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More Pictures of Adam at DA GAY CLUB last night:

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, August 15, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, August 15, 2010


Thanks jnmk for the tip!


Anonymous said...

Unity! Saw him yesterday!

JealousBitch said...

Anon 1

You said you saw him yesterday? WOW.....did you take a pic?

Anonymous said...

Lucky guy .)

Anonymous said...

Adam's found his boy!!!!!! The boy is cute tooo!!! Too bad we don't have face shot!

Anonymous said...

Where's Tommy? I don't see him?!

Anonymous said...

Oh those tequila shots. Would like to be around when those are workin'. Tommy? That terrific, fun happenin' place is a gay bar and Tommy is not .... how many times do we have to be told that? Hope Adam is having "the time of his life"!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous, If you're implying that Tommy isn't at the bar because he isn't gay then I guess that means everyone there is including Lane and Terrance. I didn't realize you had to be gay to get into a gay bar.

Anonymous said...

All true. Ya don't need to be gay. In fact, st gals hang sometimes at gay bars so don't get hit on. Generally speaking tho, st guys do not go there unless with a gal. Don't you know that the st guy has to be really comfortable with his sexuality. Just my observations in my city.

That guy is adorable. See a bunch of cute guys there. Guess if Adam wants to go to gay bar, rest of group goes along. Hate to be cynical but he is their meal ticket at this point in time.

Cheril said...

Looking happy and having fun! You so deserve it Adam!

Anonymous said...

Love for Adam to look at me like he's looking at that guy in the 1st pic. Nevermind, I'd be on the floor passed out.

Anonymous said...

Terence is gay, so is sasha, and I think cam

Anonymous said...

The members of the band and dancers and his brother Neil go to bars and other places with Adam. I think it is more than a grand idea that they are with him. We would not want to see our Man get hurt by some hater with ill intentions. You just never know what is out there and how some others feel. Everyone don't see it the way we do. We are very protective over Adam and ready to fight anyone who hurts him or wants to hurt him. So, Terrance, you look like a pretty good body guard to me. MUSCLES abound. YOU take care of our Man! Many thanks for doing it. :)

Anonymous said...

Where did you read that Terrance, and Cam are gay? I knew Sasha was but thought the entire rest of the crew is straight.Not that it matters one bit. Gosh, I didnt' know this stuff. May they all live happily ever after!!

JealousBitch said...

Cam, Terrance and Sasha are all gay? 0.0!!!! that's nice to me!

Anonymous said...

Yep! Gay, gay, gay....Hooray!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It's a good news too. Tommy is not there, that means he has better place to go where there is lots of single young girls. I guess Terrance, Cam, sasha were there because they are not looking for anyone at straight bar....and want to hang around with his friend Adam. Hey, may be Tommy and Neil have "better" place to go, good for them too !! ahahhahaha....everyone is entitle to have fun their own way when they have free time right ? Too bad paparazzi could not find Tommy and Neil....good for them !!

Shirley said...

LOL what's with the heart?

Anonymous said...

Shirley, if you click on the source link, the heart was drawn by "Le Perez Hilton du Québec" . He calls himself the Perez Hilton of Quebec lol. And if you are a reader of Perez Hilton, you should realize that he loves drawing stuff on his pictures. So childish and funny. I remember he used to draw some white stuff on Adam's mouth back then. So immature.

Anonymous said...

Go on Adam, GET some - that guy is cute, and we all approve, so feel free to advance to the next level, with our blessing! (...I say, like it's any of our business...)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

It's not our business, sure, but I think it's just, to use glitzylady's term again :), "rousing" to think about Adam expressing himself intimately, and sexually. I think it's sort of a "I can't help it" place to go thought-wise, for many. A visceral reaction. We all love his music, the person he seems to be, the raw talent first and foremost, YES... but it's kinda hard to view pictures and contemplate him dating or casually fulfilling personal desires without also personally conjuring up images of him expressing himself sexually...not anyone's business sure, but hard to tamp down those feelings for many I would assume... silly, maybe, but also human. Phffeeew, okay, that was my Oprah/Dr. Phil moment for the day...


ps. on a lighter note - gay bars were always some of the funnest places to be IMHO... don't know if that comes out offensive or not, but just my POV

Anonymous said...

On Terrance's twitter I saw a photo with him and supposedly with his family. I mean his wife and his kid. O.o Is he really gay?

p.s. I wish Tommy had been there.

Anonymous said...

That wasn't Terrence's wife and kid , but sister and nephew. I don't know if he's gay, but Sasha has said she is on twitter. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Is this the same guy Adam met in Philadelphia? I know, stupid question. Wow, Adam sure is "getting around"!

I just hope he doesn't become the "gay John Mayer"!
Any thoughts people?

Anonymous said...

I guess Adam was just doing club promoting.

Anonymous said...

You don't have to be gay to go to a gay bar,in fact they can be a lot of fun. Adam and his crew are from LA, where life is more open and you don't get labeled for every move. A whole lot of people in show bus. are gay, and hide it because of just this type of speculation. Doubt anyone in Adam's GNT show worried about their individual orientation.

Anonymous said...

Wow why does it matter who is gay or not gay...I for one could care less who is or who isn't. That is not why I follow Adam. It is because of his music,his voice,his charm and karisma for goodness sake. I guess in some sort of strange way come folks are trying to relate to his life; as we should. His life style is the same yet differant. He has been so blessed and he knows it from his music talent to his love for his family and friends. I find it perplexing when every sentence regarding Adam has the word "gay" injected into it. The gay community just wants to be treated like everyone else. The comment about him becoming a" Gay" John Mayer just pisses me off! Can you really call yourself a fan and talk like this? He is trying to live OK? AS for the Lick with Tommy "That's Show Biz" Enough said!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:33...Thank You! I agree 2000%.

I'm really tired of all the "gay" talk. In fact, I just told my son that I should go around introducing my people as my "straight" ____ (fill in the blank: son, brother, niece, etc.), just to prove the point of how stupid it is to interject gay into everything said about Adam and other members of the gay community. I say "wake the hell up people, it's 2010".

Could you imagine for a moment, if no adjective was off limits? How about hearing things like "and here's a shot of OPENLY FAT ACTOR Alec Baldwin", or "here's a look at UNBELIEVABLY OLD actress Betty White" (I actually lover her to death). What the hell would everyone think?

Thanks for your thoughts Anon 2:33!


Anonymous said...

When I first saw Adam on AI I had NO thought as to his sexual preference ... IT DID NOT MATTER ... IT WAS AND IS ADAM!!! When I heard of his preference, it was OK so he's gay!!! It's his boyish like image (at times), his VOCAL ABILITIES, his charm, charisma, JUST BEING HIMSELF! That's who I fell for!!! I LOVE ME SOME ADAM AND CAN'T GET ENOUGH!! NEED MY ADAM FIX EACH AND EVERY DAY!!! I'm a goner!!!!

Anonymous said...

All of Adam's dancers are gay except for Brooke. Cam is gay and so is Lane. I think the only straight ones in the whole bunch is Longineau and Monte. Sorry - I still say that Tommy is gay.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:33, So agree with you and PRS, how funny but how true! We would never think to say that! And to Anon 4:06, it never occurred to me either that Adam was gay. I didnt find out until the RS issue. I did not have access to a computer from Feb-May of '09 so didnt see the boyfriend photos. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

these pics make me feel like a peeping tom

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:10pm Wow thx for the new info. Didn't know Cam n Lane r gays?! Thought Lane looks like a straight girl...

Am I right to say that 80% of the members in the GN group (I mean the dancers n band) r gays? Interesting that all of them can mix comfortably together... (just saying) hope the straight ones will stay with the group for a long time, though we all know LP will be leaving soon...

Anonymous said...

Is Taylor gay?

Anonymous said...

No, Taylor is not gay. Adamluv

glitzylady said...

@PRS at 3:42

I am howling at your "OPENLY FAT ACTOR" Alec Baldwin and "UNBELIEVABLY OLD ACTRESS" Betty White examples of equal opportunity labeling, not that we should really do that, but it definitely gets the point across and maybe it WOULD put a stop to that selective labeling thing...God knows what MY label might be: " OVER-THE-TOP SLEEP-DEPRIVED CRAZED-BUT-MILD-MANNERED-ON-THE-SURFACE COUGAR ADAM LAMBERT FAN" Glitzylady....for starters....

Anonymous said...

Thanks Glitzlady for agreeing with me.

We live in a really messed up society that has us "name-calling" at the preschool age and we just further develop and hone those skills throughout adulthood.

I personally try my best everyday to only us a positive description when talking about people.

Anonymous said...

PRS Thanks for your kind comments on my opinion at 2:33. It is good to know I am not alone in my thinking. Let's start today to change our dialouge and make a differance. That is what Adam is spreading the word about through his "Glam Nation Tour" I loved your thoughts; it just showed how silly we sound when we inject certain decriptions into our conversation. What a downer to think some folks thing they are so superiour to others. Or could it be a lack of self confidence of sorts?? In my thinking it is a form of racist slurs. At times I don't think people are really thinking at all. Well untill they are at the recieving end of those slurs!

Anonymous said...

Enough of all the gay stuff! It don't cross my mind when I watch Adam perform. I'm too busy mopping up drull!!!!! Now,
Back to the laced up pouch pants that Adam wears. I think I have the answer about the "zipper". The zipper is on the side where the DARK strip is, not the light strip. That lace patch is NEVER unlaced. You can tell by how neat it always is. Not a twisted lace in the whole thing. So, there! Now, having gone back to this old conversation, I would like to view some comments. P.S., I still haven't ask Adam the question of where it is? I do like how we go over every little detail of our Man. We sure are obserant!!! Wonder if he knows how we comb for all the details of his dress. (I still want that feather that fell on the sidewalk.) So, comments please on wheather you think it is on the side. TKS

glitzylady said...

I'm sorry...WHAT'S on the side.......????

And au contraire...the lace was indeed untied one time and dangling...You are right, we NEVER miss a thing.....

This comment will probably never been seen, but just in case....LOL!!!