As Dana said GLb - ENCHANTING! One of the things I adore most about AL and AL fandom is how he (and his journey) seems to inspire us to get in touch with, or maybe BACK IN TOUCH with, our creative selves! Thank you for sharing GLb too, very brave of you. That's another thing I love about Adam fandom - I know it inspires me to be so much more outgoing and positively brave in my interactions with people, both close to me and strangers alike... "tell a stranger that they're beautiful" and all that sort of thing. Putting yourself out there is never easy, I admire your courage... putting myself out there more as a response to some of my reactions and feelings to and from following Adam Lambert has truly resulted in an improved life for me. And I love how you've put yourself out there in recognizing, through this story and seemingly personally as well, how drawn you are to this creative community, and diversity itself. Inside I have always cherished diversity, as it is expressed in creative communities and among many other means, but I've not always shouted that from the rooftops, 'ya know what I mean, and that's changing for me little by little now, and I'm proud of what feels good and right to me and I'm not shy about sharing that with others if need be..."Take a step before you leap, Into the colours that you seek..." As I've said before, some people have Oprah, I have Adam Lambert :). But seriously GLb, I hope you keep writing and being creative in any and all forms that make you happy and fulfilled. Hope that all made sense - so tired from late night at concert last night and long day today at Hubby's parent's beach house nearby concert venue... brain not working so well tonight :)! Basically trying to tell a stranger that they're beautiful...all you need is love, love...

Anonymous said...

Thank you all for your kindness and not making fun of me.
It was kind of made up on the spot.. during a sleep deprivation period. :)

Yes, we are indeed on the same page.. And yes, everything makes sense with you! Please, share more of your concert experience.. after you get some sleep, of course :)
Unfortunately, I'm just striving for happiness and fulfillment. Never found them yet.. but sometimes I'm happy with the illusions of..! I have a constant deficiency of... well, many things :) Adam and his Glam World are helping me to consider the positive sides of things.. first. However, I was working on this before all the Glam Madness started. :)
Now, how's that for a confession?


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