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Adam Lambert looking for Matthew Mitcham

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, October 21, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, October 21, 2010


Anonymous said...

I think Adam handled the rejection very well. Moved on to another willing participant, and then publicly stated that he "respected" the guy and that he "didn't want to force" himself on anyone.
I'd imagine that after 89 shows, it probably gets pretty boring and he has to liven it up for himself.
I enjoyed this clip, and all the videos. For me, there's likely nothing that Adam could do that would blow me away enough to be upset.
Hope you all are having good days today!

Anonymous said...

Totally rushing and distracted - so apologies upfront if this is redundant - but here's a pretty damn good vid of second male kiss


Anonymous said...

Adam always respond very classy to situation like this. Doesn't look embrasse at all.

glitzzchick said...

Oh, geez, as if the last vid here wasn't enough. Ya just know everybody's screamng, "Me! Me! Force yourself on ME! Please!" That's it; no more Adam vids for me today. It's too much to handle.

glittzchick said...

And he is SUCH a GD TEASE!He gives me blue balls, and I don't even have any!

Anonymous said...

very decent adam lambert a classy man- that dude mathew blow it his opportunity to have a kiss from the woirld wide super star,-adam lambert.

Anonymous said...

A million other people would gladly welcome the kiss.

MARTI said...

This guy -who *I can't even utter to say* rejected Adam will have the 7 unlucky years from now on!!!

Anonymous said...

MGF, great video. Thanks for posting link.

Urethra_Franklin said...

See, he was embarrassed in the least...glad that's over! OY VEY!

Urethra_Franklin said...


Anonymous said...

To be honest, I couldn't even quite tell when Adam got "the brush off"....? Seemed pretty chaoctic down there, then he kissed somebody...that's all I could figure out. :)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

When MM said "no", Adam looked at the girl standing right next to MM and kissed her! She commented on the YouTube section of this video! She was standing next to MM all night she said. Lucky girl!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, interesting 12:41am, thanks.

Anonymous said...

I guess tonguediving isn't for everyone. But for every one person who said NO to it, there will be a thousand people (hell - maybe even ten thousand people) who would said YES gladly :)

I don't think it's a big deal for Adam at all. I totally like how he handled it. Saying he respected the guy's reaction. I hope we can all respect that too and just leave it like that. It's not a big deal.

Ritika Pal said...

the guy in question is in a committed relationship :P