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Glaad: E! Cancels ‘Daily 10′

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Daily 10 made headlines last week after a guest-host made an offensive joke insinuating that Adam Lambert would enjoy prison. This week, the show apologized for the comment.

Now, Variety reports the show is being cancelled, and E! News is returning to an hour-long format. We’ll continue working with the network to ensure that their coverage of LGBT celebrities and issues stays respectful.



Anonymous said...

Wow! the power of Adam Lambert and the Glamberts!!! Coincidence... certainly not! :)

It's all about ratings people! And the network execs sees & smells trouble... O__O

Anonymous said...

Please don't be deluded enough to think the show is cancelled because Adam fans complained about that guy's lame joke.

Anonymous said...

And they have the Behind the Star thingy coming out this Fall on Adam.

Anonymous said...

Respect should be a 'given' when reporting on ANY celebrity or individual. Reporters have gone astray resorting to insults and cutesy remarks at the expense of the subject. Bottom line - it's not funny, just do your job!!

Anonymous said...

Where and WHO said that the show is canceled????? Am I missing something?? amd WHY should they cancel it?? PPL make mistake. Yes, it was STUPID , but it's OVER. c'mon ppl. Don't rub things the wrong way.

Anonymous said...

WOW!!!WTF!!! I kind of hope this was planned before the whole Catherwood debacle. Know Glaad has lots of influence, but don't really know what to think here. Maybe Daily 10 people taking too many liberties with their attempt at comedy. While no one came to Lindsay's defense, someone should have. The fact that Adam has a great deal of self-respect, makes a difference. Well never watched that show anyway, but do watch E news a lot. Maybe this is a strike in the right direction. I think we can also thank Gaga for her untiring fight against homomorphism. Perhaps this will give more gay entertainers the freedom to come out.

Anonymous said...

I heard Ryan Seacrest didn't like what they had to say about his buddy Adam so he decided to cut the show.

Thanks Ryan.

Anonymous said...

My guess is they were already planning on canceling it and this latest thing gave them a good excuse and made them look good to those who protested. The comment about Adam isn't the only time they have crossed the line. In addition, there was really no need for the Daily 10 since E News preceded it and covered most of the same topics. Nevertheless, I am glad that so many responded to the out of line comments. Perhaps it will sensitize some of these media people to current issues. And no, I don't think some of the popular comedians are funny when they make insensitive remarks that stereotype a whole group of people either.

Anonymous said...

This cancellation has much to do with many other facts separate from GLAAD / Lambert business!

Anonymous said...

They could have gone ahead and announced it early to take the wind out of the sails of this issue since their apology wasn't taken well either.

The Dark Side said...

Certain 3:33 correct. But this cancellation will have a positive effect on other entertainment shows that take liberties and can be very unpolitically correct. This is the 21st Century and sometimes I feel like I'm in a time warp back to the 50's before civil rights and civil anything. Sorry so much pain to people before changes come. If Ryan had anything to do with this I applaud him. He has always seemed like a classy guy.

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone is deluding themselves into thinking a bunch of negative e-mail caused a show to be cancelled--if it has been cancelled. But it may have been the nail...

Anonymous said...

GLAAD may be not the most efficient organization, but this time they were.

Anonymous said...

Whatever the reasons, a show that had poor taste towards the gay community is off the air. No tears here.

Anonymous said...

"Wanna tell you it will be all right, in the aftermath.....(Adam) Just remember, you are not alone. You are not alone."

Anonymous said...

I only watched the daily 10 a handful of times, and personally I didn't like the way they reported about most things,very bitchy, and trying to be funny, but not succeeding.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

@4:31pm....In the Aftermathhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, in the aftermathhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...LOL

well said my friend.Anyways, whatever the reason was for the cancellation of this stupid show, I am so glad that this is happening. We do not need an entertainment that embraces violence, we need an entertainment that provides love, respect and knowledge.



Anonymous said...

If Adam never pointed out Mcatherwood is a douchebad, he'd still have a job. Lets face it Adam indirectly got the guy fired. I'm sure he knows this too. I'm curious to see who's going to be chopped next that offends him.

Anonymous said...

I could care less about the show being canceled. I would rather E! not have the idiot that made the comment on any show on there network. We need to keep an eye on them and make our voices heard if we see his face again!!!! Rema

Anonymous said...

As a Daily 10 viewer, they have taken time off in the past and extended E! News to an hour format. I'm sure this was a test with plans to cancel the Daily 10 which maskes sense since both shows tackle the same subject matter. THIS IS JUST A COINCIDENCE, to think this all happened due to a GUEST HOST's comment is ridiculous. I have Gay friends and LOVE Adam but grow up people please! The hate I've seen written by all of you over the last few days is way worse then any poor attempt a comedy on The Daily 10. Sam

Anonymous said...

I don't necessary disagree with you 6:14, but you are not taking into account that he is one person who was attacked in a serious way. It probably took more than his voice to be heard. I also don't believe the show was canceled over this one issue. The show was not watched, period. Lots more going on at that time of the evening. I do think it is all right for comedians to poke fun at Adam's flamboyance and dress, as I think this is healthy and he likes it. He would not have put out that camp album cover otherwise. I think the Catherwood remark was cruel and harmful to all gay men. Nor is it funny when said about a woman (Linday), but no one said a word on her behalf. Glad Adam spoke up, even if he did not expect this fire storm.

Anonymous said...

Hey 6:14-I don't think many fans here believe that the Daily Ten was canceled just because of the Catherwood firestorm. If it had big ratings, was making a profit-no way. But if it was borderline, and E was getting sick of the continued controversy, well, this might have been the final straw.

And I'm sorry, I'm starting to get peeved over the fact that the fans that protested are being painted as rabid, crazed haters. From my POV, I think people should be allowed to criticize Adam in regards to his music, shows, interviews, outfits-he's a celebrity and it's a matter of personal opinion.

But that "joke" that Catherwood made was completely ugly and hateful, and the Daily 10 compounded the problem by acting like it was no big deal, and being all defensive on top of it. But like 6:58 just said, the joke wasn't just about Adam, it was deeply insulting to all gay men. And for that reason, I think it was perfectly fair to let the powers that be know that this was not acceptable, and that we wouldn't be watching.

I feel badly that a lot of innocent folks lost their jobs. But again, I really doubt this was what caused the cancelation-we'll most likely never know the real reason.

Anonymous said...

Don't care what the reason is that this show will be absent from the airwaves, but I am so pleased that this lame show is gone. Their stabs at humor are many times moronic, and in poor taste. The remark made about men in prison was pitiful poor, and honestly if I had watched the show often enough to have heard the same toned remark made about Lindsey, I would have been upset and would have replied to it. There are so many lame shows on television that are just taking up space that an interesting show could replace. No one responding to the offensive remark was being hateful toward anything but the hateful remark that was allowed to be made on air. Yes...they were pointed at a man that obviously has issues with gays, but that just made the remark even more hateful! When I heard it I felt like I was in the middle of a group of jocks in middle sadly it speaks of so many misinformed people in the world.I am sure they have made many other terrible remarks in the past in the name of "comedy" and perhaps this remark and the responses to it were just the last straw to push this show off the air. Bravo to whoever made the choice to cut it. Hoping that all the people connected with the loss of this show find employment within the E community.....that is except for the idiot that made the hateful remark.

Anonymous said...

Yay, there IS power in numbers. I have no doubt that there were other factors, but let's face it...if just 1500 complaints can get an entertainer cancelled from a performance on a network (yes, I mean you, ABC), don't you think 15,000 (just a random number I threw out, not official!) can get an entire show cancelled? Adam just happened to be the catalyst that people rallied around to say "Enough!!" Good for him. Love CAN make a difference.

Anonymous said...

Apparently Adam had more fans than the Daily 10. Numbers do matter.

Anonymous said...

Why not try something positive and boost Allisons career while Adam is abroad? You have two months for that.

Anonymous said...

Lame apology and happy to see that the show is canceled!!! There is no room in this world for discrimination!!!!

Anonymous said...

No great loss on this one. He only made a fool of himself by what he said. Adam has a right to express himself over these comments. I know I cancelled my Entertaiment Weekly because they always had something ignorant to say about Adam, I wrote them a letter to tell them why I did it because what they implied was hurtful to people like my son who is gay and many of his friends and co-workers I know myself. If he sang bad Ok if he danced bad Ok but why oh why do they always have to bring up the fact he is gay. What on earth does that change about him as a performer? NOTHING! Absolutely NOTHING!

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous 8:00AM
Hey there, you made a good point here, but I'd like to add that the «gay factor» in sweet Adam's LIFE AND CHOICE does CHANGE HIM AS A PERFORMER... and it happens (thanks God!) in an amazing way! I'm straight but have lived among gay people (male and female) during all my life (more than a half century) and, indeed, the gays are beyond the most open minds and souls to SENSIBILITY when compared to straigth people. I mean, the «gay factor» works for them (when they want it), making them much better catalysts of their and our emotions, when working out artistry or anything else their talents may make us to believe.

Anonymous said...

they apologized to gay and lesbian viewers, that's good. a completely insincere apology, nonetheless, and not even one from the disgusting guest host himself. but it is better than nothing, now that the show is being cancelled. but what about the rest of us who were offended? i'm a 24 year old straight woman, and i was completely offended by this. and what about adam, who didn't even take offense to this? they need to have michael catherwood AND catt sadler go on the air to SINCERELY apologize to EVERYONE, offended or not, homosexual or not. they obviously don't realize how offensive it actually was. especially to Adam, Adam's fans, gays and lesbians, rape victims, family of any one of the above, and America in general. it was a disgusting comment, and i will not miss the show for a single second.
~Ava L.

Anonymous said...

The joke was that Adam would like the jail because there are lots of men. Also in gay bars there are lots of men, so don't worry.

Anonymous said...

This show had a number of issues—it was same as the show after it.

Anonymous said...

"Why not try something positive and boost Allisons career while Adam is abroad? You have two months for that.
September 23, 2010 3:36 AM" -- Excuse me? Adam's fans are doing positive things all the time and they can continue to positively support Adam here in the states while he is performing internationally. Why don't Allison fans step up and support her themselves. Not saying many people are not fans of both but it's kinda rude to expect fans of Adam to carry Allison just because they're friends.