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Adam Lambert hangs with Papa Grows Funk at the Maple Leaf last night

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, September 14, 2010



Anonymous said...

Who is this guy?
Adam looks HOT!!!! as always.

BTW. Are you voting on VH1 and requesting IIHY and WWFM???

Anonymous said...

Should be Papa "Bear" Grows Funk!
Glad to see Adam enjoyed a night out in NOLA without being in a cage like some exotic animal on display!:(

Anonymous said...

Where was Adam last week on VH!? I didn't see it posted here, or I missed it! Lots of posts daily.

Anonymous said...

Think he's a New Orleans Celeb. P.S. Adam No. 17, and falling hard. Need to vote everyone!!!

Anonymous said...

Iihy is number 15. Need to vote. Now!!!!!

The Dark Side said...

Actually, 1:18 pm, he is at #17 on the Vh1 top 20 list. This is not good. We need to vote more. BTW Wikipedied Papa Grows Funk. His name is James Papa Gros, and he fronts a band called above. Also, famous for his impromptu jam sessions with other musicians. Seems like Adam in good company.

Anonymous said...

I think some of the problem with the voting is that School has started up again, and teens are busy elsewhere. lots of Adam's fans are Moms, and many of us have jobs and families to take care of, and it's hard to find time for voting. I do manage to vote every night, but I noticed that several people that left comments for the video are no there lately.