Glam Nation Tour in Thackerville
Filed Under (performances,pictures,tour news,video ) by Admin on Saturday, September 11, 2010
Posted at : Saturday, September 11, 2010
Before the concert:

20th Century Boy
Voodoo, DTRH, ROF
20th Century Boy
Voodoo, DTRH, ROF
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The first picture reminds me of two school boys being lectured to by the man in charge!!! Just look at Monte's eye...taking it all in. Then in the next photo, it seems as if everything is all right with the shaking of hands. They just struck me as being so polite and considerate as they listened to instructions, advice, regulations, etc.
So, someone who was there tell us about the - YOU HAVE TO STAY SEATED! rule. What was that all about? Were you really not able to stand up and dance to the music? How is that possible?????
So does anyone have the story behind the pictures???
I heard people were arrested last night. Any truth 2 that???
twitter was all over the place with contrasting comments. some said they stood the entire time and no problem. Others that they were told to sit down and 1 woman said her son was placed in handcuffs. another that the only ppl. having problems had rushed the stage. Security was rude and wasnt used to enthusiastic audiences like this one. Adam tweeted Winstar saying that security was gracious to them backstage but please tell them to chill with the fans, that they are being ? , not hostile. I WASNT THERE SO THESE ARE ONLY COMMENTS I HEARD MY LAST NITE SO DONT KILL THE MESSENGER. Adamluv
Also a couple ppl. said they were only harassing gays in the audience. A funny tweet- one said a very manly voice screamed "My wife loves you. She doesnt love me but loves you". (funny since I assume he was joking in the last part). Also that an usher said they never had had this large a crowd, usually acts only fill about half the venue! Maybe this is the reason for some of the problems but not saying that excuses any bad behavior on the part of security! Adamluv
LOL the first picture looks like Adam is being scolded by that old man......
Thanks...I see Adam's hair is growing back!!!!
And what the hell went down last night...surprise we got's like that old movie where the kids aren't allowed to dance in town.......
The look on Monte's face is are you kiddin me dude!!!!!
Now I understand why there are few videos from last night's show because the venue's security were sticking to the rules " word for word "! Thackerville, OK! " It's been a slice " ☻☻☻
WTF...Glamberts just wanta have FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Could someone that was at concert fill us in
DAMN...worried about BB
Come on ppl! You know we Adam fans are over zealous. Probably never saw anything like us in Thackerville? Scared the hell out of them. Maybe need to explain that we are not rioting, just idolizing our boy!!! LOL Fun times! Hope someone on the bus is keeping a journal. This is priceless.
To Neil
When tour is done...I expect some really good stories...nothing real personal...just funny stuff....."On the Road with Sparkle"
It sounded to me as if they might have been a bit over-zealous and possibly over-reacted to whatever it was that was happening....Things like that can lead to much worse outcomes depending on how it is handled...I read an account on twitter of one woman who said she saw a nice man accosted by security for no reason that she could see and she also said her 14 year old daughter was almost knocked over by a security guard trying to get to someone else......all rumors of course, but many people tweeted that they would never go back to that venue, ever...I also read an account on youtube of other concerts experiencing the same issues with security there, extremely strict if nothing not just that one...I guess we'll probably hear more about it in the near future..The casino's tweets said they were concerned for the patrons safety ...I wasn't there so can't really say what the whole story is..There are always two sides to everything, but whatever happened, it ruined the concert for very sad, and I'm sure it was upsetting for Adam to say the least....He values his fans so much and stands up for them...such a sweetheart! Maybe it will lead to some re-evaluation of security measures, who knows...let's hope there is something good to come out of it...
On a positive note, it looks like Adam's hair is growing back, at least for now....Heading into the fall, so he won't need so much "air conditioning"!!!
Just have to pass this funny on....
On MJ's blog, they had a "caption" contest for the two pics above, and I love this persons response:
For the first pic: “Dammit, this is all your fault — because of you, my wife will barely leave her computer and rarely fixes dinner or cleans the house anymore."
For the second pic:
“On the other hand, after she watches your concert videos, she jumps into bed and wants to f**k my brains out and I want to thank you.”
I am dying of laughter!!! Just thought I'd spread it to you all.
I can see the point on stage rushing...if I paid for a front row seat or waited all night to get that that come in later or don't pay the high price should not be allowed to "butt" in front of fans that paid or waited for those seats.....Concert I went I was 8 rows back..stepped in aisle to get a closer pic and was tolded (nicely) by security to please keep aisle clear...No problem went back to my seat and enjoyed myself....
I love it.....Adam with his "sharpie" (pic #1 and 2) I wonder if they buy them by the gross
Thanks for this LOL!!! Glamdamn, I guess I really needed this lol today! Hahaha!
PRS, I read those at mjs too and died laughing! Thanks for bringing them here. There's a long comment from a woman at the concert last nite who was fearful for her daughters safety due to the aggressiveness of the security. Worth reading - Adamluv
I saw the tweets of the people Adam was defending. Didn't quite understand why he was defending just them really. Rules are rules, no matter who the artist or his fans are. Wish Adam would have been as thoughtful when that young girl passed out in the Dallas concert and she was kicked by fans.
Hello, everyone. I was at the Winstar Casino last night and had a blast! I did not see any of the trouble that everyone was tweeting about and I was in section A row 3--very good seats. I didn't see any gays being mistreated. In fact, my dauther was amazed at how much love and joy was in the air with such a large and diverse crowd. Adam fans become instant friends at hotels, on shuttles, and at the venues. Adam brings people together like I have never seen before! The staff were not the friendliest I have encountered at a Glam Nation venue (this is my 4th), but they weren't the worst either. Everyone stood up and danced from the moment Adam took the stage. NO ONE STAYED SEATED! Most of us, however, did not leave our place to do so. What I did see was droves of people cramming the isles and pushing forward to the stage to get a closer view of our Glam God. Understandable, but not cool for those of us who paid early for our seats and were trying to enjoy ourselves, too, while being repectful of other's personal space. The stage was rushed as well. Once, again I understand the DESIRE to do so, but feel sorry for the lucky ones in the front seats that were crowded out. Even if you tried to remain in front of your prime seat for flailing and dancing, other people from other sections were crowding you out. I can see where that would cause some heated exchanges. Maybe the arrest was made because of an altercation over this? Like I said I don't know specifics either. These are just my perspective and impressions.
On another note, Adam was on FIRE! This was the best performance I have seen to date. He was so beautiful it hurt to look at him. His voice was perfection--it always is--but something special was in it tonight. Equipment, accoustics in venue, whatever. It was sublime. Dancing was sexier than ever. And, very much more comfortable on stage. Talked and joked more with the audience. The "person" shone through more tonight than just the "performer". He has always commanded the stage, owning it like he was birthed on the damn thing, but he has grown in his ability to include us--the audience--in the experience. Closest thing to making love with Adam Lambert. I am spent...
Anon 11:26, for a different perspective please read the link I mentioned above. I dont know about any Dallas issue but surely you dont expect Adam to see/hear/know about everything that goes on during his show? Adamluv
Thank you...thank you Lolita and Anon at 11:10 about rushing stage...those people should be moved back...maybe because of large crowd....not enough security....Fans should respect other fans....I waited 3 months and spend good money for my seat and if some one rushed in front of me....glitter would be flying.....
In Adam's defense, he did not know about the girl that passed out in Dallas. It was before the show. He genuinely cares for his fans and doesn't want any harm to come to them.
As for the Winstar, I was right in the middle of one of the problems. The security did not want people to charge the stage so they put a stop to people coming down. Some of the young people came all the way from the back of the room and were standing in the isles not bothering anyone but the security did not like it and wanted to see their tickets to see where they should be sitting. Made a big scene of it. I was right next to them and was actually standing in the VIP section in an actual row where someone had left their seat so the security left me alone. Plus I'm not so young so they ignored me.
Adam said to the audience. Stand up and dance. No one was bothering anyone, just having a wonderful time. So much love in that room. I can't tell you the feeling we all had for each other. WOW! I don't think Adam should go back to the Winstar and that will definitely be a loss for the Winstar!!!
@Adamluv 11:23am
That is the one (tweet) I referred to above in my comment...
And what others are saying re rules is true...about Stage Rushing etc..I have a front row seat at a concert coming up and am hoping it is truly a "front row seat"... At the same time, it all depends on how it is handled...Most venues are really clear about whether that is allowed or not...If it wasn't allowed, then obviously it needed to be addressed, but it just sounded like maybe there were other issues as well and things got out of hand for some reason...Security people at the concerts (4) I have been to in the last year were always very calm and professional about addressing problems, like being in the aisle or cameras with flashes, and the fans always responded positively, it always appeared to me, so the question is, what happened to cause such a ruckus......Not defending those that broke venue rules, but it will be interesting to hear what the whole true story is....Maybe some fan issues and some security staff issues. Hopefully some who were there can enlighten us more...Sounds like it was a great concert other than that...
Its good to see that some who were there are giving us their perspective...Obviously some fans weren't doing what they were supposed to be doing, standing in aisles (always a no-no...), and rushing the stage so of course security had to stop that...its just too bad that it happened....Thanks for letting us know what was actually going on...
I wasn't there. I don't know anything other than what I have been reading here and other places. My gut says there was another agenda beyond crowd control...and that is all I am going to say.
And thank you Lolita for your description of Adam and the concert....Oh my....Have to watch those vids but will have to save them for later...for a little private time....especially if he was that good!!!!
Great videos here and youtube for a place that
banned Suz said "plan B"
So that's settled then. If Adam didn't like Winstar he should never perform there again. It is as simple as that. And I think some of the fans more than agree.
I think the next venue is about the same...... casino,night cameras...maybe same chain of resorts...holds anout 2300...hope security is more in control and fan friendly...and fans stay out of aisles during show and don't rush in front pay good money for those seats......
Adam getting alot of experience with venues on the time around he can pick and choose.....
Thank you Lolita and Glamnut for your perspectives as fans who were in attendance.
Off Topic: @Lolita - I loved your post - so well written, conveyed so much... and what I really love is that you often post really funny stuff, fun and kooky and saucy sometimes - but then you show us a side of yourself, like you did here, that is more serious, but in the best possible way, and again, you convey so much so effortlessly, thanks.
******Also, equally as importanly, @PRS - OMG, thanks for posting that pic/caption stuff - TOTALLY FRICKIN' HILARIOUS, and so completely right on the money at the same time, the funniest stuff always is, ha ha!
OMG PRS that is so funny, I'm still laughing because it is so true, unfortunately I'm a widow but if my husband was alive those two responses sound like what I would do. HA HA HA SO TRUE AND SO FUNNY. Thanks for making my day.
Thanks for the kudos gals, but true credit goes to someone called AdamisGodXXX.
I just think that there are husbands, boyfriends, significant others all over this world that are thinking the same thing: all us gals are now computer obsessed and our other halves are feeling the good, the bad and the ugly of this thing called "adam-lambert-and-his-glamnation-tour-itis".
10 days to Puyallup, woo-hoo!
@Fan4fun Sept 11 11:22AM - re "Glamdamn" - yep, I'm definitely adding that one to my repetoire! You're really helping me soften my sailor/truck driver mouth Fan4fun (which as you may remember is something I struggle with, lol) and clean up my act a bit... so you see, you say I've helped you a bit with the English language Fan4fun, and you've helped me with my "language" as well :).
Always enjoy AdamisGodXXX's comments on MJ's PRS
and as for the benefits being reaped... beyond my own personal situation, I hear/see/read about it all the time in the twitterverse and blogosphere, all the time, lol, it's real, very very real!! :)
Anon 1;49, you forgot - HBIC! LOL! Adamluv
@ Lolita
LOL-lita so seriously???? What a gift! Thanks, fellow for your info; God bless you for being able to be so nearly my sweet Adam. so many times (feel it for me!, Hummmm) He indeed needs the loving people like YOU (and your daughter) around him. Thanks again (for him, for us, for me)!
Sh*t, I need a translation MGF
????? what am I missing out on here?
@ MGS (MassGlamFan)1:27PM
Oh, Glamshit! Let it be... never mind, fellow...
What are flat planet's neighbours for???
I'm back with some more thoughts about the Winstar. I don't think the Winstar security had any idea what Adam fans are like. More than likely no one has caused a storm like him. They literally did not have their act together and could not control the situation so they lashed out in frustration. If they didn't want fans near the stage they shouldn't have allowed it from the beginning. Once it was allowed it was impossible to stop. Glamberts are a force that can not be denied. We love our Adam!!!!!
A lot of fuss, but was anyone being arrested or put in handcuffs?
Security has to take control from the start
or the glitter will start flying!!! it was eve before 9/11 9th anniv, everyone in security maybe a little overprotective of stars and fans. Appropriate that there is no concert tonight - don't know if it was on purpose but kind of think so as Adam had pretty close contact to that event when it happened .... believe he said the cruise ship was kept out of NY waters for a time and there is that pic of him with Twin Towers in background - just a day or so before. Glad everyone from Winstar is ok. Wish everyone was rockin',wild crazy for Adam at concerts but on best behavior. He seems to pull that off - think we can too!! There was a guy in front of me in Denver that I wished had been plucked out by security as he thought the concert was all about him .... waved arms around wildly and ran up and down aisles .... drunk, high or just plain nutballs??? There were many times I could have gotten a clear look at Adam but it was blocked by the wild chicken dance. Can't do much about security staff and what agenda they may have but as fans, we can figure out how to sing, dance, scream and enjoy without ruining it for others....yah????
I only read the tweets, but as long as Adam wants the gay boys in the front they will be privileged to get there, even if they arrive at the last minute, right?
WRONG.....the fans that pay for front ...GET or straight...and I think Adam will agree!!!
BTY there is a concert tonight ib MS
Kind of confused about the girl that passed out at Dallas concert & that ADAM had done nothing for her??? I saw a video of ADAM as he was singing TCB & he stopped & Tommy gave him a bottle of water which ADAM tossed to someone in the crowd for that girl! Wasn't that the Dallas concert?? ADAM kept asking if she was okay & said there's no hurry .. take your time ... before he continued on with the show. So why the comment from Anon. 11:26 AM? Sounded SNARKY to me. After all as someone pointed out ... ADAM can't be held responsible for everything that goes on at his concerts ... he's an entertainer .. not a warden!! Love & Light
tess4ADAM, yes I was being snarky.
@September 11, 2010 4:05 PM
Um, no, I wouldn't consider your statement "right" at all. I don't know, I obviously have no clue, as most of us would have no real clue, but I certainly wouldn't make the leap that your statement is "right". I mean, I see that you ended it with a question mark, so thank you for that... but gosh. Am I the only one who gets the feeling that sometimes non-fans come on here and throw out controversial statements to see what ugliness they can drum up? Probably overthinking it on that one, LOL, but I swear that happens sometimes.
That was a different lady. This girl (from what I understand) passed out at the intermission between Alli and Adam, or just before Allison started.
OOOPS - my mistake - you R right - there is a concert tonight - should have looked at the calendar sched. Bet they will have great time - good night for LOL LOL LOL!! America needs it tonight BB!!
Mississippi...tonite.....R U ready for the Glamberts....
Controversial or not, my comments are not very liked and my english isn't good, but I don't care. I've also noticed that it's the women who want the gay boys to the front row. Maybe they like to give their own seats to them, that would be alright.
Okay ... not to belabor the point but could it be possible that ADAM had no knowledge of that fan because he was very concerned about the lady who passed out during the encore. I can't/won't entertain the thought that ADAM might not care about a fan who is in distress! ADAM isn't like that & wouldn't ignore a situation like that purposefully ... IMO ... Love & Light
I was there last night and did not see any trouble. Everyone was happy dancing and standing.
There were negative comments about the crowding and pushing in Dallas and when security wants to make it safe for everyone there is complaning. Cant have it both ways.
If Adom doesnt return to Winstar it wont hurt Winstar, but his fans who live close and cant travel to see him.
It seemed like a nice venue and they even had free soda and water for everyone.
It seemed like a much beter venue than revolving stages and freezing riverfronts.
Ok, time to annoy you again. I think Adam trusted too much what some hippies tweeted him. Now hit me.
haven't seen any pics or video of trouble....I know there must have been hubdreds of camera I guess the incidents were minor.....Love and Light
Of course there are non fans that post here with shit against Adam. And have you noticed that it's always the anon posts? I wish you had to register in order to comment here. Adamluv
Thanks for that perspective 11:23...
Here is the venue's response...
"WinStar consistently reviews security and safety procedures and we will be reviewing this event."
I too would be upset if other's behind me crowded in front of me. After all, paying $204 for a ticket, I want my money's worth. If this was the case, security did it's job. I just hope they weren't overzealous.
@Anon September 11, 2010 4:59 PM
Yes, maybe that would be alright, and is more nicely and fairly said/written (and from following twitter/tweets, I've picked up on the possibility that this does actually happen apparently... although, if this thread teaches us anything, we should probably be wary of some tweeters). Anyway, I think I now understand that English is not your first language and you were not trying to be purposefully controversial.
BTY...I post as anonymors because....I don't want my children or g-children to read my that my posts are bad but because they are Adamazing good...if you know what I mean...hmmmmmmmmmmmm
@anon 6:56pm
LOL!!!! That's why most of us have "screen" names other than our own...There is no way in h**l that I would actually post my "real" name on here..for the same reasons.....there are a few here who actually know it, but definitely not putting it out there for the world to see...I don't want my friends and family know what a crazy, Adam - obsessed woman I am, although, who am I trying to kid...they are probably pretty clued into that anyway...but still need to have a few secrets in this alternate universe life that I have and share with all of you...So pick a can be Joan Doe, or whatever, and no one will know a thing!!! Then we can all attribute your "Adamizingly good" comments to you!!! Just a thought...
THACKERVILLE WINSTAR I was there in VIP section and did see the trouble. It happened right where my husband and I were standing. Police were obnoxious and interferred with our viewing of several Adam's songs. I plan on writing Winstar.
Security is a fine line. I understand that, but these guys were overdoing it. All the fans in the VIP center and left and right front rows had their tickets checked before returning to their seats after Allison's performance. We both had to show our ticket stub.
During Allison's set, people had gathered by the stage, and about halfway through, the Winstar security broke them up and had them sit. This included removing one lady who looked in her 70's and was dancing away with a cane in one hand. OK. Well and good. That's the rules. Then, about two Allison songs later, they were all allowed back up there to stage front. Rule change again, right?
Intermission. We got back after break, had our tickets checked, noticed people gathered in front of the stage. There was the customary sign "Dance Bitches." It was great. They were playing music, and everyone was dancing away having an awesome time. Then FYE starting via the sound system (no Adam yet), but we experienced ones knew Adam was coming as lights dimmed.
Everyone was packed up front including us. It was fantastic. People were dancing and cheering, and I could actually see Adam feeding off it. It is so incredible to see him getting visably energized by the crowd. It was hot with all those bodies pressed up close, but for the most part, it was polite. A few people tried to push in, but not too bad.
Then Winstar security started making an appearance, and I saw Monte also gesturing for people to stand back. So people on the left side facing the stage were moving back. WHILE Adam was singing, the regular police came in, and they started shinning their flashlights and asking to see people's tickets.
Then one of the police grabbed this guy by the back of the neck and pushed him out roughly. The guy was not resisting. Then the police took hold of a bigger guy around the middle and did the same thing. They continued with their flashlights bothering people checking ticket stubs WHILE Adam was performing.
All of the above I personally saw. I also saw the first guy's wife running out after her husband with a totally bewildered look on her face. I later HEARD that the guy was put on the floor and cuffed. Then I HEARD the guy and his wife were allowed to go back in the concert. Don't know what happened to the big guy.
My problem is #1 They interferred with Adam's concert, #2 Their rules were not consistent as they allowed something one minute and then apparently decided it was not OK.
I know police have a rough job. I wouldn't want it. However, from what I personally saw, everyone was having a good time and nobody was making trouble. We were dancing and singing and generally just having fun. Rules should be stated early on. I'm going to contradict an earlier post. Only ones up front near the stage were ones already in the VIP section. We were in the first 4 rows anyway. Everyone was standing as they always do at Adam's concerts. It is likely that some people did encroach in the VIP section causing Winstar security to call police, but all of that should have been done early on during the intermission. It's hard to do that mid-concert without messing up everyone's fun just a little.
Last note of this super long post (sorry guys) is that this was absolutely the best concert I have seen, and I've seen several. Adam was on all engines and firing away, and Monte, Tommy, Cam, LP and dancers were fantastic. Adam's voice soared, and he hit notes I had not heard at the other concerts. Walking out in the casino I felt immensely peaceful. I knew I had seen Adam at his finest, and what a joy.
OK. I was at Winstar last night seated very close to the stage. This is what happened. This was not a general admission venue. People were seated in the sections they paid for, but there were no barriers between the sections as in some venues. When Adam began his performance people who were seated in the back of the auditorium immediately began streaming down the aisles and packed the front of the stage. People who had paid more for better seats couldn't see. Winstar did not have uniformed security people, but had actual Winstar employees working the concert. I saw these people checking tickets and sending people back to their sections. They cleared the front, but in awhile it blocked up again and they just remained. Some of the people in our sections were forced to leave their seats in order to see the performance and I saw one person try to stand on their seat. The ladies seated next to me left their seats and went down front. They later told me it was so crowded that it got a kinda "hairy' with some pushing. But nothing serious happened. There are always some people who think they are entitled at other's expense. I basically ignored them, but I am tall and I could see Adam. I would have been pretty pissed otherwise, plus I paid extra to sit close to the front. At no point did I see any of the concert workers being unprofessional. I only saw one uniformed officer, but saw no "ruckus" or handcuffs.
Also, the venue is "no cameras" and that is stated on the website. We were told no cameras when we were seated. Initially the concert workers tried to control people using their cells as cameras, but finally gave up on that too. That's when I took my camera out of my purse. Sorry, stupid rule. No pictures of Adam? I don't think so! Despite these inconveniences the concert was a total blast. People started dancing and singing before Adam ever came on stage. It was like a giant party. Security never told anyone in my section to sit or not to dance. I saw grannies,gays, straights,young,old. You name it and they were there to see Adam and have a blast. And that's exactly what we did, all together. Adam was frustratingly beautiful and perfect and his performance was over way to soon. Winstar was not perfect but it was still outrageous fun and I would do it again in a heartbeat.
Additionally, the two ladies sitting next to me had attended the Dallas concert. (Their 6th) The lady said a girl had passed out and Adam was very concerned and kept talking to her from the stage asking if she was ok. I don't know if there was more than one passing out incident in Dallas, but anyone who knows Adam also knows that he would never ignore something like that.
Adam is a total sweetheart. He's fundamentally just a nice person and would likely feel terrible if someone was hurt or sick during his concert. He's made like that, a truly caring individual. Someone next to me said several people passed on in Dallas. Who knows. I just know Adam would be concerned. Neil, no. But that's another story.
I agree with everything you said. We all enjoy the fantasy-filled life we have with our BB and why not! We love you Adam and always will!!!!!!
But what's so cool with Adam is that, sure, we can have the fantasy side of our fandom - but additionally the great feeling that by all public accounts he seems to be this smart, funny, good, decent person... we can enjoy this voice of an angel with NO visuals whatsoever and it's still as awesome... we can open our minds socially (not that this is his burden, it's just happening naturally, and isn't that one of the best ways for education to occur)... we can get exposed to other amazing artists that we might otherwise not have... IDK, it's just, as they say, it's all good. Enjoy the fantasy side too :), don't get me wrong, but damn it's such a great feeling to just enjoy this guy as an amazing artist and entertainer and then also have this little piece of contentment that he seems to be this decent person too! Just my POV.
MGF, Glitzlady, Fan4Fun: Thank you for the kind words. Every now and then I pull my mind out of the Adam gutter!!! lol
OT: One funny thing that happened. Made friends with people all around our seats. Love and excitement in the air. One super sweet man was there with his wife and teenaged daughter laughing and expressing that he was there because he likes Adam, too, and not because they made him come. lol
Adam sang a beautiful accoustic version of Aftermath. Winstar had large screens on either side of stage so you could see close ups of that FACE. I, and the woman to my right, were picking out our favorite--ahem--"parts" between gasps of OMGOMGOMG. When the song ended, I turned to her and said, "By the way, you are beautiful!"
Her face froze. Awkward silence. Stared at me suspiciously. I'm like, "No. No. Adam's lyrics encourage us to reach out to people. TELL A STRANGER THAT THEIR BEAUTIFUL. Pass it on down the row!!!" She said, "Oh, I started to say I'm not like that. We are here because we love ADAM!" HaHa. My turn to be stunned into silence. I guess a misunderstanding like this could have resulted in security being called and handcuffs deployed! lol
"TELL A STRANGER THAT THEY'RE BEAUTIFUL." (Not their. Sheesh Adam scrambles my brain.)
@anon 5:51 am
Absolutely right!!!!
Must say security at the Ryman in Nashville was excellent. They were so nice and very accommodating. They allowed my son and I and many others to stand in the aisle in the back of the venue directly in front of the stage. Since the Ryman is not that large we could see everything perfectly. Had no problem with cameras (some people had huge lenses and I saw one guy with a computer). Loved the Ryman and will definately attend an event there again.
Lolita, I kinda did the same thing in Costa Mesa. Had been talking with the woman next to me and after a particularly sexy song of Adams, I looked at her and said "You're beginning to look awfully good to me". She laughed and said "You too". We both giggled and now are living together! HAHA Sorry couldnt resist that last part! A sense of humour in this life is a hugh asset! Adamluv
I saw my 3rd Adam concert at Winstar, and it was such an outstanding venue, and Adam was super terrific. I want so very much for him to know how much he is loved and respected. He has affected me tremendously with wanting to be kinder, unpredudiced, and brought me a great deal of happiness. I was in the 4th row from front and saw security ask one woman to get down off a chair during pre-show dancing, which I interpreted to be for her safety so she would not fall from the chair. I thought the crowd was having fun and did not think there were any issues. Not many singers (not many are also entertainers) generate such happiness and joy that people want to dance both before and during the show. Maybe Winstar did not understand that, but gentleness usually can accomplish the same as roughness. I want Adam to return to Oklahoma so that perhaps I can see him again in person and for Winstar to want him to return (soon).
Lol, Adamluv! I can tell you are irresistable!
Lolita , That's what she said! LOL. Adamluv
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