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GloZell Describes Her Reaction to Adam and the WWFM Music Video

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, August 03, 2010

GloZell describes how she feels about Adam Lambert hit song "Whataya Want from Me". So funny and clever!


Anonymous said...

omg this is hilarious!!!

7788 said...

haha she's so awesome.

Anonymous said...

LOL this made my day!

Shirley said...

Can someone tell me who she is?

7788 said...

Shirley, she is a popular youtuber...her videos are funny.

Anonymous said...

lol she is freakin hilarious! Thanks Glozell, you captured my reaction LMFAO


Anonymous said...

She cracks me up!!!... She just made my evening... laughing like crazy by me self! hahahahahha

Thanks Glozell you're freakin hilarious! :))))

Anonymous said...

thanks 24/7 for this....its 4.20am in UK and I am still Stalking The Delicious Adam...this is sooooooo much FUN..LOVE IT!!
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

I am not one to laugh out loud much but she had me doing it. I live alone and my neighbors probally notifying my next of kin

Shirley said...

Glambrit Isle of Wight UK,

what are you doing up at 4.20 am? 0.0 lol! You need to get some sleep! xD

Anonymous said...

This is so funny. I'm sure Adam will have a great laugh if he sees it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Shirley, i know its way past bedtime but it's the Lovely Lambert i can NEVER get enuff....must just nip back and see some Adam Licks before i close down lol...over and out zzzzzzzzz
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

This cracked me up. She is hilarious and the best part is, she's telling it like it is for most (if not all) of us. "Why can't you just be straight!" LOL

Anonymous said...

Hilarious!! Tell it like it is girl. And major yeah, he would make some gorgeous babies. Sperm bank Adam. Share those genes baby.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Loved this! Priceless. Exactly what's going through ALL our heads, right? Don't deny it.

Adam has beautiful eyes. Hell yeah! And he'll make beautiful babies. Love that comment!

LOL - this was hilarious!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

YEAH SHARE YOUR GENES PLEASE!!! Adam'S babys oh my GOD... the world would be really volunter ?? ME, ME!!I can help Adam to share the beauty..ahhh..

Anonymous said...

Still laughing! She said what we're all thinking!When Adam quoted that song about wanting to be a billionaire, all he has to do is share his sperm, It'll happen overnight! He will have the most beautiful and talented babies and won't have any problem finding a surrogate. GloZell is a hoot and has great taste!! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Finally some (hilarious) one has expressed EXACTLY what we women feel about Adam. Talk about turning us on! (I won't elaborate). AND I have thought from the get go that he should have babies with someone! God does he know what he does to us?
Glozell.....thank you honey for speaking for millions of women around he world....we can dream can't we?

Anonymous said...

LMFAO! I hope someone tweets to Adam and the band/dancers--I think he'll get a real kick out of this!!

Anonymous said...

Yes,let's admit it, if Adam has made deposits at the sperm bank in his lean days...that place would be mobbed! But the world could be a better place with little Adam's running around singing and spreading peace and love!

This woman is very funny and let's not forget that Adam had an African American teen age girl teach him how to kiss. Maybe someone should tell Shirley he is an equal opportunity kisser.

Anonymous said...

^^^^oops, I mean tell "GloZell" not Shirley. :)

Anonymous said...

This video turned my rainy morning into sunshine! Thanks for posting it!

Anonymous said...

That generational thing does not work - even if he made 100 little babies, none of them would be like him!! I know what you're sayin' but it all comes together like that once in a million years, once in this Universe!! Thank you Superman!!

Anonymous said...

OMG! If Luverne, Shirley, Goodness and Mercy were in his face, he would say, "OMG! I will stay GAY!!!" She is hilarious! Yes, we are all thinking that, but if we were going to send anyone to try and change Adam as our "go straight ambassador", it would NOT be Mozell. She is a little scary, truthful, but scary. Just sayin' ;)


Anonymous said...

or GloZell either (oops!)


Anonymous said...

I dont want Adam to be straight! Then he'd be an obnoxious, sexist, user of women and not the great guy he is! No, all straight guys arent that way but the rocker dudes sure seem to be! He's gay. Live with it! Ha Ha! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Adamluv - I think that's why so many women are nuts about Adam...he's like the perfect man...meaning, he's nearly a woman! What I mean is, he possesses more "feminine" qualities than most men...qualities women are always complaining their guys don't have - he's sensitive, thoughtful, caring, in touch with his, likes to play with make-up and clothes, and paint his nails (ha, ha - I digress). He's got a masculine side, for sure, but it's nicely balanced with more feminine traits. He's like the perfect ying-and-yang.

That's my theory, anyway.

Oh yeah - and he's eye candy and makes me feel all wiggly.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

AdamFix, Funny that you wrote all the above because it finally occurred to me the other day why women are so attracted to him. Because he is everything in a man we want.Plus what you wrote, he likes to talk and he isnt into sports! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha! Right! How could I have forgotton those two important "selling points"! ;)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...