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New Adam Lambert background Pictures from AdamOfficial

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, August 16, 2010

Posted at : Monday, August 16, 2010

Thanks to _ninni! (and Johanna for the tip)


Anonymous said...

MY GOOOOOD!!! And you have to see this video. Made my week.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It is sooooo much FUN witnessing Adam burst onto the world stage. The fact that he is eye candy and such a nice guy makes me smile all the more. Beverly

Anonymous said...

Woe is me is he a hottie! I love the black and white with the colbalt blue batazel background! He could be a model!

LILY said...


Anonymous said...

Love his stance in #1 and 2 and that dreamy face in #3! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Pictures......yes Brit has been drooling
Glambrit Isle of Wight Uk

Anonymous said...

His physique is gorgeous.


ps. Enrique Iglasias on Jay Leno as I type... happy that he has a good career, but doesn't have 1/16th the natural sex appeal and magnetism or voice that Adam Lambert does...not even close... and his "I Like It" song - I gotta say, irks me that it's doing so well as I don't believe, IMHO, it is a very good song. Lots of great songs on charts right now, good worthy competition, and I don't mean to be Adam-centric, but Iglasias' I Like It song is not a stellar song in my POV...yet got instant good radio airplay. Oh well, I guess I should stick with the positive - Adam Lambert has "IT" factor seeping from his pores, these pix on this thread show it, his GNT vocals show it... and the whole world will know it soon enough (but keep requesting :), IIHY was #10 on iTunes/Pop a few hours ago, yay)

Anonymous said...

MGF, when Enrique I. first came on the music scene, I thought he was so handsome until I saw and heard him during an interview. I was so disappointed in the manner in which he conducted himself that I no longer thought he was so cute! Funny you should mention him. Adam on the other hand becomes more attractive when you see and hear him talk to people. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Yes - Adam becomes expendentially sexxier and more attractive by the minute. He is somehow able to manipulate the rules of physics that way...don't know how he does it...guess all he has to do is open his mouth and speak/sing. OK, hell, he doesn't even need to open his mouth!

And my, what big - um - feet he has in that last picture!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

@ Adam Fix
Baby fellow, for someone who had been recently at a hiding expensive clinic around Seattle (or was it at Beverly Hills, CA?) for an «Adam's Rehab»... ummmm, talk to me, how much did you have to pay? Sorry hooker, I mean... sorry baby, it didn't work, trust me... HA!

Anonymous said...

@@ Adam Fix
I guess I've never told you «welcome back to Paradise», am I right? That's because you didn't come back, fellow, you just ran away your Adam's Rehab, couldn't bear it, a little bird have told it to me. HA!
(Glamshit! Missed you and talked about you so much, ask our everyday sweet Adam's fans fellows...)

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha, Fan4fun - you're too clever!!! They tied me down, they blindfolded me, they sandpapered the tips of my fingers so I couldn't type on a computer, jammed earplugs in my ears, they tried shock therapy - nothing worked!!!! I could not stop obsessing over Adam! They will just have to cut out that part of my brain, I guess. So, now I'm a lawless fugitive, on the run...just me and my laptop...all dirty and dusty...clothes ripped...holing up in caves and cheap motels...anywhere I can get a wi-fi connection and get my ADAM FIX!!!! Have to have it every day...just like breathing. Am SO gone.

And thank you for the "welcome back"...don't know when I'll make it though all the old posts...but will try my damndest.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...