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"If I Had You" certified Platinum in Australia!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, August 19, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, August 19, 2010

(Image via fanpop - One of the photo shoots from Australia)

Awesome news from Australia! Following the success of "Whataya Want From Me" (which was certified platinum a few months ago), "IF I HAD YOU" has officially been certified platinum in Australia this week!

Congrats to Adam!



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Australia has good taste in music!

Anonymous said...

wow that's amazing news...the guys and gals of Australia have fabulous taste....
as i got up yesterday morning and clicked on 24/7 i thought i was still dreaming as 2 glorious "gifs" popped up...with my heart racing i actually thought i'd read "gifts"...yeah damn i watched the full vid of 20th century boy and i reached critical sensory overload...i thought yep i'm a goner, this is what it feels like to o'd on Adam >-->-O i was then interrupted by my 3 lovely children all chirping at me like little birds wanting to be fed....later that evening i thought i must come back and comment on the breathtaking event i had witnessed earlier that day...i couldn't believe my eyes at all the negativity i was reading...what a shocker...i sure as hell would not complain if i'd just been snogged by Adam, and can't believe that a kiss caused so much upset in people.. :O oh and since when has being over 30 ment being over the hill....WHAT!!!! oh well there's nothing down for me then being 35 and all...

a very old chezza-sherbert/brit fan :( xx

Anonymous said...

oh dear haha i really must have o'd as the head has come off my little "death by adam"

thankyou glitzy lady i thought that was hysterical....


chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

The "take-off" may be slower than Adam fans would like, but mark my words, his ascent to super stardom will go higher and last longer than most people anticipated.

Anonymous said...

It's not just Australia who has good taste! We (Glamberts ) all do... hello!

Congrats Adam... add this one to your collection!

Anonymous said...

america still a virgin country-hahahha/its rock n roll people.some dont like it theyre jealous i know.also iw atch elvis presley video-love me tender-he kisssed all womne or bunch of women .its nothign friendly kissed. love it.

Anonymous said...

Great news - yay. Nice pic.

Hey chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx - I know right?! - isn't it a total pain when you're trying to get an Adam Fix and those darn pesky kids want to eat??!!!! Sheesh.

KIDDING - I'M KIDDING PEOPLE, TOTALLY KIDDING!!!!!! (well, mostly) Yes, yes, I'm kidding.

And speaking of that...oh crap... better go cook :)


Anonymous said...

@MGF, thanks for the shout out girl! I saw it on the other thread...
OZZZZZZ, nice job peeps!


Anonymous said...

OT - but especially to Chezza-Sherbert/brit fan and GIOWUK

There's a UK site - Flecking Records, done an article by Frankie Genchi, about the 'tongue diving' with Suz526's video, read the comments, they are 100% positive, and will bring a tear to your eye, so many saying what an amazing singer and why haven't they heard of him, and lots of them googling other performances. With articles like these maybe the tide will slowly turn in the UK.
Have read lots of articles on the kissing fans things, 90%
of comments seem to be positive. Its heart warming, because although I totally enjoyed it, a little bit of me (if I'm honest) was worried about more AMA type backlash. But its looking good.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

HK fan, thanks for the positive info! So great to hear all this and hopefully, as you said, the tide will turn for Adam in the UK. He is such a fan of English singers!!!!!! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Way to go Australia! You Rock! Sure you are excited to have Adam coming to your Country. The Glam Nation Tour is a tour de force here in the U.S. We will miss him while abroad, but know he will get the love from all of you.

Anonymous said...

What can I say to australian Glamberts?
Thank you guys for all love and support you give to sweet Adam. He really deserves all this success and much more, and I'm glad he can count on your good taste. (I've trevelled a lot around the world, always loved Australia, too bad I couldn't visit your beautiful country...yet.)

What can I say to you, Diamond Boy? Congratulations, way to go??? YOU DO SAY THIS TO ME every moment (in my mind and in my heart) since I chosed to be your fan. I'm so glad for my success as a Glambert!

Anonymous said...

Aussies, you rule. Thanks for supporting and loving Adam as much as you do. We are going to lend him to for a little while if you promise to be gentle with him. That goes for you, too, Asia and Europe. This is only a loan. We charge very high interest if his body does not return to us in the condition it was given. I hope everyone outside of the US understands the importance of this message....:)

Dill Pickle

Anonymous said...

Hey, ADAM is as good as a dinkum Aussie.....he speaks our right down the line lingo and loves wearing he's Aussie Black uggs!! My observation whilst on the Glam Nation in the US was a serious lack of glitter and super conservative attitude (RI being the exception). (and venue security were on a super power trip! What was the deal on that amongst all those good fans anyway?)
...and then there's OZ!....unbarred, relaxed, suntanned and
all awaiting the arrival of The Master! Not to mention our venues for GN are amazing! ..Just watch that GLITTER fall
from across the Pacific Ocean....Aussies are So ready and it will start with the CD/DVD special edition to be released here soon! Heck we might keep ADAM...and Tommy..and Monte
(who already loves Oz), will miss LP and Cam. OZ ADORES ADAM!

Anonymous said...

Please remember NZ! We love Adam just like our Australian

Anonymous said...

@12 you go. This is the land of the world famous CODPIECE
and proud we are of that Mardi Gras.

Anonymous said...

@ hk fan....
thankyou for the info on the uk article..some great comments.."wow they don't sing like that on x factor" ( a show we have over here ) "they don't sing like that on american idol..Adam broke idol"..."they don't sing like that anywhere in the world" so true people...i've said before nobody can sing like Adam Lambert, love that man..
also thankyou for the info on the vevo vids..i finally got to watch them..yeah :D

oh well them peskey kids need feeding again ;)...tat tar for now..

chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes, the infamous "codpiece". Remember it well and yes, love goes out to all you Adam loving Aussies and New Zealanders as well! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I know the Aussies and NZ will treat Adam like royalty. Hope he'll remember his roots and will want to come back to U.S! As said , "It's just a loan!" We will never give him up! haha WE know Adam had a great time with you all and is anxious to mingle in your beautiful country again! Wonder if he'll pick up more glampants! Happy to share him, y'all! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

HK fan, I think this might be the article that you were referring to? Love all the comments...


Anonymous said...

An interesting comment from HK fan's article find:


Millie [Moderator] 1 day ago in reply to medea
"I agree with you, Medea. I am a pr rep and became interested in Adam because an old friend of mine showed me his vids. While the pr from Sony UK has been inept at best (I'd be firing people, including the twit who tweeted desperately begging UK fans to buy multiple copies of WWFM), the truth is, if Radio 1 refuses to play his songs, he is sunk. From what I've heard, Radio 1 is stuck on this small quota of US artists and won't allow Adam into that quota because he was on American Idol. It doesn't matter what the quality of his vocals/songs are or that he was working in the biz his whole life or that he did NOT win Idol or that he's selling like hotcakes around the world-- nope, that's all irrelevant. The fact that he was on the show means they will never play him. That's a whole other kind of inept."

I guess I don't understand Radio 1 and Sony's motives. I thought the public fan base is who is listening to the radio...


Anonymous said...

Adam's lack of exposure in the UK is mindboggling and pathetic. I just don't get it. It is making steam come out my ears, but I can only imagine what is going inside GIOW/UK's brain!!!


- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

The UK will love Adam. What's with the awful promotion?

Anonymous said...

The venues for the Glam Nation Tour in Australia are amazing!
Adam will ROCK here! Everyone can hardly wait and the stash
of feathers, rhinestones and glitter are almost complete!

Anonymous said...

Strutting in The Land Down Under and rolling in glitter waiting for 'The Master' to arrive. WooooHooooooooooooo

Anonymous said...

Whilst in California I was upset at the lack of Adams airplay recently. I even resorted to my ipod to remedy
the problem. Yet, in Australia Adam has always been heared everywhere we go. I got so fed up with the same old, same old with a whole lot of Disney related artists that seemed to totally brainwash....seems the other side of the world
knows greatness when it hears it!