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Adam Lambert on New Zealand News

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, October 13, 2010

About the trouble in Malaysia and false claims for New Zealand show.


Anonymous said...

i dont understand False claims for the New Zealand show? What were thay trying to say?

Anonymous said...

I couldnt hear what the man was saying? Anyone wanna bet that the religious right and the conservative radio pundits will talk about his stripping and revealing clothes on stage? We know the facts but that wont stop them in their continual effort to demonize Adam.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to sign above comments = Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I think they were referencing the "NO stripping" that was part of the Malaysian requirements...when in fact Adam does NOT strip. I suspect people in NZ heard that and thought that was something Adam does in his shows, because the Malaysian government stipulated it.

It amazes me that Adam - beautiful person and mega talent that he is - can create, just by being his beautiful self, a wave that goes from nation to nation.

Adam, because of being who he is - out and proud, is opening great conversation on a global scale.

I am so glad that conversation has begun. I dream of the day when ALL gay people come out of the closet... our family, our friends, our neighbors, our co-worker, political and religious leaders, performers, our children.

If everyone that we love as seemingly straight people came out of the closet, we would be shocked at the number. They would still be those same people we loved when they were in the closet...the very same people.

We through our love and acceptance can empower those in our lives who are closeted to live authentically. I just think it would be a beautiful world if everyone was allowed to live authentically, not just "straight" people.

I guess I'm a dreamer...but...I will keep dreaming and maybe one day..."we can all live as one" :)

OK...*stepping off my soapbox*

LP said...

The false claims are what malaysia are saying about Adams show. It has upset NZ, because its news to them that Adams show are inappropiate
They need not worry, Adam puts on a good show.
Malaysia will see in a few hours that everything will be OK.

Anonymous said...

I can strip Adam with my Jedi mind-power. Just saying. :)

LP said...

The whole problem seems to be that Adam is gay, and that is unlawful in Malaysia. I wonder if they realise half of Adams dancers and musicians are also gay.

The Dark Side said...

No stripping 6:55, absolutely no stripping. Think the NZ guy was saying that the stripping was nonsense, no one stripping. We had the kiss that went round the world, now we have the strip that went round the world. Adam Lambert, world changer! Loved the last part of show where they said one of the leaders of this PAS Movement is himself gay, or something like that. Double standards the same worldwide. I am going to breathe easier tomorrow morning and hope I don't wake up to anything sensational.

Anonymous said...

The people complaining about Adam should get their sorry selves to his concert and become Adamized. The young girl said it all: Seeing him perform is an experience everybody in the world should have. Maybe the haters would begin to really love their neighbor.

Anonymous said...

This discussion epitimizes the division in the US as well. The conservative religious right also condemns homosexuality as being the work of the devil. It is no different than what we are seeing in other countries, and many of these folks would have no problem reinstituting sodomy as a criminal act. BTW, it's still illegal in many states. Hopefully all the Adam supporters on this site will look around at our political arena and make their voting judgments appropriately. Ask their position on gay marriage.

On another related note, how sad was Glee last night showing the horrible loneliness suffered by gays.

Anonymous said...

LP, Camila Grey is the only musician that is gay. Not that it matters LOL (a reference to a Seinfeld episode). Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Where does this stripping come from......I don't think he ever stripped on the Glam Nation
Tour......and they said something about kissing a dancer....have they seen the show?

Anonymous said...

Jan from NZ says the stripping nonsense came from the Malaysian crap fall out as some one abovesaid it was news to us. because it is rubbish. The NZ promotor soon put them right. Here we have cross gender and gay MPs, news readers and more they dont have to put up with what poor sweet Adam does. Dont worry guys Nz will make him feel loved and aprreciated he is loved here.
PS I thought Sash was gay to? Yes No?

Anonymous said...

They said, at the end of the video, that the leader of the religious sect that is objecting to Adam's show, is HIMself facing sodomy charges (or something like that)!!!! Oh God - I cannot stand hypocrisy of that magnitude!

Extremists, all around the world, are all about power. Must be a sad existance.

Adam - dazzle them with your brilliant as staring into the sun! Knock 'em dead!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

The one thing that is constant is that in every radical cult there are people at the very heart of it that are pathetic hypocrites!

What a sham! I vote we ship them all off to an island onto themselves. They would not be able to co-exist for long -- and that will be the end of that.

Adam - rock the house tonight -- but be smart and safe!! I feel like you are teaching the world acceptance and love single handedly.

If the protestors would only drop the hate and LISTEN to him and his music -they would get "true religion" and realize what a treasure Adam is.


Anonymous said...

The no stripping part/ no jumping part is part of the contract that all western performers to Malysia have to sign, its not a contract thats specific to Adam. They stopped a show from one singer (a rapper I think) who took his top off, and the no jumping means - into the audience. I think as long as he doesn't interact with Tommy, and possibly puts a shirt on under his waistcoat, and do his black shirt up a bit he should be fine. Mmm, dancers another matter, I think they will need whole new wardrobes....and whole new dance routines with less suggestive moves.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Sasha and Terrence are the gay dancers. HK fan, I too am anxious to see their show in Malaysia and their costumes.

On another note, I found this gorgeous pic of Adam:

Welcome to Bing and everyone else new here! Enjoying all your posts!


Anonymous said...

this is very good publicity for the Malaysian concert! media mileage too.. back here in Manila, there was no stripping that happend..i was there shld have known...i loved the part where Adam was barefoot at the first set of his repertoire from Vodoo up to when he went sleeveless leather! sooo FAB! good luck in your KL concert tonite and jst be conscious on the DONT's, darlin ya!


Anonymous said...

I guess if Adam takes off his coat or jacket it's stripping! Remember when Adam was on the Idol tour and he took off his jacket? Everyone went insane! He has that effect on people (me). Okay sweet BB, keep your jacket on, maybe wear long sleeves and keep the jumping to a minimum. We wouldn't want them to see any jiggling (a word?) Just sit/stand there and sing. Your fans will love it. As for the dancing - I think it's quite impossible not to dance sexy. Maybe the dancers need to wear those funky sweatpants and maybe sweatshirts and not move at all. They can just sit around Adam while he sings. That should work. Goes without saying, no kissing Tommy. And Adam, try not to move. It makes us all crazy and could very well effect a nation in a bad way.

Seriously, Good Luck Adam - your Glamily of fans await!


Anonymous said...

@day dreanmin- It just feels so nice to be welcomed into the Glamily. Thanks for enjoying our posts. That means a lot to me.

@Adam Fix- I believe that in the news, they were referring to Anwar Ibrahim who was the Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister from 1993-1998. He is the most prominent Malaysian opposition leader during the time of PM Mahathir and was very critical of Mahathir's regime. Many have observed that allegations against Anwar were all politically motivated because of the mounting support for him. I for one couldn't believe the new accusations of sodomy . Way back in 1999,had the rare chance to meet his wife and daughter who visited Manila and they seem to be very decent people. Dealing with their kind of group is quite tough because no matter what they will strictly adhere to the set of principles of the extreme conservatives. Just want to share some of my personal thoughts. Hope you won't mind. And hope you've seen my other posts for you in the older threads hehehe.


Anonymous said...

@ Anon. Oct.13, 6:51PM

You made a beautiful and sincere statement here, I loved each word. It's a pitty you didn't sign...

It does happen to me too... «It amazes me that Adam - beautiful person and mega talent that he is - can create just by being his beautiful self, a wave that goes from nation to nation. Adam, because being who he is - out and proud -is opening great conversation on a global scale».

I've told on this site many times that sweet Adam is a LINK for broken chains. This amazing youg man is a great CATALYST of good feelings and wide visions. He doesn't open only hearts but also minds when he opens his mouth to sing like an angel; this amazing young man brings brightness to our lives, hope to our dreams and reason to replace our daily nonsenses.
May God bless him in Malaysia or wherever, because sweet Adam is doing his mission of love perfectly.

Hope you get yourself a tag and come back soon.
See you in some other thread.

Anonymous said...

@Anon October 13 6:51PM -

I was just going to say the same thing about the tag as Fan4Fun 6:51 Anon. I think, by the feel and vibe of your post at 6:51, that you've posted here before, similarly, and it would be fabulous to have you use a tag, but no pressure, I get it, believe me I get it! But regardless, loved your post, so much.

Great reading on this thread, thanks all. (So much reading lately, sheesh, hard to keep up, life is so demanding, this aint helping :), and my hard news time is suffering, probably not a good thing, lol).

Thanks Bing for the info in your post at 4:31am. Many claims of this nature will be politically motived, same as it ever was and all that... but also, I oftentimes find that there is a sort of "me thinks he doth protest TOO much" scenario behind a lot of these folks with the more extreme views, self-loathing and all that! (paraphrasing on the Shakespeare there, lol). Certainly see that sort of thing a lot in the U.S. w/ conservative political leaders; and FACTS, not heresay, are often reported in the news to that effect, researched and proven facts often seem to emerge, causing one to marvel at the hyprocrisy. Oh well, I only mention it because of 6:51's awesome post... and the fact that I feel that there are probably so so many closeted human beings living among us all in our everyday lives that are gay, or feel that sexuality is more fluid than rigid, and they are too afraid to live as they truly wish, it bums me out. Rambling agian, sorry. Thanks for the good read y'all.


Anonymous said...

Anon at 6:51

Couldn't agree with you more. Such a wonderful post! And Adam is not even aware of what he is capable of doing. He may be polarizing at times but it's all good because he makes people think and this mental exercise is very healthy for us.


I'm with you there and i do enjoy your rumblings! It seemed that Adam did not really tone it down after all except for the kiss and read there were the sexy moves. Can't wait for Malaysian fan's recap. Btw left posts for you, Adam Fix,Adamluv and Fan4fun at the AL 'Glam Nation' Press Con in HK thread. Not that they are that important but i just want you guys to know.


Anonymous said...

It was stated that the President of PAS is facing charges of sodomy. There are many acts called sodomy, but the one that comes to mind first is same gender sex.

Anonymous said...

We all know there are people out there who criticize whatever the subject without knowing anything about it, without seeing the performance, or without reading some background. There is no stripping in Adam's shows and there's the kiss with Tommy, but not necessarily during each show. There are sexy dance moves, but it all goes with the music. It should not matter as to who is gay. It is about the music and the impressive vocal talent of Adam Lambert. His message of love, understanding, acceptance, and peace should be what each of us takes away from his shows.