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Glam Nation Tour in Atlanta

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, September 14, 2010



Twenty Century Boy

If I Had You


Opening Medley




Sure Fire Winners

Music Again


Anonymous said...

Unbelievable. Epic. Iconic. Magic. Wondrous.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Suz!!!

Anonymous said...

Suz baby!!! Here we go...

Anonymous said...

Fabulous as always. But is it my imagination or did he lower the register for tonight? Seems lower that usual. It might just be me, or are you all hearing it too? I know he said they lowered the songs a half octave or so to help him maintain his voice, but tonight seems even lower. Still sounds fabulous tho.

Anonymous said...

Don't think the register was any lower than usual, but I think he hit the highest on 20th century boy. Beautiful closeups from Suz!!! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Adam's singing voice is very consistent. He actually sounds very good tonight. Still doing and hitting the very high notes. I love the Oprah side of Adam on WWFM and Aftermath. I never get tired of it... cuz it changes a bit night after night.

Anonymous said...

I so love the respect Adam received during Soaked. The audience actually listened without all the "outbursts of enthusiasm". It was lovely.

Anonymous said...

I agree he sounds as though he is singing in a lower register tonight OR he partied too hard last night and his voice is husky. Love him no matter what. Sleepwalker was epic.

Anonymous said...

I think I prefered his voice tonight, maybe I prefer a lower register. It's sick how much I adore and can't get enough and watch night after night after night and never get bored. What's more, he always fascinates me. Can't wait for the London and Munchen concerts- I'll finally be able to see him live:):):):)
Poland Loves Adam

Anonymous said...

Last night my kids and I were sitting in the family room and I said to them 'I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle. If that ever happens, just pull the plug.' My son got up and unplugged my computer and my daughter threw out my wine. They are sooooo on my sh*t list...


Anonymous said...

Btw, Sleepwalker was unfuckingbelievable!!!

Anonymous said...

That's FUNNY!!!!!!

Bury me beside you.......

Lorraine said...

I never tire of listening to this amazing man either......

melissa toronto said...

Adam, you are amazing as always. Thanks Sue, you are our life saver.

Anon 1:47AM @Robin: Sh#t! I laugh so hard with your comment.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how I feel can't manage my day without a Adam fix. Never felt this way before he is amazing can't wait going to watch him live in Brisbane. He is just the best thing since I DON"T KNOW!!!!!ICE CREAM>>>>>>>>

Anonymous said...

Yep peeps - aint it amazing how this shit just never gets old

Holy Hot Hell these vids!! Smokin' and lovely

There's a little bit of me in all your comments above me :). Greats news from you Poland Loves Adam - hope you have good seats. @Robin - I almost just pee'd myself laughing at your comment (well, that's what I get for setting up the laptop on my bedside table a few days ago and checking for vids, and comments, very first thing this morning, lol, I haven't even swung my legs around to the floor this morning yet :)...TMI, I know, sorry...moving laptop back to home office today, it just aint right)

Well crap, can't finish vids, didn't get up early enough to squeeze them all in before Real Life calls, glamdamn. But man, loved how AL sounded on the ones I've watched so far.


Anonymous said...

@ Robin .... you are freaking hilarious! Atlanta audience and Adam Lambert ....... you guys made me cry this morning. This version of Soaked is the best of all concerts because the audience showed the respect and admiration I have been waiting for so long to be shown to Adam. Great vids, great performer and a great audience.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Just watched Soaked and love that the audience was so enthralled. Why didn't he do
that at the AMA's?? He would have mesmerized the world at that very moment. Speaking of AMA's does anyone know if Adam was asked?

Anonymous said...

Be sure to check out noskerdycat's video of "Soaked". It is front and center, Adam's facial expressions along with his incredible voice will grip every fiber of your being. It also proves the reverent audience was in attendance last night. The link is:

Anonymous said...

Good evening, Glamily!!!
It seems there are some of you talking about low register about sweet Adam's voice in this show??!! Did I «fast reading» right? I'd better come back later and read the comments WITH MY GLASSES ON, let me find them first...Icon! (my cat), where are my glasses, baby? They are not a toy...

Seriously: I believe this fever at Atlanta was one of the BEST ever!!! Great in all aspects, sweet Adam so glamdanm gorgeous, reaching very high notes, doing incredible moves and kind of different singing, lots of energy inside and around... Yay! Sweet Adam even grabbed his own «glambugle»!!! That's it, my sweet exotic singing bird, tell it everyone: «IT'S MI-MINE!!!!» Grab IT and don't let it fly away...(except to UK, GlambritIOW is desperately waiting for)... HA!

Anonymous said...

The sound in this concert is so good. Was it Suz or is just the venue that has the perfect acoustic? The sound is excellent, the voice of Adam can be heard as if one is there. Excellent job Suz.

Anonymous said...

Between Robin and Fan4fun ("IT'S MINE")comments, I am rolling on the floor. I love me some funny people! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Looks like Fever gave everyone a fever last night. The Boy was HOT!

The Dark Side said...

I SHOULD BE VOTING!!! Rock Star Sue you are corrupting me with these fabulous videos. Thanks, girl, your the best.

Anonymous said...

I think it was the venue that had PERFECT SOUND. What an awesome set of vids! Thanks a "trill" Suz.

Anonymous said...

@ Poland Loves Adam

Hi, sweety, I missed you! Where have you been?... only a bit of times posting here, even knowing that Glamily loves you... I'm so happy, you got tickets and are going to see sweet Adam LIVE!!!... what a waste my life is right now, so many problems to solve out, I can't meet you and our glambrits fellows, not this time... as sweet Adam says, sometimes love just sucks..., well, let's change it for sometimes «life» just sucks!
But I'll have my glamchances with my sweet exotic singing bird, at least once, before I die (Death by Adam, of course!) Ha! The Universal Power of Adam Lambert makes me sure of it!

Tell me, baby, have you enjoyed this Afthermaths as I did?
It made me think about our friendship here on 24/7 «Paradise»... WE ARE NOT ALONE!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey anyone/everyone, on Strut about 1:06 did anyone notice what appears to be unbottoned pants with red underneath??? Opinions?


Anonymous said...

Well.....we can see where your eyes are

I guess I have to watch this about 10 times more to check it out...hehe

Anonymous said...

There was a video on here where Adam was backstage.....he was showing his stage wardrobe
this outfit is kinda one piece with elastic to keep vest from riding that could be what the red is...elastic...I would think by now ..his outfits are quite worn....the button on his pants looks like a different color too....keeps catching my eye......

Anonymous said...

It's the sound system that makes his voice sound lower....I too like it...I TAKE MY ADAM ANYWAY I CAN GET IT!!!!!!!

Anonymous said... give me fever...that was HOT

Anonymous said...

Ha!Ha! watch everyone rush back to Strut Video. Too Funny. Still doesn't matter if you've seen him once or twenty times, watched the videos a hundred or a thousand times, it never gets old. Adam has all the looks, the stage presence, the voice, the everything that Elvis ever had. Can't take your eyes off of him when he's performing. That's stardom Baby! Icon, Super Star, anyway you slice it, he's got everything gona on!!!

nancdruuu2 said...

It's nice to know that I am not alone in my addiction to Adam. I actually get up early in the morning to hear or see anything about Adam (sometimes at 5AM). I sneak on 24/7 at work and luckily my boss is so old he can't figure out what I'm doing (I do mute the sound though - can't take any chances!) Also, I put Adam on as soon as I get home and then I'm at the computer before I go to bed. My husband's laying in bed asking me when I'm going to shut the computer off! The housework isn't getting done and my "kids" think I'm strange to be in a fan club. But the truth is I don't care. I'm having the best time of my life!


Anonymous said...

Well, I wasn't going to post this - cause it's a little racy, maybe a little naughty, maybe wouldn't be the man himself's favorite - but since there was all that talk above me about worn costumes and racing back to the strut video - I'm gonna:

I got that off of MJ'sBB... where I also found this:

09/15/2010 at 8:40 am
09/15/2010 at 1:42 am
Here’s an incredible photo, but tread carefully, it comes with an “R” rating! Perhaps this was the playful and happy Adam that kradamour mentioned above!

That’ll wake you up in the morning! He’s looking down as if to say “I even amaze myself”.

No wonder why BB's costumes are getting worn out

Anonymous said...

Come to Momma BB...Give me that outfit and I will mend it for you.....

glitzylady said...

@MGF 6:06pm

Well, just had to see what you were talking about....Oh my!!! The person who filmed the vid definitely had a perfect view, in more ways than one...and the pic: was that photoshopped or was it real???? Love your caption...."amazing"....

And its very true, spandex can only take so much stretching...

@ nancdruuu2 at 5:32pm

Are we twins separated at birth???? Your life sounds exactly like mine, right down to the "when are you going to get off that computer and come to bed?".....You and me and everyone else who comes here...Its a good thing I live in the coffee capital of the world, Seattle, where there are Starbucks on every corner, because caffeine is my best friend these days....

Anonymous said...

Hey There glitzylady/7:53 -
pic could have been photoshopped, I think there was some discussion about that on MJ'sBB - not sure. And the caption wasn't mine :) - all that stuff on my post from "baebae" down to “I even amaze myself” was copied straight from Mj'sBB and I pasted it here. But it was confusing, my post that is. Just had to share when I read through the discussion about the worn outfits and the strut video. And I figured if I didn't, ZZ would be posting it anyway, LOL!!!!!

And hey glitzlady, and nancdruuu2, and anyone reading - I just followed the twitter feed for tonight's show (9/15, Atlanta/The Tabernacle), LP's last show, some amazeballs stuff apparently - so get 'yo asses outta bed early tomorrow morning and hit those vids before real life kicks in! I know I'm setting the alarm clark extra early. Off to beddy-bye now in lieu of that :).

Anonymous said...

MGF - Jesus, that Strut video was PRIME viewing! What an angle that person had! I almost felt indecent watching it, but then I gave myself a little slap to the head and sat there, squirming, eyes bugging out, through the entire thing! It was almost unbearable. Damn, damn, damn.

Thank you.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Housework? What is that again? Bills? Oh, yea, I guess I was supposed to pay those. Several months ago...woops! Kids to pick up? Oh crud, you mean I have to stop my Adam video's and 24/7?!! How dare they! Well, at least I wait till hubby goes off to bed to pull out the laptop...that is why I am up till 1-2 am every night and up again at 6:40!!! This has been going on for over a year!! Oh Adam, what have you done to me?


Tamara and Elaine said...

Absolutely the best two shows ever!!! It's was a long wait at the Tabernacle yesterday, but well worth it! They brought the house down!!! Woo Hoo!!! Adam kicked ass and Allison took numbers! Both shows were incrediable, especially at the Tabernacle!!! The crowd loved Adam showing us how Tommy is teaching him how to play bass!!! Amazed I got video of that!!! And a BIG THANKS to Longeau...For walking the waiting line outside, giving out photos and signing them. Thought that was really special and considerate of him...Can't wait till they come back!!! We Will BE THERE!!!!!! :)~