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Adam Lambert Tongue Dives, Kisses Fan, in Sydney

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Thursday, October 21, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, October 21, 2010

This is a very clear version of Adam kissing the second male fan in Sydney.

Starts at 3:00

Thanks to MGF


Anonymous said...

@2:46 - "Let's try this one more time... " LOL

What's that old saying - If at first you don't suceed, try try again ... :)


Anonymous said...

Way to go, Mr shirtless, Adam gave you whole lot of love.

Anonymous said...

3:05 - take that Matthew Mitcham... oh that's right, you didn't want to... pardon me... it's all good MM, it's all good ;)

No H8! BTW, Love your accomplishments as a diver MM, and your accomplishments as a human being by living out loud, BEFORE and after Olympics, good on 'ya.

Did you tweet post-concert MM because Adam quickly said ..."this guy over here was a little scared (skerred)..." and you didn't want the world thinking you were scared?? Not being snarky, just wondering if that was part of it. Anyway, No H8, no passive/aggressive... just admiration for respect shared all around.

Anonymous said...

That was so sweet....

glittzchick said...

Oh, my goodness. He's making me crazy. I want, I want, I want. He gets me to where I can't watch him for awhile, 'cos the bittersweet yearning is just too much to bear. I even get jealous, which is the most ridiculous thing in the world! (plus I;m gettin' tired of having to change my shock; it's all good. )

Anonymous said...

Got to love that "I'm bad" look after the tongue dive. It's Rock & Roll, Fuckin Rock & Roll. Are you offended? Not me!!! Adam over the top tonight, the crowd with him all the way. Good thing he is gay, if not, the consequences would be staggering. At least a whole lotta girl fights. Too funny to contemplate. LOL

Anonymous said...

Yea, every one is having such a good time. Right
"Muther Fkers?" Tearing up Sydney!!!! Syndey showing Adam lots and lots of LUV!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Any body got that video of Mr Tight Ass Mitcham
turning down Adam's kiss?? We want to see that one also. Thank You..

Anonymous said...

@Anon 12:58, that vid is in a few different threads here on 24/7, keep looking. (But he doesn't seem like a bad guy).

Anonymous said...

One of the things I find so endearing about Adam is his great sense of humor and the way he loves,loves,loves to tease us. He is so good at it! I hope Mr.Mitchem got his 15 minutes of fame. That lucky fellow that did get the kiss,looked like he wasn,t going to let go of that beautiful mouth!!!Next time Adam,share the love with the ladies!!

Anonymous said...

@Anon 1:38pm who said "Next time Adam,share the love with the ladies!!"

Oh but he did 1:38, he did. Look more closely:

Of course, it's true, he just shared a "little pash", as AFL said himself, with the gal. He was definitely more, um, enthusiastic about his second pash with his fanboy, and why shouldn't he have been, good for him, "he got his" so to speak LOL, the cute fanboys trip his trigger, just as it should be. (and plus, f*ck that Cam lick was hot, universal, and for everybody ;), dontcha think).

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Monty ROCKS!...what is that riff @ 2:29....can't get it out of my head???

Anonymous said...

I love to see Adam and everyone having so much fun!! Looks like eveyrone sharing a great rock'n roll moment.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me, or does Tommy look a little bummed? ;-)

Anonymous said...

LOL @ October 21, 2010 4:31 PM

Anonymous said...

@October 21, 2010 2:58 PM
I know that guitar riff is a killer. It gets over-shadowed by the base most of the time, but I always wait for that part. You tube one of the MA radio gigs, Monte was not there and Tommy was on guitar and the base was very low, you can hear it very clear. It is amazing.


Anonymous said...

2:45pm - I noticed that too - in fact, that's about ALL I noticed. Those pants are just so ......TAUNT!!

choons said...

I love watching the dancers do their solos - they're all great. Just one thing though - I can't watch when Taylor does his "creepy arms" thing.
But he's a fab dancer.

Anonymous said...

Adam seemed totally distracted while he was singing the 1st half of this song, like he just wasn't into it...till he honed in on his next tongue-diving subject! Wow - what a make-out session! I need to watch that again (and again). Will report back with my findings.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Here are my findings: need to watch it a few more times.

Will get back to you later...

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

"Let's try this one more time.. Sorry.. I gotta get mine!"
LOL..Gosh, I ALWAYS LOVE THE WAY ADAM HANDLE THINGS. No one does it better than him :D

Anonymous said...

Oh!!!!! Yah!!!!!!!!! That's why we can't resist his charm eh!!!!!!!!! Luv u Adam. OH my gosh my kids are coming home from school. I need to prepare snack. Oh! dear........................

Anonymous said...


the riff......sounds like Eddie Van Halen...remember "Jump" w/David Lee Roth