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Glam Nation Tour in Puyallup, WA

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Adam at the fair:

Picture of the audience:



20th Century Boy

If I Had You

Sure Fire Winners

Opening Medley




Adam Lambert Says Farewell to Allison Iraheta



Music Again


Anonymous said...

i hope he is having fun it looks like it:-)

Anonymous said...

Hope Adam had a good time... And I hope the 24/7 regulars who are at tonight's GNT concert have a great time too! Hopefully we'll get recaps from them at some point :). I've been thinking of them all day. Going to go follow the live twitter feed for concert tight now :)

Anonymous said...

Ok, this is really a Turn on! UNF


Anonymous said...

MFG: LIve twitter feed??? How does that work (sorry, I'm kinda pathetic when it comes to this stuff)...I probably missed tonight, (it's almost 9pm here on W coast), but maybe for next time? Like in Europe?

melissa toronto said...

I am following the twitter, Sue is in the house. We will have great vids for sure. One nice lady switch seat with Sue to protect her from thw security.
Thanks ZZ I saw that on twitter too. His gorgeous

Anonymous said...

OMG - Glitzylady, lmb, Adamluv - I am SO sad I am not there with you now!!! I am thinking happy, sparkly thoughts for you all.

Look at the size of that crowd - hooray! I was hoping there would be a good turnout tonight for Adam's last show in the US.

We are WAITING for details!!!!!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...
Here is a link to LIVE TWEETS from the audience. You can read some while waiting for the vids.

Just look at the size of that venue. (Fair). Looks like the Tropicana last Sat night. I venture to say that no matter how big the venue is, Adam will fill it up!! Hey, Management, are you listening and watching? WOW! Can't wait for the vids to roll in. Need details also.

Anonymous said...

Interview in Puyallop:


Anonymous said...

A signed pic of Suz's famous camera!


Anonymous said...

daydreaminmylif: Thanks for the link...that was a great interview with new and funny questions.

Glitz and Sparkles said...

love the autographed camera...perfect!!

Yeah, Adam hasn't had much exposure in France & he will def get to shop in peace. I think he'll win their hearts... would love to hear Adam in a colosseum or piazza...

Started our Adam countdown for Honolulu...can't wait to lei him big time!!!

Anonymous said...

Suz is just starting to post her vid's from's Fever:


Anonymous said...

Adam on a ride today: A guy said Adam cut in front of him with about 30 bodyguards and 30k screaming girls...LOL! Was that any of you?


Anonymous said...

IIHY: By Suz

Sure Fire Winners;


Anonymous said...

and lastly...(I'm off to bed)

Twentieth Century Boy


Anonymous said...

@ Adam Fix
Do you mind if I ask you what happened, baby? Weren't you supposed to be there with our fellows, meeting everybody together for a great fun? It's your area! Are you out of Seattle? Have I missed anything those past days? I haven't heard from you very much lately...

Anonymous said...

Totally exhausted and no voice this morning. Adam was on fire last night. Got to see him in Boise where he was good but fairly restrained. At last night's concert he absorbed the waves of love coming from the audience and sent it back in laser-lit, glitter covered triplicate. Epic.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Just WOW! First of all, those of you from other places…it has been raining buckets just about every day here…but not yesterday!! I kept thinking of something Leila said about Adam being sunshine…so it all makes sense! Being the coward that I am, I got tickets that were in the center but far back in the covered section so that if it rained, we (my husband and I) wouldn’t be drenched. The others in our Glamily were in the front rows. But as you who have been to his concerts know, it really doesn’t matter where you are…you are part of something very special. The screaming teenagers behind me were so much fun. They would calm down for a bit during songs like Soaked and then a big “We love you Adam!” would just come busting out. It was such a trip to see moms, dads, grandparents, teens, tweens all laughing and having such a good time.

I met glitzy, Andra, Adamluv, Patrice and others too numerous to mention. Such a great group! I even had an Adam sighting. My husband and I were looking for something to eat when all of a sudden; there was this huge crowd in front of the Frontier Pictures booth. It took a while before I noticed the security standing around. I caught a glimpse of Adam dressed as a Native American chief! I apologize for not using my cell to get the gang to the spot, but my mind went to mush. By the time I found the others, it was too late, he had disappeared! I guess he went on rides, too! We sent him off with loads of love. You can all be proud of us!

We usually go to a concert at Puyallup every year. I have NEVER seen anything like this crowd at this stadium! A sea of people! This is rural Washington. The Golden Gate entrance has a huge head of a steer on it…something right out of an old western. Usually there are people preaching the gospel as you walk to the stadium. This year was no different. Someone came up to me and said, “Do you need prayer?”and I said, "No, actually my prayers have been answered.” (Those of you like Fan4fun who remember my first post on 24/7, know this is so true)

lmb ( We missed you Adam Fix)

The Dark Side said...

What a crowd! Sony or whoever are you taking notice??? BTW did the audience have their glow sticks during WWFM? Looks like everyone had a grand time. Adam says he rode the rides, anyone see this? Stringy tribute to Allison was awesome. Guess that answers my question, she will not be going overseas w/Adam. Wonder who his opening act will be anyone know? Questions, questions, and more questions. Guess we all want the answers. Sue as usual, great visual and a big thank you for the entire summer. What would we do without you??? Are you going OS? Lots of moments in this show. "Pretty Kitty" fun. Everyone having a ball. Adam having everyone hug, and his famous aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh! Love and Peace to one and all. PS wonder if Adam has a secret, but not willing to share it with us yet. Just askin!

Anonymous said...

So it's the end of summer and also Adam's GNT. Needless to say, both were very,very HOT! Adam looked terrific in these vids....loved the hair especially. Thanks to suz526 for these vids. They are the next best thing to actually being there. Adam seemed happy, energetic and in excellent voice. He should be proud for mostly sold out concerts and the enthusiastic reception he received across the country as he spread his message of love, acceptance, and understanding through his music and interviews. There is no one in the music industry today quite like Adam Lambert: talented, charismatic, stylish and intelligent. Good luck to him on the international phase of his tour and safe journey around the globe.

Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds like quite the show, but then, when is Adam's show NOT "quite the show"! What a great send off. Hooray - glad there were so many people there showing Adam the love, and we have amazing videos to enjoy! Loved the finger suck, too - just had to throw that in there! Commented more about it on a newer thread.

Hi fan4fun - how'd that Johnny Walker treat you today? :) Although I SO WANTED to see Adam live, again, with all my heart, we just got back from CA (flew down for my Gramma's memorial) and it was just too much to take more time off work, figure out all the logisitcs of getting to the concert (the fair grounds are pretty far from Seattle, proper, and it's always a huge snarled traffic mess down there), etc. I am super bummed...but I can't complain, since I have seen him live and these videos (Suz's, in particular) are the next best thing to being there! Thanks for asking. :)

- Adam Fix

glitzylady said...

Whoa...just got a chance to look at a couple of these and I appear to be in the vids, haven't looked at all of them but there I am, back of the head and there is my up a storm...very cool! Will give a full report later...Still processing it all...What a day!!! Front row, what can I say!!!

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow you gotta let those of us unlucky enough to have not met you, Glitzy, which one you are! So wish I could have seen just one concert. Oh well, maybe next year. And hopefully Suz has a twin out there to keep us updated on the overseas stuff!

glitzylady said...


Well, still haven"t looked at all of these yet, but if you want to see a little bit of "me" go to Whatdya Want From Me and from 1:42 to 2:00 or so.. I am the little petite lady who turns to her husband and gets the giant blue glow stick off to the lower left corner of the vid...for those who asked if we did that for this song..proof positive...gosh, where else do I turn up??? Toward the end of the show, more people sort of appeared in the front I am less visible... Wow, who knew...!

Anonymous said...

Just came across the site and going to add to the Puyallup experience.
I've been going to the fair since I was a little was always a highlight of the year!

And tho' I've been to a couple of Adam's concerts this summer, walking through the fair gates with the SUN SHINING after so many pouring rain days, having prayed to the weather god for a break in the clouds, it was a verification of Mama Leila's statement that her boy brought sunshine into a room when he entered.

This time it was a venue where thousands would see and hear the glory that is Adam Lambert !

Hearing the soundcheck that carried over city blocks where I grew up... my sweet lord, what a thrill!

As I watched the fans stream into the grandstand/infield and looked around at the pure joy on their faces, I felt a lump in my throat that I was fortunate to be one of the future millions who cherish the fabulous Adam Lambert!

Patrice said...

Was great to meet glitzlady, lmb, adamluv and many more. Adam's performance was incredible. I was sitting next to 3 virgins ( a mom and 19 & 22 y.o daughters from Canada) whom I bought their fourth ticket from. They all were up dancing and loving the experience. My seat was the aisle in the center, 9th row. Although there were two large men in the aisles seats in row 8 and 7, I was able to move around enough to have a stellar time. This concert for me was unforgettable.

It began with listening to his entire sound check, where his voice was crystal clear and carried for blocks. Then we saw Taylor with his family, and then Monte,Tommy and Isaac just walking around. Of course Adam's performance was beyond perfection.

Meeting the ladies, and Adam's performance was well worth the 14 hour drive.

P.S. Loved Allison's set too. She did great!

glitzylady said...

Guess its time to talk about my "Adam does the Puyallup" experience...finally have gotten my head back on semi-straight after that fabulous time spent with new friends, some old friends, family and the "Glamily" all in a single amazing day and night..First of all it was so wonderful to meet lmb, adamluv, Patrice (PRS), and many other new friends that have all come together this past year as a result of Adam...we have met at concerts and on the internet...If you had said even a year ago that I would be "hooking up" with people on the internet, meeting them, and sometimes traveling many miles, sometimes thousands of miles to see some guy from American Idol, I would have thought that was the most ridiculous thing its just part of my life..and just so much fun..

First of all, we all met up throughout the day at the Bistro, and being Washington, also had a very nice wine-tasting event..The weather was perfect, sunny and warm after days of rain...I was so excited to finally meet lmb and her hubby and we had the best time visiting...Adamluv and Patrice joined us, as well as some other friends, including Andra, who posted here earlier..Everyone came and went, seeing the sights, listening to Adam's sound check wafting over the fairgrounds..Surreal and wonderful. Then, some friends came in and said that Monte, Tommy, and Isaac were hanging out, visiting with fans, taking pictures, out in the middle of big open off I went, to meet them..Woo Hoo!! They were really nice, got some pictures with all of them...Tommy was pretty quiet but nice, and Monte was just great...Later on, when my husband arrived, we ran into Isaac and he was so friendly and nice and we chatted for awhile about this and that..and he said that he is so excited to be working with Adam and the band and he thinks he is just so fortunate because Adam is just a great guy with this amazing talent...he sounded just like the rest of us when we talk about Adam, and he is thrilled to be going on the International Tour...Just so nice...My hubby was really impressed and said he hopes we'll get a chance to say hello to him again in Hawaii next month..(Me too).

The concert was, as lmb and patrice and adamluv said, just unbelievable...I was so fortunate to be in the front row off to the left side right in front of the bench..the stage was two levels and large..Occasionally Allison, Adam, Monte, and Tommy would come down right to the edge of the stage and they were right arms reach..Adam was right in front of me many times and Monte as well.. It was amazing to watch Monte play that guitar...a show in itself...but of course most of the time my eyes were glued on Adam.. and he was just fabulous as you can see and hear by the vids.. Continued below : )

Anonymous said...

@ Glitzylady

Hey, fellow, nice to «meet» you (during WWFM)!!! Ahahah! Hope next time I can look at you closer and slowly... Now tell me, how can a «little» woman like you fit so much PATIENCE??? For me no way you are «little», fellow, you are GREAT by all means!!! I'm so glad you had such good moments and meetings... you (an idol for me) living my dreams?! Yay!

glitzylady said...


As you know, the "Puppet guy" was back, with "Adam the Puppet" and he had made a new one for Allison as well...Puppet guy was just a few rows directly behind me..Like many of the other concerts, there was music blasting and people were up dancing and it was such a party atmosphere..Some friends and family saw hubby and me up on the big screens, dancing in front of the stage..The place holds 10,000 people so you can imagine what that was like...Everyone just so excited to see Adam...And so many came to Puyallup from far away, many from California and Oregon.and Canada. I sat next to a mom and daughter from Florida...and most have been to multiple concerts..Groupies just like me!!! Allison was so pretty and I thought she did an amazing job...and she cried while she talked about Adam being like a brother and how she loved being on the tour, this being her last gig with him...And of course the fun little silly string fight at the end..(.I have a little piece that I saved..)

And now, ADAM...Oh my...saw him in Seattle earlier but this venue was so much better, bigger and not 100 degrees and packed like sardines as it was at the Sodo...He was so "on" and chatty and looked really happy..and of course the vocals were impeccable...I guess the visuals including the lasers and the background projections didn't arrive or maybe were on their way to Singapore, so missed them a little bit, but in reality, Adam was all we needed. It was interesting to find out that Taylor is a local boy...didn't know that until Adam mentioned that so now 2 WA guys in the band...(Isaac is from WA as well..) As I posted earlier, am in Suz526's vids too...very cool!!!

The very best moment came for me during Music Again...He came to the edge of the stage during different songs and touched our uplifted hands...and that song was my section's THAT was really amazing..and as I said, I didn't want to wash that hand ever again...The very cute young girl behind me in the second row touched my hand afterward, hoping for a little Adam essence. We laughed about it, but were only half kidding..just a couple of fan-girls, one younger, one a little older... LOL!..he also makes a lot of eye contact with the front rows and makes you feel that he is looking right at least its a nice thought!!! And he looked really gorgeous..great make-up, his hair looked really sexy...(sorry but the word just popped out of my mouth involuntarily) and although its his hair and he can do what he wants to, I like the fact that it is growing back in..Lots of glitter too. And all of that performing after a very busy day for him, don't know how he does it..Well, that in a very big nutshell is my experience ...He just seemed extra pleased, maybe because of the large venue full of happy people, and at his huge and enthusiastic welcome, after the events of last week..He seemed to give that business a little look and an ironic smile during Aftermath..Looking forward to Hawaii, otherwise I would be even more sad that this concert is over, I didn't want it to end...but what an amazing time...As others have said, the crowd was so diverse and that is a very good thing....All ages partying together, brought to that happy place by one amazing guy...He is on his way to becoming iconic, there is no other word to describe the eventual outcome of his career and who he will be in the years to come...its inevitable and so obvious by the response of the audience at the Puyallup and in every other venue he's played.

glitzylady said...


Wow, you sneaked in there when I wasn't looking!!! i'm up way too late but needed that quiet time to think about my time with everyone...and that was the short version!!! Ha Ha!! Have had house guests and also worked this just now got the chance to post a bit carried away but that's nothing new...I really hope you will one day soon be able to see Adam in person...he is just so special...and if you think the vids are good...Whoa, baby...Adam live..!!!!.Off to bed now, before I fall asleep on the laptop....And thank you for your kind words...I may be small but I make up for it in wordiness!!!

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady- I'm actually emotional right now. I don't even know what to make of it... Kind of jealous you got to meet those 24/7 peeps, fascinated you were in front row, intrigued about how you are so fortunate to be able to travel to HI w/ your hubby to see AL there, grateful for yours (and everyone's) recaps... just so full of emotion right now that I don't even know what to make of myself... weird... I think part of it is that I'm just feeling really appreciative to have a community to share my Adam Lambert fandom with while we wait for not only the rest of the world to catch on, but also those immediately around me (which I sorta lack at the moment, nobody gets it like I really need them too, YET :), but they soon will). So I guess part of my emotion from reading your post is kind of just appreciation to have this community to share with, thanks y'all! Okay, glitzylady - one more question - how did your little one on the spectrum make out? - if you don't mind saying???? Okay if you do! On my iTouch, a total pain, gotta sign off now :), thanks!

glitzylady said...


I can fully appreciate your emotional reaction to the sort of "personal" posts from others and also presumably to the realization that the summer tour is coming to an end for all intents and purposes...I really didn't want that Puyallup experience to end, and its almost like going into a period of mourning..the loss of that feeling of sheer joy at being a part of this amazing group love-fest that Adam has brought into our lives in the past was truly perhaps a once in a lifetime experience for me on Tuesday, everything just sort of fell into place, almost like in a dream...I am indeed fortunate to have a husband who is a big enough fan to not bat an eyelash when I suggested we go to Hawaii to see Adam in Oct. (YAAAAYYY!!!) It helps that he likes Hawaii a lot too!!! And I think it was also a great experience for him to be in the front row at the concert and see the show up close, and meeting Isaac really sealed the deal for him..As I said, Isaac is a super nice guy, and also a big fan-boy for Adam as well...

You asked about my 11 year old family member who is on the autism spectrum and who had her outfit picked out a month ago for "Adam's concert"..She is almost painfully shy and lacks a certain amount of self esteem. But she is starting to comb her hair once in awhile :) and now has contacts instead of her slightly lopsided glasses...and had a little dab of lipstick on for the concert...her little sister is the "star" of the family and the "cute" one and has self-esteem galore...and is used to getting all of the attention as she is a talented gymnast. Both of the girls were able to meet Tommy and Monte and have pictures taken with them...The 11 year old was reluctant at first so I told her I'd stand with the girls and Tommy (gosh, someone had to do it...LOL) and so she said okay..Tommy had been pretty quiet while taking pictures with people..but after the picture with the girls, he turned to me ( :) ) and pointed to the 11 year old and said "THAT one is a beauty and you are going to really have to keep a close eye on her in a couple of years, because she is going to be REALLY something..." I was sort of stunned that he had actually said something more than hello, and said yes she is and yes we will and thank you so much for saying that...or something to that effect..And he said it loudly enough for everyone to hear, so she was really sort of flustered (and her little sister was just a little miffed not to get the attention this time ...she'll live..) but she was also rather pleased that he had said something so nice about her (its very true...) and coming from someone famous (and cute..) really meant something special...I would have liked to explain to Tommy how much I appreciated him saying that about her and giving her that little special compliment and letting her be the "star" for a change..It meant so much...And of course she loved the concert and Adam and everything about it...They both got Adam t-shirts and were thrilled to pieces but I'm guessing the older one would love a Tommy t-shirt as well..It is so nice that Adam has surrounded himself with so many good-hearted and generous with-their-time people and it is also so much fun to actually meet them..It makes them a little less "celebrities" and more like the rest of us...big supporters and fans of Adam...and they represent him so well when he isn't around...

Anonymous said...

@ Glitzylady sep25, 12:31AM

W-O-W!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

Double WOW. Oh my gosh glitzylady - that is all... so... so... AMAZING! I'm tickled pink to hear about the 11y.o. & Tommy moment, so incredible, so special! Thanks for your response, it just made my day.

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