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Adam Lambert Has The Number One Song in Finland Again!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Adam Lambert's new single 'Aftermath' is the number one single in the country in Finland again for a second week in a row!



Anonymous said...

Adam is loved all over the world not only for his vocals but the sweet and down to earth person that he is. His singing ability was the entrance door of Adam's glittery universe. Now that we are here we can check out any time we want but we can never leave....indigo.

Anonymous said...

Great News!! I love Aftermath!! I wish we heard more of Adam's music on USA radio. His CD is all I play in my car and I love every song. WTG Adam and Finland fans!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for Adam and his friends that wrote Aftermath with him. I love it.

Anonymous said...

I always loved Aftermath and always thought it would do well being released as a single... that's why I'm not surprised why it's doing so well in Finland. WAY TO GO ADAM‼ & CONGRATS‼ ☺

The Dark Side said...

Of course he has the No. 1 song. Who else would have it. I believe this will be on the EP out December. Correct me if I'm wrong.

algal said...

I officially LOVE Finland for loving Adam over this past year! Wow! Aftermath #1 is cool!

Anonymous said...

Good taste Finland! Yay for Adam - fabulous song. loved anon 10;50 last line 'you can check out anytime you want but you can never leave" from the Eagles mega hit Hotel California. One of my favorite songs from all times. Thanks for the reference! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Agree with everyone! The lyrics of Aftermath is so uplifting and the melody is great. Thank you Adam for this beautiful song that is so close to your heart. And to the Finnish Glamberts thanks too for making the song number one in your country, you make us proud to Adam's fans :) It's a wonderful day in 24/7 \o/


Anonymous said...

But it's not on the official Finnish singles sales chart. Just look at the single chart on Itunes Finland, it's not in top 200. Sorry to say this, but you should not mislead people.

Anonymous said...

anon 3:12
This is not according to SALES this is AIRPLAY. Two different things‼ Please check again. TY

Anonymous said...

>Anonymous November 16, 2010 3:39 PM

The blogger doesn't mention that this is an airplay chart on one radio station in Finland. She just say that the song is #1 in Finland. That's why i said that's misleading.

Anonymous said...

Two radio stations NRJ and Voice are playing Aftermath, the album version, which is better than the acoustic. No big deal.

Anonymous said...

I mean the album version of Aftermath is better, in case someone didn't understand.

Anonymous said...

whatever my friends as long as all the fans can hear his music I'm happy and delighted.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Adamlov for noticing, I too love that song and referance of eagles song is fitting bacause since I saw Adam on the AI8, there is not a day goes by without checking up on Adam news,nothing else is as important as Adam. I can never leave not that I want to..._indigo.

Anonymous said...

indigo, sorry I didnt realize you left a tag. that happens a lot to me too! And me too about searching out Adam info. since AI. That Eagles line is perfect when thinking of our love, devotion and respect for Adam. It's for all time!!!!!!! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I want to watch Stuttgart, Germany vids but my daughter is doing homework late and from the description from the comments seems they are hot,my daughter thinks I have lost it since AI8 and Adam. I am waiting impatiently for her to go to bed. I know this is crazy but that is the kind of effect Adam has on us fans. Thank god no hubby to get jealous of Adam..._indigo.

Anonymous said...

indigo - welcome! Thanks for joining us and including a tag.

I hear you, my friend...I try to spend some quality time with my son when I get home, but after he goes to bed (and my husband, too - who, luckily, usually falls asleep pretty early - ha, ha!) it's "me and Adam" time, and nobody interfere!!!! I look forward to this all day. Jeez - what is wrong with me? :)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

@Adam Fix.. not a damn thing!!! Mee too... and Indigo (love yer name btw) We can start a late nite viewing club!

Well DAMN!! What a title Adam Lambert #1
THAT's what I wanna see!!! for a LoooNNNNNGGG time into the future, and in THIS country as well as internationally.
GO Adam!! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

@indigo - welcome to 24/7 and i enjoy reading your posts :)

@Adam Fix - ha ha ha ha i think that sounds familiar, your last question tee hee :)


Anonymous said...

Thank you Cindy, Adam Fix. I have watche all vids of Glamnation tour. Adam is on fire in Germany. I was able to attend Houston concert with my daughter and a coworker, was best day of my life. I love how he is loved by his fans all over the globe..._indigo.

Anonymous said...

Also thank you Bing( you posted at the same time as me) I love name Bing, It has a ring to it. I love reading all of your comments, many times I laug out loud with some you alls comments, makes my day...indigo.

Anonymous said...

If this is true (and I hope it is) the words to this song must mean a lot to the Finns. Being of Finnish heritage and still having relatives there, sadly Finland has the highest rate of suicide of any country in the world. My hope is that they are really listening and HEARING the uplifting words. Just like our "It Gets Better" campaign, this could truly set some of my 'cousins' free.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that Aftermath is not more popular among the fans, but too many bullies also in the fandom I guess.

Anonymous said...

indigo 10:38 - on fire in Germany is right!! Wow, did someone slip some whiskey in his tea? The Stuttgart show left me so shell shocked, I had to calm down before I could even post a comment! Adam's being extra-raunchy over there, probably because he knows he CAN. Am so glad I get to watch, voyeuristically, from this side of "the pond"! Wouldn't miss this for ANYthing! Thanks, Suz526!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...


@indigo (Nov. 16 at 10:43PM) - thanks and i'm so glad that you are enjoying the 24/7 Glamily. This is a place where freedom of expression is in full display and it's all good. It may be draining at times with our inherent differences but what the heck. We can still peacefully coexist with one another with Adam in the center of our love and admiration so it's still great. Thanks so much for joining us ;-)


Anonymous said...

Aftermath was not one of my favorite songs at first. The more I actually LISTENED to the words, the more I liked it. To me the song represents Adam more than the others, although I love them all. Hearing Adam sing Aftermath live is something I'll never forget. He reaches into your heart and stays there forever. nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

@nancdruuu2/3:30am - re your "Hearing Adam sing Aftermath live is something I'll never forget." - totally agree.

Waaaayy Off-Topic:
@Adam Fix - I don't know if you'll come back to this thread - but I just gotta tell you that I always think of you blogging 24/7 & Adam SITTING AT YOUR DINING ROOM TABLE :). I totally get that, cuz I'm such a "set-it-up-on-the-dining-room-table" type of person, whether it be the laptop, a project, whatever... And you've said many times that RL pretty much demands that you blog Adam at night, so I know you're watching when it's quiet in your house - but I have to say, I literally chuckle sometimes when I think of you sitting in what is probably a very proper dining-room-ish straight erect chair in a "public" room and calling up those hot frickin' images and flailing and melting! When I pasted those Nine Inch Nails "Closer" vids to you - I almost included a disclaimer to make sure, if you were watching them in your dining room, that the boys were in bed before you watched, LOL, but again, I know you only have time to blog later at night anyway, so I knew it wasn't necessary. Well anyway, I'm rambling, but it all makes me laugh. I've totally commandeered the better of our 2 household laptops and relegated it to my bedroom, and my older child aint happy about it :). We have another laptop and the desktop computer right off the kitchen in the den cuz the kids aren't allowed to use the computer without my supervision, so it's not like I'm totally screwing them over :), but neither of those run quite as well as my laptop, and the kids are totally ticked it is out of the den :)! I bet they're thinking - Damn you Adam Lambert, LOL.


Anonymous said...

The lyrics of Aftermath are very inspiring and comforting for anyone struggling with identity, self esteem or other "heavy" life issues.

One reason for the success of this song in Finland might be the fact that the Finns LOVE heavy music - Aftermath's CD version, the song/music itself and Adam's UNSURPASSED vocals (the incredible high notes towards the end) make every heavy music lover/vocalist green with envy... and give me goosepumps every time, especially when played very LOUD!!!

Anonymous said...

So true that Finnish like hard rock and heavy metal. I never before heard that it would be only because of identity and self esteem problems. The acoustic EP comes in demand for those who like the live Aftermath. I prefer the album version.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:18 PM - I tried to speak about two things separately (1. the touching lyrics of this song and 2. another probable reason for the song's success in Finland being the hard rock/heavy metal-ish sound of it), NOT to bind these two aspects together...

Sorry, if my message was misunderstood, English is not my native language

Anonymous said...

MGF - thanks for the shout out!! Ha, ha - you got it right...the boys all go to bed (husband and dog included) and it's ME + ADAM time, damnit! I deserve some Adam time, at the end or a long hard day. It's my reward. Our laptop happens to be set up on the dining rm table (can't very well check out Adam on the bedrm PC while husband's trying to sleep) so I plunk my butt down and barely move for...2...3...hours??? Gasping quietly to myself when there's some extraordinary post, video or picture!! Quietly typing away my comments, which are usually screaming, on screen! It's a funny set up - but hey! It works!

When I started coming on this site, I didn't even think I bothered to read the comments. I got more sleep then. :) But now, I totally look forward to sharing my thoughts about His Royal Hotness, and hearing what you all have to say! I love our little Adam-gushing community here, and feel like I've made some "friends" along the way (well, anonyomouse friends, who mostly talk about Adam...but sometimes throw in some info about RL). I don't have many friends who are heavily into Adam, so you're my Glamily, and I can let myself gush away! :)

I especially love reading all the comments from the different peeps from around the world! What fun, and it's refreshing to get different perspectives.

xxoo to the Glamily,
- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

@Adam Fix - can totally relate with everything you said. And i never thought that it would be this enjoyable.

Thanks 24/7! And thanks so much for this post Adam Fix (our Fashionista on board) ;-)


Dashonn said...

anon 3:12 This is not according to SALES this is AIRPLAY. Two different things‼ Please check again. TY