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Glam Nation Tour in Montreal, CANADA

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Sunday, August 15, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, August 15, 2010

20th Century Boy














Anonymous said...

Am I the first???? Good! See you in a while. Bye now, Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

Loved your beautiful tongue well done new homework, my 21st Century Diamond Toy Boy!!!! Going back for more... yay!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sweet Jesus, canadian glamberts, you do know how to scream, don't you? Yes indeed!!! Sweet Lord, I can barely hear sweet Adam's glamorous voice! Ok, alright but give him and give us wideworld glamberts a break, pleeeeease?! Thank you.(canadianglamshit!) Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

I agree with Fan4fun that the Canadian glamberts do scream louder than us!! Good job!

Anonymous said...

Is "20th Century Body" Adam's new single???? Is it going to be his first single of the second album? Can someone confirm this???

It's such a good song!!!

glitzylady said...

"20th Century Body" LOL!!!! a Freudian slip if I ever heard one!!!!!

Pretty sure its just a cover of the song from "Velvet Goldmine" (movie) but what a cover it is... I love it too....would be great for him to include it on the new album....Guess we'll see...Either way, I'm definitely going to get it downloaded as an MP3 and listen to it (and maybe watch it) at my leisure.....and often...

glitzylady said...

And I love the first FEVER clip, how the screen just went black after the kiss...I think whoever was filming it just fainted dead away and that was the end of the concert for her (or him)...that was one FINE kiss IMO...

Anonymous said...

To posters above about the screaming, you must realize that this was an outside venue and while the weather could not have been better for Adam's show, he himself made it so ELECTRIFYING that nobody could stand idle. As you all know, he is an awesome performer and he surely was IN THE ZONE last night. Still can't believe what I have witnessed.
BTW, you are hearing the teenage girls up front. There were tons of young people there, but not just girls. They guys were all having a terrific time as well. Still dancing away this morning as I write these lines!

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of being at the Aerosmith concert (the nite after seeing Adam in Costa Mesa) and the fans were screaming and I wanted to say STFU but remembered that I was doing the same thing the nite before! Never would have said anything regardless since everyone is at a concert to have fun! Love me some Canadians! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Anon 10;47
You are sooo lucky to be there last night. As I am listening and watching, it looks like THE BEST GNT to date, for me, All that energy!! How many ppl where there? It must have been A LOT, since there were screens So happy for Adam. can't wait to see more from this concert.

Israeli fan

Anonymous said...

Proud to be a Canadian fan, it was awesome last night. Adam do a Canation Glam tour here up North, or get a lover and marry here. I am sure you'll get lots lots lots of love you deserve. HeHeHe!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok now, because of my crasy hours job I've been out of comments on GNT shows in 24/7 Paradise for 3 or 4 days... and I missed something inportant like opposite opinions about licks/kisses between sweet Adam and sweet Tommy... now, listen to me you all, please,
sort of 20 days ago I did my homework very well done, but I think only Adam Fix (who is now on vaca.. rehab) noticed that.
In portuguese (my mother language because I am and was raised as a brazilian) and I think also in spanish (my second language, please ask Adamluv or Aegentina fellows to make sure)
L*A*M*B*E*R*T meaning is exactly:
«T» = «te» (same sound) = «YOU»
or, just to make it clear, our favorite star's name is ADAM «LICKYOU»!!!!

So, glamberts from all over the flat planet Earth (including Canada)... just be advised and ready because our beautiful young man is just walking his path... Ha! His name is his sign and sin!!! Or shall I say his sign, OUR sin?!

glitzylady said...

This is weird....I am checking back and seeing some words missing on my screen...and since I know what I posted...and the missing words were "new album" in my post, I am quite confused as to why they are it just my computer or ????? The last thing I knew, "new album" has no "hidden" meaning.....and missing words from other posts as well...

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous 10:34 AM
LOL...«20th Century BODY & TONGUE» Ha ha ha!

glitzylady said...

Yikes, and now some words are back but others are highlighted in green...Am I hallucinating or what???? And break it to me gently if I am....OMG!!! It's finally happened...I've totally OD'd on Adam and now I'm off to rehab for sure.....Either that or my computer is messing with my mind....That last Fever performance was just too much for my MacBook...just like the video for What Do Ya Want From Me killed my old PC....another form of Death by Adam....

Anonymous said...

The Adam Tommy lick just adds another demension to the show. It gets the party started and started and started!!!

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with some of the previous comments...too much screaming and singing along. I want to hear Adam's voice esp. with those soulful ballads. Save all the noise for the end of the song. This must have been one of the loudest audiences that he has had. Would like to have seen the full version of 20th Century Boy. That song is now one of my favorites and Adam is in the zone performing it.

Anonymous said...

GL, No, you're not hallucinating with the pretty new colored highlighted words! They're really there! And to Fan4fun, I like the way you think gurl - you are not only creative in the kitchen but with words as well! And you speak 3 languages which is very impressive. And to Anon 11:37, yes the kiss does get the party started! Adamluv

glitzylady said...


Thanks....Phew....! So wonder what that's all about??? Oh well...

Anonymous said...

WOW....He's a friggin Rock God for sure


Anonymous said...

Wowwwww!!! That kiss was hot babe!!!!! I just fainted. And the crowd? the loudest ever. My God!! Congrats Canadians!

Anonymous said...

Very happy to listen all those screams!! Canadian fans know how to express their love it's the food for any performer, for me there`s no matter not to hear very well Adam singing for that there are a lot of youtube videos.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:34 - check out Marc Bolan / T Rex's "20th Century Boy" on You Tube

Busy RL, haven't seen all vids yet, but so far - dayum... holy hot hell


Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen these amazing comments from Planet Fierce -

It SO epitomizes what we feel in such an eloquent way - Please read!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The kiss just want you to have "?" with him. Am I allowed to say that?

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed that the last few concerts , we haven't been getting the intro to the dancers, only the band. It's usually part of ," If I had you" Wonder Why?

Anonymous said...

haha indeed glitzylady someone must have blacked out while filming hot to you think it is possible to OD on Adam, hmmm i wonder what the side effects might be...i'm willing to find out...
i thought the green words was a side effect of the bottle of wine i've just had :D

chezza-sherbet/brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

Here is a full version of 20th Century Boy...check out the 'dangling' at about 2:39 wooot woot! Seems to me our bb aint wearin nothin under those pants!!


Anonymous said...

OMG - laughing so hard at some of these comments! Glitzylady - when I'm od'ing on Adam, I just, y'know, kinda keep it to myself, rather than announce to the world that I'm hallucinating...everyone already thinks I've totally lost my mind...but to each their own! ;)

Wow - that Fever intro was a full-on make-out session, as far as this tour is concerned! Made me all kinds of tingly just watching it - goodness - SO sexy!!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

here is a better one of fever:!

Here is one of the Band intro...skip to 6:20 ish to see Adam and Brooke...


Anonymous said...

I understand the excitement of seeing Adam, but I sure would have hated paying scalper ticket prices and not have been able to hear Adam sing. Why would you scream throughout the entire song and not listen at all? I do my share of screaming too, but not when he is actually hitting those out of this world notes that we've been waiting to hear. This was more of a screaming sing-a-long. Adam could have lip-synced and it wouldn't have made any difference. He could have saved his voice,as no one was there to hear him sing. He did strut his stuff and is the sexiest man to ever grace a stage,but it has to be hard for him on stage to hear himself and the band and try to sing. I usually try not to be critical, and am happy that the Canadian fans are as crazy about him as we Americans are, but just had to give my opinion. He works hard to give us his best. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@daydreaminmylif - thanks for the links - I hadn't seen the Brooke/Adam one... that male/female interaction sort of reminds me what Kesha had to say on Open House Party this weekend about gender and sexy is sexy and how it's interesting when gender identity is a bit more anonymous and how that might relate to what one is attracted to etc. I happened to catch her comments on OPH while in car...say what you will about Kesha, but girl had some good points on that one.

Anyway, there is also a good video of Fever from a young woman, rushing right now and don't have time to find link, and what was so funny about it is that she had an absolute amazing angle of Fever, pretty straight on and very clear and close up , especially opening moments, and at the very hint of Adam leaning in towards Tommy, she completely lost it and screwed up the shot... was so cute, and I don't blame her one bit ('though I cursed her wildly for just a second when viewing her vid the first time, lol). And what was also adorable about the vid is that she and her crew around her were really screaming and singing along perfectly and just fangirling big time... and I totally completely understand what the wonderful funbunn40 is saying, I really do, but I thought this kind of feedback for Adam must be thrilling. Will try to see if I can find link again, I didn't favorite it or bookmark because I found it so FRUSTRATING that the girl had such a good shot and then freaked out and blew it :), and I knew I wouldn't want to go back and view it multiple times because I couldn't take that frustration over and over, in addition to, 'ya know, the normal amount of "frustration" Adam Lambert frequently causes :)... but if I can find vid sometime easily, I'll post it - cuz it is actually a nice clear one for most of the song :).


Anonymous said...

I'm all for giving Adam the adoring feedback that he so richly deserves and appreciates. Glad you get my meaning, MGF and hope his wonderful Canadian fans won't take offense at my comments. In no way do I mean to be critical, as we all are equally crazy over our glamgod and applause and screaming is good. I love listening to that beautiful voice so much, I just wanted to mention that it could be tempered or spaced out a bit. The Canadian fans are the best and are so supporting. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I thoroughly and completely understand what you are saying funbunn40, which I'm sure everyone does, as it is a very valid point with a lot of merit!

Also, just had to chime in again and say that the Fever vid that I was blabbering on about in my post above @ 8:15 - I think it is by the same videographer that actually captured that AMAZING 20th Century Boy on that other thread here at 24/7... and she got several other great vids too!!! I think her tag is Addicted2AdamLambert... so I totally owe her an apology :)... and debt of gratitude for the the TCB vid, which I did indeed favorite on ipod, lol.

Anonymous said...

There must have been some pretty hot guys in the audience that night - Adam frequently kept looking to the left side of the stage and he sure was ON FIRE!!

Adam has now perfected 20th Century Boy - he now owns this cover and WLL - how he can continue to outdo each performance and make it better each time is utterly astounding!

Adam is ICONIC already!! No one can even come close to his talent! Once he hits the international tour - God only knows what else he will have in store for fans!!

Adam once said in an interview that if money was no object he would have individual bars for each of the fans and one onstage, vibrating chairs for the fans and we would be blasted into space on a rocket ship.

I think the budget is not needed!! Adam has already taken us out of this world -- and what a ride it has been so far!!


Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam is ICONIC, Flamboyant, America Idol Censation!
Does anybody relise that now "it's a kind of magic" if Adam will nominated for any awards or inveted to perform on big show?!!! Love Adam. I told all my friends when saw Adam first time that the Star was Born (finally!). The story will repeat. Adam had problems after AMA. Now he wil problems after Quebec. Yes, he wants to make crowd happy, but does it mean he has to put his career in big trouble again?

Unknown said...

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