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New/Old Video Clip of Adam meeting Pink in 2008

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, August 9, 2010

Posted at : Monday, August 09, 2010

Thanks hooplamagnet for the tip!


Anonymous said...

OMG Glambert detectives are amazing :D lol!!

This is really cool. So Adam was on Youtube long before he debuted on AI.

Anonymous said...

lol he was such a fanboy!! so cute

Anonymous said...

What a great find! Little did either of them think at the time that a song from P!nk would be Adam's first big international hit. I wonder where Adam was rushing off to?

Anonymous said...

Adam looked more important person than Pink.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe after shaking Adams hand she turned away so quickly!! (bitch) did she not know she was talking to Mr Adam Lambert our Glam Rock Sex God !!!!!.... as we all know one eye to eye glance from Adam would have floored us with his Stunning Looks and Sex Appeal lol
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Glambrit Isle of wight UK....IKR! Pink didn't know he was gonna be her "Cash Cow" LOL. I hope she gets a chance to see this video! I wonder what her reaction would be.... If it was me, I would definitely kill myself. But if it were me, Adam F'n Lambert would be in my Limo, naked, ravished big time! LOL


Anonymous said...

Re ZZ.....
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Pink was a big deal, is a big deal and will be a big deal for a long time. The fact that she gave a newcomer one of her songs, is a BIG deal! To be honest Adam is a big deal to a lot of people but he is still a relativly new artist compared to Pink for whom he has the utmost respect. The fact that she even shook his hand was probably a big deal to Adam, I know it would have been to most of us. Adam looks just like a proper fan here which I think is cute too.

Anonymous said...

anoy 6.48pm its a shame you do you not have any sense of humour? regarding this video clip!

Uranus said...

Glambrit Isle of Wight UK - hahaha so true!

Anonymous said...

anon 6:48pm...Barf!


Anonymous said...

So OT,
want to order my HK concert tickets today, for those that have been to concerts, should I order standing (GA) tickets, or seated , and if seated where, the HK arena has standing in the middle, and seating in a horseshoe shape around it?
Big Dilemma, kind of want to stand, but then if we don't manage to get near the front will I be able to see him properly? but if we sit will we able to get up and dance, especially if sitting in the front rows of the balcony? This will be my one and only concert so want to make sure I make the right decision...
HK fan

Anonymous said...

HK fan, if you get a GA you need to be at the venue early, even you have to camp outside if you need to be up front and close to the stage. If I were you, I would camp outside the venue for even 48 hrs to get as close as possible. But also if you get the reserved spots, I think you would be able to stand and dance cause I don;t think anyone sits at an Adam Lambert concert. But either way, get your glambert ass to the concert and whether you are close to the stage or not, I guarantee you that you'll enjoy the show 100% and it will definitely be one of your best evenings to remember...cause it sure was one of mine...yeah, even though I was not fortunate enough to kiss Adam, I get to drink like crazy and kiss a gay dude with guyliner, Hell yeah!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@6,17 and 8.39
concerts in HK are very different affairs to the US. Like I said in a previous post I have never heard of a concert selling out, apart from the rolling stones a few years ago, which was a small outdoor venue, maybe 5k people. Nobody in HK gets to things early, so I would be very surprised if there was a queue. Also 'security' at HK venues are notoriously 'jobs worthy', put a uniform on them and they turn into little Hitlers, so maybe won't be allowed to get up and dance etc, although everyone stood up at Muse. Methinks its going to be very different for Adam playing in Asia...

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Adam looks like one of us waiting for him to catch our eye!

Anonymous said...

Interesting juxtaposition of the two videos. The lst where Adam is mobbed by fans after his concert and the 2008 of Adam as a "nobody" in the bowels of a parking lot shaking hands as a fan with Pink. She had no idea their paths would cross again in the future Big Time.

Very people's lives can change in a short amount of time! Too bad the WWFM Video didn't get nominated because that is one great song and cool video.

Anonymous said...

Decided to go for GA, ticket is booked - yeh..

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Lordie I really want to rip that banner off this page. It covers up the headline!!!