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Mr Glam gets the grilling

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, October 20, 2010

AHEAD of his Sydney concert tonight, Sydney Confidential caught up with Adam Lambert and asked him for a few secrets.

So Mr Glambert, when was the last time you ...

Had an ugly day?

[Laughs]. I feel like that's everyday lately because I've been so busy. But once I shower and have a coffee I feel better.

Bought something?

Today! I just bought some red contact lenses for my vampire Halloween costume at a shop down the road [in Enmore].


I watched this movie last week, I Love You Phillip Morris, and that made me cry.

Ate something?

I just stuffed my face with this wrap. It had sweet potato and sprouts and stuff. Delicious.

Was mistaken as being someone else?

I don't know ... that doesn't happen all that often.

Was hungover?

Umm, three nights ago after shooting the X Factor. I had a few drinks and woke up hungover.

Hung out with a celebrity?

Probably Ke$ha ... I love her ... she's amazing

Kissed someone?

Oh, Tommy [his keyboardist]. At my show last night in Melbourne.

Fell over?

I have pretty good balance usually so ... not for a while.

Said to someone "Don't you know who I am?"

I have never said that. Nope.



judys dancin said...

Fun interview!He is still very humble!

Anonymous said...

Finally fun questions,lets Adam relax and show his personality.

Anonymous said...

Sitting at my kitchen table for my "lunch hour"...getting exasperated with hard news regarding US midterm elections coming up... so flipped on mindless Fashion Police show on E (HATE the meanness and snarkiness on that show, horrible!! but like the a few times a month)... anyway, Joan Rivers and panel members talking about nail polish as an accessory, quick Adam Lambert joke by Joan (but not bad actually, suprised to be honest). I think Joan likes Adam actually, she didn't like his Grammy outfit last year for sure, but remember her tweet to him after Foxwoods, tweet was also Joan-ish but not mean-spirited. Anyway, what was really a hoot was that they segued right into the fact that J Bieber has a nail polish line out, or coming out, with OPI - one or two E peeps on the panel said that's ridic - you should at least use the product once in a while if you're gonna promote/back it! Just kind of funny (funny strange or funny ha ha, you be the judge). So hey, Adam Lambert is obviously on someone's mind over there at E... and I suspect it's more than just Joan Rivers' mind (but jealousy and business issues at play IMHO), but anyway, just happened to catch that AFL mention @ 12:30pm-ish EST.

Anonymous said...

And oh, btw, sorry for no Off-topic alert for post above.

Regarding this quick interview - I LOVED IT... saw it/read it in the blogoshpere this morning.


Glitz and Sparkles said...

Off topic: another interview for local Hawaii midweek paper - he'll be here soon!!

We're all crazy anxious for his arrival.

Anonymous said...

adam lambert should start having a make =up libe anbd clothing line with his name.adam is origian; his signature also about make-up and his fashionable clothing.not beiber.

Anonymous said...

I can feel your anticipation coming through my screen Glitz and Sparkles :), have fun!

The Dark Side said...

Do people really think the suits that run big cosmetic companies are any more open-mined than the suits that run music industry? Actually enjoy Joan Rivers--think she is fond of Adam. Regardless she is funny--way funnier than some of the edgier new comedians today. Every time I hear a vagina joke I want to throw something at the TV set. These questions/answers are classic Adam.

LIVA said...

MGF - I'm in CA and my mind is totally on the elections as well. We have this crazy chick Meg Whitman (homophobic and racist) who's running against Jerry Brown (I'm voting for him.) But I heard Meg has spent over 150 million on advertising. I'm a bit scared that she may win. :(

I hope Adam votes for Jerry Brown too. Maybe he can tweet it to his followers?

Anonymous said...

OFF TOPIC -- just found a link to a fever video from sydney 10-20-10 - here is the link:

Adam was on fire - can't wait for the other videos from this show!! Please please anyone that was there - we are DYING to see these!!


Anonymous said...

Keep reading Adam outdid himself at the Sydney show, but so far haven't seen any videos. Are they too hot to handle? Liva, have no fear Jerry Brown (Governor Moonbeam) will win easily in CA.

Anonymous said...

11:40 AM --

See my prior post - gave you a link to the fever video - so far that is the only one I found


Anonymous said...

Fabulous Hawaii article posted by Glitz and Sparkles, 10:33 - check it out.

Anonymous said...

«Don't you know who I am?»

You've never asked that because you, yourself, don't know the answer... yet, sweet Adam! YOU HAVE NO IDEA... yet (!) about WHO YOU really ARE! But time runs very quickly (and I hope it gets me alive by then)... pretty soon the Universe will let you know at least how much brightness you have to offer to the world's darkness... and you don't have to take my word (oh, no sir!), you just wait and see how much right I am!


lola from sydney said...

hi fan4fun above, i like your comment and it is exactly how i feel about adam. thanks for reading my mind.

Anonymous said...

liva, she spent that of her own money since she's a billionaire. Worried too but more worried about the senate race since it's 50=50 right now! I will never understand Calif.? Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I lived in California the last time 'the flying nun' was governor. So glad I can vote for someone sane in another state this time. If you think he's going to help Cali out of it's money problems, think again...that man loves to spend your money any way he can.

Anonymous said...

I love Ke$ha too, after reading about her life story. She's talented, intelligent and most of all, she got to snog Adam Freakin' Lambert! Lucky girl!

Anonymous said...

She has to be the luckiest girl on the planet. She said that he is very romantic and agressive.
GOD she is so lucky! I can't imagine!!! And he loves her as a friend. Friend with benefits!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Meg Whitman should NOT be elected. She thinks money can buy experience. I too am voting for Brown. He is a decent guy. Sometimes you actually need to spend money to get what you want. Nothing is free. I will not have my school library job next year due to so dang many budget cuts in California. This year my once full time job is now 4.5 hours a day. We used to have a full time librarian too. You can't continue to rob Peter to pay Paul year after year. That is all Shwartzeneger has done. Why don't people get this? Other countries have a much higher tax rate and their peeps are taken care of in old age and I love that. Times are tough, and we are all suffering. I get that. But just being in the school system, I know the full effects of the budget cuts. Busses were cut to 50% this year. No more night custodians. Counselors all laid off. No gate programs any more, class sizes brought back up from 20 to 24 kids in a class for K-8, teachers laid off...on and on I could continue. My son was only accepted into one college. They all said because of budget cuts, they were having to cut enrollment. They admittedly are accepting mostly out of state students JUST because they get more money from them because they pay out of state tuition. I could go on, but I think you get the point. I will get off my political soap box.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, above I meant to say Librarians were also cut at all of our 18 schools and the increased classes were not k-8, but K-3.
