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Camila Grey's New Interview from Finland, talks Adam Lambert

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, November 10, 2010

She starts talking about Adam as a person around 2:35ish. Great interview overall!

Thanks to MGF for the tip!


Anonymous said...

Thank you Camila!

☺ said...

Good and relaxed interview. Cam is really cool and easy going‼
Basically to summary what Cam said about Adam as a person in two syllables... PER-FECT‼ ☺

☺ said...

oops correction anon 11:29

should say summarize or sum up

Anonymous said...

I just love when Adam's fellow band and dance members sing his praises. They always, without exception, mention his kindness, spirituality, charisma and also how smart he is. So nice for Adam to have his Glamily around to love and support him. You know he appreciates it, as he always mentions how it helps during this long tour.

Anonymous said...

Cam is so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Camilla is absolutely exquisite. You rarely get to see much of her face during the concert. She is lovely, and spoke very kindly.

Anonymous said...

Qué dijo Camila sobre ADAM POR FAVOR?

Anonymous said...

Camila Grey thank you for your wonderful interview that says a lot about Adam. Hearing his friends or co-workers say that Adam is a very funny person is just like music to my ears because i've observed that that is one common trait amongst very successful people so that is a good sign :)

Hope she stays with Adam as long as she can but if her original band regroups next year that would be another story.I like her personality and she is pretty.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like she is planning on touring with her own band next year. I have never been into Indy bands, so not familiar with any of their bands. Wish I had the time to devote to listening to all their music. Some day perhaps.

Anonymous said...

Cam called Adam charismatic, she called his fans charismatic - I think SHE is charismatic!

Anonymous said...

WHAT A LUCY GIRL!! Living around Adam every day for months on end!

Anonymous said...

Cam is the best!

Anonymous said...

@ Anon. 2:56PM

Camila dijo sobre dulce Adam:

«El es maravilloso, el es muy carismático y chistoso, yo creo que la mayoria de la gente pretenciosamente cree que el és un músuco en sério, pero en la verdad el es bien fino y me hace reir mucho todo el tiempo. Es mismo muy espiritual y bondoso y experto y elocuente y todas las cosas que queremos que el las sea. Es bueno, es un placer trabajar para el... es un maravilloso intérprete, és inspirador trabajar para el.»

Si me perdonas los erros ortograficos y la confusión con algunas palabras, estoy a su disposicón para cualquier otra traducción, aúnque inglés no es mi língua madre, pero sí el portugués, y soy bien mejor en hablar el español que en escribirlo. Gracias por amar tanto a mi dulce Adam!


(PS: Hi Glamily, I just translated to our fellow Glambert what Camila said about sweet Adam and to work for him)

Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun you are such a sweet person to everyone here but most specially to our Diamond Boy. What a blessing to have you in Adam's team :) Thank you and never change.


Anonymous said...

She is so pretty, I wanna kiss her, as in French Kiss :)


Anonymous said...

There you go again, ZZ. You a lezzie too?

Anonymous said...

@ Bing

Those 2 fans, the anonimous one and HH are always making beautiful and positive comments about sweet Adam and his artistry. I don't get it... I mean, why are their comments in spanish in a English spoken site? I guess they have the same problem I have with the Italian. I understand 90% of the writing italian but can speak sort of only 10 words together to make a sentence and barely understand them talking. So, if I can help both of those Glamberts here, it's my plesure, because sweet Adam and all of us, Glamily, deserve our attention to each other. I've worked out my ass the last 6 months relearning English in order to be here among you in 24/7 Paradise. «Studying» how to show my love for sweet Adam in English has been MY LIFE, nowadays. And I don't regret it at all! Thanks to you Bing for your «amazing» many comments about him and for sharing so many opinions here with us. I've learnt a lot with you.

Anonymous said...

anon 9:58pm, No I am not a lezzie. I am just a free spirit and I believe that beautiful is beautiful and there is nothing wrong with making out with people :)


Anonymous said...

@ ZZ

Hi there, fellow! Let me point you out a correction: MANY OF US ARE FREE SPIRITS (here in 24/7 Paradise or wherever, thanks God!) AND WE BELIEVE THAT BEAUTIFUL IS BEAUTIFUL AND THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH MAKING OUT WITH PEOPLE!
If not, HOW could WE love sweet Adam that MUCH??? Hummm?????
I love your comments and clues. Thanks for posting so much regularly. I'm also your fan!

Anonymous said...

@ Anon. 9:58 PM
(or anyone else, please help me!)

Glamshit!!! I need to buy a better dictionary, indeed! And will send the bill to sweet Adam...

WTF does «LEZZIE» mean?


Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun, I need to thank you again in case you missed my message to you yesterday which is now gone.I appreciate you sooo much, as everyone's comments deserve to be read in spite of our language barriers. It makes the world a smaller place and I love hearing how much our foreign fans and us in the US have in common. Think we all have excellent taste and appreciate authentic talent and a loving spirit. Fan4fun, you are so much fun and have such a good heart! You are now our Diamond girl official translater!! Please give HH my regards and let her know we appreciate her love for Adam too! Hope you are able to see this message before it's gone. funbunn40

Anonymous said...


Lezzie is short for Lesbian, although haven't really heard anyone use it since I was at school!!!

HK fan

Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun, LOLzzz, Glamshit!!! I know Right! Thats why I love most of Adam's fans, because you guys are just like me, crazy, free spirit and loving. Anon 9:58 just asked a direct question and thought I'd answer her question. Anyways, I am a big fan of yours too gurl. Btw, how is Hell's Kitchen treatin you these days? Hope all is good. Thanks for the shout out!

HK fan, thanks for explaining what Lezzie means. I haven't heard that for long either, maybe it could be the circle I run in are more of liberal and no one bothered to bring that up. Anyways, I love people. Thats all!!!

Peace and LUv


Anonymous said...

@ Funbunn40

I'm glad you saw the translation of HH's comment and enjoy it. It's the second time I do it, the first one was in that thread you said to be interested in knowing HH's comments if I or Adamluv could help.
And yes, I saw your comment at me back there to the «fingers in the pants», but what the hell? Why are you always saying that the comments are gone after 2 days? Never happened to me, I dig a little here and ther and... voilá!!! I find comments, even from over 1 month ago! You can write the title of the thread on «type key word (..........) GO» above the head line of this page (at your right) or dig «forever» older post, older post, older post, on the bottom of this page (at your right). Come on! YOU are the «Voice of Wisdom» here, I'm merely a student... Ha! And you are welcome, so are all glamberts needing translations. HH was so happy I did it, have you seen her post at me?
Now, fellow, I need favor from you: tomorrow please light up one of yours «God's healing white candles» for ME. I'm going to the hospital for 2 days this weekend to have taken a biopsy of an uterine tumor, and I'm praying for it not to be the worst... and I can't count on my Guard Angel because I've sent him to watch sweet Adam's back until the end of GNT. But I can count on YOU, another Diamond Nurse! Thanks in advance.

@ HK Fan

Thank you! Well, what can I say? I am a MILF (don't need anyone's kids, thank you, I am my cat Icon's «mother»), I am a COUGAR (a proud one), but I definitely am not a LEZZIE...Ha!

Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun,I'll keep you in my prayer. Good luck and hope to see you back soon.


Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun - muchas gracias por sus ambles palabras, muy apriciada. Todo por el amor de Adam! Ok ok that's all i can say in Spanish & nothing more, remember i almost failed in that subject ha ha ha. I really don't mind if HH & another one (it would surely be nice if you can put initials) post in Spanish as long as we are one in this journey with our beloved Diamond Boy.

Oh my God you did go out of your way just to post here in English Fan4fun, i am speechless and i am simply in awe. Now the thought of you being a GNT virgin tortures me even more. But i know it will come at the right time because you are most deserving. I also know that it will not only be funbunn40 & Adamluv who will be sending you light and love Fan4fun, but the rest of the 24/7 family. I will include you in my novena. God speed!


Anonymous said...

Fan4fun, I will keep you in my thoughts that all goes well for you! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun, I will beam you up with God's healing white light 24/7, starting right now,and be with you in spirit! There is power in numbers and you will have all that we on 24/7 have to offer. Just imagine God's healing white light traveling to every cell in your body, feeing the healing warmth and tell yourself that you are strong and will be perfectly fine. Your positive attitude really does make a difference.Imagine us all around you in a giant circle giving you love, energy and support. Thanks for teaching me how to find the older blogs that I thought went to the black hole in the universe and for translating for us. You have important work to do on this site.#1, keeping us up to date on all the Glamshit moments. The rest are too numerous to mention. Love you, Diamond girl. Keep us posted. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@ Bing,I understood your sentence in Espanol! You've impressed me! I lit a big white plain Mexican candle, the kind in a glass that will burn all weekend for Fan4fun. They have always been an unexplainable conduit of healing and calm for so many in my life. Her Latin roots will give it an extra boost! Your prayers and Adamluv too!

Anonymous said...

Glamshit!!! Glamshit again!!! And again!
You glamfolks move me to the tears! And sweet Adam is to blame!!!!!!!!(ERRR.... just kiding!)
Thanks to all of you for the positive thoughts at me, because (and it's serious) I feel I really need the Glambert's positive energy for a while, at least. Thanks again, guys! I'll take all of you with me to the hospital tomorrow in a big circle around my bed... Oooops! How much will that cost to the Portuguese Government??? Ha??? Lol


Anonymous said...

Fan4fun acabo de entrar en esta página
y ver tu mensajes y desde este momento
estas en mi oración diaria,pidiendo por tu recuperación y te envío un gran abrazo de fuerza
de alegría y de energías positivas y de mucho amor. Eres una persona muy especial, llena de
humanidad y eso ha llegado hasta mí, GRACIAS por
tu generosidad.y espero estar en el círculo
apoyándote en el hospital. y toma el amor y las energías positiva de ADAM, que te ayudaran en tu recuperación."LA MUSICA es curativa"
Dios te Bendiga y te Cuide.

Anonymous said...

fan4fun - we are all YOUR fans!! You take care, and don't be gone too long, girlfriend. Glamshit - what will we do without your fiesty , hilarious posts? How long will you be in the hospital? Who will be taking care of Icon?

You are a fireball - you will overcome any twists in the road your body chooses to throw at you by sheer determination, alone. Do not fear. We are all thinking postitive thoughts for you!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Again, everybody, thanks for the strength you give to me and your kind words. Probably I shouldn't be so worried, it is not a surgery... yet, just a biopsy. But we never know what the hell will be found. Let's wait and see, hopping for the best. I feel much better now after so many positive messages from you all.

@ Adam Fix: it will take 3 days for me at the hospital, starting tonight and my neighbour next door will feed (and pet) Icon. I asked her to play sweet Adam's songs for him at least twice a day, he is so used to his voice... I'm taking the laptop with me but don't know if it will work there.


Anonymous said...

@Anon Nov. 11 at 7:20PM - ha ha ha i even misspelled amables, toink! Just one of my few attempts señora but i don't speak the language. It was even a miracle that i passed my Spanish class hee hee.

The posts in this thread are so heartwarming that only shows the kind of people in 24/7. Such a happy place to be.

@Fan4fun - you'll be missed so be back soon!


Anonymous said...

What a Lovely Girl Camilla is so cool and lucky to be so close to the Delectable Delicious Adam mmmm yummy

Hi Glamsista Fan4fun sending you lorry loads of postive thoughts and Love Glitter all the way from England UK xxx
your comments always have me in stitches...WOW you learnt english all for Adam 24/7...what a star you are xx
we have had so many laughs on 24/7 remember those days when Your C*mpte6 p&ck%D up w^e( ICON knocked it on the floor...
and Glambugle fun..and so much more what great fun we had lol
i am still catching up as i lost around 6 weeks not being well was all that body rolling rehershing that did it lol
will be thinking of you Glamsis xxx
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

glitzylady said...


I am so sorry to have been late to this thread..I have been sidetracked with Real Life just a bit, so haven't been here too much in the last day or so..but I am just realizing that you are in the hospital (!) and I now have tears in my eyes, because I realize that even though most of us have never met in the "Real World" we all "know" and care about each other, and now I am sharing your worry...I am sending all the power of the Universe and the healing power of Adam Lambert's beautiful voice and soul (not to mention just his beauty in general!) to you over the entire US continent and Atlantic Ocean through cyberspace to you that you may feel the love and support from me and all of the lovely people of this blog...I will be thinking of you and sending those positive thoughts your way!

And if all else fails, think of the Glambugle!!!! As GIOW said, I still remember how I was laughing so hard I was snorting and nearly falling on the floor that night...My husband thought there was something wrong with me!!! Well, there is, but nothing that I want to be cured of in this case!!! Just a very big case of Adamlambertitis....

Be well, and hurry back here!!

A big hug to you from me..

Anonymous said...

fan4fun :

Thank you for telling us of your impending hospital visit. As Adam sings "Just remember, you are not alone..." -your Glamily is here for you too. I am also going to loan you my Guardian Angel for as long as you need her. You will be in my prayers. I hope you laptop works cause you will need Adam to help keep you positive and upbeat and so we can hear from you very soon.
