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'Fever Kisses' Compilation Part 2

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Sunday, November 28, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, November 28, 2010

From Stinleta01:
"Adam Lambert and Tommy J. Ratliff kissing at Glam Nation Tour...part 2 around the world. Just for fans!!!"
Music: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Power of Love


Anonymous said...

for some reason, im so tired of this adommy thing!!! sorry

Anonymous said...

So glad you told us. It took away a bit of the excitement and joy I might feel watching it.


Anonymous said...

The adommy moments reflect a beautiful bond of friendship. Love to both Adam and Tommy.

Anonymous said...

for a lot of reason I'm not tired of Adommy things. You know why my dear bec. it's part of their performance and I will not get bored about it. They always give their good performances in every concerts. So if you think you are not interested to watch, it's your lost not for the rest of us....................Peace and love babies..............

Anonymous said...

Adommy moments are one of my fav moments. I'm not a shipper of them but I love their interactions. It's cute.

Anonymous said...

Yes I agree with 11:23am; really getting over it.
when you watch your favorite singer constantly
kiss, and not just a peck on the lips, a guy (or girl) it gets uncomfortable. If Beyonce' were to be on stage with JZ and did that at every show, wouldn't you tire of it eventually.
So Tommy is straight, so its just a show,
I know Adam is outrageous and its part of his act and charm, but just a thought, why is he not getting the attention he deserves for his
incredible talent as in mags and so forth.
Also I love his CD and I play it in my car every day. I'll never tire of it, but he really needs some new music.........
Also, might as well put this in also, I am also
tired of Tommy wearing that garish makeup. Only
Adam can pull that off on his stage.

Love him always..


whoops, here come the comments...

Anonymous said...

I love the kiss moments, but of course when you see so many in a row in one video, it can seem repetitive. I think the whole kiss thing will be a memorable, iconic element of Adam's first tour. I think that with new music next year, and a new tour next year, the show will change. One thing Adam does best is surprise us, and I have no doubt he will. If more kissing is involved in the future, I'm sure he will NOT make it boring! Whatever he and Tommy do to keep the show spicy and sexy, I'm all for it. Adam is NEVER boring. His new CD will be great, I'm sure!


Anonymous said...

Each kiss is as sexy to me as the last one. I have never gotten bored with it. The anticipation of what they will do has always kept it exciting for me. Whether it's just a little peck or a big, open mouth thing, I still love it.

Anonymous said...

Cant see the video - ugh - but when I do, I know I'm gonna love it!!!!! Will never tire of watching these two gorgeous males perform on stage for the enjoyment of their fans. And that's all it is, folks! Wish me luck. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I also agree with 11:23 and everything bb said. The novelty has worn off. I might feel differently if Tommy was gay and this was a real relationship but Adam keeps saying he is not so it seems not sincere. A kiss on the forehead would make it a true close friendship like what Monte has done in the past with Adam.

I know it's for the stage and it's part of the song and I'll always love and support our Adam but I'm just sayin.

Anonymous said...

very easy to cure all the comments. DON'T WATCH.

Anonymous said...

However, whatever, whichever way anyone feels is how they feel... how they perceive something, receive something, their visceral reaction to something - it is what it is, who am I to question it... however, I will just throw out there something I have read about this and similar AL topics elsewhere (not my original thoughts :)) and that is - not every fan watches tons and tons of Lambert GNT concert footage. I think it's sort of an important point, IMHO. Perhaps some fans are only blogging and YT'ing footage here and there, infrequently...maybe some never do and their viewing of their concert live will be a very new experience for them... 'ya know, that sort of thing. I don't know if I'm saying it correctly (my brain is exhausted from Christmas decorating :)) but perhaps the Adommy thing is wearing thin the most among fans who watch almost all of the GNT concert footage that comes out? Just a thought. I respect everyone's POV, everyone's experience, but just a thought. I personally don't tire of it and I think one reason for that is because when I watch GNT concert footage, I think about how those particular people in that specific audience that night must be feeling, I think of what they are getting out of the experience.... etc. But to each his own.


Anonymous said...

Frame 3:26. Total submission. Tommy goes Limp!!
Now this is a beatiful kiss.
I think "the kiss" has been mastered between Adam and Tommy. Sometimes it is so tender and succulent. Even makes me GASM!!! Sure wish they could finish this off someday with the perfect
ending! I think our Adam would never be the same. Yepper, I think he has great love and deep feelings for his Tommy.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:37....what I got out of the GNT was ...from the moment he sang the first note was OMG...I can't believe that voice even tho I watch all the videos...he is a sight to behold..I am so glad I got to see him in person....

Anonymous said...

I remember the kiss in Norway and that girl laughing hysterically. Perhaps she was a GNT virgin and saw this for the first time. And she certainly enjoyed it. I´ve seen it millions of times and still enjoy it. So many different kisses. You can´t deny, Adam is a good kisser. He didn´t lie there.


Anonymous said...

I love watching Adam being flirty and sexual, even just a kiss, with ANYONE. Could be man, woman, etc.

Anonymous said...


Go to the newest post "Amazing pic in Manchester". This is indeed far sexier than
Adam kissing Tommy! and this is what I was writing about in my post.
I am one who continually watches all the footage, and if I didn't like them or felt they were too crude, I would not watch (take that, 2:27pm) Further, I support Adam in all that he does and know that he is extremely talented and should be recognized by award shows and other greats.
Adam can just stand on the stage in that sleeveless vest, not sing or talk, and create havoc among all males and females, notwithstanding computer watchers.

and so, my opinion counts as much as:
"OMG. I love him so much! I don't care what he does!" etc, etc, etc.
So much of that kind of post is hoping Adam will be reading and somehow think that these "fans" will not care if he has murdered someone., so long as they stay True to their love, and one day he will miraculously come to sweep them off their tiny feet.

Long live Adam!
and love to him always


Anonymous said...

Just watched it again. Still 'gasmic.

glitzylady said...

I think Adam gives us something for everyone, and we can each take what we want to from his performances...He is an equal opportunity performer. I would assume he wouldn't be offended if we don't like everything, every time..I personally find I rather look forward to the "Kiss" because you never know what you're going to get (and I like it..)...but to each his own. This will be over soon enough : ( and then who knows what we'll be looking forward to the next time around on the next tour!! I just like watching him perform, and as long as he is up there in front of me, I'm happy!..So sad that this is almost over...

Anonymous said...

That's cool bb/4:14... as I said, in various ways, in the beginning of my post, the middle of my post, and again in closing my post, framing the main thought I was throwing out there - to each his own.

@Anon November 28 4:02PM - me too, and so much more :).


Anonymous said...

@glitzylady Nov 28 4:33PM - who said:

"...He is an equal opportunity performer..."

That, right there, is so much about what it is for me too :)! glitzylady - the well spoken one.


Anonymous said...

Adam is such a great kisser just by looking at this video... lol HAWT‼

Anonymous said...

I,for one, watch all the GNT footage and YT, to read those comments/reactions as well as ours on this site. I look forward to the moment in the day when I can sit at the computer and get completely absorbed in watching Adam. I am totally and happily entertained, Adommy moments or not. Adam is mesmerizing to me and basically I only have eyes for Adam when watching the videos. Tommy is beautiful and sweet too and I would love to think their "on stage" relationship is real. Those kisses surely seem real. Adam and everyone says it's "fan service", so be it. I still think, and Adam has said, Tommy likes the kisses and I believe it. All of us can fantasize anything we want. Adam wants us to...he's said that in interviews. So to sum up, I don't tire, ever, of watching the kisses or the flirtation between just feeds all my fantasies which builds my excitement. The GNT is almost over and I'll gladly enjoy anything Adam wants to do on that stage!


Anonymous said...

I forgot to say, in the above comment, how much I appreciate what Suz526 did for all of us because without her dedication to Adam and the fans, we wouldn't have had the hours and hours of pleasure provided to us from her videos. So Thank You, Suz526 for all your time,money and effort to bring us Adam and the GNT.


Anonymous said...

MGF, I definitely understand what you were saying at 3:37pm. Those of us who view the videos of every single Glam Nation performance have seen the kiss close to 100 times. We are the diehards - most fans are more casual, and not likely to watch the vids of every performance. It's not surprising that some of Adam's most dedicated fans feeling a bit overdosed on some aspects of the show. I am definitely looking forward to what comes next from our sexy, sweet & talented rock god. And I bet he is ready to move on to something new as well.

Peace. krismidas

Rebecca said...

i have to say i love that Tommy plays along with Adam so well shows what an amazing friendship they have and that they will be friends for yers to come. Adam is very lucky he has such wonderful people surrounding him.

Anonymous said...

i have been wanting to say this, but ewe, ewe, 100x. where is the family friendly, tasteful he promised? just waste of talent. luv Adam the way he is but please keep sex in bedrooms only.
children or no children, this is not tasteful.

Anonymous said...

Is this a hate site? Sounds like it. What is wrong with you Adam fans. He's making YOU uncomfortable, so you want to banish the Adam behavior that bothers YOU. You want your Wayne Newton up there all polished and boring. I'm a older married lady, and at first my comfort level when I viewed those kisses was tested because I felt sensations I thought had long passed me by. I decided to just sit back, watch and feel.

We're trained by our conservative American society not to enjoy m/m kisses, but our menfolk get all hot and bothered and very horny watching a couple ladies.

In my mind it's about darn time that we get to play too. I think Adam is the strongest most masculine man I've ever seen, and some of those kisses are steaming hot. I would like someone to possess me like he does to TJR.

Sex is not just for bedrooms. Are you kidding me. It pervades every part of life. In fact, it is life. We Americans are so prudish. Get over it. Adam is sexy, he enjoys sex and his music reflects this. The people offended by Adam will sit there for hours and watch the crap sex on daytime soaps year after year. OK, I'm off my soap box. Sorry for the lecture, but fans like this aren't helping Adam or his career.

Anonymous said...


I don't find it distasteful at all. It is a kiss and a kiss represents love and passion and expression of attraction. Men and women kiss all the time. Women and women kiss. Men kiss men. Sexuality is a spectrum. Nothing dirty. Nothing to be ashamed of. Just simply a kiss.
I hear you feel different. And I feel different from you. Diversity. peace.

My take on some of the comments above:

So many of the fans have become desensitized to the male on male kiss by now. As much as this was "fan service" I still think part of the reason he started doing it was to get people accustomed to males kissing. Most of us, by now, seem to be. Not a lot of outrage,...simply accustomed to or tired of it. For those of us who have watched a lot of the GNT videos...we have clearly been desensitized, regardless of where were in terms of our comfort with "the kiss" before Adam came on the scene.

I used to wait for the kiss, in anticipation. Now, it's - OK, he kissed Tommy. That's sweet.

But watching this video I have to admit that I enjoyed imagining Adam in love...with that someone special. Some of those moments are so tender that I can imagine him close to a lover that he holds dear.

I don't necessarily get all heated up over the kiss. I just watch the beauty that will be love for Adam someday, with someone special.

I just hope he finds love. :) To me there is nothing dirty or disgusting here. It's just a show of affection...a kiss. It's beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Lets all of us go to sleep and dream our dreams of Adam and forget all negative comments,
and let love shine through.

let him be as he is, regardless of opinions

and anything relative to unjust feelings.

Long Live Adam!
Love you so Adam Lambert

Lets love him forever!

Anonymous said...

hard to please everyone. poor Adam.

do your thing whatever makes u happy, i will always be the fan.

cause you are amazing just the way you are.

glitzylady said...

@ anons 7:49 and 7:53 and some others...

I agree, Adam is a beautiful, sensual, sexy, intelligent and very masculine man, and the way he kisses Tommy, although just for the "show", is a small representation of the love and passion that he will one day find with someone very special, and I don't find it distasteful in any way... In fact, I find Adam kissing ANYONE to be beautiful and, certainly not boring (for me anyway)...I think he could kiss a brick wall, and I would find it to be very sensual and "rousing", to bring back a word that I used a while back, to describe how I feel when Adam gets "frisky" (and I think he is VERY good at it!!!)

I am one of those who does not watch every single video, so maybe that helps to keep it a little fresher for me..(something that @MGF mused about at 3:37 pm..)..But the thing is, everyone is tuned into different parts of Adam's performances, and that's fine..just thought I would talk about how I feel about "The Kiss"...For what its worth : ), since everyone else is!!! There are a lot more sexually explicit things than a kiss...But its okay with me if not everyone agrees with what I say...As I said in an earlier post above, Adam is an "equal opportunity performer", we can each choose for ourselves to enjoy some parts, and maybe not others.

And to respond to @anon 6:43pm..I think Adam has just a little bit of a hard time being entirely "family friendly" each and every time, although he has done a very good job of it in the US, at those venues that required that type of performance.. He is in Europe right now and pretty sure he feels more free to be a little more openly sexual and a little more "adult friendly", for lack of a better term..and the audiences are loving are a good many here..He seems so full of joy, and is feeling the love coming back at him from his fans in the audience, and it shows..and I am so happy for him! Let's see, we have only three more "official" Glam Nation concerts to enjoy, so let him kiss whomever he wishes, with as much energy as he wants to invest in it, because after that, we are going to be looking back very fondly at those little moments of "Adommy"..and probably feeling a little sad..

Anonymous said...

adam lambert is perfectionist; great voice-sexy-dance like elvis and has a killer voice. very charming guy. the kiss is for the fun show. he looks sexy and not a boring type that part of the music(fever) light up.first time i ever saw this performance kiss-love it when it coems to adam its alriught bec. it looks good.

Anonymous said...

ADAM nos ha obsequiado por medio de su tour y de
una manera cautivadora, las diferentes modalidades del BESO: dulce, apasionado, sexy, romántico,avasallador,travieso, delicioso.....
Mostrando que el BESO es una sublime manifestación de amor de la Humanidad y que no existe limitación alguna sobre la preferencia sexual del ser humano.
EL BESO DE ADAM ha tenido repercusiones educativas POSITIVAS, porque a través de la repetición de la acción del beso, cada vez se acepta y gusta más y se siente y se ve como tiene que ser, una maravillosa expresión de amor
entre dos persona de igual sexo, como es igual para sexos opuestos.
Gracias a ADAM se van derribando actitudes conservadoras, educándose a la comunidad para no maltratar ni acosar a las personas por su preferencia sexual. Gracias a ADAM en este momento hay más jóvenes y adultos aceptando y respetando su sexualidad y siendo más felices.
GRACIAS ADAM por tus increíbles y valientes BESOS.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the video, must admit I never thought I'd find 2 men kissing enjoyable, but when one's Adam, how can I not. Actually after watching a similar video a couple of months ago of Adam/Tommy moments (not just kissing), it really opened my eyes to the feelings/love and tenderness that 2 guys can have for one another, it was a beautiful video, wish I'd saved it.
And to all those that are getting tired of the kiss, just speak Fever...
and would just like to add that I love this song, one of my all time favourites. Saw Frankie Goes to Hollywood at the Hammersmith Odeon in 1981...
and @6.43, this isn't distasteful at all, actually found it quite hot, whats wrong with public shows of affection.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

oops, should have said just SKIP fever, not speak...

HK fan

Anonymous said...

I watched Demi Moore in The Scarlet Letter last night. I had never really seen the entire movie, nor read the classic book. It made me cry because I know that Adam has said that he wears that Big Red "A" on his hat and clothes in conjunction with the theme of that story and its relevance to his AMA performance. "The Sinner". His kiss with Tommy was made to be such a horrible thing, when in fact, it is just a kiss. He took the negative and made it a positive. In the process we are not shocked, and we can see the beauty in it. That beautiful, talented young man has theatre and extreme singing talent flowing in his blood. His whole life is dedicated to entertainment. He is pure talent.

Anonymous said...

Who WOULD want to watch Beyonce & JZ???!!! EWW
To each his own, but that WOULD make me queasy- nauseous. Is that how some people feel seeing Adam & Tommy?? Well, so be it, but what a shame.

I found this video very very well done, playful, hot, sexy, quite beautiful and tender at times.

Quite simply, Adam is one of the sexiest most beautiful men on the planet who just looks SO GOOD doing anything he does...Kissing included. Watching these two beauties and their obvious affection for each other is quite stirring, sensual and beautiful to say the least. Oh throw fun in there too. The man ought to give lessons...

Adam has raised kissing to a beautiful art form
for those of us who appreciate...

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 5:22 Yes, I did hear Adam say that about the "letter" also. *Beautifully stated last sentence, I agree totally.

Since I forgot to sign my above post @ 5:42, here's for both.

Anonymous said...

Never understanding some of the Adam's fans, with the GNC almost end, some of you still keep watching then complaining, keep watching then complaining again through the whole GNC. Look like those fans really enjoy being "Tortured" by forcing themselves to watch it. In our country, if we don't like the singer, we move on to another one. Just very strange to me to understand how those minds work. For me, I love Adam in every moment.
Fan from oversea.

Anonymous said...

BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL will never tire of their kissing. Looking forward to next tour to see more-more. Thankful for a passionate exciting tour.

Anonymous said...

@bb 12:25 and elsewhere

You watch all the Adam footage. You are a diehard. Long Live Adam, right? But you are getting tired of "The Kiss?" That special moment was NOT intended to be watched 9 million times. It was meant as a tiny part of a unique, invididual performance in response to whatever energy the audience was throwing at our boy. Sometimes there is NO kiss!

Fans should not watch hundreds of hours of videos and then complain Adam is doing something TOO MUCH! He is doing it ONCE in each city, at each venue, to a new audience every time (with the exception of Suz). I for one can watch ALL those special moments over and over 'til my eyeballs fall out! MGF @3:37 p.m. and Anon @7:53 p.m. Nov. 28, 2010... I'm with you!


Anonymous said...

I love Adam & GNT. I think if any person who watch a show over 100x's it's over kill by the Youtube viewer not the performer.

The audience attending the live show, it's new to them...contrary to popular belief the shows are made up of more the 500 repeat attendees. There are a few repeat fans but the majority are seeing the show for the first time. It's not about Youtube repeat viewers. It's a live show for the live audience. Let's put a live performance in perspective, different city, and it's designed for the live audience who is attending that date.

I enjoy GNT, I saw five live shows and I only started watching all the videos since his Euro tour so guess what, it's seems fresh and new to me. I didn't watch the U.S. shows before my shows so I wouldn't have all these expectations. I only started watching the Euro shows since I knew I was not going to be able to see the LA dates. I love the show still and I'm not bored or tired of any part of the show.

Thank you Suz526 for your hardwork and dedication to filming.

Anonymous said...

I guess I kind of feel like those who are calling others who don't like Adam and Tommy's kiss 'haters' are actually haters themselves of these people who are simply expressing their opinions. You are the ones being most confrontational IMO. Come on! Why the heck can't we all express our opinions and still LOVE Adam? I for one do enjoy the 'kiss', but sometimes tire of it and REALLY worry that it is in reality what is stopping Adam from being invited to award shows much less being asked to perform and receive those much earned awards. WE ARE NOT ALL ROBOTS WHO ARE PROGRAMMED TO FEEL THE SAME.

Anonymous said...

@2.02 above,
I don't think people are haters calling out people that are tired of the kiss, they're just stating the obvious, that maybe you shouldn't have watched 100+ videos of it,which is why you may be tired of it, but that to the majority of the people in the audience its a new thing as its their first show.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

To all those lovely people who state I should not watch the videos 100x, Why not? I love em
And to all those "older married ladies" that take offense at my remarks, I do hope you get a date or find someone to love.

Suz puts those videos on for our watching enjoyment, in some ways she is like a leprechaun, taking all those vids, downloading them to the site, and stepping back laughing
while people throw words back and forth.
Actually she is extremely talented and such fun! Hey, I still believe in fairys and leprechauns. Again, this is an open opinion site, and I STILL say there are some of you that say, "Oh, Love those kisses" while secretly thinking "Oh, enough" "but I am afraid to say that in this thread, because some fans know me, and think I will think that Adam is "bad" and not like me anymore and call me a prude"! Does any of that ring a bell.?
I don't like to see Adam kissing anyone, (just his Mom). So there?

Rest in peace, its almost night on the east coast. Go to sleep, have sweet dreams of Adam,
say your prayers, and ask forgiveness for calling me a prude!

Love and KISSES to all,
especially to dear Adam.

Peace comes....


Anonymous said...

to anon 5:42am. I can't say I've ever watched
Beyonce' and JZ, not my style.
I was giving an example. understand?


Anonymous said...

Fans, remember that his show is in sync. Flows like a river. I, like everyone else could not wait when it was our turn at our concert to SEE THE BIG KISS!!!!!!!!!! I waited till Sept to get to see this MAN. Gosh, how exciting. You would think after watching every concert video that I would be sick of it but not sooooooo. I loved the anticipation of the "kiss coming". HAWT!!
So, everyone wants to see Adam and Tommy in person and love all the shenanigans that go with it. Long Live The King Of Pop, our Adam Lambert!!
See you on the next tour,,,, :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Glamily,

This HH's comment is going to kill me, so very hard for me to translate it into a good English because it is incredibly well written in a very classy Spanish, which thanks God I understand perfectly. Let me try my best, but can't promise to give you the same impact it had on me... (Please, sweet Lord, help me with the English Grammar!)


HH's Nov.28, 10:30PM
ADAM has been kindly treated us, through his tour, in a captivating(charming) way, with different kinds of «the KISS»: sweet, passionate, sexy, romantic, devastating, naughty, delightful... showing that the KISS is a sublime expession of love for Humanity, and that there are no limits for the human beings sexual preferences. THE KISS OF ADAM has goten a positive educational repercussion because through the repetitive action of THE KISS, every single time one accepts and likes it better and feels and sees the way this has to be, a wonderful expression of love between 2 people of the same gender, as well as between people of opposite genders. Thanks to ADAM, conservative attitudes have been dropped (in order to) educate the community not to mistreat or to bully people because of their sexual choices. Thank you ADAM, right now there are more young people and adults accepting and respecting their sexuality and being happier. Thank you ADAM for your incredible and brave KISSES. HH»

Fan4fun(Thank you sweet Lord, I think I made it!)

PS: THANK YOU to everyone supporting sweet Adam and sweet Tommy in their lone or serial kisses!!!

@ HH, que comentário tan lindo! Bravo!!! Que placer traducirlo!

@ Glitzylady... The Voice of Patience shining like glitter on sweet Adam's shoulders, again!

@ Sweet Adam and sweet Tommy: PLAY ON, BOYS!


glitzylady said...


Thank you for your vey beautiful and poetic comments about "The Kiss" and its many forms, as brought to us by Adam Lambert!...I for one appreciate your words of love and support (as translated for us by Fan4fun) for Adam and his (IMHO) brave, lighthearted, very sensual, and often just downright hot(!), efforts to show us another normal, but usually unseen, aspect of love between two human beings. The fact that some commenters here are getting bored with the kiss tells me that he is perhaps accomplishing something by doing this: we are becoming more accepting of seeing two members of the same sex expressing love for each other, whether it is platonic, playful, or romantic. A year ago it seemed more shocking and "forbidden", now its" just business as usual" ("Oh its just Adam and Tommy kissing again...ho hum."..Well not really ho hum, but you get my point...I hope!!!) for some of us..and perhaps someday will be more accepted by society in general..small steps lead to great things sometimes... And I still am very "roused" by The Kiss, no matter how many times I see it, as I said earlier in this thread..Everyone has a right to their opinion, as far as I am concerned..but just my thoughts on this...again!!!

Thanks! Again!

Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun - I add my thanks to glitzylady's... thanks for translating, I haven't said that to you before Fan4fun, so thanks, because I really enjoy HH's comments, very much! (@HH, I appreciate the intellect and authenticity of your posts, thank you). As I enjoy most comments on this site whether I agree with them or not, thanks y'all, and speaking of that, @Anon Nov 29 2:02PM, I don't think there was hate being thrown around here, I think this was a pretty civil discourse with eclectic opinions... infused with a little snark maybe, but not hate... maybe I didn't read it carefully enough??? Oh well, I respect your POV 'though, but that's mine, I thought we all did pretty well in this thread, for the most part.