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New Pictures of Adam and NRJ Radio's Mitsou Gelinas

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, August 14, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, August 14, 2010



Anonymous said...

Barbie and Rock God Ken

Anonymous said...

Poor Adam, where's the guys?

Anonymous said...

why do you say that (above)????

Anonymous said...

New toyboy hair?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Top 2 pictures look as if the cowlick has spread! Love it! Like how she is leaning against him in picture #4 and dont I wish that was me! Think she looks a little like Kelly Ripa? Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Be still my heart and pounding brain. stunning man

Anonymous said...

hair has kind of a rooster look and I mean that in a gooood way

Anonymous said...

Yea, Anon 11:21am - who even looks at who is is with - could be man, woman or giraffe - I wouldn't notice as I passed out on the floor from latest Adam-overdose!!

Anonymous said...

There is just something so hot about this...

Anonymous said...

young elvis????????????????????
perhaps he came back........