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Adam Lambert's Debut Album Has Reached 752K Copies Sold in the US Alone!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, November 10, 2010

According to the latest data released by USAToday, Adam Lambert's debut album "For Your Entertainment" sold another 3,000 copies to a total of around 752,000 copies in the US alone!

Congrats to Adam!

Adam Lambert, For Your Entertainment (3,000, -1%, 752,000) (#173 BB200)

Source: USAToday

Thanks to alreference


Anonymous said...

Congrats Adam

Good interview w/ Cam Grey - talks about Adam as a person around 2:35ish, but whole interview good.

don't think I see it linked here already, but sorry for redundancy if so.


☺ said...

Yaaay! slowly but surely‼ Again this represents the US sales only‼

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know where we can information on his worldwide album sales?


Anonymous said...

I HAVE A PROPOSAL: Shouldn't we IGNORE the occasional examiners on that are trying to get hits by using Adam Lambert's name? There is an article by a new examiner today, named Samuel, who titled his article something like "acoustic music: is AL copying JB?". I almost barfed (sorry for the graphic image in your heads, but true!). I know that I will no longer comment on articles like that nor participate in stupid internet polls that amount to nothing. Adam has now established a worldwide loyal fanbase and should not be included in these stupid AI polls anymore.

Anonymous said...

@12:43pm. I agree I stopped those useless polls way back. they are worthless. Also I read that article you are talikg about and commented on it before thinking. I will not comment the next time or even read it if the title is alarming. I don't think we should down other performers they write about either, I am sure they get sick of reading this s**t too.

The Dark Side said...

About friggin time, Know I have bought my fair share of FYE and given to everyone I know. In California his album is displayed always. I have read that other places can't find it. I bought the Now 36 today with IIHY--does he get a residual from this? Lot of good songs on this one. All the award noms on this album, except you know who--sour grapes? Yes, I do believe so. Screw the whole lot of them!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Dark Side/4:07pm - I saw a little clip on E News today about Now 36 - they listed several artists names, of course not Adam's, aarrgghh. I don't even know why I flipped sh*tty E on, stupid me, I was just trying to get away from depressing real news for a minute, but I still got bummed out :). (And I was also sort of curious if I might catch a preview/teaser type thing for AL's E THS). Anyway, I know E couldn't list every artist in their little blurb on Now 36, but it bugged me just the same!

Anonymous said...


@The Dark Side - i suppose they used Adam's performance of IIHY in that cd so he and the song owner/composer will be paid royalties for the right to use the song. But if they asked another singer to record the IIHY then it is only Pink who gets paid.


Anonymous said...

see people just take a deep breath and who cares about the awards. Let's talk about money here ok? As long as Adam bring lots of money in his pocket and share some for the charities I'm happy and delighted for his success. That's the most important guys so keep up the good work by supporting our idol and enjoy life...........

Anonymous said...

@12:43 As long as Adam keeps being mentioned in articles, whether negative or not, it means that he is getting publicity. What kind of publicity is Kris getting? Not much, right? I don't mean to be unkind, but this is still true. As long as Adam is in the news somehow, his name will get out there, the bad stuff and the good stuff as well. Keep supporting this gifted artist, because when the industry wakes up and sees what a talent we have in Adam, their jaws will finally drop and they will see dollar signs. Keep the faith guys. It's going to happen

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,
I just went out and brought a Adam Lambert Tour edition. Has a DVD stripped and bonus tracks. Is this only in Australia or is it available worldwide? So excited!!!!!