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Meeting Adam Lambert

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, August 9, 2010

Posted at : Monday, August 09, 2010

Short clip of fans meeting Adam and signing autographs last night in St. Louis.


Anonymous said...

OMG! that vest looks so hoooot on him!!! and he wears his sunglasses at night ( so I can, so I can )... so cool!

24/7 just keeps on feeding us more & more of Adam! Now I'm thinking what happens if it stops... how to cure our Adam Lambert withdrawals?... lol

rebeccastl said...

Man, I wish I would have stayed up longer... I gave up and went into the hotel! ARgh....

Anonymous said...

Ooops! correction anon 5:44 PM

I meant to say Adam looks so hoooooooot on that vest!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam .... you have everything we want Beautiful Voice...Charming Charisma....
Stunning Looks.... Massive Sex are our Dream come make us all so Happy....Adam our Glam Rock Sex God
We Love You xxxxxx
Thanks 24/7 for refuelling us on a Daily basis with SO MANY Adam Treats
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Uranus said...

I agree that vest looks good on him. So sexy.

Anonymous said...

yay IIHY is Gold in Australia...checkout the OZ Chart below..


Anonymous said...

Love those big, beefy guys that surround him and watch out for him. He is smiling and cheerful but they look serious, on task and like they would bulldog anybody who looked cross-eyed at him.

Anonymous said...

check out these hot pics of the Sexiest Man Adam lambert by an amazing photographer...


Anonymous said...

MassGlamFan (MGF) I heard someone yelling out "AL, AL, AL!"
Adam turned his head to look for Al Gore.

You're such a good sport and fan.:)))


Anonymous said...

anon 5:44pm, Oh NO! If this site stops "KNOCK ON WOOD", then my life Stops! WTF


Anonymous said...

ok.. Adam Lambert is on the Urban Dictionary...LMFAO, Check this out!


Anonymous said...

I agree ZZ...and thanks for the link to those pics!! gorgeous!

Uranus said...

omg that link to those pics are very HQ!! Loves it.

Anonymous said...

Excellent photos. Would love to have some of those on my computer. Adam is so hot, I am the same. What would I do if this site weren't here? I was on last night and now 4:30 in the morning before work. Completely addicted to news on Adam. This must have been what it was like for the women in Elvis' time.

Anonymous said...

Love the flecked arms!!!!!

Anonymous said...

it doesn't bear thinking about if the glorious 24/7 wasn't here...i thank the day i stumbled across it :D

adam lambert...that boy is so fine, that vest those glittery arms....perfect smile...heaven

thanks zz for the link..great pics

chezza-sherbet/brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

Oh Stanley/8:12PM - you're a riot! I'm just commenting now but I first read this thread very early this morning, on my ipod, eyes barely open, brain barely functioning... and I was like "hey, is that my tag, why is my tag being referenced here..." and I also hadn't actually watched the vid yet so for a split second I was like - really, someone yelled that - until I got to your second line. Hilarious. I can't believe I'm admitting that. You're too funny Stanley!

Anonymous said...

oh, and most importantly - yes everyone, doesn't ADAM look amazing here...dang, he can't even help it can he?!!!!

Anonymous said...

My favorite besides the necessary Adam is that security guy with that t-shirt that says - "I'm not saying you're stupid, but I'm thinking it". In the words of Adam Lambert, "Suck on that Westboro!"

Just had to.


Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert (Mr.Wonderful) always pleasing his fans!!!!

He's such an amazing soul, gotta love this man!!!

Anonymous said...

Is sweet Adam exercising his arms too, besides his legs? God, those are not the same arms I saw three months ago, they seem to be much stronger now. Yeaaahhh, my Diamond Boy is turning into a man (and what a beautiful man!!!)... does it mean I'm getting older?

Anonymous said...

Fan4fun,His arms look so good! Maybe he's lifting some weights. He looks better than I've ever seen him. Perfectly toned and those lean, long legs!!!He definitely gets a good workout every night on stage too. Wish he was my personal trainer. I never get tired of watching the GNT videos. I've seen every single one since the start of the tour and never get tired of watching. I love it when the fans always scream when he sings "Thanks for loving me" during IIHY. Every single song just blows me away.It's hard to believe that any one person can be so talented and utterly beautiful inside and out! Have to stop gushing. I'm getting sick of myself, continuously fawning all over him. Glad you're all as sick as I am! haha funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Hi Funbunn40 - you just all the words out of my mouth! I agree with absolutely everything you've said! He does loos absolutely SMASHING in that vest. And those arms are a killer - so sexy. Gotta bite myself to wake-up. I didn't have time lately to watch so much of the videos (about two weeks) and when I watched them yesterday (Sleepwalker and Aftermath) I had such chills going all over my body and I got goose-bumps in every place possible on your body and at that point I understood that 2 weeks without Adam Lambert is way too long. Can't EVER let you go again!
Poland Loves Adam