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Another video of Adam Lambert tonguediving in Sydney

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, October 23, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, October 23, 2010

Thanks ZZ for the tip!


Anonymous said...

This tongue diving again! Yeah why not, we might as well get our fill and be done with it... lol

Anonymous said...

I bet the person who fluffed up his hair will not be washing it for awhile...hmmmmmmmmmm

Anonymous said...

I meant their hand...

Anonymous said...

The kiss is hot, I can keep watching that.....could do without the swearing though

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Loved, loved, loved that kiss. Both were so into it.

Anonymous said...

Adam has so much vocal talent...why this again? I want to hear you sing your heart out, Adam, ROCK OUT LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW, vocally!

Anonymous said...

All opinions are worthy 6:54, all, but he is who he is, he does what he does, he's making "decisions" for himself on a daily basis and seemingly appears to be content with them. He's going to do what he's going to do, and doesn't seem to be veering from his performance related master plan much. I am personally glad, 'tho can see all sides, but that doesn't really matter anyway. BTW, to me, he does seem to be rockin out like there's no tomorrow vocally and singing his heart out each and every time, quite reliably actually.

Anonymous said...

Pssssst, do I see balding in the crown of this guy's head? MMMmmm,,, wonder how old he is?

Anonymous said...

Is it healthy to be sharing body fluids with people whose health history is not known??? That is what I think about in these tongue-diving incidences.........

Anonymous said...

Hey, anon 4:44...there's NO SUCH THING as "get our fill" LOL! And 10:32: you have to swap a hell of a lot of spit to catch much more than a cold. I saw the bald spot, too. But hey, my son has one and he's 27. Ooooh, dated myself there, didn't I?!

Anonymous said...

What if he goes to kiss someone and they have really bad breath?

Anonymous said...

The kiss is hot, not sure if he should do it. You never know what the other person might have, Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

I'm sooooo not a conservative person, I'm sooooo a free spirit type, I sooooo get that it takes some serious spit swapage to transmit stuff, I soooooo love every fuc%king thing about Adam Lambert, but I am sooooo not sure that he should do this either. Well, with tongue anyway, maybe there's the compromise right there, keep the tongue back/in and go for some hard core face and lip smashing, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Hey, this guy was stunningly beautiful and as cute as......and he was standing next to me at the time Adam pounced! It's funny to read how people get things out of context but Adam has to put up with that all the time! Everyone was in raptures over Adams comical cheeky look of surprise afterwards asking if anyone was "offended"!!!!! LOL!!!!!! OZ is a place of love and acceptance people! The whole place just cracked up as it put the old conservative US problem of the AMA'S right in it's place or should I say face!!!!
ADAM gave a performance that night that stopped time itself!

Anonymous said...

Love you too Adam Lambert. This show made me gobsmacked and I mean the whole show not just this moment.