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Tonight's Venue

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, August 10, 2010

This is the Warner Theatre (in Erie, Pennsylvania. Very beautiful theater!


Anonymous said...

it looks so delicate...

Anonymous said...

I see the capacity is 2250. It is truly beautiful. He loves beautiful things so I know he will be happy performing there.

Anonymous said...

Magnificent!!! Adam's management should always book him in theatres like this one. Besides it has great seats... sorry I'm not really fond of GA ( height challenged ), great ambiance and most of all great acoustics.

Stephanie said...


Anonymous said...

Wow...this is more like it...what a Wonderful Venue for our Gorgeous Adam he soooo deserves this after the awful Texas BARN he was made to perform in
This Venue is Beautiful with Fantastic Ornate Decorations.... Adam is going to Love this Venue....i would just love to be there...anyone lucky enough to have tixs....have a good one....
Have Fun Adam and Glamily xxx
i am soooooooooooo jealous
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Geez, real seats. Wish I could have seen him in this venue instead of Showbox Sodo in Seattle. It was the venue from hell.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous venue. Bet accoustics are wonderful. Agree about GA. Not a good idea. Many of Adam's fans are not so young so would like a seat. But don't expect to stay in that seat. We all stood the entire time for his concert in Denver. Time just flew by.

Anonymous said...

That is one most elegant theaters I've seen.

Anonymous said...

A classy guy should play in a classy, elegant theatre, with character! Adam deserves the best and we do too! General admission,with no reserved seats is tough when you're not 20 and have to stand in unbearable heat for 12 or more hours to see our BB. This is a theatre worthy of Adam and great crew! he never complains, but I bet he'll appreciate it! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Breathtaking theatre! After this tour, Adam will certainly know in which type of venue he prefers to perform. But like everything in life there are good points and bad about every type. Adamluv

Lili said...

beautiful theater!! he'll love performing there.

Anonymous said...

Hi Adamluv...welcome back Glamsista we missed you...we have been having a good time on the
Glam Nation Tour in St. Louis thread
a Great Version of Whole Lotta Love to enjoy
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Glambrit, Oh, I'm never far away from this site! Thanks! Adamluv

GlammyLadybug said...

I welcome this thread! Besides the beauty of the pictures (I also love these theaters), it sort of gives me the opportunity to share with you something that you might have tried already, but if not, you might as well enjoy it.

So.. an Info for the diehard fans: you can ‘google-walk’ around the venues that BB plays at by going on this site: “,-96.503906&spn=30.656805,56.162109&source=embed “
or you can go to then click “Tour Map” – full format!
Choose a venue and zoom in as much as you can, then drag the little human icon from the zooming tool to the target location and there you go, you’ll have the 'street view'. From there you can use the arrows and zooming tool or mouse scroll wheel to ‘walk’ the streets, look at the street signs or the sky :). (Also if you click on the name of the venue you’ll go to its site and see pictures or even take a virtual tour of the venue - if this feature is available).
It’s working for other countries too! I couldn’t find the entrance in Star Hall Hong Kong, but I guess our ‘HK fan’ friend might tell us. :)

Sorry if redundant..or teachery.. sorry also if I worsen your obsessive compulsive (Internet) behavior.. :) As I said before.. not looking for Rehab but people with the same ‘condition’.
Let's go for a walk, shall we? :)

Anonymous said...

Morrison Theater for the Performing Arts in Boise, Idaho, was a wonderful venue also. Plush seats and great sound. Glad Adam is back in a great "house." Robin

Anonymous said...

@funbunn40, re your "he never complains, but I bet he'll appreciate it!". Well said (as usual :))

@GL/12:20 - Thanks! Will check out when RL allows. And LOVED your last paragraph :), and NO apologies necessary!! LOL

On-topic: I know many have said, including me, that Adam thrives in a hot sweaty venue, and I think it's true (my 2nd and last show will be one of those, can't wait, lol) but I also think there's something to be said for how he performs in a comfortable venue... I always felt that Foxwoods was such a good show because he was - IDK, just comfortable (air conditioning, good stage size, etc.) It was a great venue. Just a gut feeling, what the hell do I know, this thought has just come to mind as I've followed GNT vids. I do think, as many have said, it's MOSTLY how he's feeding off the crowd that produces a fantastic show (and let's face it, they are ALL fantastic shows)...but this was just something I've felt here and there as I've watched the vids this summer, IDK.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back, Adamluv! I just left you a message on that thread about the new sweet Adam's single. Talking about classy, I finally had time to read your beautiful report on your «live» Adam Lambert experience. Thank you so much for sharing in details your impressions with us, fellow.

Anonymous said...

Fan4fun, thanks for the very kind words and the support you gave me a couple days ago as well! Will always remember that! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Does it have air? That was my only complaint in Columbus,Ohio. It was so hot and I felt so bad for the bad,dancers and Adam. Only the truly devoted tred on that kind of heat! I too would have perferred to sit even though standing would have probably been the choice most of the time; however inbetween sets and going to the bathroom without losing your spot after 4 hours would have been a nice option no doubt. wish I could have gone to this one for real!

glitzylady said...


Sorry I did not comment re the nasty remarks on the earlier thread...I read them and was completely baffled as to what that person was even referring to....just wanting to pick a fight I guess...I (and others here) have also been the recipients of a few negative remarks for no apparent reason so know the feeling of being criticized unfairly...(IMO)..Takes a couple of days or more to get the energy and enthusiasm back after something like that. Just know that you are appreciated and supported...and just keep on contributing those great comments...This blog is such a positive and respectful place as a general rule and it is always a little frustrating when the negativity appears out of the blue....Adam is our "muse" and he is a perfect example of an accepting and loving attitude and I think those who are here do a great job in doing that as well....

And that theater is so beautiful, the perfect place for a wonderful performer and his Glamily...I have to agree with 10:53 a.m.: the Seattle venue was pretty awful, my husband refused to go as a result "What is the matter with his management, don't they know he deserves better than that place....grumble, grumble..." (bless his heart), but nothing can stop ME from seeing Adam in person...I can guarantee that he is the only performer I would stand up in one spot in a sardine-can sauna venue for 3 and a half hours, and still love every minute of this is a place that Adam truly deserves....

Anonymous said...

Welome back too, Adamluv. You also have fans on this site! Glammy L,Thanks for the venue info. As for feeding my obsessive- compulsiveness, I went down the Rabbit Hole months ago and it's quite comfy there! No rehab for me!! Can't wait to try info out for Raleigh and Hollywood, FL GNT. O.T. I have 2 daughters and one is meeting me in Raleigh and my other daughter called and said she had tickets [for my B-day surprise!]for Hollywood! My son, Scott went with me to the Charlotte concert.They think I'm nuts, but won't after seeing Adam live! They're excited that I'm so excited! My sister says that Adam is now a part of our family because of all of fan club news on my facebook. MGF,as you said, Foxwoods was a great show, as was Milwaukee and Ryman and who wouldn't appreciate air conditioning when you're dancing your a** off with sweat soaked, skin tight[heart palpatations now] HOT leather pants! Laces seem to be holding up pretty well under all of the strain of performing! haha funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Glitzlady, Thanks for the comments and at least I know I'm in very good company! Funbunn40, thank you too! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

To Glammyladybug,
I haven't been in Star Hall, although my husband and friends have. Its in a very large building known as Hitec, its an exhibition centre, and has shops, huge bowling alley etc. Maybe thats why you can't find the entrance as you have to go in the main building first. It has GA in the centre, with seats round 3 sides.
Just booked my ticket for the HK show...

HK fan

Anonymous said...

I'm glad my 'info' was news to someone here. :)

It's not working very well for Hollywood, I'm afraid. It seems like a complex of clubs, hotels, and so.. They didn't took pictures whithin its limits. Only on the main roads nearby. :(

Anonymous said...

And thanks HK fan. Looking forward to reading your insights after the show. Hope you'll enjoy it as much as every one here who have been to at least one GNT show. I'm still waiting for European dates, but I'm not sure I'll be able to travel to UK or Scandinavian countries. Germany or Italy might be a better option for me. For now, I'm 'feeding' through your show reviews.


Anonymous said...

I'm really excited, but nervous. I just hope he sells well and that the audience is good. But I feel the Asian audiences will be very different for him than the US ones. He's such a big part of my life now, I just want him to do so well here, and blow everyone away, and make them feel the way I do. But HK audiences are pretty awful, always leave it to the last minute to buy tickets, always arrive late, fall asleep during shows, and everything I've ever been to, (plays, concerts) always have somepeople leave during the performance.

HK fan