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Undercover Interview (Australia) - Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, August 2, 2010

Posted at : Monday, August 02, 2010

Early singing jobs, Growing up in San Diego, Experience in musicals Wicked etc and influences, performing with Queen, being on American Idol and bringing theatric elements to his music, Dealing with negative media exposure and making a record.

Thanks to Adamholic!


Anonymous said...

My, I'm a bad fan... first time I've seen this interview! Thanks 24/7 for posting it!

Very informative interview because the interviewer did his homework before going in!

I have one somewhat similarity with Adam, I moved to another country right after high school!!!

Anonymous said...

First time seeing this interview too. I don't think this was released before though?

They may have just released it on their website.

Anonymous said...

Two things I loved about this interview: Adam´s last smile (melting) and his comment about not being gay for a living. That was funny to hear.

Anonymous said...

This is one of the best interviews ever. Adam is so comfortable with this guy, and this guy is clearly comfortable with and knowledgable about Adam. Adam has such a great sense of humor. Just wonderful to listen to him. Yes, I laughed out loud about "not being gay for a living."

Anonymous said...

That was a great insightful and comfortable interview.I dont think I have seen it before, but I have seen so many I cant be sure.
Love the new format, so much easier to read the comments etc. Jan.

Anonymous said...

LOL @ the gay for a living thing. So clever!

And I agree this was a great interview. Thanks 24/7 and Adamholic for the video.

Anonymous said...

I watched this a few times.....just to look at Adam and

listen to his voice....So handsomeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Anonymous said...

I think this is why I'm so obsessed with Adam. It's not just his amazing singing abilities, or his smokin' good looks - it's that he's so REAL. He's so comfortable and confident with himself. He is smart, funny, articulate. He has a point of view and an opinion, yet he doensn't ram it down your throat because he has manners.

Thanks for posting this clip...where's it been hiding all this time?

- Adam Fix

glitzylady said...

@Adam Fix


Anonymous said...

I SO wish he would go back to wearing his hair like this all the time (or even sometimes). He is so much hotter!!