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Adam Lambert takes a nap at Sydney Airport

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, October 21, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, October 21, 2010

Adam Lambert signs autographs then takes a quick nap while waiting for his departing flight to Brisbane on his 2010 Glamnation Tour.

Thanks to KobieThatcher!


Anonymous said...

He must be so tired. He has been working hard for all of his fans.

Anonymous said...

Poor exhausted baby.

Anonymous said...

he also works hard for the money I notice at the very beginning hes with Taylor so hes being taken care of

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see Adam is able to just chill and fall asleep at an airport! He seems so sweet and innocent taking his nap, I hope he got some much deserved rest. Wish I was there so I could watch (discreetly, of course) sigh. nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Yep! That's my exotic singing bird sleeping like an angel before flying far and high again... God bless you, sweet Adam!

Anonymous said...

Poor BB thinks he can use the 'ole hide in plain sight trick... too much gorg and charisma naturally emanating from him for that :). (But good luck with that BB, sincerely).


Anonymous said...

Please keep voting and tweeting for People's Choice, and Ryan Seacrest American Top 5, and Request to local radio stations. And run/view his videos on your radio station's website! "Hit" his videos in various places, that's important too. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Makes me very sad that he is not being recognized this year.

glittzchick said...

Kinda makes me wish when they come crawling next year that he'd say, "No, thanks; I don't play thaat game." 'Cos it IS all political, with record companies spending millions and taking out ads and all that -- just like the Oscar's.

Anonymous said...

I don't see Taylor at the beginning, anon 9:19. -abby

Anonymous said...

I will continue to support Adam by requesting his songs and voting wherever I can. I saw him twice this summer, and the charisma of our beautiful boy is almost to much to bear. He signed autographs after the concerts and was drop dead gorgeous. I hope he's getting enough sleep and taking care of himself. We want him back home soon, happy and healthy.

Anonymous said...

Reply to October 21, 2010 9:19 AM

Oh Anon, I bet you're the disgusting Twitter troll who loves to spread the Adam & Taylor rumours, aren't you? Taylor isn't anywhere in this video, but nice try. And of course he's working for money, you expect him to do this for free? Give me a break. Go find someone else to insult with your passive-aggressive ways.

Anonymous said...

Tongue diving takes alot out of BB.

Anonymous said...

@12:58pm - LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

sweet adam..............come back safely pls.................

coloforadam said...

Taking good care of his sweet self - saying "no" when he's just not up to Fan-dom and catching zzzzzzzzzz's even in the middle of a busy airport. What a trooper!!

(p.s. He needs a blankie)

Anonymous said...

Poor BB must be really tired
Sweet dreams (:
Take care Adam <3

Anonymous said...

look to the left at the very beginning hes holding Adams jacket; or shirt its very plain But why do people get so upset whenever anyone mentions Tay and Adam being a couple? There were several news articles about the rwo of them staying together in Bali . The world woulsn't endif it were true . And if he causes Adams heart "to be full"we should all celebrate their happiness

Anonymous said...

i cannot believe there are no body guards around for our BB. Guess it went O.K. God I wish I could just sleep like that. If I was at an airport and saw adam just sleeping like that, all alone, i wouldn't be able to contain myelf. What a rare moment that really was!

Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure Taylor isn't even gay. He tweeted about a month ago that he wanted to get engaged to his girlfriend...then there was a pic of her.

Anonymous said...

I truly feel bad for Adam, he's lonely, exhausted, giving it his all 110% to us fans. When he does get a break, I hope he takes every breath of frsh air in. Rest your weary eyes Adam, all is well.

Anonymous said...

Adam went out after his concert partying per an article from Australia (nice one asking for him to come back soon). Also, just saw that Adam will be at the Jingle Ball Y-100 Miami 12/11.
"Adam Lambert has been a busy boy taking his show to cities in Asia and Australia, but the former American Idol contestant is making his way back to Miami to co-headline Jingle Ball."
Yay! That, a concert in LA and a DVD - see Adam will still be in the public eye even if he doesn't release another single.