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Glam Nation Tour in New Mexico

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, August 04, 2010











Anonymous said...

Haven't seen fever for a while or the band being introduced.

Anonymous said...

I never get enough watching Adam. I love him - I sometimes think we are killing him with our Love. I vote-vote-vote when Adam is in any kind of contest. The trouble is that some of us leave comments at these sites telling that they voted for Adam 1,500 times or for 6 hours. This makes MTV, VH1, or whoever think that Adam has less fans that happen to vote a lot of times. I tried to get the fans to stop making these remarks but It did no good. I want MTV and VH1 to know that Adam has many, many fans, and is gaining more every day. The huge # of sold out venues should show them that. I'm am totally pissed at MTV and VH1 for leaving Adam out of the VMA's, and I wish that we, his fans would be a little more disceete in our enthusiasm. We can show our Love by buying more of his music. Amazon has a terrific 2 disk set with videos. I bought 2 copies. Buy his videos and music on I Tunes. Sales make success- money talks. Also, buy his album from your local stores, and request If I had you on your local radio stations.

Anonymous said...

No WLL for encore?

Anonymous said...

Wow, slim pickings from New Mexico!... thanks for these though!

Yah! I missed WLL too for 2 shows now! Hopefully it will happen tonight in Texas! Hello Adam! we need a whole lot of love from you!... we're feelin' neglected!:(... just saying Dude!

Anonymous said...

Lubbock will be almost 100 degrees tonight when concert starts, and it's all outdoors and general admission only. Terrible venue in a problematic neighborhood in a conservative part of Texas. Being the professional that he and he band are, they will entertain just like always. Just hate that they booked him in this place, but hope I'm surprised. Austin has some tremendous places that are not huge that would have been a terrific setting. Know that management did the best they could, and maybe Austin/San Antonio locations couldn't be negotiated. Not sure, but don't think Lubbock sold out. Anyone know?

Lisa said...

Yeah why hasn't Adam perform WHOLE LOTTA LOVE in a week? I miss that performance.

Anonymous said...

Adam has made the comment in interviews that encores are decided by enthusiasm and feel of the fans. If the band feels it, they play. If not, they don't. But who really knows. I was lucky enough to get both MW and WLL. WLL is for sure worth the wait.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12;14, I had heard before what you just said and sometines that probably is true but I dont think every time. A new friend that I met in COsta Mesa was at the Tempe show on Sunday and they didnt play WLL. She said that the audience was bats...t crazy over Adam, screaming, yelling, dancing, etc. and giving our boy sooooo much love but then no WLL. So who knows why? Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:14 and 1:54....
It also has to do with time constraints. Some of these venues are super strict about their "end" times of shows. So maybe if he starts a little late, or so forth, then he's got to do what he can to get off in time. Oops, just realized that last line is quite a double entendre.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3;25, We always want Adam to "get off in time", dont we? Very funny! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

what we saw was great. i agree fever is my utmost favorite. i feel so sad when it isn't shown. it's one of his best performances ever along with wll.

Anonymous said...

Just read on my favorite music forum site that Adam's vocal coach has told him not to sing WLL at the high temperature - low humidity venues. Makes sense to me.

Anonymous said...

Someone strap me to a chair, prop my eyelids open, put ROF on repeat forever, lock the door and throw away the key and I will be a happy woman!!!!!

I can't get enough of Adam performing that song!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

And yes - in order to keep Adam happy and fullfilled, and singing like a golden-throated bird, we certainly want him to "get off in time", every time - ha, ha!!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Yep - I was also at the show in Tempe AZ and we gave Adam massive love and support. We were non-stop appaulding him and singing along and of course making alot of noise!!

When he did the encore of Mad World and then left the stage we chanted ADAM for quite awhile hoping he would come back to the stage and sign WLL. Some of the reviews from the previous Las Vegas show indicated that he may not have been feeling good.

If this was the case he may not have felt 100% when he sang at the Tempe concert.

The venue in Tempe was not great but it was not as bad as what has been described in Lubbock and he sang WLL there.

So, I don't think it always has to do with the fans reaction and support for him -- we gave him MAD LOVE in TEMPE!!!


Anonymous said...

It makes sense what the vocal coach said. Above all he has good people looking out for him using good judgement and Adam has the good sense to take it. He seemed to be feeling good. Maybe the venue wasn't as bad as was thought, even tho' there weren't many videos Adam and the audience were full of energy and Adam was getting it back from them. I'm also curious if it was sold out. funbunn40