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Adam Lambert The E! True Hollywood Story Promos!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, November 18, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, November 18, 2010

Featuring new preview footage.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, me too. My DVR is set,working sat,sunday,will be home late. Very excited,happy for Adam..........indigo.

LP said...

Does anyone know if 9:00 sunday is eastern time or western time?

Anonymous said...

I'll be watching!!!

Anonymous said...

LP, it's 9:00 Pacific Standard Time. Unfortunately wont be able to see it that nite but a friend is recording it for me so hope to see it Mon. or Tues. Promos look good! OT now but read in LA Times today an article about this weeks ridiculous voting on DWTS. The article said this wasnt the first time a reality show elimination led to an uproar and accusations of unfair play. "Also in 2009, AI's Kris Allen, whose strong Christian fan base was suspected of wrongfully flooding the phone banks in his favor, won the shows top prize over critical darling Adam Lambert, who unlike Allen, went on to pop culture success after Idols stage lights faded". The last sentence for me is the most important one of the paragraph since it's so complimentary towards Adam! Thought you'd enjoy hearing it! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@Cindy - you can still watch this only if you want up to :22 then just hit 'pause' and skip the rest ;-)

And i doubt if it will be aired in Manila on Sunday. So i really hope that 24/7 could do something for the rest of us who don't have access to E THS. Thanks in advance ;-)


laurieb said...

i sure hope that the fans out there can put vids of the E!THS..the same night. I dont get it where i am and im furious.. I really wanted to watch it at the same time as everyone else and also to help add one more notch to the ratings for Adam. anyway, i know someone here will post the show. PLEASE!

Anonymous said...

Wow Adamluv thank you so much for sharing the most important piece of the article with us. I have observed before that when Adam was asked about that rumor, he was quick to dismiss it always defending his friend. And i really wish KA well because he is a respectable artist in his own right. I know that AIS8 will be haunted by this for as long as people can remember that infamous day specially now that AFL is simply unstoppable! I wonder if NIKE will also be interested in him LOL ;-)


Anonymous said...

We do get E THS, but not at the same time as the US, and i don't think they have new episodes. they seem to have the same ones on repeat all the time. So I am also keeping my fingers, toes and everything else crossed that somehow it gets put on here.

HK fan

The Dark Side said...

Thank you Adamluv--my sentiments exactly. I also had the same image when DWTS eliminated Brandy, who should have been in the finals. I think some of the same remarks would have occurred if Kyle had lost--the public fed up with these outcomes. Unfortunately, this turns many people off to DWTS. I will watch only in support of Jennifer as I think she deserves to win and we should not desert her.

Anonymous said...

I'm only interested in the Burning Man Festival part of the story.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Adamluv! What a great sentiment for Adam, and a Positive one at that.
I don't get that channel, but I'm hoping someone will be able to upload to YT so that I can watch and learn new Adam info.

Anonymous said...

What's going on here? This site is usually so current! Doesn't anyone know that Adam sang Hendrix' Purple Haze as an encore in Paris and it is trending on Twitter in the U.S. and worldwide!!

Woot, Woot! *\o/*

coloforadam said...

3:16pm - absolutely, me too. Burning Man philosophy is so much a part of who Adam is - he attended 3 times, it carved a deep, loving, spiritual belief about being human and the wonder of existence that he continues to reflect even in the bad times. Let's be SER here - that show will be an hour long and you won't like everything they do with it .... let's hope we can just enjoy and revel in the fact that not every singer is honored in this way. It is so perfect that it is premiering during the ($(#$*^)'s on ABC cuz there's just a whole lot of Adam fans that won't be watching that. And if you DO decide to make yourself ill by watching that afore mentioned awards show, please don't talk about it on this site....ok??

Anonymous said...

peeps - suz has got purple haze/wll up - just watched it on YT - can't even type - OMFG - go look, guys, go!!

Anonymous said...

Here's link


ps. sorry if it's already posted, I'm kind of a little freaked out - such talent!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yo tengo " canal E!latino"pero,creo que no pasaran el programa, porque hasta el momento no hay ninguna promoción.Pero confío que llegara alguna publicación para nosotros.
Lo Maravilloso es, que este programa es un logro
muy importante en la carrera de ADAM, y el domingo
los ojos del planeta estarán fijos, sobre esta SUPERESTRELLA.

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv

Thanks for sharing, sistah! Good info for me after a hard day on Hell's Kitchen.

But hey, Glamily!
I have good news too!!!
YAY! YAY!! YAY!!! It should have been recorded! I sang the whole music with sweet Adam while dancing in my sit, and at the end I told the many people who were staring at me with sort of an open mouth: «É o Adam Lambert, A-D-A-M----L-A-M-B-E-R-T, não esqueçam este nome. Ele é o meu doce Adam, ele é o meu amor!!!!!» (It's Adam Lambert, A-D-A-M----L-A-M-B-E-R-T, don't forget this name. He's my sweet Adam, he's my love!!!!!»... and quickly got down the bus on the next stop, kind of 4 bus stops before the hotel. It was raining but WTF, who cares????? I went the rest of the distance so happy, singing in the rain! HA!!!!

Anonymous said...

HH 5.54PM comment's translation
Here you go:

«I have the latin's 'E! Channel' but I believe it won't show this program, because up this moment there is no promotion. But I believe that something will come published to us. The wonder is that this is an important conquest to ADAM's career, and on Sunday the eyes of the planet will be fixed on this superstar. HH»


Anonymous said...

Burning Man kind of reminds of San Francisco in the 60's--we were burning man each and every day. This not a new concept of enlightenment as we invented it years ago. This group probably much more civilized than we were. Hope so any way. Good times Baby, Good time.!!! I think I am remembering this correctly--mushroom by any other name. LOL

Anonymous said...

Fan4fun, to hear Fever on the bus on the way to work must have been the best ever!!!!! Funny about the singing in the rain but that boy does bring a smile to our faces!!!! Hope your test results were all good. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

A completely charming story Fan4fun... good for you. You must have had to exercise great restraint to not totally freak out when you heard the first few bars of music coming over the bus radio.

Anonymous said...

!OH, Fan4fun que buena y divertida experiencia,
siempre en la compañía de ADAM por eso tú irradias
felicidad. Espero sigas tu programa de recuperación cuidándote mucho.
Saludos cordiales. Paz,amor y Salud

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv, Thanks for the L.A.Times info. Loved the last statement re: Idol. Fan4fun, I got the best visual image of you, dancing in the rain those last 4 blocks with a silly smile on your face! I know what a thrill it is to hear Adam on the radio for the first time! I almost cracked up the car and wanted to pull over and give him my undivided attention. Things are looking up for you in the Azores! Adam's getting closer! Of all songs you were able to hear Fever!! Yay!!funnbunn4

Anonymous said...

OMG, fan4fun, I am doing a muffled estatic cheer for you, so I don't wake up the rest of the house! SO GREAT! Wow - how come YOU get Fever on the radio and we don't??? Wah, wah! Guess it's because you are THE diamond girl fan. Enjoy! Yippee - go dance in the rain some more!

- Adam Fix

glitzylady said...

@ Adamluv

I heard about the LA times story too, but believe it or not I heard it from my husband...LOL!! And he was just as disgusted as everyone else...Both re the Season 8 outcome :( and the Bristol Palin thing...It gives these contests a bad name and reduces their credibility to zero in my book...I remember watching America's Got Talent last year and the same thing happened...the person with the most actual talent lost to someone who had far less, but was the "favorite' for some inconceivable reason...And I haven't bothered to watch since..A co-worker felt the same way..Don't get me started on that topic!!!


Wow, to hear FEVER on the radio!!! I bet those people thought you had lost your mind, but who cares!!! I would have reacted the same way...

@ funbunn40

The same thing happened to me when I heard IIHY on the car radio for the first time...I was so shocked and excited that its a miracle I didn't drive right into a tree! When I first heard the opening beat of it, it didn't register at first , because I am used to hearing it coming out of my car stereo, but then it dawned on me "Hey, that's not my well-worn CD, its Adam ON THE RADIO!!!!!!!!!!!" So I just had to "dance" and sing along which is not the best idea when you are driving on a public street!! Again, I'm sure anyone seeing me thought something was wrong with me...!!

Anonymous said...

Glitzlady, hey, why arent you in bed? Guess you could ask me the same question! lol! With regard to DWTS, I had to stop watching it a couple weeks ago since the voting was making me so upset and seeing/hearing that palin woman (the mother) was more than I could stand. I watch this kind of show for the dancing and entertainment aspect not to witness forced political endorsements! UGH!!!! Adamluv

glitzylady said...


Its my "me and Adam" time...I know you can relate...and it takes a long time to get through all of this stuff!! LOL!! And tomorrow is my day off so I can stay up later, not that it makes a whole lot of difference..Because I am even more of a night owl than ever..Sleep deprivation is the "new normal" for me...And its not too hard to give up a good percentage of TV these days because I have no time for that either...Only so many hours in the day!!

Anonymous said...

Sleep... What is this sleep thing you speak off?


Anonymous said...

Speak of... not speak off... I ruined the whole joke. Sorry, I'm really tired! ;)

Anonymous said...

yeah...sleep deprived again..

Anonymous said...

OMG Fan4fun what a memorable experience and you got to introduce our Diamond boy to the peeps in the bus that's cool! Made me recall a similar Adam moment and the feeling is really divine ;-) So happy for you. Dios lo bendiga!

HH - i am confident that 24/7 will do everything it can for the rest of us who doesn't have E THS.
TENER FE! Dios lo bendiga!


Anonymous said...

THS on the E channel on sunday at 9:00 is eastern time and it is repeated at least 4 times next week at all different times. Hurry up and get here sunday!

Anonymous said...

Adamluv, thanks for the LA Times article. I also concur with you regarding DWTS-what an unfortunate joke!

fan4fun I hope you are feeling better! I remember the first time I heard IIHY when I was in the car with my son and his friend (17 year olds) I turned it up of course and my son's friend commented "oh yea, you like Adam Lambert. I do too." Oh yea! Bringing the generation gap divide closer together!

