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A Message From Leila Lambert!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, August 23, 2010

Posted at : Monday, August 23, 2010

Hi Everyone,

I am so excited about the launching of Adam's fan club site. Thank you all for your kind words of support and love. You are all amazing! I truly feel like we are a big family....a Glamfamily!
I cannot tell you how comforting it is for me to know how truly blessed Adam is to have such devoted fans. You all never cease to amaze me. May your lives be filled with happiness and may you always shine. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a part of this amazing journey. May the power of Adam's music and his message inspire you. And may your love and support inspire him.

Love Always,

Thanks cindym for the tip!


Anonymous said...

What a sweetie! You can see where Adam gets his grace & class...

Anonymous said...

omg thats so touching :)

Anonymous said...

Aaaah! Adam's mom is such a sweet lady, just like her son such a sweetheart!:}} said...

I am a mother of two sons, and I can say to you that I am so proud of your son. Because he is such an open person, he is so easy to love. I am sure you can tell from the ages of his fans that he appeals to everyone. As a mother, I am so excited for him and you because he is going to be so successful, and he is a man who deserves it. I see how hard he works, and how humble and grounded he is, and I just feel so proud that there is someone out there like him for young people to emulate. I have grandchildren, the youngest is a boy 9 years old, and he so admires Adam and has learned to sing all his music. I have a granddaughter who is 16, and she went to one of Adam's concerts with me. What a bonding moment it was for us. I don't know if you remember what 16 year old kids were like, but believe me, finding something to bond over was a godsend. Thank you and thank Eber for instilling such wonderful character in your son. Whether it is DNA or just parenting skills, you can be so proud of him. I know I am.

Shirley said...

That is so sweet!!! Leila is such a wonderful woman and mother!

Anonymous said...

Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the hard work you have done to put this together Leila. A lot of fans have been asking for a fan club from day one and you delivered. I have been in different fan clubs all my life and this one looks like it is going to rank up there with the best.You have alot to be excited about! I am officially a Glam member. Hi to all my fellow Glam, Glitter and Glitz members everywhere (I'M HAVING FUN ALREADY).

Anonymous said...

Hi Leila, Not to worry, we are here for a liftime of rides with Adam. You and Eber raised two grand sons. You did you job well Mom. Adam is so gracious, beautiful and such a loving person. Always concerned about his fans. Thus, his fans daily push him to new heights in the charts, at his tour venues and through internet site connections. We all Show The Love!! Can't wait to see him in St Pete 9/18/10. Hope he has a little glam left for us. It's been a long wait but thanks to all the sites, fans and utube, we have keep our appetites in check and are ready for the date. Best of luck to you and your family. Glad Neil is keeping Adam's back on the tour! May Adam stay healthy, happy and safe forever!

Anonymous said...

Holy moley Irish1139..... I second your entire post. That was so well written!

And yes, Thank you Leila and Eber, and of course Adam!

Anonymous said...

We thank you for putting together this site, one which we have been waiting for. Only few question, not sure I am actually now a member of fan club. Site said I was, but 1) tried to get in to leave a post, wouldn't let me, 2) answered several questions asked, but did not ask for my address, so not sure I can get T-shirt, etc., 3) was prepared to pay for initiation fee, but did not ask me to. So please anyone who knows the answer, please let me know. Thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

Irish, Very beautifully stated. Leila Lambert, thank you for being such a great mom. When is your parenting skills book coming out? Dont want to start a rumor JMO about a book! Hey, Lambertlust, love your name! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I will never forget the mile long smiles of Adam's whole family (Dad, Mom and bro Neil) at the end of the song WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS with Queen (last AI show season 8). Still gives me shivers to watch that performance and Adam's and his family's reactions. So much LOVE!

Cheers to a great family!

Anonymous said...

Love Adam's lone black nail around his Mom's shoulder. Love everything about that family!

Anonymous said...

Also second Irish1139 post. Couldn't express it any better.

Anonymous said...

To follow up on my Queen post above, Brian May (Queen's guitarist who was on stage with Adam) is not only an amazing musician but also holds a PhD in astrophysics and is currently the chancellor of a Liverpool university. Impressive credentials. The guy therefore KNEW what he was talking about when he said that Adam IS a great performer and terrific person!

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:55, thanks so much for info. on Brian Mays. Didnt know this but yes, very impressive! Love Queen! Cant begin to imagene the joy it was for Adam performing with them. AI can never top those 2 final nite performances of Adam with Kiss and Queen. I know for me nothing can top it!!!!! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

No escaping when I start
Once I'm in I own your heart
There's no way to ring the alarm
So hold on until it's over....

Adam told the truth... and we are sooooooooooooo hooked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@ Leila

Thank you for your kind words, Leila. I felt each one of them coming from your soul, not only from your «mom sweetness». I'm kind of old enough to be your son's grandmother (but not old enough to be your mother, haha!), and I love and respect him so much... all those his talents, his beauty (body and soul), and his amazing personality... being humble when he needs, brave all the time, positive as no one else, always polite, different, smart, articulate, so capable in all meanings... and why not to say it: so fun & sexy! Yay!!! I call this your son «sweet Adam» because I do think he is soooooo sweeeeeet that I just can't help not to use the adjective before his beautiful name!!! Silly? Oh, well, no, just true, you may bet it! Believe me, Leila, I'm so glad of being a true Glambert since the very moment, kind of 2 years ago, I had my eyes fixed on my TV, swallowing sweet Adam's beautiful sounds and performances/messages, I mean... my ears, mouth, heart and mind all open, such a positive energy flying in the air giving me back MY LIFE, making me feeling happy and comfortable, like a teenager again. I'm from Brazil, living in Azores/Portugal for a long time, have no family (only my Glamily), work as a cook for a 5 stars hotel and in my free time, while I get sweet Adam's news in this amazing site 24/7 «Paradise» or wherever, I keep hardly praying to God All Mighty to keep blessing him at least three times a day. You listen to me, Leila: this your son is going to be wideworld more famous and loved than no one ever have made it so far!!!! Sweet Adam HAS a special deserved room reserved in the Universe! (While you talk about the «power of Adam's music» I get committed with THE UNIVERSAL POWER OF ADAM LAMBERT!. And I really hope to live 40 more years, being able to say to the youngers, with a big smile of pure proud on my face: I TOLD YOU THAT YOUNG MAN WOULD MAKE IT!!! I believed!!!
Thank you Leila for all your support as a mom and as a fan. I here promise you that I will NEVER, EVER let sweet Adam down. Because I would be letting down my very soul... ah, yeahhh.. I've already given my soul to your sweet son!
God bless you too and all your family!

(PS: Forgive my errors, I just «relearned» english to love your sweet son better. Ha!)

Anonymous said...

Irish 1139, Couldnt have said it better. So agree! Loved info on Brian May. Impressive credentials that authentically support Adam's amazing talent. Leila is such a beautiful woman inside and out and has done such a great job along with Eber raising two exceptional sons. I love seeing pics of her with Adam. She has been a loving supportive mom that deserves so much credit. She gave her sons wings and the freedom to fly. She's so perfect to run his fan club. There are a few glitches. I'm logged in, but still am not sure how to navigate. Unable to get any VIP passes, so will try for Glam membership. Just what I need, another place to spend time I don't have! This is my #1 site and will remain so. Adam is consuming my life! Yard and house suffering big time!!Happy and appreciative for all the work Leils is putting into this site! funbunn40

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you are heading up his fan club, Leila. Maybe now some of the disrespectful stuff will be filtered. Some people get a bit over zealous with their comments
Thank you

Anonymous said...

aww this is what a thread should be like...i can feel the love glamily... what a lovely lady Leila is. really nice kind words... yes it's not just Adam's music that inspires us all but Adam himself what a truley glorious special person he is...he's worked hard for his success, and deserves it all and more...

chezza-sherbert/ brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...


If I had had a son I would have wanted one with all the fabulous qualities that Adam has. You obviously were and still are a great influence in his life.

Please do your best to keep him grounded. We want Adam to entertain us for a lifetime to come.

Thank you for all you have done to provide the world with such a great gift and beautiful human being.

You should be very proud.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful lady, beautiful husband, gorgeous smart sons just like mom and dad but the best thing is the level of humility, kindness, care and pure joy! The Lambert family is unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, hate to be so naive, but is THIS the fan club site? or did Leila start another one. Silly me.

Anonymous said...

This thread...humanity can be all kinds of good...too...
and I breathe a sigh of relief...Adam Lambert is a good exhale...

Anonymous said...

Both Mom n son look gorgeous in that pic!!

Leila u r definitely one beautiful woman inside and out. Read ur message above n u came across to me as someone who is full of LOVE! Thank u Leila for raising Adam right.. n thank u also for allowing us fans to 'share' ur son.

Adam has inspired so many people. So proud to see this talented young man achieve much success in his music career!

Love Adam! Love Leila! Love the Lambert family! U guys r great!! :)

Anonymous said...

Love your choice of words - Adam Lambert is a good exhale. I can viscerally feel that statment. "Adam Lambert" *aaaaaaaah* Yes,...good exhale.

Anonymous said...

As a mother of a gay son, I can only say Leila is a lucky and lovely person. So is her son. He has remained grounded throughout this past two years--probably not the easiest thing to do. Gay men are indeed a joy to their family and to the world. Doesn't matter if a person is gay or straight, his actions will rule the person he is and the person he will become.

Anonymous said...

You will always have our support Leila. Adam is a gem and I am glad to see he is involving his family in the business. There is nothing like Mom to keep ya grounded and loved everyday. I to have a son that is a gem and nothing make a Mom prouder than a son that appreciates his family. This fan club is going to so much fun!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anonymous 4:48 in the comment about keeping Adam grounded so that he enjoys a long career. Things are happening so fast and furious for Adam that you can't help but worry that he will get ahead of himself (as he has said in interviews something he doesn't want to do) by being surrounded by those who might not have his best interests at heart. I hope that Adam's family continues to provide that solid foundation and he accepts their guidance with the understanding that it comes out of love. To have Leila so involved along with Neil on the road they will help him stay centered and enable him to continue doing what he loves which is writing and performing his music. Adam grew up in my neighborhood in the San Diego area and attended school in the district where I teach so I feel a certain "connection" and pride that our local boy made good. I knew from the moment he set foot on the AI stage he was someone special. He is making music history and we're all along for the ride!

coloforadam said...

Leila - you and Eber are truly examples of parents who appreciate the uniqueness of the precious child they have been given and who have opened his way to achieving his dream. The way that he has touched people is different for each of us but filled with some form of magic that I don't think even he understands. What a special delight for a Mom to have so many people see the spark of wonder in your son that you have probably seen since day one. How can we ever thank you for encouraging him to share that wonderous talent and joyful spirit and wrapping around him a sense of courage and love that we feel everyday!!!

Anonymous said...

To the person who asked about the fan club site. No, this isnt it. But scroll down and you will find the link. Hope this helps. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

irish1139, and everyone else - nicely said!

Adam is a gift too precious to sit on a shelf gathering dust. He has inspired and awed so many. He has humility, humor and love guiding him. His gift needs to be shared with the world, as well as his personality and outlook on life.

Love this man. Love his mom - she "done good". I have a young son and can only hope he grows up to half the integrety, guts and compassion that Adam does. Nice job, Leila. You (and Adam) are truly an inspiration to many.

- Adam Fix

glitzylady said...

Everyone has really already said it all beautifully, so I have very little to add. (well, maybe a little more..)..I do so greatly admire Leila for the way she was able to help Adam to become the man that he is, with help from Eber of course.. Adam had all of this wonderful potential, but if he had not had the two perceptive and supportive parents that he was blessed to be born to, he very likely wouldn't be where he is today...Because of all of Adam's "energy" as a child, and his love of "dressing up" they saw the wisdom of placing him in a Children's Theater group, to channel that energy into something positive...It also gave Adam a place to be accepted and to have friends, as he felt awkward and different growing up...Which also led to the discovery of his amazing ability to sing like no other...And mom and dad didn't feel the need to rush him into his discovery of himself, or his eventual coming out, until he was ready, and then calmly met that with unconditional love and acceptance (the way it should be for everyone)...I just can't envision a more ideal, safe, and loving environment for Adam to become who he his today...Adam inspires me every day in some way with his generous nature and kindness to all, and his unwavering support for his fans...I am so glad, like so many above, that he continues to be close to his family, the ones who have been his best "fans" for years. They know that he is a very special human being, with his sunny and optimistic approach to life and they have helped to make it possible for all of us to see for ourselves the supernova that is Adam Lambert. Thank you Leila...for sharing Adam with us...and being there for him, always...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thank You Leila for being so sweet and letting us love your son! Thank you for being like a 2nd mom to Tommy joe Ratliff also! It's good that both these boys can count on you for being such a great mom!

Anonymous said...

Are you not posting anymore 24/7???????

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