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Adam Lambert discusses fashion, Glam Nation, rock, and life on the road

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, October 21, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, October 21, 2010

Adam Lambert discusses fashion, Glam Nation, rock, and life on the road in an exclusive chat with NovaFM's Jody McLeod. He also dissects his Glam Nation tour and even interrupts the interview by answering a phone call!



Anonymous said...

Yeah, what can I say..No matter what Adam is doing I'm the only person he'll stop to answer the phone for.

Anonymous said...

Here is another fun NovaFM radio interview where he talks about being 'homeless'.


Anonymous said...

That shocked me that Adam would answer a phone call in the middle of an interview...shoulda just clicked it over to voice mail...jmo

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:09 - yeah, I agree. That seemed very out of character for him...especially when he just answered it to say "Hey, I'll call you right back" - ?? Oh well.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

my thought on the answering the phone thing was this, if his phone is set on 4 rings, or god forbid 6, then it would have keep ringing and that might have been more annoying than his quickly answering it. I suppose he could have just shut it off, or did the "ignore" thing or whatever, but, depending on whatever mode his iphone was in, maybe it was going to be less distracting to pick up the call really quickly to stop the ringing. (but shit, that's an awful lot of thinking on my part about something that just aint that deep, ha ha ha)