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"Sure Fire Winners" Theme Song to "The Amazing Race Asia" TV Show!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, September 6, 2010

Posted at : Monday, September 06, 2010

Adam's Sure Fire Winners is being used for the theme music in the new commercial for The Amazing Race Asia TV program.


Anonymous said...

SFW has been more of my favorites since the album came out. Logical choice for the theme! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

It's perfect!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is an Asian commercial but SFW is perfect for a commercial such as this. I will be very anxious to see if the good ole USA will use SFW for any commercials, just think of all the sporting events from football to ping pong! Yeah!!

Anonymous said...


LIVA said...

This is too cool.

Where in Asia?

Anonymous said...

WHAT is the USA waiting for?? So many of Adam's songs could be used in commercials, as intros to new TV shows, etc. Fox did use FYE for their promo last December and it was AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

I thought Sure Fire Winners would be too sexy, but here we go :D

Anonymous said...

I am agreeing with others. When will Adam's songs be used in movies and commercials in the USA? I always thought SLEEPWALKER would have been great in "NEW MOON" when Bella was pinning for Edward. I also think AFTERMATH would work in a romantic comedy when the boy and girl break up before they make up again. Oh well, I can dream.

Anonymous said...

I love this show!... mostly for the part you get to see other countries! Even better they're using Adam's SFW song! Saweet!!!

Anonymous said...

The gay communities in the US/UK are so possessive about Adam, that how could he go mainstream in these countries..

Anonymous said...

So great for his upcoming GNT in Asia!! Hope the US will get on the bandwagon and use it here for the Amazing Race, sporting events! Voodoo would be great for True Blood! Aftermath too for romantic pic. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Some gays are such extremists and as a group they act like gay mafia, of the worst kind.

Anonymous said...

Sexy is good. Other countries are discovering how very good all the songs in FYE are. But of course, we knew all along.

Anonymous said...

Once upon a time there was a very big and beautiful piece of land set between Oceans Atlantic and Pacific, called AMERICA, open to pioneers looking for freedom and prosperity... AND FOR A LONG LONG LONG TIME IT USED TO BE THE FIRST ONE TO HAVE A «GOOD IDEA», to be followed by the rest of the our flat planet!
PS: ASIA, you always rocked for me!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:58 and 1:08, Dont understand your comments? There are a lot of gays who I've talked to, that dont like Adam. And (when they even mention him) it's usually passive-aggressive comments. They did recently call him the heir apparent to Freddie Mercury and that was a hugh compliment but usually their comments are not. They havent once shown any videos or talked about the tour. So to assume that all or most gays love Adam is just not true (in my experience). Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I just write what comes to mind and that gay mafia came to mind as a metaphor. No need to take it literally. What I mean is that gays are not all the good guys.

Anonymous said...

stating the obvious

Anonymous said...

Gonna take you to the top to the brink of what you believe



Anonymous said...


Who is in charge? Elton John?

Anonymous said...

Love it, love that song. Next single?

Anonymous said...

It's about the music, remember?

Anonymous said...

The gays don't 'get' ADAM just like the straights. They all want to put ADAM in a box ... just like he says in MASTER PLAN. They are hypocrites & pretend to accept ADAM as he is while in reality they are constantly trying to change ADAM. Aint going to happen as long as ADAM's TRUE LOYAL fans have his back. No criticizing ... ADAM gets enough of that from everyone else who don't understand him!! ADAM is like a 'flower child' of the 21st century ... ALL ADAM WANTS IS LOVE!! Well, he has mine! Love & Light to ALL Glamberts Worldwide!


Anonymous said...

Wow! I think this is absolutely wonderful and fitting. I also think his "Pick U Up " would be great for any of the ice dancing competitions.

Anonymous said...

To me, Adam is not gay, Adam is not straight, Adam is not bi. Adam is ADAM, a unique singer, performer and human being. That's who Adam is for me.

Anonymous said...

OOh, spooky, was just wondering a couple of days ago that it was about time we had another amazing race...brilliant choice of song for the advert, and a pretty good advert. Adverts in Asia are usually pretty crap.
and to anon @12.24 do you mean 'where in Asia' for the show? in which case all over. The teams usually come from HK, PI, Singapore, Indonesia etc.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

I agree with Annonymous at 3:32, Adam is a very unique and comlex person who I admire, respect and care for very much. He has revived my Music World, and made my life infinitely more entertaining!!

Anonymous said...

Is this the old 24/7 site or is it the new Adam site that his Mom is running? Asking because everything has changed. tks

Anonymous said...

WOW! I absolutely love Amazing Race! And to have Adam's SFW on it is an amazing accomplishment! Way to go Adam!


Anonymous said...

It's still 24/7. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

hmm - I thought the commercial itself was kinda dorky, so if that's a good one (HK Fan)...yikes! :) Anyway - LOVE the choice of SFW being used, though - it's one of my favorite songs on the album, and perfect for this commercial. Yay!

And Anon 3:32 - great comment!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

@ anon7:42PM, Adam's nmom, Leila is running his new Official fan club. As Adamluv said, it's still the same 24/7 site, but with new background graphics. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

believe me, that would win an award compared to most out here....and just what their fascination is with toothpaste commercials complete with crappy, stilted acting, and fake dentists in white coats god only knows!!

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with anonymous 3:32 & 7:37
That's exactly how I feel...why must there be labels?

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