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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, October 21, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, October 21, 2010

This picture is apparently from when Adam had the Infinity Sign done.


Anonymous said...

What a drunk face. I love it.

miki criscoe said...

WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U were fucked up!!!!!!!!! NICE!!! hope u had FUN!!! wearing PR INFINITY as i TWEET!!!!!!!!!!! peace...

Anonymous said...

Seriously, why is he always so effin hot!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

with or without make up you are really a charming guy ha!ha!ha! love you

Quinn said...

I'm pretty certain that's actually from New Orleans when he had some extra wok done on the infinity tattoo. That's not the clothes he was wearing an Atlanta when he first had it done.

Anonymous said...

Explain, why do people have to get drunk to get tattoos. Anyone every do one sober?

juds dancin said...

I had 1 sober and it hurt, would have to be drunk for another one!! I'm not sure if he is drunk or blinking!

Anonymous said...

My Infinity necklace just arrived today! Yay! Happy ---?---- Day to me! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Cool Adamluv.

And call me crass but I'd sign over my house for one night getting all platonically giggly, silly, loose and sh*tfaced with AFL :).


Anonymous said...

I've had 5 tattoos - all sober. WHY??? I don't know what I was thinking. Some of them were honestly more painful than childbirth. I must be nuts. Shoulda been shitfaced.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

5 tats Adam Fix - Wow, you learn something new everyday!
MGF :)

Lilly_Lambert said...

AGAIN... Stealing pics from IDF without crediting!!!
Funny how every time I post something on IDF the next moment it appears here but you always forget to mention the source ;)

Anonymous said...

What's IDF??

- Adam Fix

glitzylady said...

I also am wearing my Infinity necklace..Love it!!...I have no tatoos but pretty sure I'd be having a "beverage" or two before doing that...And Adam does look a little "relaxed' but good for him, he needs a little of that once in a while...

Anonymous said...

@Adam Fix - IDF is a website -

Anonymous said...

MGF @ 6:53...Seriously, what any of us would give...!!

Getting my first tat in two weeks!
Wish me luck.

Anonymous said...

PRS WHat? You go gurl!!!! Details please! And AdamFix? New info. everyday! I'm so scared of needles/pain and this keeps me from an Adam tattoo. On top of this I dont drink so how to dull the pain? But if the marijuana initiative passes in Nov. I'll be all set! LOL! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Adam's dad, Eber calls tatts "Tramp Stamps"lol. I had eyeliner tatts done 10 yrs ago and thought of doing lips,but eyes were enough. My daughter had permanent make-up done and she always looks good! Very natural looking. Adam's two are simple and meaningful and I don't think he needs to do more, but for him "more is more!" funbunn40

Anonymous said...

O M F'n G everyone - my oh my aren't we learning lots of new things in this thread!! LOL.

Anonymous said...

Yes we certainly are learning things here, MGF. You'd sign over your house for one night ..........with AFL. Before I call you crass, I thought you were such a good mother, now I think your just crass.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:43, Are you serious? WTF is the matter with you? Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I don't drink either....glad to see I'm not alone

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Anon say that like it's a bad thing...? ;)

I thought we were all here to fantasize about Adam? And MGF articulates her dreams in very creative and humorous ways. I think it's a bit hasty to call her crass and accuse her of being a bad mom, for fantasizing. Hell, we all gotta have an outlet in our lives, to balance out our "real life".

I don't think MGF's silly comment wipes away all the outstanding values she posseses as a mom, wife and US citizen (from what she's shared with us on this site). I am fully in her corner.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Aawww, thanks Adamluv & Adam Fix - you guys are sweet. 5:43 didn't bother me in the least, it comes with the territory as afterall, I am on a blog on the internet - and honestly, I'm quite surprised that I don't get slammed left and right on a daily basis:)!! I didn't give the comment even a moment's meaningful thought when I read it hours before you guys replied and wouldn't even have replied at all if you two hadn't been so lovely as to reply in my defense! What can I say, I'm as silly as I am serious, daffy as I am devoted - that sort of thing... I long ago decided to enjoy my complexities and layers as a human being and I wish more WOMEN would do that as well. Oops, didn't mean to get all serious there... cuz honestly, I so enjoy the huge belly laughs I get outta this site and try to pay it forward here and there, so never fear, I'll still be going for the one-liners, sometimes they'll work and sometimes they won't, but it's all good. (but geez, here I thought I'd at least score some points for saying "PLATONICALLY", Well, you ladies have a good weekend... it's a little past 7am here EST and real life will be calling my name any minute now.... so much to do today... first stop - the Bank, need to take some money outta my kid's College Accounts to buy that Adam pendant I've been desiring... then off to the local pawn shop with my wedding ring cuz I'm thinkin' I'm just gonna say F*ck It and pay top scalper prices to attend the 12/16 LA GNT... and then I'm off for my weekly visit to check in on my elderly in-laws and I wanna get there early while they're still sleeping because I wanna raid their household loose cash container they keep hidden in their kitchen because I have my eye on some awesome new Lambert merch... and I'll finally be done with my Saturday chores once I meet up with some of our local town officials at the Coffee shop where I'm planning on slipping them a nice new crisp $100 on the down-low in hopes that they'll just lighten up and give that liquor liscense and adult entertainment license to the bar across from the local pre-school building that has been requesting... oh wait, I did have a major sporting event with my child later this afternoon - aahhh screw it, I think I'll blow it off and just come back online and watch Adam tongue-diving on constant repeat all afternoon instead!! Frick - hasn't anyone posted a damn gif of that yet?

MGF ;)

Anonymous said...

MGF, sista, you are da bomb! I can hardly type since I'm laughing so hard! When you mentioned going to the bank to take out your kids college money to buy Adams pendant, I knew you were on a roll and it would just get better and better and I was right! Bad mom! Bad mom! LOL! Do wish the coming to LA part was true since it would be great to meet you in person. Now gonna go reread what you wrote! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Oh Adam you are so f**king cute.

Anonymous said...

MGF - OMFG!!! That was classic! That post will go down in history as one of my all-time faves! I laughed so hard - you BAD mom, you!!

OMG - PUH-LEEEZZEE come to LA on 12/16 - please?? Meeting you would be the biggest pleasure! Keep us posted...

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Yeah... I highly doubt that Adam was drunk when he was getting that tattoo. It was just a bad timing when the pic was taken. Many tattoo artists won't even do that if a client is drunk.