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JJ & Ean Chillin With Adam Lambert

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Anonymous said...

Love that Adam made the Nike joke at the end of this interview... just keepin' it real as he always does :) ... and the two dude's genuinely laughed at it I think.

Okay, so long winded Off-Topic post about The Hunger Games Trilogoy that Adam mentions in this interview, peeps w/ kids might get a laugh, or you might want to just scroll on by, fair warning - totally personal and OT. So I have a child who has read the whole trilogoy (kinda young for it actually but this one is a voracious reader, pretty bright)... my child has BEGGED me to read it - but my response is always that I'm too busy, too involved w/ news in the evenings, don't wanna get involved with a trilogy, just wanna go brain dead at night and read my magazines, Oh Mommy just wants to blog tonight honey (can't imagine what I'd be blogging about ;), etc. So, the other day I casually say to child - hey, I'm gonna read the Hunger Games :)... after much grilling and questioning I finally have to admit the Adam Lambert connection/inspiration... the kid is not very pleased, rolls eyes, slinks away muttering that my mother has lost it :)... but immediately comes back into kitchen, smirks, shrugs shoulders and says it's totally cool, can't wait to discuss it with me, just glad I've been inspired to read it, and will take book One out for me from school library, lol. Hubby and I howled. Not sure if this is good or bad :), not sure if this makes me a loser or not, but thought some of you Moms out there might get a laugh outta that.

ps. I devote most of my life to my young children, so don't be too hard on me, okay ;)!

Anonymous said...

Read it. It's good!!!

Anonymous said...

@MGF: Sometimes I feel guilty too, when my young son wants me to read to him and I'm glued to the PC looking for the latest news on Adam. Thanks for sharing! :)

Anonymous said...

u r not alone 6:30 PM. My daughter is getting jealous of Adam hahahahahahaha.

Anonymous said...

MGF - am totally laughing! She called you OUT! Ha, ha! Love this story. Someday, when my son is older and I actually have time to read a book...I will read pls don't give anything away!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

MGF! I am a school librarian and just got that trilogy in. I am going to be reading it soon. At least I now have one son away at college and another is a high school senior, so I don't have to read to them any more after many, many years doing so.

I think at my eulogy they will say : "She had a great love for this singer, Adam Lambert. Whenever anyone needed her, we knew where to find her...on her cozy chair in the living room at all hours of the day or night with her laptop on her lap...We actually think sleep deprivation is what finally lead to her demise." LOL!


Anonymous said...

@Adam Fix 12:18 - yep, got called out soooooo bad, ha ha, gotta love it... the kid was like - oh geez thanks Mom, that makes me feel real special - I couldn't get you to read HG for love nor money but one mention from Adam Lambert and you're all over it like white on rice... was so funny. And btw, I never used a gender specific pronoun for my child ;)... try to keep it real ambiguous when mentioning them online, internet scares me to death sometimes, lol...but to be honest, I'd love to share sooo much more about them, cuz they totally dig Adam and sometimes say the most genuine things... my younger one said, out of the blue the other day, Mom - the next time we go on a long car ride, can we listen to Adam's whole entire cd again? LOL. I've given them an alternate meaning for Fever and FYE single (which actually is not really far off the mark anyway) and the whole family loves the album :).

@daydreamin - I'll try to keep this short, but I want to give you a big cyberhug for what you do as your vocation (and your Adam Avocation too :)). I saw your other thread too, and 'though my school system hasn't had to deal w/ quite the level of cuts you were talking about, Our K-8 library program has definitely taken hits. One almost-full-time library assistant was just added back to help the one full time librarian at one of my kid's school the second half of the year last year - and it has been a god-send. I volunteer in both my kid's schools in the library program as much as I can... and honestly, it's soooo rewarding, wish I could do more, but there is an awesome network of parent volunteers so no one volunteer has to take on too much... anyway, I'm blabbering on, didn't mean to do that - and the other thing that I really really wanted to say was that - YOUR SECOND PARAGRAPH ABOVE AT 2:19 WAS ABSOLUTELY HYSTERICAL, I loved it, I roared, what a good belly laugh to start the day (cuz, 'ya know, the truest things are always the funniest aren't they?!!) Sleep deprivation is what finally lead to her demise... we always knew where to find her... OMFG - hilarious! DBA - what a sweet way to go.


Anonymous said...

MGF- huh, wonder where i got" she"? You're right, you were very gender neutral. Sorry 'bout that! :)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

AdamFix, MGF snd daydreamin, I so enjoy reading your posts. Sometimes hysterical and have me peeing in my pants and other times very serious, genuine and heart warming. You see, I'm very interested in kids having been a teacher for many years. daydreamin, I read your post the other day about all the cuts to education and I know every word is true. I dont know where this will all end. Have said for years that for a school to not have a full time librarian and school nurse is a travesty! I have always taught in very low socioeconomic schools and therefore see the ramifications on my students when these 2 positions are eliminated, and they are the first to go! Wont continue on this topic but want you 3 to know how much I respect your opinions and your stories about your own children! Would certainly like to have you as the mothers of the students in my class. Love Adam Lambert! Now, this is not off topic! LOL! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Aawww Adamluv - right back at 'ya! And hey, if you, Adam Fix and glitzlady meet up in LA at the GNT concert, you glamsistas make sure you have an extra flail or two for, or in honor of, me - okay? (Seriously, that would make me feel great to know that my existence and essence was being thought of for just one brief moment while in the room at that GNT show :)). Love Adam Lambert too, so now I'm on-topic also (that was a good one).

@Adam Fix - Oh gosh, no "sorry" warranted or necessary ;). Hope my little cyberspace partner in Sure-Fire-Winners-Crime is excited for Halloween :)!


Anonymous said...

Adamluv, I knew there was 'something' about you that I liked! Yay for teachers! Thank you also for your support of libraries! I was also in the health office for 5 years before moving into the library (we now have 2 nurses for 18 schools but some districts have 1 or none). I admire what you do for kids in times like these-and especially with the challenges of low socioeconomic status. I just hope and pray the next Governor (Calif) puts education in the forefront as a high priority. I have many conversations with my teachers regarding how difficult it is to teach today. Where abouts do you live?

I have so many lovely ladies here and I have so enjoyed your posts tremendously. I have felt like we are kindred spirits as I have loved the things you say and agree with you so much of the time. Thanks for your shout out to come back here to see your post!


Anonymous said...

MGF Thanks for the shout out too! I felt that cyberhug! I am sending one to you also! Thanks for the understanding words about the library. Your words are inspriring. I worry about the future of libraries what with ebooks and all not to mention all the cuts. Good on you for volunteering in your kids school! I did the same until I decided to get paid for it. Anywho, much too late. I must find my bed and crawl to it otherwise it will lead to my demise. (I actually slept a good solid 10 hours last night but got really behind on my Adam fix!) Talk to you soon!
